2 minute read
Paul \M. Ivey
Washington, Nov. 25.-As its contribution toward the success. of forthcoming retail association conventions, the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association has secured the services of Dr. Paul W. Ivey, noted lecturer on salesmanship. for six weeks, January 13 to February 24 next.
Dr. Ivey, who has distinguished himself nationally as lecturer and author while developing salesmanship programs for several gr'eat industries, will address as many associa{ion groups as possible between these dates.
The subject of Dr. Ivey's address will be "Modern Methods of Selling Lumber." Tender of his services to retail associations through W. F. Shaw, Trade Extension Manager, already has the enthusiastic acceptance of fifteen associations. Whenever possible, after concluding his scheduled addresses, Dr. Ivey rvill be available for smaller group conferences with retailers who have special problems they wish to hear discussed. His program is also-being so arranged that dealers in sections where associations have alr'eady met or will not meet until a later date will be able to hear him through local rallies in leading cities in these sections. The first meeting of this character has been scheduled for Birmingham, Alabama.
Considerable attention will be given to establishing in several cities Salesmen's Courses which will in turn act as nuclei for organization of similar courses elsewhere.
Retail associations now included in Dr. Ivey's program are: The Retail Lumber Dealers' Association of Indlana, Mountain States Lumber Dealers' Association. Northwestern Lumbermen's Association, Pennsylvania Lumbermen,s Association, Northeastern Retail Llmbermen's Association, Ohio Association of Retail Lumber Dealers, Retail Lumber Dealers' Association of Western Pennsvlvania. Southwestern Lumbermen's Association, Iowa Lumber anci Material Dealers' Association, I\4ichigan Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, Illinois Lumber and Material Dealers' Association, Southwestern Iowa Retail Lumbermen's Association, Virginia Lumber and Builders' Supply Dealers' Association,'Wisconsin Retail Lumbermen's Association and the Nebraska Lumber Merchants' Association.
The National Lumber Manufacturers' Association was fortunate in procuring Dr. Ivey's services over such a long period qf time. He is recognized as a leader in the field ol intensive salesmanship instruction and in the devising of modern methods for approaching modern sales problems. Pesides conducting his own institute of salesminship in Los Angeles, he is in constant demand by the sales forces and executives of such groups as the Du Ponts, Frigidaire, Parker Pen, John B. Stetson, Swift & Co., Marshall Field, Bank of Italy, Standard Oil, Utility Securities and National Life Insurance Company. His book on the principles of salesmanship is conceded the leading standard work, ind his lecture courses have been considered events in such cities as Akron, Buffalo, Chicago, Columbus, Denver, Des Moines, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Minneapo- lis, Omaha, Philadelphia, San Francisco and St. Louis.-
Those who will hear Dr. Ivey at the retail association meetings are in for an unusual treat. He has the habit of studying thoroughly his subject and has surprised leaders in va-riogs industrial fields by his startling familiarity with the details of the problems they are facing.
_ Dgr_ing the period Dr. Ivey is serving the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association his time will be assigned as _compJetely as possible. The Association will be glad to hear from lumber groups in cities interested in having a vital salesmanship message brought to a large numbeiof lumbermen