3 minute read


By Tiffany McRae

It’s 2023 and we're claiming victory in your business this year!


So, let’s talk about introverts. For the purpose of this article, we’ll define an introvert as someone who is introspective and prefers spending time in smaller groups (as opposed to larger groups.)

There’s a misconception that all introverts are shy. Not. True. Introverts prefer solitude and peace to work in their zone of genius without entertaining the small talk. Too much stimulation and “small talk” drains them. This is why they are the best partners one can ask for in business.

When thinking about expanding your business, choosing the right partner is critical! I mean, how else are you going to scale?

You know that you need someone who can be your right hand, someone that you can trust in more ways than one, and someone who is proactive in getting things done.


5 Ways Partnering With Introverted Business Owners Can Accelerate Your Business

By Tiffany McRae

Another set of hands is great, but you don’t just need a warm body to dabble in your business.

Let’s face it.

Who can check off all of these checkboxes?

Who will be committed to you and your business and help you take your business to the next level?

An introvert - that’s who.

Introverts can accelerate your business in so many ways.

Let’s count the ways.


They’re an extension of YOU - the business owner.

What makes their support so amazing?

Introverts don’t need to be the star of the show. They don’t even want to be. They can help you shine in your business and are happy to do so. They’re like supporting cast members in a play.

Can you function without them? Absolutely! But introverts add so much value and dimension to the production. Their absence is felt and their presence is immensely valuable.


Give an introvert a task and fagettaboutit.

Introverts don’t need to be micromanaged. Once they are operating in their areas of expertise, they will give you quality work and nothing but their best. Let. Them. Be.

They know what they’re doing and they’ll tackle your projects in a timely mannerand they’ll be happy to do so.


One thing you may have heard about introverts is that they prefer intimate relationships. This means that they enjoy having fewer intimate relationships compared to numerous “surface” relationships. Introverts don’t enjoy networking with lots of people. They’d prefer to get to know you and your business and establish a long-term relationship with you than to constantly hustle for clients. If your goal is long-term support with someone to help grow with you and your business, find your next introverted business partner and get to work. They will treat your business as their own!

We all know that when left to our thoughts and in our zone where we are hyperfocused, this is when we are most creative and productive. Introverts are known for being reflective and they do just that. Hello, introverts! Come on, innovation!

Along with being innovative, introverts are going to approach their work through an analytical lens. They’re going to evaluate your processes and reflect on new ways to help you SHINE! Because remember, they don’t aspire to be the star, but they thrive on helping YOU to be the star. And they’re happy with that.

That’s right! They’re not little robots that you train to do one task and they get it done on repeat.

No, introverts will learn your way of doing things, and before you know it, they will come up with more efficient processes, designed to help you continue to shine while improving your business.

How many times have you sat down to tackle a task and before you know it, an hour has passed and you’ve fallen into your zone of genius and knocked out some major items on your to-do list?

So, do you need bookkeeping services? Have you considered a business partner who identifies as an introvert?

Virtual Assistant support? Find an introvert. Copywriter? Sis. It’s time to hire an introvert.

So next time you meet someone who appears more reserved and observant, don’t count them out as shy and incapable of helping you take your business to the next level. Go over there and introduce yourself. You may be meeting your next supporting cast member or, even better, your next right hand in business.

Tiffany McRae

is a freelance writer for hire who offers content writing, email sequences, and copywriting services. She works closely with B2B and B2C businesses crafting content that engages their audience and compels them to take action. In her free time, Tiffany can be found reading, watching reality TV, relaxing on the beach, and cheering on her husband at mountain bike races.

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5 Ways Partnering With Introverted Business Owners Can Accelerate Your Business

Introverts are creative and innovative in how they work. Because they are charged up in solitude and small groups, they are constantly innovating and keeping up with new trends. This is the type of knowledge and expertise you need on your team. Allow your introverted business partner to do what they do best and watch your business take off!

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