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INTERVIEW With Andi Byers

I am the Founder and CEO of Chronic & Iconic Coaching and ICONIC Business Solutions I am a Registered Nurse, Holistic Nutritionist, Master Trainer, Chronic Illness Coach, and Air Force veteran with over 22 years of records management, project management, and continuous process improvement (CPI) experience.

As a medical professional, I realized that there were a lot of women patients navigating the waters of diagnosis blind What they needed was someone to help them understand what was happening in a way that they could digest.


It was then that I decided to be the person I needed, for them. I began to help women navigate diagnosis while implementing holistic practices to improve their quality of life with a focus on mindset, stress management, holistic nutrition, and movement.

While on active duty I coordinated multiple processes and was responsible for the maintenance and structure of the AF records life cycle, ensuring a high level of performance and making improvements to existing processes

Serving as a Process Improvement Manager, I was responsible for maintaining efficiency in the workers and overall quality in the workplace with a sole focus on overseeing existing business practices and improving them to boost productivity, improve customer satisfaction, reduce operation costs, and maximize company resources.

I now use those skills to help small businesses advance strategic growth and manage business processes with ease without stress, overwhelm, or burnout

Wow, your background is impressive! What inspired you to pursue entrepreneurship?

My inspiration was fueled by my desire to be the change I am passionate about holistic wellness and addressing the root cause to better manage the symptoms. I knew early on that I wanted to be the person I needed along the way for the people that needed me. As medical professionals, we help people. We are trained to treat the symptom. Treating the symptom for me meant years of being overmedicated I needed to get to the root cause determined to make sure no other woman had to experience those heavy emotions alone while navigating chronic illness

My business then expanded to include process improvement and other business solutions, helping women entrepreneurs with chronic illnesses manage their businesses with ease through helping them create efficient and easy-to-maintain processes that help advance strategic growth.

How has being an introvert affected your business?

I think being an introvert is my superpower! It allows me to remain in alignment with my vision One of the strengths of my introverted personality is the ability to focus on the details. Strategic growth is in the details. One of my favorite scriptures and my daily reminder to thrive daily is “And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”

Habakkuk 2:2

Along the way, I realized that everything has timing and happens for a reason I divorced “perfection” and married “impactful”. Things won’t always go as planned and they are not always supposed to. Sometimes the most impactful moments are off the beaten path

Do you think it's possible to maintain a healthy work-life balance as an entrepreneur? If so, how do you do it?

Absolutely! Making time for you is a non-negotiable. I had to learn this lesson the hard way. We often say that we are too busy to pause but we honestly are not. There are 1,440 minutes in the day; we are not too busy to give ourselves fifteen of those minutes.

I’ve navigated some rocky health situations in what seemed to be a continuous circle of medical gaslighting, chronically ill, feeling isolated, scared, broken, and defeated. I became

How do you stay motivated and inspired when things don’t go as planned?

It can be difficult to not get frustrated when things don’t go as planned I can remember getting worked up often.

The thing is, most likely we wake up already pouring into others We wake up and grab our phones and scroll, get households ready, etc. We begin the cycle of waking up to show up for others first. I didn’t always have a healthy work-life balance I didn’t enforce boundaries, I didn’t say no to things, and I didn’t prioritize my health or sleep.

My wake-up call was a sudden cardiac arrest at the age of 40

It was a culmination of years of “I’m fine, I’ll take care of it” and showing up for others first My cup was empty and I was physically and emotionally depleted. I am grateful for God’s grace and that he saw fit for me to live this life again Death gives you a deeper perspective I realized that I was never too busy to give myself fifteen minutes. I realized that my busy and overwhelm was self-inflicted and that boundaries were necessary for me to truly thrive

Now, I pause. I pause to take in the beauty and the joy around me in my stressful moments. I pause to appreciate the life around me when I’m feeling overwhelmed I pause to practice gratitude for all of the things that I’ve accomplished in the moments that I may feel like I’ve missed the mark

I give myself the time because it’s a non-negotiable! The time keeps me grounded, it brings me peace and it keeps me balanced so that I can be the most complete version of me when I show up for others special person to be an entrepreneur We don’t often show the long nights, the high stress or the tears but it’s there. My biggest lesson learned in my business journey is that the vision is not for everyone to understand.

Early on in my business, I wanted everyone to support me and my feelings would be hurt if they didn’t, regardless of if they ever knew that. I would retreat because I was allowing their “you can’t make that happen” my truth. The truth was I could make it happen and I WAS making it happen.

People won’t always support you, they won’t always cheer you on, and that is ok. The right people at the right time will be aligned with you. The vision isn’t for everyone. It is for you. Protect it and nurture it You are birthing your dream that fulfill. Make the memories, take in every step and remember to breathe.

What advice would you give to other introverted women who are just starting their own businesses?

This life is short and in most cases, we only get to do it once Move in joy, on purpose with purpose because you were created enough and you have always been enough.

Dream big and conquer!

Thank you for taking the time to share your story. Where can our readers find more information about you?

Chronic & Iconic Coaching: chronicandiconiccoaching.com

What have you learned about yourself and your business throughout your journey?

I learned that I was created to thrive. I am truly walking in my purpose. I believe it takes a

Have a clear plan and processes in place to prevent overwhelm and burnout as you develop and grow your business. Give yourself grace and make time for yourself daily! There is only one you and you were the only one created to fulfill the purpose you

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Don't forget to read a chapter from a great book everyday!!!

The War of Art is a book written by Steven Pressfield which aims to encourage and assist those who face difficulties in expressing their creativity. Pressfield emphasizes the importance of overcoming "resistance", which he believes is the biggest obstacle for creative individuals. The book offers strategies to defeat this inner struggle and achieve success in creative endeavors Overall, The War of Art provides a battle plan to conquer selfdoubt and blocks on the path towards creativity.

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