1 minute read
"Eliminate that llazard and You May Preyent a Fire"
You don't want a fireno good business man would. What you want is protection against fire-prevention if possible but reimbursement for loss if you should have a 6re.
One of our most valuable services to the industry is our study of fires and fire causes, our pointing out of fire hazards, and our specific recommendations for fire prevention.
Prevention of fire keeps the policy holder in business, reduces payments for loss, increases savings, makes bigger dividends and reduces insurance cost.
If you do suffer fire loss, Lumber Mutual policies assure full and prompt payment of claims. Developed by lumbermen for the benefit of their own industry, Lumber Mutual insurance offers the most satisfying protection a lumberman can buy.
You will be interested to krtozu how much MUTUAL means in our folicies, in frotection, in fire preztcntion, in-,payment o.f claims, in diritlends and in insurance cost. Ilrite ang of 'our Companies for fuII inform.ation.