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EXCLUSIVE With Antoinette Logan

Antoinette Logan is an award-winning public speaker, business consultant, life coach and an international author. She is also a multifaceted media professional with over 15 years of impeccable experience in the media, sales, branding, and marketing.

Antoinette is the CEO of The AIM Agency, a creative company focused on brand development and lead generation strategies.


She is also the Founder and Chief Product Officer of The Iconic Speakers Network, where she provides foundational tools for success and helps members expand their brand globally while unlocking the secret to public speaking success in 90 days using PPP strategies.

She received the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award from President Joseph R. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

It is easy to see why you can Ask Ms Logan anything. She is your Information Highway To Destination Elevation.


What does your dream life look like?

Are you currently living your dream or still working on it?

My dream life includes, lots of travel, speaking, and writing more books along with family activities with my loved ones. I am still working on my dream life being only those things and not so many other work activities involved, however I get the feeling that I'll always have a desire to do something creative.

Tell us about the work you do.

I'm a business consultant, motivational speaker/singer/poet, event planner, brand manager, creative producer, international author, life coach and a host of other things that I do on an as need basis.

At The AIM Agency, we help clients take their idea to brand, brand to business, business to elevation and profits while

What inspired you to start these businesses?

I set out to be the person I needed along the way. If iI wanted to see something different, I knew I would have to create it and become it. Both AIM & ISN work hand in hand and are solving problems for similar client profiles. I have been each and every one of our clients before. Their problem has also been my problem before. The difference is, I didn't have a me for me when I had those problems.

The hands on experience I have as well as the creative strategies I use along with the training and mentoring I've had made it a no brainer to create a business that could help others that were like me when I needed guidance and solutions.

How has being an introvert affected your business? And how do you use it to your advantage?

The affect it has had on my business has been good. After learning how to embrace it my profit personality and business lifestyle, which couldn't have happened without being an introvert and having the experience. It has helped me always be READY to work with a client and get it done fairly quick. If I'm home most of the time in front of my computer anyway, I can knock out projects quick and clients love that when the work is done correctly.

How do you balance your need for solitude and alone time with the demands of running a business?

It's super easy for me, I spend 80% of the time working alone from my computer and phone, where ever I am in the world. The other 20% is with the teams and physical events etc. I only schedule calls and/or meetings at times I know I can handle based off the entire schedule. Self-awareness is really important for me and I am very vocal about it so people know and understand.

How do you handle networking, pitching, and other activities that require you to be extroverted?

I utilize the internet and online opportunities to build rapport and relationships first. This helps me become more comfortable with the person that by the time we meet in person, I've already had time to prepare and be ready.

What has been the most rewarding experience for you as an entrepreneur?

The results and the responses and feedback from my clients. I really enjoy seeing their faces light up and hear how I helped them solve what they thought was a problem but to me small things to a giant. I know that each time I help and serve others there is something greater already in route to me, so that also makes me happy to do more knowing I'm already taken care of at all times.

What strategies have you used to successfully grow your business?

I use a few simple strategies together at once helping to make a big difference and to keep us constantly growing in various areas.

PPP Strategies

Lifestyle Social Promotion Strategy

FREE Consultation Strategy

Partnership Strategy

AI Strategy (All-In One)

How do you stay motivated and inspired when things don’t go as planned?

I write music, journal, doodle, sing, dance or call a friend. I often think of my reason's why and those who are waiting on me to show up, needing my help, my skill, or my creation. I ask for guidance from my helpers and push forward in creativity.

How do you define success for yourself and/or your business?

I define success by my results of the work we do for others, am I accomplishing my goals, and by how much I'm growing in areas that matter to me. Success is truly defined by you and looks different for us all.

Do you think it's possible to maintain a healthy work-life balance as an entrepreneur? If so, how do you do it?

Yes, absolutely. I feel that its important to have your work fit into your lifestyle. By doing so, it's much easier to balance it all because it almost never feels like work.

How often do you take a vacation away from your business? What did you do on your last vacation?

I go when I feel like it. No set timing thanks to entrepreneurship. I make my vacation workrelated always, on purpose.

My entire 2 year book tour was a vacation. I traveled many different places within the US promoting my book, "It Starts With I", and having heart to heart talks with people who needed to be told, they had everything within to be what they desired. I stayed in mansions, pent house suites offered to me at pennies and often went to the neighborhoods that were more urban to connect with people who were in places I had once been.

My support from The Most High was at an all time high and I knew it was because I had a job to do and was fortunate enough to truly enjoy every moment while serving. My life was impacted by those I was sent to help.

What have you learned about yourself and your business throughout your journey?

I've learned that no matter what it is that I want to do, I hold the power to making it happen. What I can't seem to figure out, I can collaborate with someone else to get the job done. What is taking too much of my time or depleting my energy, I can delegate to someone else. It is very important to put ME first and focus on the things that require MY attention. TEAM WORK truly makes the dream work.

Get Both Books Here

What do you believe are the most important skills that an introverted entrepreneur needs to develop?

It's important to learn how to network to increase your brand awareness, visibility, credibility, and authority without having to be super social. The internet is your BFF and meeting people where they are REALLY WORKS. Your communication skills are key as an introvert. If you don't like being social or small talking, DON'T DO IT. Be direct and straight to the point while still being professional and appealing to the needs of the client or potential client.

What advice would you give to other introverted women who are just starting their own businesses?

Take the time to get to know your ideal customer and adjust your business around what works for you. Consider collaborating with extroverts who can be your better half in areas you don't feel comfortable in. It's always easier said than done so if you need help, book a strategy call with me and I'll help you map it out and hit the ground running.

Thank you for taking the time to share your story. Where can our readers find more information about you?




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