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The Top 6 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

Entrepreneurship is a challenging yet rewarding journey. It requires dedication, hard work, and a lot of learning. To help entrepreneurs on their journey, here are 5 books every entrepreneur should read in 2023:

The 4-Hour Workweek is a step-by-step guide to luxury lifestyle design that teaches readers how to escape the rat race and achieve financial freedom. The book has become a New York Times bestseller and has been published in over 30 languages. It covers topics such as how to reduce work hours, how to travel the world, and how to earn a monthly five-figure income with zero management The book also provides readers with rapidlearning techniques to help them achieve their goals.


Start with Why explores the idea of the Golden Circle, which is the idea that the most influential leaders think, act, and communicate differently than everyone else. The book explains how this approach can be used to build organizations, lead movements, and inspire people. It also looks at how great leaders make people feel safe and how they are able to inspire action https://bit.ly/yesbook1

The Lean Startup outlines a new approach to business that is being adopted around the world. It focuses on how to create and launch new products and offers strategies for cutting work time and investment. The book explains how to use the Lean Startup method to bring a new business idea to a successful and sustainable end result. It also provides innovative steps and strategies for managing a startup, as well as learning from the successes and collapses of others.

The E-Myth Revisited explains why most small businesses fail and how to avoid the same fate. It was first published in 2004 and has since become a classic in the business world. The book covers topics such as the importance of having a clear vision, the need to create systems and processes, and the importance of hiring the right people. Gerber argues that small business owners need to think like entrepreneurs, not just technicians, in order to be successful. He also provides practical advice on how to create a successful business and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Have you found the freedom you were craving when you decided to start your own business? Or do you feel chained to your company working long hours and experiencing high stress as you struggle to manage it all? If so, the time has come to break free of those restraints that keep you from living a fulfilling life. Let this book serve as the salvation for finding peace and tranquility, giving you the tools to grow your business beyond your wildest dreams.

Riahannon, what does your dream life look like?

Are you currently living in it?

I believe I am living my dream life because I am still learning.

I follow my passions and have been doing what I love all along.


Building Her Dream Life

With Riahannon Legoff

Riahannon Legoff is a Nutritionist, a Fitness Pro, and the founder of Weight Answers. She is from Canada and has been in business for 22 years.

Tell us about what you do.

I help people by showing them that they are never alone, and that they can always reach out to me.

That can be for health reasons, weight loss, or weight gain issues.

Or if they just need support and to be heard.

What inspired you to start this business?

What inspired me to start my business was graduating college, growing up, and learning both the hard and easy ways of life and thinking.

How has being an introvert affected your business?

Being an introvert helped my business because I never would have found out how to survive as an entrepreneur or have the time to learn more skills.

How do you balance your need for solitude and alone time with the demands of running a business?

I have balanced my alone time and the need for solitude while running a business because I section off what is most important to me and what isn't. And I do it while l am alone in my office

You’ve been in business for a long time 22 years. What’s a challenge you've faced along your entrepreneurial journey?

What has been the most rewarding experience for you as an entrepreneur?

The most rewarding experience I had while being an entrepreneur was making my career a success and learning that I could do it.

With creating comes responsibility and evolutionary wisdom

Thank you for sharing your story. Where can we find you online?

My website www weightanswers ca and Instagram @rveal3

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