3 minute read

J. II. Baxter et Go.

601 Vest 'th St. LOS ANGELES

Phone Mlchigan 6294

333 Montgomcry St. SAN FRANCISCO

Phone DOuglar 388:!

The largest-Selling Tropical Ilardwood Has the Ear of Your Customers

We're talking to your customers and prosqects about Philippine Mahogany via the advertising columns oI leading national magazines such-as American Home, Architectural Forum, American Builder, Yachting' Ten million individual advertising messages are appearing in these magazines during 1937. Profi: from this sales activity by stocking Philippine Mahogany and telling your customers about it.

Vrite for ilhstrated, descriptioe booklet to Philip' b ine IVla hopan'v Man r factarers' I mhort Assoc iat ion, '111 lYest-SnTnth Street, Los Angeles, Califomia,


I know the beds of Eastern princes and the luxurious couches of Occidental plutocrats, but under the rafters of a farmhouse, where the mud-wasp,s nest answers for a Rembrandt and the cobweb takes the place of a Murillo, there is a feather-bed into which one softly sinks until his every inch is soothed and fitted, and settling down and farther down falls into sweet unconsciousness, while the screech-owl is calling from the moonlit oak and frost is falling upon the asters. Stocks may fuctuate and panic sieze the town, but there is one man who is in peace.

T. Morris.



"fsn't this an ideal place for a picnic?,'

"Yes ! Fifty million insects couldn't be wrong.r,

Culture is that which remains with a man when he has forgotten all he learned.

-Edouard Herriot.


Sigh no more, ladies; sigh no more; Men were deceivers ever,. One foot in sea, and one on shore, To one thing constant never; Then sigh not so, but let them go, And be you blithe and bonny, Convefting gll your souls of woe fnto Hey.nonny nonny.


When a man has come to the Turnstiles of Night, all the creeds in the world seem to him wonderfully alike and colorless.



Rastus: "Did brudder Brown gib de bride away?,, Sam: 'lNo sah ! He's gwine let de groom fine dat out fuh hisse'f."


By John Vance Cheney

Who drives the horses of the sun Shall lord it but a day; Better the lowly deed were done, And kept the humble way.

The rust will find the sword of fame, The dust will hide the crown; Ay, none shall nail so high his name Time will not tear it down.

The happiest heart that ever beat Was in some quiet breast

That found the common daylight sweet, And left to Heaven the rest.

Wait A Minutet

"Who was that girl you had at the Riveters' Ball last night?"

"That was my fiancee. Do you want an introduction?,'

"No. But the next time you see her ask her if she remembers what I did with my vest, will you?,,

-Pine Echoes.

The ladder of life is full of splinters, but they always prick the hardest when we're sliding down.

-William L. Brownell.


"Son, how come you didn't jine de lodge?"

"Huh, de'nishiation wuz too strong fuh me."

"How come?tt

"Dey said dey would have to scrutinize mah credentials thoroughly an' Ah don't want no hawspital work done on mah sweet body."

"Ah don't'blame you."

If you wish to appeai agreeable in society you must consent to be taught many things which you already know.


Going and Coming

T. B. Lawrence, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was a San Francisco visitor the first of the month where he spent a few days on company business.

J. E. Morley, Homestead Lumber Co., Sacramento, spent a few days in Los Angeles around the first of the month.

C. W. Buckner, San Francisco, California representative for the Harbor Plywood Corporation of Hoquiam, Wash., has just completed a ten days' trip to the Southland where he called on the Los Angeles and Southern California trade.

W. E. Perry, vice-president of the Algoma Plywood & Veneer Co., Algoma, 'Wis., was a recent caller at the offices of the Maris Plywood Corporation, San Francisco, and the California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, its representatives in Northern and Souther,n California. Before coming to California he spent several days in the Northwest.

Dave, Oscar and Label geles, have returned from Glick, Glick Brothers, Los Ana short visit to San Francisco.

E. L. Reitz, E. L. Reitz Company, Los Angeles, who has been on a pleasure trip to Honolulu the past few weeks, is expected home before the holidays.

Railroads Denied Freight Rate Increase.

Washington, Dec. 10.-The Interstate Commerce Commission overruled today a petition by the nation's railroads for an immediate 15 per cent increase in freight rates. The action was announced by Commissioner Clyde B. Aitchison at the outset of this afternoon's hearing on the carriers' request for a permanent rate boost in that amount.

Appointed Chairman Of Boy Scout Commission

Leo E. Hubbard, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, has been appointed chairman of the Boy Scout Commission of the American Legion for the state of California for the coming year. Mr. Ilubbard is past commander of Lumbermen's Post No. 403 of Los Angeles.

He attended an executive meeting of the Boy Scout Commission at San Francisco on December 1l-12.

Mill Down For Winter

Tahoe Sugar Pine Company's mill at Graniteville has shut down for the winter. The planing mill at Emigrant Gap is still operating. The company's retail yard at Nevada City is doing a nice volume of business.

In New Location

D. D. McCallum announces the removal of his office and mill to 537O Alhambra Avenue, Los Angeles.

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