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Phonc Suttcr 617O Phone TRiDity 22t2
Fort Bragg, California Member Calif orttia Redwood Association
Cuts So Smooth That Joints Can Be
Peninsula Club Hears Football Expert
Major R. B. Leland, principal of the San Jose High School, spoke for two hours to a large gathering composed of members of the Peninsula Hoo Hoo Club, San Jose Lumbermen, and delegations from the East Bay Hoo Hoo Club, and various Coast Counties'towns, on the subject of "The History of Football," at the Hotel St. Claire, Monday evening, November 25.
Major Leland's address, illustrated by blackboard dia-. grams, was followed with much interest.
Paul Overend, Vicegerent Snark for the Monterey District, announced that he had received the charter for the new Coast Counties' Hoo Hoo Club No. 89. from headquarters in St. Louis, and formally presented this to M. D. Bishop, secretary.manager of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Association, whom he appointed chairman of the organization committee of the new club.
Bert Bryan, Oakland, president of the East Bay Hoo Hoo Club. welcomed the new club into the fold in behalf of the East Bay Club, which has proved itself to be the most active Hoo Hoo club on the Pacific Coast, and promised to attend meetings of the new club as often as possible. Everybody in the lumber industry, he said, is awakening to the fact that true co-operation with each other is what is needed, and the Hoo Hoo club can play a big part in bringing this about.
H. S. Morton, Vicegerent Snark of the San Francisco Bay District, also spoke on the subject of co-operation.
A. L. Hubbard, Hubbard & Carmichael Bros., San Jose, was chairman of the day, and Fred F. Boes of the same organization presided. Mr. Boes appointed a Sunshine Committee, and a committee to handle the orphans' Christmas tree.
The East Bay club delegation included Vice-President Hugo Sommarstrom, Secretary Carl Moore and Rod Hendrickson.
General Takes Over North Coast Plant
On December First the General Dry Kiln Company took over the North Coast Dry Kiln Company's Manufacturing Plant at Seattle, Washington, and moved its Seattle office f.rom X)4 Securities Building to the plant.
For the past year, the General Dry Kiln Company has acted purely as sales agents of North Coast products, but from now on it will manufacture as well as sell North Coast patented products under licenses.
This change makes it possible for the General to more closely coordinate its engineering, manufacturing and sales departments.
@tle Sesdon' I Greetingg
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{n E. TLird Strcct 22E Firrt Strcct
Loa Angclcr Sel Frrncirco
We express our thanks and appreciation for the business and courtesies extended to us in the past, and hope the New Year will be a Happy and Prosperous one for all. HtLt
Dennison St. Vharf Oakland Andover lO77-lO7E
The California Lumber Merchant, extends to the Lumber lndustry its sincere wishes for a Merry Christrnas and a Hoppy Neu, Tear