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Discrimination Against Their Wood Protested by White Fir Producers
Dated September '23, 1929 a bulletin was issued over the signature of the Executive Secretary of the Building & Loan League of the State of Oklahoma which reads as follows:
"The building and loan associations of Oklahoma through their state organizations, the Oklahoma State Building and Loan League, take this means of notifying all lumber and material firms doing business in Oklahbma that here in the future, building and loan associations in this State will refuse to make loans on any new construction wherein 'WHITE FIR'is used.
"We hope that you will cooperate with us in eliminating such inferior material as 'WHITE FIR' in all new construction here in this State.
"At any time that we can be of service, we hope you will not hesitate to call on us.
Yours very truly."
On account of this blanket discrimination, a letter was addressed to the Executive Secretary by the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association and subsequent correspondence elicited the fact that the discrimination was not actually aimed at a particular species but at all inferior materials that might go into the construction of homes.
The actual correspondence is quoted:
"Mr. B. F. Scott, Acting Secretary-Manager, California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers Ass'n., 600 Call Building, San Francisco, California.
Dear Sir:
"In reply to yours of recent date, wish to take this means of thanking you for the valuable information that you were kind enough to furnish us. In re of the matter being discussed, wish to advise that the building and .loan associations object to the use of No. 3 Dimensions of 'White Fir' and 'Yellow Pine' and all other inferior materials.
"I wish to advise, at this time, that the building and loan associations of this state are now promulgating a plan whereby all new home construction will be scientifically inspect6d during the course of construction' Rep-orts will be made out as to all this new class of construction' stating the kind and class'of materials used, workmanship, etC. These reports will be placed on file in this office and will be for thelnformation of building and loan associations, and that they may refer to them at anytime in case an.application for a loan is made on any of this new construction.
- "This expert inspection of new construction, not only affords us an excellent re,cord of valuable information for our business, but will be of great help and benefit to the home owner as well. The entire expense and burden of this service will be borne by the building and loan associations. In instituting such service the building and loan associations will issue standard set of specifications on all new home construction. And, of course, all materials of inferior quality, as well as workmanship, will be'taboo'.
"At some future date, the building and loan associations' executives will confer with the general managers and owners of some of the lumber companies of this state as to their advice and recommendations for the final completion of the above mentioned plan.
"We believe this to be a very progressive move-one that will furnish us very valuable information, as well as encouraging and bringing about better constructed homes. I would be glad to receive your comments on this matter. Yours very trirly.
F. MAHR, Executive Secretarv."
White And Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association
600 Call Building, San Francisco, California.
"Mr. Jno. F. Mahr, Executive Sec'y., Oklahoma Building & Loan League, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Dear Mr. Mahr:
"Your letter of November 4th is received.
"It is very gratifying to note that the Building and Loan Associations of your state intend in the future to institute scientific inspection of home constru'ction during the course of construction.
"In fact, if I may say so, it eliminates to a great extent the'sting' which rvas co'nveyed in the bulletin addressed to lumbermen and material dealers r.vherein you ask their cooperation in eliminating such inferior material as 'White Fir' from use in the state oi Oklahoma. In your letter to me you go a little further, inasmuch as you state that the Building and Loan Associations object to the use of 'No. 3 Dimension of 'White Fir' and yellow pine, and all other inferior materials.'
"Personally, I am glad to see you express this opinion, as in doing so you are in reality merely championing the cause of the reputable lumber manufacturer and putting the blame rvhere it belongs. Ignorance in specifying a grade of lumber suitable for the use to which it is to be put, should not be a,factor in entirely eliminating a material lvhich has received high commendations from the foremost lumber authorities, and from re-reading your letter, I do not think that it is the intention of the Building and Loan Association to do so.
"As I visualize it, they intend, by competent inspection, to see that all inferior materials are barred from use in the construction of buildings upon which loans are made. This rvould not as your bulletin states, refer to White Fir only, but to all lumber regardless of species, and would further embrace every other commodity that is utilized in building constuction.
"This very progressive move would, I knor,v, have the endorsement of the White Fir producers, for they have never advocated the use of a grade 'ivhich is unsuited for the purpose to rvhich it is to be put.
"There are, holever, available in White Fir, grades of real utility and I feel sure that you will agree with me that a 'blanket discrimination' against the species lvould be unwarranted.
"I hope that at no far distant date I may perhaps have the pleasure of rneeting you and discussing the matter at greater length.
Yours very truly, B. F.
SCOTT, Acting Secretary-Manager."
In ,rieru of the fact that the original bulletin must have received wi'de-spread publicity application was made to the Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, for further detailed information on White Fir and the following paper by Mr. R. P. A. Johnson which appears on page 46 of this issue will be found to be not onlv of interest. but coming from such an authoritative souice, to be educ"tional, as well.
There Is A Reason
Why the largert mills are installing our IMPROVED AIR COOLED REFUSE BURNERS. '

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