3 minute read
Retc--t2.50 Pcr Colunn
Position Wanted
ADVERTISING Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Young man with general lumber experience-retail or wholesale. Estirnator, bill and detail millrvork; grade lumber; do anything around retail office; selling experience, etc. Knows building material business. Has had California experience. Address California Lumber Merchant, Box C-575.
Treated Lumber
(Continued from Page 18) wood will represent an appreciable economy as compared with the cost of using the more expensive and more permanent building materials, which might otherwise be considered.
In every instance foundation wall plates and joists in wood structures in close contact with the ground should be treated. Likewise sleepers and wood basement floors, or laminated floors laid on the ground, shoul'd be of treated materials.
It has been determined that, unless space is allowed to permit air circulation around girders, 1'oists, and stringers embedded in stone, concrete, or brick, they should also be of chemically preserved wood. This refers particularly to heavy timber construction.
The Lumberman's Interest in Wood Preservation
It is evident that if lumber as a building material is to retain its popularity efforts must be directed toward increasing its usefulness to the ultimate consumer. Through the application of wood preservatives to wood the principal handicaps of this material, namely decay and depreciation through insect attack, may be overcome. In the past a considerable market has been lost to forest products for purposes where the use of treated wood would have been both desirable and economical. fn many instances the present question is whether to use treated wood or dispense with wood altogether, and the progressive lumber manufacturer, as well as the lumber wholesaler and retailer, has realized the importance of wood preservation as an aid in the maintenance and expan'sion of their markets. Wood preservation is therefore a step in the direction of giving the consumer better value for his dollar, a step to.which every producer of building material in modern times is for,ced as a result of competitive conditions.
However, it would undoubtedly be wise for retailers to concentrate at first on the dimensions most in demand, and later to expand their stock lists sufficiently to take care of the demand for various sizes. As such demand gradually develops, with the continued progresd'in standardlzation of lumber sizes and grades all through the country the chances for the handling of preserved wood will correspondingly improve.
The only method by which properly treated lumber can be made available to the millions of small users is through the retail lumber dealers. This is a field which retail lumbermen should find very fertile. Some have already entered it, and others should be encouraged to do so . it has not been economically practicable for the individual user, in most cases at considerable distan,ce from a treating plant, to obtain the few hundred feet he would like to have to give his building the'permanence they should have. Through arrangements recently completed, however, certain retail lumber dealers have obtained standard treated
Good Opportunity
, Do you want to buy an outstanding retail lumber yard near Los Angeles? Never before offered for sale. Shows handsome profit for the last four years. Will require about $16,m0. Twohy Irumber Company, 549 Petroleum Securi- ties BIdg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Experienced yard man for yard in large country town 100 miles south of San Francisco. State past experience. Also state when you could start work. Address Box C-576, California Lumber Merchant.
lumber in quantity from the treating plants and can furnish the individual user with the quaniiiies he may desire of the most commonly used sizes.
Editors Note-The foregoing was briefed from the Report of the Sub-Committee on Retail Distribution of treated lumber of the National Committee on Wood Utilization. The complete bulletin is available from the U. S. Government Printing Office at 15c.
Interesting House Otgan
The Red Strand Magazine, house organ of the Two Rock Commercial Company, for October, contains some interesting articles. The leading editorial is entitled "Lumber as We See It Today." An article on "Roofing" recommends the use of No. 1 Redwood shingles for permanent buildings. Another discusses "The Chain Store and Margarine Tax." Charles Garrison is the Well-known head of the Two Rock Commercial Company.
Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club
A general meeting of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club was held at Watsonville on Thursday, November 21, to discuss the various problems of the retail lumber industry.
George Ley, president of the California Lumbermen's Council, reported on council progress.
I. L. Walker, se'cretary-manager of the Council, gave a detailed report on the lumber situation, and an outline of the activities of cement and roofing committees.
The new truck tax law was discussed in detail.
Following is a list of those present:
George Ley, Frank McGinnis, H. B. Chadbourne, W. A. Bales, J. E. Norton, A. Stoodley, J. S. Webb, Henry l-assero, Charles Peterson, Lester Tony, Eddie Donohue, Jerry Dubray, C. H. Griffen, W. F. Sechrest, I. L. Walker, J. H. Kirk, O,. F. Liebeskind, Fred Witmer, R. P. Davison, Charles Coburn, Stewart Work, Arthur Hayward, George Wood, J. O. Handley, L. M. Tynan, J. A. Greenelsh, Frank Sparling, W. H. Enlow, M. D. Bishop;..Secretaqr;manager.