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From the Files of The Calilornia Lumber Merchant, Decemler 15, 1927

A joint luncheon meeting of the San Gabriel Valley Lumbermen's Club and the Pasadena Lumbermen's Club was held at the Tavern, San Gabriel, on November 28. William FI. Sier.ert presided. Albert R. Israel, West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau, Longview, Wash., addressed the nreeting.

The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club met at the Hotel Senator, Sacramento, Saturday noon, November 26.

Jo Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., presided at the meeting. J. J. Farley of The Pacific Lumber Company showed moving pictures of the company's mill and logging operations.

The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club plans to entertain 500 orphan children at its third annual Christmas Party on December 21. A. L. (Gus) Hoover is chairman of the committee arranging for the party.

Henry Swafford, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, who has returned f rom a business trip to El Paso, Texas, brought home with him a golfing score he has been proudly exhibiting to his friends. The card showed he made a score of 92 on the El Faso golf course, and since he was never known to break a hundred in Los Angeles, the gang naturally looked the card over with some interest. Henry explains that the high altitude of El Paso was the thing that did it. giving him a lot more distance than he is accustomed to at home.

At a meeting of Sonoma County retailers held at Boyes Springs it rvas voted to organize a lumbermen's club to be knorvn as the Sonoma County Lumbermen's Club. Mead Clark of Santa Rosa was elected president, Len Gilbert of Healdsburg, vice-president, arrd Herb Cochrane of PetaIuma, secretary-treasurer,

This issue carries photographs and write-up on the new office building of the Hammond Lumber Company at Pasadena.

Percy I. Merithew, for the past eight years Arizona representative for the E. K. Wood Lumber Co.. rvith headquarters in Phoenix, has been transferred to the company's Los Angeles office where he is in charge of rvholesale sales.

San Francisco Hoo-Hoo are preparing for a Christmas party on December 22 at which they will act as host to a party of children from the McKinley Orphanage. A special program is being arranged and Frank O'Connor rvill act as Santa Claus.

One of the attractive exhibits at the Southern California Builders' Exposition at Los Angeles was the hardwood display of the W. E. Cooper Lumber Company.

East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 will hold its annual Christmas Party at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, December 22. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m., and there will be a special entertainment and Christmas tree.

Tom Jackson has been elected president of the Susanville Hoo-Hoo Club, succeeding J. B. McAllister. W. E. Hunt was elected vice-president, and Fred Klemm, secretary-treasurer. The Club nominated W. C. Graf as vicegerent snark.

Twenty-one kittens were initiated at a largely attendecl Hoo-Hoo meeting at Westwood on December 3. Vicegerent Snark Jack Shere was in charge of the concatenation.

An exhibit of Northwest forest products prepared by the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau, of Longview, Wash., was placed on display at the Southern California Builders' Exposition at Los Angeles through the cooperation of three I-os Angeles lumber firms-Consolidated Lumber Co., Ifammond Lumber Company, and 8,. K. Wood Lur-r.rber Co.

J. H. Holmes Celebrates gOth Birthday

A recent happy event u'as the celebration on Noveml>er 19 lry J. H. Holmes, president of the Holmes Ettreka Lumber Company, San Francisco, of his Soth birthday. I\{r. Holmes is hale and hearty and still active in the business he founded, although he admits he leaves the heavy end of the job of ma.nagement in the capable hancls of his son Frecl.

Mr. Holmes was born in 1857 at Henry, I\Iarshall County, Illinois. He \\ras raised on the farm and worked at farmirg until he came west at the age of 30 to Southern California.

Ife went into the retail lumber business in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1888, and later sold this yard and established yards af Kingman and Chloride.

After spending 15 years in the retail lumber business irr Arizona he sold out and went to Eureka, Calif. in 1903, where he started the Holmes Eureka rnill. The sawmill was built by G. W. Cartwright, who is still with the company'

Mr. Holmes was married on December 27, lB87 in San Francisco, antl he and Mrs. Holmes will celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary this year on December 27. They had three children, Frecl \r., vice-president and sales manager of the Holmes.Eureka Lumber Company; Joseph F., deceased, and Mrs. Grace Wieslander.

Mr. Holmes is justly proud of a scroll presented to him ancl signed by members of the California Redwood Association on January 14, 1937. The scroll is inscribed as follows:

Joseph HenrY Holmes

"For the years of your service to the industry, for your generous gifts of time and energy, all of the second and third generations of the Redwood family affectionately salute you' Our heritage is enriched by your achievements. We are grateful for your sound counsel and the inspiration of your presence."

Cheim Team Leads League

At the end of the first half of the league schedule of the San Jose Winter Leagtte the baseball team of the Che:m Lun.rl>er Co., San Jose, was leading lvith five 'ivins and one loss.

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