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E. K. Wood Lumber Co.
4710 So. Alcunedc St. IEfferson 3lll
Construction Order Amended
San Francisco, December S-Certain types of farm and railroad construction were eased today by amendments to conservation order L-41, it was revealed by the Regional War Production Board today.
The major amendments include the following changes:
Construction of railroad tracks is exempted from the provision of order L-41. Buildings, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses or bridges, however, are still covered. Applications for laying trackage already are handled by the transportation equipment division and today's change was made to eliminate unnecessary paper work required by the additional authorization of the administrator of L-41.
Agricultural construction incident to the erection or installation of machinery or equipment, which is now controlled by limitation order L-170, is exempted, in order to remove a second unnecessary control on farmers by order L4t.
Construction of facilities by the communications industry is exempted from the provisions of L-41.
Adequate control of such.construction is maintained by blanket preference rating orders P-130 and P-132. Consequently, it is not necessary for the Bureau of Construction, which administers L-41 further to control construction or extension of communication facilities, except buildings.
The order was also amended to make clear the fact telegraph and teletypewriter services conducted by telephone operators are to be treated in the same manner as telephone. service as exempt from the order.
Frederick & King Sts. fBuit"ale 0ll2
Fuller Starts in Btrsiness Under Old
Name at Lodi
George L. Meissner, president and manager of the Valley Lumber Company of Lodi, is retiring from the retail lumber business, and the corporation which he organized 32 years ago is being dissolved.
Robert S. (Bob), Fuller, who has been associated with this concern for the past l0 years, has purchased the stock of merchandise, and will continue in the retail lumber business under the assumed name of the Valley Lumber Company of Lodi, at fuO East Elm Street, Lodi, former location of the Elliott Lumber Co. The latter lvas.purchased October I by Valley Lumber Company of Lodi.
Bob Fuller is an energetic and competent young lumberman, and his many friends will wish for him as much success under the well known name as his predecessor enjoyed.
Sell Intere3t to Scott Lumber Co.
Ralph T. Moore, Carl R. Moore antl Frederick T. Moore, of the Moore Mill & Lumber Co., who purchased a substantizil.interest sdme time ago in the Scott Lumber Co., Inc., California Pine manufacturing concern, at Burney, Calif., sold their interest to the Scott Lumber Co., November 15.
John N. Berry, Sr., sales manager, and Raymond H. Berry, general manag'er, are now in charge of the op.eration.