2 minute read
How Lumber Looks
Thc rerults of Prerident Hoover'r conferencer on hir proSram of buriness rtimulation are greeted with enthuciarm by the lumba indurtry. The leaderc of financer'tranrportation and manufacturing have indicated the tremendour rize of their construction prograru, involving billionr of dollarr, that will be carried out duing the coming year. Lumber will rhare on a large scale in thir pro.gram.
DoWtas Fir.rAlt marketr rhqri' decrearing'orden due to the rcaron of the year. Stockr in the handr of the dealerr and industriec throughout the United Stater are low and buying is being done for immediate replacement of depleted items or for direct ure. Buying in the export market continuer erlatic.
The California market rhowr very little change and pricee remain about the rame. Many inquirier are being offered for January dehtvery. .A large number of the fir millr arc not interested in quoting on Jarruary cutting burinels due to the heavy curtailrrcnt of production that will start December 14. Unrold docks lt San Pedro on December 11 totded 1411631000 feel practicdly the rame ar two weeks ago. 4O veas€ls are laid up with 3 veesels operat- i-g off-rhore" 2 rnote vesrelr hre going to tie-up at the completion of their prerent trip.
Douglas fir cargo arrinds at San Pedro for the month of November totaled 74,08O'OOO feet. Redwood cargo arrivalr at trhir port for November totaled 5'657'OOO feet.
California White and Swar Pine.-Many orderr are being booked for shipment after the first of the year. With
Srn Fnncirco OEce TL SEtr Mubr Bldf. ll2 Msbt
Tchlbm Davapct O'lt Southcra OGcc zna ivatoal Blrti Bl&. Hruto, Tcal
Advcrtirh3 Rrtcr on Aplllcetion retail yard rtockr low throughout the corurtr5r, conriderable b"vt"i ir anticipated after the firct of January. Although stocke at tte mills are good, many itemr in dry lumber are low. The Redwood rnarket shows practicdly no changc, the dernand ir fair and pricer are holding up well. For the week ending November 3Q the Redwood,Arsociation re' ported production from 14 mittr as 8'285'0OO feet, rhip' ments 6,135,(X)O feet ind orderc 4'867'000 fedt. * a a * I A.+ * ig t
The current'relationrhip of rhipmentr and orderr tg production for the firtrt 48 weeks of 1929, bared on reports from tte regional anociationr to the National Lurober Manufacturers Aclociation, is as followr: n Way tbe Wuyer tbt osdterrurd Do "ffiuy tbe pasce of €IlluU sbile bitb fou. A&beceber you ltil!, bUersber ?ou go, lflay tbe tesutiful pslms ot €Iltab grob.
.West Coast Lumbermen's ArrociatielProduction, 8,428,060 M feet; Shipmentr, 8,312,662 M feet; Ordem' 8,349'915 M feet.Cdifonria White and Sugar Pine Aclocilti1n -p1e{qq- tion, 1,353,333 M feet; Shipmenh, 1,267,126 M feet; Orders, 1,252'829 M feet.
California Redwood ArrociationProduction, 366r' 514 M feet; Shipments, 3611652 M feet; Orders, 374,974 M feet.
Soutlrern Pine Associatiep -ploduction, 3r2O3r1O4 M feet; Shipmentr, 312091813 M feet; Orderr' 3'178'866 M feet.
Total Hardwoodrp16dqs1ion, 2142O'608 M feet; Shipments, 2'332,635 M feet; Orden, 2,314,780 M feet.
@,btougb bs?s of plcsgure
9n! nigUti of wst ffiuy tbe lobe of 9lleb mske ?0u b[09t".
So $ touct m? Ueart, at tlte sstternsrd !0, "ffiuy tUe pesce of €IllsU atile bit! 20u".