Room on the Broom
#AtHomeWith Macmillan Macmillan Stor y Corner
by Julia Donaldson
1 Tick (√) the animals that appear in the story.
frog horse cow bird cat dog sheep
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#AtHomeWith Macmillan Macmillan Stor y Corner
Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson
2 Match the pictures 1-6 to the words a-f.
1 a. magic wand
2 b. broom
3 c. plait
4 d. cauldron 5 e. bow 6 f. hat
Š Macmillan Publishers Limited 2020
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#AtHomeWith Macmillan Macmillan Stor y Corner
Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson
3 Look at the picture from the story. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition (on x3, in x2, under x1).
1 The magic wand is ____________ the witch’s hand. 2 The hat is ____________ the witch’s head. 3 The plait is ____________ the witch’s head. 4 The broom is ____________ the witch. 5 The bow is ____________ the witch’s plait. 6 The cauldron is ____________ the witch’s hand.
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