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the best building paper beertevef made
//IONTRACTORS are glad to find such a qn"lity \2 product as Sisalkralt, and lumber dealers are proud to supply this material because they can recommend and guarantee it.
Sisalkralt is difrerent. It is an absolutely waterproof, air-tight product which can be used economically for the protection oI all buildings. It has many usesunder roolg over sheathing, under floors, {or membrane waterproofing, to cover finished work or protect supplies- and it can be applied in place oI building paper with a big saving i:r time and labor.
There are more than 10,000 dealers now making good profits and getting the business oI the best contractors by handling Sisalkraft. Start with a trial order. Get into the Sisalkraft {amily now.
2O5 West'Wacker Drive (Canal Station) Chicago, Illinois
San Francisco Office: 55 New Montgomery St.
In Southern CaliJornia
The Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, Calif.
In Canad.a
Alexander Murray 8a Comparyr Limited, Montreal, Toronto, St. John, N. 8., Halifax, Winnipeg and Vancouver.
In East
The Sisalkraft Co.
11 W. 42rd. Street, New York City'
@rsbeUn' Tagl)t
I traztel light at Christmas timeI drop nty heazty load
And just go singin' noemi,ly Along a sunlit road,. And ezterybody that I meet Sure gets a smi,Ie from me; No inhibltions hold rne back At Christrnas titne, you see.
I'm friendly nozu zsith eaeryoneMeat eater, Elk, or Iew; I even think I'd say "Hello," If we should. rneet, to you.
I pass no human brother by With scorn upon my brow, The diferences that chafe our souls Seem not to matter now.
So all my enzty,. hate, and scorn, Intolerance, prid,e, and greed,, I lay aside a.t Christrnas tbne, And it is fine indeed To walk right out without the load That racks me thru the year, And chirp a"Merry Christmas, Bo," In tones of friendly cheer.
Noza this year ruhen I threu aside That voass of superstition, And. noted' its moth-eaten Parts, Its size and comPosition, I aowed ovow that from tltis tinr'e I'd leave it where it .lay, And free fro*n its corroding blight I'd, walk my sunlit way.
I zaill not hide myself away Within dank walls of Pride; What matter race, and.birth, and creed"
To one zuho walks outsid'e?
And so I left my burden thereA zuoeful, sordid sight, AntI from this thne I'm telling Yoa I'tn gonna traael light.