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Lumber Production for 1928 Shown in Government Report
Statistics compiled by the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce, in cooperation with the Forest Service, covering the production of lumber, lath and shingles, by States, have just been released for publication. These figures are supplemental to the preliminary report of September 30, 1929, which was reproduced in detail in our issue of October fifteenth, there being no change in the totals, the present report merely going into detail as to the production of kinds of lumber by States.
The figures show ,a total produrction in 1928 of 34,142,123,000 feet cut by 13,374 mills. Total Yellow Pine Production was 10,610,290,000 feet; Douglas Fir, 8,449,298,W feet. Western Yellow Pine was the next largest softwood item with 2,975,732,W feet; then Hemlock, 2,22I,756,0N feet; White Pine, 1,366,933,000 feet; Spru,ce, 571,917,W feet; Cypress, 50I,422,N0 feet. Other softwoods were under the half billion mark.
Total hardwood production was 5,797,028,0N feet. Oak
P. C. McNevin, general sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, is on a business trip to Chicago and New York. He will return to San Francisco just before'Christmas.
led this division with 1,830,260,000 feet; Red Gum was next with 967,756,000 feet; Maple, 742,642,W feet; Birch,337,550,000 feet; Yellow Poplar, 327,833,Am feet; Tupelo, 316,554.000 feet.
Total production of shingles was 5,603,690,000; and lath, 1,903,887,000.
Mississippi led in Yellow Pine production with 2,053,869,000 feet; Alhambra second with 1,720,80O,000 feet; Louisiana next, I,Q3,216,n0 feet; Texas, \,M,O|7,W feet; the combined cut of these four States representing more than 6O per cent of the total for the country.
Two States contributed more than 95 per cent of the total Douglas Fir cut; Washington with 5,072,651,0@ feet, and Oregon, 2,966,2O7,000 feet. Washington also led in shingles production with 5,019,061,000, being almost 90 per cent of the entire output of the country. Oregon produced 236,641,000 shingles. Washington again led in lath with 584,493,000; Oregon next with 251,093,000; Mississippi, 115,808,000; and Louisiana, 103,775,000.
J. H. Prentice, Los Angeles, Southern California representative for the Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few day on company business.