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Annual Shingle Congress Install Improvements January 16
E. U. Wheelock has been in Eureka looking over the remodeled plant of the Humboldt Redwood Company, whose sales his company is now handling exclusively in Southern California.
Among the many improvements Mr. Wheglock finds a large addition to the drying facilities and yaid storage, a new and complete re-manufacturing plant and a remodeled planing mill rvith several new modern machines added. An ample supply of Humboldt County's soft textured timber will insure the continued operation for many years of this modern electrically driven plant ideally located on tidewater and completely equipped for shipments either by rail or water.
The Red Cedar Shingle Bureau announce that the Annual Shingle Congress will be hetrd on Thursday, January l6th, 19301 at the Olympic Hotel, Seattle, Washington. A cordial invitation to be present is extended to every shingle manufacturer and to all allied interests.
The sessionS of the meeting will be confined to one day, and a program is now being prepared which will take,up the various pioblems confronting the Industry today. Special reports of accomplishments of the past year and of work under way at present will be given.
The annual party will be held in the evening at the Olympic Hotel. This is the only social meeting of the shingle people in the year, and it is eagerly anticipated.