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Pope & Talbot's Port Gamble Lumber Operation Oldest in Douglas Fir Region

(Continued from Page 36) of the in the

April, 1938, to take over the McCormick interests, and again the Pope & Talbot name is over the mill at Port Gamble and the mill at St. Helens.

Once more the name of Pope & 'Ialbot is a large factor in the West's lumber and shipping industries. Along with the tradition of nearly a century of lumber and shipping experience the organization is entirely modern in its outIook. Both mills have been rebuilt and modernized. to the last degree and new stands of the finest timber have been added to the company's holdings.

Head offices of the Pope & Talbot Lumber Co. continue at 461 Market Street, San Francisco, and Mr. Wheeler, Capt. George A. Pope, Jr., and Mr. T. C. Walker are located there.

The office of Pope & Talbot, fnc., occupies the 27th floor of the Russ Building, San Francisco. Here on the walls is the famous collection of early San Francisco and California prints and lithographs, believed to be one of the finest and most complete that exists.

The late Mr. Pope told how he acquired one historic pictures that occupies a prominent place collection.

"I was looking in the window of a second-hand store,r' he said, "and saw an oil painting of a sawmill. It was a dandy picture and f went into the store and asked the proprietor how much he wanted for it.

"The man told me he didn't know its value. I then offered him ten dollars and he took the money. but said he thought I was getting it cheap.,,

The picture was of the Port Gamble mill, but the artist had not put his name on it.

In Mr. Pope's private office is an oil painting of his father, Andrer,r'J. Pope, and of his mother, who was Emily Talbot, Captain Talbot's sister.

There is an interesting relic from old port Gamble that hangs in the Russ Building office. It is a hantl-carved sign that reads: "1853-Puget Mill Co.,, That sign hung over the mill office 89 years ago !


Out of the 'l 3 lobor-monogemenl conferences sponsored by the Notionql Committee for Poyroll Sovings ond conducted by lhe Treosury Deporlment throughout the Nqtion hor come this formulo for reoching thelO% of gross pqyroll Wqr Bond objective: o. They, in lum, will oppoint coploinJeoden or chqirmen who will be responsible for qctuql solicitotion of no more rhon 1O worker:. b. A cord should be prepored for eqch qnd cvery worker with his nome on il. g An estimote should be mqde ol the porsible omount coch worker cqn sel oside co lhql qn "ovcr-oll" ol 1O%-is qchieved. Some moy not be oble fo gel oside 1O%, olhen con sqve morc. t. $f oside o dolc to stoft thc drive. t. The opening of rhe drive moy !e rhrough o tolk, o mlly, or just o ploin onnouncemenl in eoch deportment.

7. Dccide to gci loft.

It hos been lhe Treosury experience wherever mqnogement ond lobor hove gotlen togelher qnd decided rhc iob could be done, the job wos done.

,. Gct o committec o( lobor and monogement to work ost detoils fq slicitorion.

1 fhcre rtouH bc littlc q ao limc Sefwea lf,c onnosnc.ment ol thc dfivc ond tf,o drlvc itself. The ddve should lqst not over I week.

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