1 minute read

utcT0 R Eigh Early Strength

Portiand Gement

Gucrcmteed to meet or exceed requirements ol Americcm Society for Testing Matericrls Specificctions for High Ecrly Strength Portlqnd Cement cs well cs Federcl Specificctions lor Cemenl Porllord, High-Ecnly-Strength, No. SS-C-201.

f,IGf, DARI,T STRIIIGTf, (28 dcry concrete strengths in 2{ hours.)

SI'T.Pf,AU NISSTAIIT llililtilUil [XPAIlSnil and G0I|TRAGTI0II

(Result of corrpound composition cnd usucrlly lound only in specicrl cements desigrned lor thie purpose.)

(Exbemely sevcre cuto-clcrve test results consistently indiccte prcrcticcrlly no expc.nsion or conbqc_ tion, thus elimincting one oI most rli#iquh problems in use of c higb ecrly sbength cenent.)



(Users' casurcnce ol lresh stock, unilonnity crnd proper resultrE lor concrete.)

Harbor Plywood Corp. of California Supplies Many Major \Var Projects

"The engineering and technical service department of the Harbor Plywood Corp. of California is totilly engaged in the war effort," states George E. Ream, presideni of the company.

_.'Many major war projects in the San Francisco Bay District and adjacent territory have been and are bein! rushed to completion by our service and materials engineers."

_{mong the projects are the Marin Shipyard, Sausalito, which is operated by the Bechtel organiiition; the huge T""-"1 housing project at Vallejo, attd Arserral housing in Benicia.

- Wayne Rawlings, who heads up the sales and engineering department, is assisted by Gene Hall. Both these men are expert plywood and insulation technicians.

wrNs $50.00 wAR BoND

The United States War Savings Bonds awards in the Herald-Express (Los Angeles daily newspaper) Lucky Chips game went to Jack fvey, of North Holtywood, fieli representative of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, on De_ cember 5. fn announcing the lucky winner for that day, the- newspaper gave Jack some nice publicity, running .an article and picture. Jack will add hii prize to the bonds he has already purchased, for, as he put it, ..W'e've got a war to win."

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