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President Carpenter Reports on Hoover's Conference With Building Industries
Washington, Nov. 23.-8. L. Carpenter of Minneapolis, president of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, after attending the conference of the building industries with President Hoover, yesterday, today issued the following statement to the lumber industry:
At President Hoover's invitation, and in company with Mr. F. W. Reimers and Mr. Wilson Compton,'I attended yesterday at the White House a conference of leading men in the construction and building material industries and financial groups interested in building. '
The President has made knorvn his'wish that construction activity be continued as a vital means of maintaining national prosperity. The construction groups have assured him of their interest and co-operation. In behalf of the lumber manufacturing industry I have assured the President that all of its facilities will be available to aid in carrying out such constructive program for the stimulation of building and other business activities as may develop from the series of conferences lvhich he is now holding and from the surveys which he is having instituted through the Department of Commerce with the aid of the United States Chamber of Commerce.
I am sure that the entire lumber industry will concur in this action and that it will co-operate with the movement undertaken by our government to sustain present levels of industrial and commercial activity and to reinforce our national prosperity. I am sure that to do so is in the interest of the progress of the lumber industry.
Advertising Novelty Big Hardwood Order
An advertising novelty which attracted the attention of lumbermen at the recen,t annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association was a match book given away by The McCloud River Lumber Company, advertising trade and grade-marked lumber and containing matches made of WOOD, instead of paper. These match books are manufactured by the Coast Book Match Company, Tacoma, Wash.
George C. Cornitius, head of the hardwood importing firm of George C. Cornitius Hardwood Co., Inc., San Francisco, returned to headquarters, December 7,lrom a week's business trip to Los Angeles.
Asked regarding business, Mr. Cornitius replied that sales volume is keeping up in good shape with his firm, and reported the sale on his trip of a shipment of 250,000 feet of Philippine ,hardwood to one customer.