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. " to ftnd new, desirable rclcr prospecb with the Lumbermen'r Red and Blue Book Servicc at your dirporal,

Thc wod< of "dctccting" new conccrnr entcring thc ftelFncw potcntial curtomcn-is rll donc for you'

Vital crcdit facb ar well ar cunent credit changcr arc aho "brclcd down." Each bit ol information ir cuefully rnalyzcd, cach "clue" followcd up and the nct rcrult ol our "invedigrtion" immcdiatcly repoilcd in the T\VICE-A-WEEK Suppl:mcntd

Shcctr to thc Lumbcrmcn'r Crcdit Rrting Book,

Thc burincrr of rucccrlul rcientiftc invcrtigrtion and lact anrlyrir end rcporting ir rnuch tfic tlme, whcthcr it pcileinr lo "crininalr" or "crcdib'rboth rcquirc rkill, erpcdcncc rnd a thorough knowlcdgc of the fteld.

Thur, wc ry thrt whcn you have thc Lumbcrncn'r Rcd rnd Blue Boolc Scnici rt your ftngeitiprwith ib background of 60 ycan erpcriqncc-you don't hrve to bc r "G" M.n to gct rcrulb. L.t thit rpccialircd indufty rcnlcc help to guidc rnd gurrd your dcily crcdit rnd raler rctiviticr in thore tcdc chrnnclr tftrt lcad to r mrrimum volunc of rgund burincrr with r minimum of crcdit lor,

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