1 minute read
If it's built of Port Orford Cedar it uuill LAST
No matter where Port Orford Cedar is used, it will last! Its natural preservative oils prorecr it from decay, damp ness and clestrucilve lnsects.
Railroad and mining engineers-hiehway commissioners-specify Port OifordCedar for Eeauy srrucrural purposes tb arr6id replacement costs.
Untreated, Port Orford Cedar ties, trestle and tunnel timbers have greatly reduced railroad maintenance cosrs. Port Orford C6dar piles, exposed for nearly half a cenrury to the alternate wetting and drying action of ocean tides, are perfectly sound to{^y. Cr6ani-*hite in color, of a smooth, eyen grain, Port Orford Cedar is preferred by architects for interior finish because of its ease bf working, its non-walpi"g quality, and its susceptibility to the finest porcelain-like enamel finish.
Port orro ,u
erades and standard sizes-clear, shop and common-boarls, dimension stock and timbers. Mixed cadoads-for yard stocks.
California representarives are Thos. W. Dant, 407 Call Bldg., San Franiisco, and R. C. Turner, 606 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles.
Learn more about this fine specialty wood. Let us send you literature describing irs usEs. tvtiil the cgupon below to our sales agenrs, Danr & Russell, Inc., ll05-B Porter Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
( eaovg ) Viadro btih of Prt Orford Ccdar p-ihs and dcchinglong a fatritc uith highuq baildrs.
Unteatcd tht of Prt Atfod Ccdo often last frum r 1 to 20 Jtarr, arcotdint to l.ports of uili, srltcrior graier.
The Aristocrat of lYoods
Drr.rr & Russrr.r,, INc., 1105-8 Porter Blds., portland. Oreson I am interested in Port Orford Cedai.'please send mi fr.c, your_illusrated book "Porr Orford Cedar-Its propertiei and Uses."
Name Srcer, Ios Angcles.