2 minute read
1TIHIIE tr/\'IIIIHI th a t h a s
to".s fost in this new empire.The Fogeol fucto'ryrFogeol truck ond Fogeol sofety cooch hove long been o reolity.
L H. Bill, the founder of the Fogeol A{otors Componyrhodfoith in theVesL
J'le sow o wettern truckrbuilt by o western orgonizotion... moving olong highwoyt yet unbuilt Hevilioned the spreod of greot foctories where the Colifornio sun wormed o virgin soil. + The distont hum of o future commerce wos moving on to the Pqcific...mountoins of eqrth were to be stirredrliftedrond moved for the foundotionl of the greotVert to be. oBillu built products corrythe sign of "Fogeol" throughout the eleven western stotes... speeding olodg the highwoyt ond crowling over unchorted roodl, gliding intothe londt of the orchord ond hurrying through the hot sond dunes... dorting in ond outof congerted citytroffic ond woding ocross quietrivers.
And th.r" "Bill-Built" trucks ond sofety cooches never folter. They ore truly"westcrn,,...hordy os wos o forty-niner...eoch with the Bill Principle built through ond through.
SEATTLE 7t7 DrrtorAnnue
BELLINGI{AI . . rrlTstqt Str.t
SAN FRANCItCO troTwolfth Strrt
LOS ANGELES 77o Eo.t Ninth Skrt
SANDIE6O. t2or,lorl.tstn.t
PORTLAND 26t Pocific Stn.t
OAKLAND t6ro EortTvrlftft Stn.t
TACOiIAA 5o! Puyollur Arnur
SPOKANE ttl6 Srcond Stnrt
YAKIAA tt6 Soutl Sroad Stnrt
VANCOUVER, B. C. FoeolAloton Solor Conodo, Ltd., zzlt Fourth Avrnur, Wlt
VICTORIA, B. C., L ll. Compbrll, 9tt Whorf Strot
IIONOLULU, T. H. Chotot R, Clorb, 620-622 B.r.tooio Stn t
A. C. Horner to Represent Lurfber on Industrial Economical Committee
San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 1S.-Upon the recommetldation of Weslev O. Ash. director of the San Francisco office, U. S. Depariment of Commerce, A. C. Horner, Trade Extension staff of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, rvas appointed a member of the Industrial Economic Committee of the California Economic Research Council. Although the organization has existed for some time, the committee has not been active fog over a year. The purpose of the council is to coordinate all economic research work done in California. It operates under the sponsorship of the California State Chamber of Commerce and that organization assigns more than half of the time of its staff men to activities of the council.
Wood Bridge in Service Since 1818
Washington, D. C., Dec. 15.-The durability of rvood is rvell illustrated by a covered bridge at Fish Creek, Fulton County, Nerv York. The bridge is 111 years old and in good state of preservation, it is reported by the Cross Tie Bulletin in a recent issue. The structure was toru down on account of the building of a dam at Conklingville, Saratoga County, a few miles eastlvard. It is 280 feet long and spans the Sacandaga River; rvas built by one Daniel Steu'art and has been used for travel since 1818. The hamlet of Fish House derived its name from a fish house and lrunting lodge built by Sir William Johnson in 1776, who rv4s appointed by Great Britain as chief superintendent of the Indians and rvas given 100,000 acres of land in the Mohalr'k Valley in recognition of his services.
San Francisco Hoo Hoo Will Hold Annual Christmas Party December 23
President Eddie Peggs of tries Club-Hoo Hoo No. 9. San Francisco Lumber Indusnual Christmas Party will Club, 456 Post Street. San announces that the club's anbe held this year at the Elks Francisco, on Monday noon, December 23.
The club rvill act as host to 250 orphans, and Frank O'Connor rvill act as Santa Claus.
This is always a big event rvith the lumbermen of San Francisco, and it expected that this year's. attendance will beat all previous records.