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Cover front: Uno Åhrén/Nils Fougstedt, a black lacquered pewter top table, Svenskt Tenn. Björn Trägårdh, a pewter saucière with plate, Svenskt Tenn. Josef Frank, a pewter set, Svenskt Tenn. Axel Einar Hjorth, a chest of drawers, Nordiska Kompaniet. Axel Salto, vases, Royal Copenhagen. Björn Trägårdh, armchair, Svenskt Tenn. Cover back: Josef Frank, a cabinet covered with Georges Peltier’s ’Plan deParis à vol d’oiseau’, Svenskt Tenn.
From 10 am (CEST) Number
Glass 1–85
Ceramics 86–211
Silver and Jewellery 212–253
Carpets 254–338
Furniture and Works of Art 339–543
From 12 pm (CEST) Number
Ingemar Dahlbergs samling 544–602
Art 603–885
Prints 886–930
Decorated with a floral pattern in white against green, the decoration was executed by Axel Enoch Boman, signed Kosta 357. G Wennerberg AE Bn. Height 20.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
Polished decor of cowslips in yellow hues, signed Kosta 313 G Wennerberg AE Bn (glassblower Axel Enoch Boman). Height 10.8 cm, diameter 18.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
Decorated with purple branches against a milky white ground, signed Kosta G Wennerberg, 47. Height 11.7 cm, diameter ca 11 cm.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780

4. Ferdinand Boberg (Sweden, 1860–1945), /Betzy Ählström, an Art Nouveau ’marqueterie sur verre’ vase, Reijmyre glassworks, Sweden ca 1901–1905.

Probably executed by Fredric Kessmeier and Carl Reimers. Decorated with a crab and a sea shell in pink among green seaweed against a background in blue, green and pink hues, polished bubbles to body and signed in gold ‘Till Frans Berglund Minne från Reijmyre’.
Height 24.5 cm.
Exhibitions: This model was among the pieces shown by Reijmyre Glassworks in Turin 1902 at ‘Première Exposition Internationale d´Art Décoratif Moderne’.
Literature: Nationalmuseum Stockholm Exhibition catalogue 1997, ‘Ferdinand Boberg, arkitekten som allkonstnär’, compare the model exhibited as catalogue nr 79, p 86–87.
Ingrid Rosén, ‘Fem tidiga glaskonstnärinnor’, Stockholm 1993, compare with the vase by Betzy Ählström 1901–1902, p 17.
Dag Widman, ‘Jugendepokens konstglas, Svenskt glas’, Växjö 1995, pp 66–68.
Estimate: SEK 300 000 – 350 000 / EUR 28 960 – 33 790
Betzy Ählström was probably the designer of this vase and others much related vases but this model has as a matter of fact been signed by Ferdinand Boberg. One might condsider that Ählström probably designed this model but since Ferdinand (and his wife Anna) Boberg were the major names in Sweden around 1900 that Boberg sometimes signed the pieces for commercial reasons. Betzy Ählström remained unknown for most people until she was rediscovered as a glass designer in the 1980s. Actually she was the first female glass designer in Sweden. Compare Bukowskis auction nr 447 November 1986, lot nr 820, a very similar, larger vase, signed Ferdinand Boberg and also Bukowskis auction nr 533 November 2004, lot nr 1042, the vase signed in gold Reijmyre 1902 Ferdinand Boberg, to base Reimyre No 90, hammer price 260 000.
The World Exhibition in Turin lasted from May to November 1902. It was the skilled master Fredrik Kessmeier (1859– 1946) who together with
Carl Reimers were commissioned to produce these advanced glass objects. Dag Widman writes: ’The artists behind Reijmyre’s collection of glass for the exhibition were Anna and Ferdinand Boberg and Betzy Ählström. In contrast to Kosta, they now worked at Reijmyre with a technique where the glass got its decor in the workshop through rolling and cutting. Also here at Reijmyre the artist’s inspiration was much taken from the works by Emile Gallé and his works executed in a technique called ’marqueterie sur verre’. The actual patterns were mainly inside the glass mass. ’In Reijmyre glassworks’ production book from the years 1901–02 you can follow the entire production of these so called ’Gallé glasses’ which were made from December 1901 to August 1902. However it has later been discovered that some of the models continued to be made until the year 1905 . The complicated technology was not suitable for series production and the glass works returned to producing more commercial glass.
5. Betzy Ählström (Sweden, 1857–1934), an Art Nouveau cameo glass vase, Reijmyre glassworks Sweden 1902, Nr 65.

Decorated with orchids in different green hues against a matte dark purple background, signed Reijmyre Nr 65, B Ähm 1902. Height 19 cm. Betzy Ählström (1857–1934) was a drawing master (art teacher), who got her education in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Copenhagen and London. She was delivering drawings for glass to Reijmyre glassworks for a short period of time. She was actually the first Swedish woman to design art–glass. She designed exquisite Art Nouveau glass in primarily a marqueterie–sur verre technique during only a few years around 1901–1902.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
Engraved decoration of fireworks in a park with people, the bowl signed Orrefors Hald 24. 248. D (unknown engraver’s signature). Height including the plate 21 cm, diameter 26.7 cm.
Exhibitions: The model was shown at the 1925 Paris World’s Fair and at the touring exhibition ‘Swedish Contemporary Decorative Arts’ at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts in New York 1927 and the following exhibition in Chicago 1927. This model was designed in 1921.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 30 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 900

7. Simon Gate (Sweden, 1883–1945), a Swedish Grace engraved glass bowl, Orrefors, Sweden 1926.

Richly engraved decor of dancing women, signed ORREFORS S. GATE. 122. 1926. E. WEIDLICH (engraved by Emil Weidlich, active at Orrefors 1922–1929), height 23.2 cm, diameter 27.8 cm.
Gunnar Hävermark collection, nr 203. Nationalmuseum, ‘Orrefors 100 år’, Stockholm
29 May – 11 October 1998, no 152.
SEK 80 000 – 100 000 / EUR 7 730 – 9 660
glass goblet ‘Sex gracer’, Orrefors 1929, model 154. Smoke coloured glass, hexagonal shape with engraved decor of female figures and ornaments, signed Gate 154 Orrefors 1929 and engraver’s signature (blurred), height 23.8 cm.

Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
9. Simon Gate (Sweden, 1883–1945), & Vicke Lindstrand, an ‘iced’ and engraved glass bottle with stopper, Orrefors, Sweden 1935, model G1295/ LU154/4.

Rectangular bottle with ‘iced’ surface, engraved decor of Poseidon with naiad, signed Orrefors Gate 1295. A1. KR (engraved by Karl Rössler), Of LU 154/4, 13.5 x 6 cm, height including stopper 21 cm.
Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
10. Simon Gate (Sweden, 1883–1945), a rare polished glass vase, Orrefors 1938, model 1654.

Partly with olive–cut inserts and polished decor of two birds against an acid etched ground, signed Orrefors Gate 1654 1938, gift engraving underneath, height 27.5 cm.
Provenance: Office Manager Ivan Öfverholm, received as a gift on the 65th anniversary June 20, 1939, from A.B. Motala Workshop, thence by descent.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 30 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 900
vase, Kosta glassworks, Sweden 1934.
Decorated with fish among corals, signed SKAWONIUS 9/3 Kosta 1934, height 28.8 cm. SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
12. Edward Hald (Sweden, 1883–1980), a graal vase, Orrefors, Sweden 1938, nr 218.
Burgundy coloured decoration of different fish and seaweed. Signed Orrefors, 1938 Sweden Graal No 218 Edward Hald. Height 19 cm.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
13. Edward Hald (Sweden, 1883–1980), a graal vase, Orrefors Sweden 1939.
Decorated with fish and seaweed in green, signed Orrefors 1939 Hald and with a dedication ‘Till Inga från Britta o Edward’ (To Inga from Britta and Edward Hald). Height 18.5 cm.
SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
14. Edward Hald (Sweden, 1883–1980), a graal vase, Orrefors 1952. Striped decor in purple hues, signed ORREFORS SWEDEN GRAAL S 853L Edw Hald. Height 26.8 cm.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
15. Edvin Öhrström (Sweden, 1906–1994), an ‘Ariel’ glass vase, Orrefors, Sweden 1937, no 36.

Decorated with a checkered pattern with doves and flowers in green against clear glass with air, signed Orrefors Öhrström Ariel 1937 N. 36., height 16 cm.

SEK SEK 100.000 - 125.000 / EUR 9 660 – 12 070

16. Edvin Öhrström (Sweden, 1906–1994), an ‘ariel’ glass vase, Orrefors, Sweden probably 1937.

Decorated with burgundy coloured lilies and metallic green borders, signed Orrefors Ariel Öhrström (not fully signed). Height 15 cm.
Estimate: SEK 75 000 – 100 000 / EUR 7 240 – 9 660
17. Edvin Öhrström (Sweden, 1906–1994), an ‘ariel’ glass vase, Orrefors, Sweden 1954, no 2127E.

Decorated with a woman and a gondolier playing music in brown against a light blue ground, signed ORREFORS Sweden Ariel No 2127E Edvin Öhrström. Height 19.3 cm.
Estimate: SEK 30 000 – 40 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 870
18. Edvin Öhrström (Sweden, 1906–1994), an ‘ariel’ glass vase, Orrefors, Sweden 1955.

Drop shaped decorated with dots with stars in brown against clear glass with air, signed ORREFORS Ariel Nr 138F Edvin Öhrström, height 15.8 cm.
SEK 30 000 – 35 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 380
20. Sven Palmqvist (Sweden, 1906–1984), a ‘Ravenna’ glass bowl, Orrefors 1963, nr 2209.
Oval shape, decorated with oval dots in yellow and red against blue glass, signed ORREFORS Ravenna Nr 2209 Sven Palmqvist, measurements 22.5 x 13.5 cm, height 9 cm.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
19. Sven Palmqvist (Sweden, 1906–1984), a ‘Ravenna’ glass bowl, Orrefors, Sweden 1960 or 1962.

Checkered pattern in blue, red and yellow, signed ORREFORS Ravenna N: 1966 Sven Palmqvist. 15 x 15 cm, height 7.8 cm.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
21. Sven Palmqvist (Sweden, 1906–1984), a ‘Ravenna’ glass vase, Orrefors 1964.

Decorated with blue bands against light amber coloured ground, signed ORREFORS Ravenna Nr 2456 Sven Palmqvist. Height 18 cm.
SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
22. Nils Landberg (Sweden, 1907–1991), a cerise tinted glass goblet, Orrefors Sweden 1957.

Signed ORREFORS EXPO 312–57 N Landberg. Height 46 cm. (d)
SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
23. Ingeborg Lundin (Sweden, 1921–1992), a green ‘Äpplet’ (The apple) glass vase, Orrefors, Sweden.

Signed ORREFORS Expo 32–57 Ingeborg Lundin. Height 35.5 cm.
24. Ingeborg Lundin (Sweden, 1921–1992), an ‘ariel’ burgundy coloured glass vase decorated with faces, Orrefors Sweden 1972.

Signed ORREFORS Ariel Nr 541–G Ingeborg Lundin. Height 17.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
Decorated with faces in green, signed Orrefors 957715 Ingeborg Lundin Gallery 19–86. Height 17 cm.

SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
Decorated with faces in orange, red, blue and purple, signed Orrefors 940530

Eva Englund Graal 1–87. Height 33.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
Irregular shape, decorated in coral red, blue and turquoise, signed Orrefors 972772 Gunnar Cyrén EA 1–89, Cyrén and label marked, height 36.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
25. Ingeborg Lundin (Sweden, 1921–1992), a green ariel vase ‘ansikten’ (faces), Orrefors, Sweden 1986. 26. Eva Englund (Sweden, 1937–1998), a ‘graal’ glass vase, Orrefors 1987.28. Bengt Edenfalk (Sweden, 1924–2016), a unique glass sculpture, Kosta Boda, Sweden.
Oval shape, clear glass, decorated with an air bubble and a red stripe, signed Kosta Boda Unik Bengt Edenfalk 101359004. Height 24.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
Decorated in different blue and turquoise hues, signed Kosta Mona Schildt, label marked. Height 24 cm.

Literature: Ann Marie Herlitz–Gezelius, ‘Kosta’, bokförlaget Signum, Lund 1987, p. 84. Mona Morales–Schildt came to Kosta in 1958. The series ‘Ventana’ (windows in Spanish) was developed in collaboration with the glassworker Bengt Heintze and they were mentioned as among the most exclusive pieces executed at Kosta from the late 1950s into the 1960s.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
29. Mona Morales–Schildt (Sweden, 1908–1999), a ‘Ventana’ cut and polished glass vase, Kosta Sweden 1950–1960s.31. Vicke Lindstrand (Sweden, 1904–1983), an ‘Autumn’ (Höst) glass vase, Kosta glassworks, Sweden 1950–1960s.

Etched stamp Lindstrand Kosta and signed Lu 2011. Height 20 cm.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
30. Vicke Lindstrand (Sweden, 1904–1983), Vicke Lindstrand, Kosta Glassworks, Sweden 1960s.
Oval shape, decorated with snow covered trees in black and white against a blue tinted ground, signed Kosta LH 1802 and engraved 19 7/9 65. Height 19.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
Etched and sand blasted decor of a face and figures in blue, brown and orange/red. Signed Ann Wolff 86, W. 27.3/6.9. (glassblower Wilke Adolfsson). Diameter 27.3 cm, height ca 10.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
32. Edvin Öhrström (Sweden, 1906–1994), two cast glass sculptures, Lindshammar glassworks, one dated 1986. Rose coloured glass, both signed E. Öhrström, the larger sculpture also dated 1986. Height 10.5 and 22.5 cm.

Märta Holkers, Folke Holmér, ‘Edvin Öhrström, skulptör i glas’, Carlssons, 1991, compare similar sculpture ‘Vilja’ (designed in 1965), ill. p 65.
SEK 5 000 – 6 000 / EUR 490 – 580
In the shape of a bull’s head decorated in red, blue, pink, orange, black and white against clear glass, signed Erik Höglund EH 1990 Sg. Strömbergshyttan HG–LP–MA. Length 24 cm, diameter of the bowl excluding handles 17.5 cm, height 20 cm.

Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
34. Erik Höglund (Sweden, 1932–1998), a glass sculpture/ bowl, Strömbergshyttan, Sweden 1990. 33. Ann Wolff (Sweden, 1937–), a blasted glass bowl, Transjö, Sweden 1986.35. Bertil Vallien (Sweden, 1938–), a unique sant casted glass sculpture of a boat, Kosta Boda, Sweden, probably 1980s.

Elements and differents symbols inside the glass and in relief around the hull, floating figures, crosses, a packet etc, the top with a glass dome, signed B. Vallien KOSTA BODA UNIQUE 1363989257. Length 195 cm, height ca 13 cm, width ca 15 cm, total height 50 cm, including iron stand with wires, total width 33 cm.
Provenance: Reportedly acquired from the last owner circa 1995.
Literature: Gunnar Lindqvist (ed), ‘Glass eats light’, Carlssons, Borås 1999, compare similar boats illustrated.
Estimate: SEK 250 000 – 300 000 / EUR 24 140 – 28 960

I make boats beause I think the form is beautiful, it carries both mystique and symbols. It applies passage. That’s what life is – a voyage from start to finish.
(Quoteby Bertil Vallien, from Gunnar Lindqvist (ed), ‘Glass eats light’, Carlssons, Borås 1999, p 133).
37. Peter Hermansson (Sweden, 1975–), a ‘graal’ glass vase ‘Such a scream’, Boda, Sweden 2016.
Decorated with faces in black and white against green, mouth in red, signed P. Hermansson BODA mini 2016, height 18.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
36. Bertil Vallien (Sweden, 1938–), a unique sand casted ‘Head’ glass

Polychrome decor of a face inside the glass, signed B Vallien KOSTA BODA UNIQUE 8BVAUN 979334, mounted for wall hanging, height 21.5 cm, width ca
Gunnar Lindqvist, ‘Bertil Vallien – Glas eats light’, Carlssons 1999, compare similar ‘Resting heads’ illustrated and mentioned pp 226–229.
SEK 30 000 – 40 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 870
Sweden 2016.
Decorated with faces in black, white and red, base and mouth in green, signed P. Hermansson BODA mini 2016, height 15 cm.

Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
Sweden 2016.
Decorated with faces in black, white and yellow against a blue iridescent ground, orange base and mouth, signed P. Hermansson BODA mini 2016, height 16.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
40. Bertil Vallien (Sweden, 1938–), a unique sand casted glass sculpture of a boat, Kosta Boda, Sweden.
Decorated with a face, a ladder etc inside the glass, signed B. Vallien 7184271 KOSTA BODA UNIQUE, length 51 cm, on an iron stand with wire, height 18.3 cm.

42. Gunnel Nyman (Finland, 1909–1948), a ‘Calla’ glass vase, Riihimäen Lasi Oy, Finland 1946.
Clear green and opaline glass, signed Riihimäen Lasi Oy G. Nyman. 1946. ‘Calla’. Height 29 cm.

Literature: Gunnel Nyman, The Bulletin of the Finnish Glass Museum, Lastitutkimuksia, glassresearch IV (1987), see the model illustrated, no 49, p 91.

Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
41. Bertil Vallien (Sweden, 1938–), a unique sand casted blue glass ‘Head’ sculpture on a hewn and polished limestone plinth, Kosta Boda, Sweden.
Signed KOSTA BODA 8BVAUN 969053 UNIQUE B. Vallien, height ca 19 cm, width ca 11.5 cm, depth ca 19.5 cm, total height including the plinth, mounted to an iron plate, 182.5 cm.
Gunnar Lindqvist, ‘Bertil Vallien – Glass eats light’, Carlssons 1999, compare similar blue heads illustrated from Bertil Vallien’s solo exhibition in Borgholm’s Castle 1996 and also in Palazzo Ducai, Venice in 1996, see pp 214–223.
43. Kaj Franck (Finland, 1911–1989), a glass decanter ‘The bells of Kremlin’, + two small bottles with stoppers, Nuutajärvi Notsjö, Finland 1959.

Smoke coloured, purple and blue glass in three parts, engraved signature K. Franck, Nuutajärvi Notsjö (blurred) –59. Total height 35 cm, two additional bottles with stoppers
SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
44. Timo Sarpaneva (Finland, 1926–2006), a ‘Claritas’ glass vase, Iittala, Finland 1985.

White, black and clear glass with three air bubbles. Signed TIMO SARPANEVA 28/ 1985 and label marked, height 27.3 cm.
45. Emile Gallé (France, 1846–1904), A pair of Art Nouveau cameo glass wall lights, Nancy France, early 1900s.

Patinated bronze and white metal frame, glass shades with etched branches in brown and blue against a matte yellow ground, signed Gallé, height 28 cm, width 19.5 cm, depth ca 8 cm.
Estimate: SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
A hilly autumn landscape with trees, decorated in yellow, brown, green and blue hues against a mottled blue background, signed DAUM NANCY. Height 16 cm.

SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580

Estimate: SEK 16 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 550 – 1 930
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 15 000 / EUR 970 – 1 450
49. Gabriel
Moulded signature G. ARGY–ROUSSEAU. Height 10.5 cm, diameter of the bowl 12 cm, length 20.5 cm.

Provenance: This was formerly sold at Bukowski’s auction no 572, 2013. Previously in the Esbjörn Kronberg Collection.
Literature: Janine Bloch–Dermant, ‘G. Argy–Rousseau Glassware
As Art’, Thames and Hudson, 1991, nr 27.19, p 213.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
Argy–Rousseau 1885–1953), pâte de verre bowl with handles, France, ca 1927. 50. Joseph Cheret, Almaric Walter, a pâte de verre figure of a reclining woman, Nancy France. Joseph Cheret a Walter Nancy. Length 25.5 cm. 51. Almaric Walter & Henri Bergé, a pâte de verre bowl decorated with ‘Sorbus intermeida’ (latin), Nancy France 1920s. relief decoration of berries and leaves in red and green against a turquoise background, signed Almaric Walter & Henri Bergé, Sc. Diameter 14.2 cm, height 8.5 cm.52. Almaric Walter & Henri Bergé (France), a pâte de verre dish with a dragonfly, Nancy France 1920s.

Hexagonal, relief decoration of a dragonfly in green and black, signed A WALTER NANCY Bergé Sc. Diameter 20.5 cm, height 4 cm.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
53. René Lalique (France, 1860–1945), a ‘Sirène’ frosted and sea blue patinated Art Deco car mascot figurine, France 1920–1930s.

Modelled as a seated sea nymph, engraved signature R. Lalique France and moulded R. LALIQUE. Height 10.5 cm.
Literature: Félix Marcilhac, ‘René Lalique 1860–1945 maitre–verrier analyse de l’oeuvre et catalogue raisonné’, Les éditions de l’Amateur, Paris 1994, see the model illustrated p 399, catalogue no 831.
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
Literature: Félix Marcilhac, ‘René Lalique 1860–1945 maitre–verrier analyse de l’oeuvre et catalogue raisonné’, Les éditions de l’Amateur, Paris 1994. See catalogue no 2468, p 674.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930

55. René Lalique (France, 1860–1945), a ‘Soleil’ moulded opalescent glass ceiling light, France 1920–1930s.

Signed R LALIQUE FRANCE, diameter 30 cm, total height ca 60 cm.
Literature: Félix Marcilhac, ‘René Lalique 1860–1945 maitre–verrier analyse de l’oeuvre et catalogue raisonné’, Les éditions de l’Amateur, Paris, 1994. See no 2466, p 674.
Estimate: SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
goblet ‘a Coupe Bijoux’, France 1920s.

Light blue, in parts frosted in other parts polished and purple glass, acid stamped signature SCHNEIDER FRANCE. Height 20 cm.
SEK 4 000 – 5 000 / EUR 390 – 490
57. Gio Ponti (Italy, 1891–1979), & Paolo Venini, a glass pitcher, Venini, Murano Italy 1950–1960s.
Decorated in pink, blue, amber and purple glass, acid stamp venini Murano ITALIA. Height 25.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970

Blue and purple underlay, the body with engraved ‘inciso’ decor, etched stamp venini Murano ITALIA, height 33.4 cm.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
Estimate: SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
59. Fulvio Bianconi (Italy, 1915–1996), an ‘a Fasce Ritorte’ glass bowl, Venini, Murano, Italy 1950–1960s.

Decorated in green/grey, purple and turquoise against clear glass, etched stamp venini Murano ITALIA, diameter 18 cm, height 6 cm.
Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 5 000 / EUR 390 – 490
Clear glass with ‘tessere’ in blue, red and amber coloured glass, acid etched signature venini Murano ITALIA. Height 22 cm.

Estimate: SEK 50 000 – 75 000 / EUR 4 830 – 7 240
in green, clear and red glass, height 24 cm,

Marino Barovier & Carla Sonego, ‘Fulvio Bianconi at Venini’, Skira 2015, compare model 4392, ill pp 227–228.
SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
Murano ITALIA, height 22,5 cm, length ca 31 cm.

Marino Barovier & Carla Sonego, ‘Fulvio Bianconi at Venini’, Skira 2015, compare model 4257, ill p 317.
SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
61. Fulvio Bianconi (Italy, 1915–1996), a vase ‘a Spicchi’, model 4316, Venini Murano Italy, 1950s. 62. Fulvio Bianconi (Italy, 1915–1996), an ‘a Doppio Incalmo’ glass vase, Venini, Murano, Italy, model 4392. Cylindrical vase 63. Fulvio Bianconi (Italy, 1915–1996), an iridescent glass ‘Cornucopia’, Venini, Murano, Italy 1950s, model 4257. Etched stamp venini65. Riccardo Licata (Italy, 1929–2014), attributed to, an ‘Incalmo’ glass vase, Venini, Murano, Italy 1950–1960s.
Aubergine coloured glass, the upper part with murrine decor in yellow, white and aubergine, etched stamp venini Murano ITALIA.

Height 26.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
64. Gio Ponti (Italy, 1891–1979), a ‘Canne’ glass pitcher and 9 glasses, Venini, Murano, Italy 1950–1960s.
Striped decor in several colours, the pitcher with acid etched stamp venini Murano ITALIA, height ca 16.5 and 6 cm.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
66. Alessandro Pianon (Italy, 1931–), a ‘Pulcino’ glass sculpture of a bird, Vistosi, Italy 1960s, model S191.
Olive green glass, checkered decor in blue and red, copper legs, label marked.
Height 21.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 35 000 – 40 000 / EUR 3 380 – 3 870
sculpture of a bird, Vistosi, Murano Italy 1960s. Orange glass body, copper legs, label marked, height 21 cm.

‘Pulcino’ sculpture of a bird, Vistosi, Italy 1960s. Boat–shaped, blue glass with brown stripes, copper legs, height 16.5 cm, length 21 cm, width 9 cm.

Estimate: SEK 35 000 – 40 000 / EUR 3 380 – 3 870
68. Alessandro Pianon (Italy, 1931–), a ‘Pulcino’ glass sculpture of a bird, Vistosi, Italy 1960s.

The body of green glass decorated with murrine in blue and red, copper legs, height 31 cm, excluding wooden stand.
Estimate: SEK 30 000 – 35 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 380
Smoke coloured glass with murrine decor i red and blue, height 22.5 cm, diameter 19.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 5 000 / EUR 390 – 490
glass sculpture of a bird, Vistosi, Italy 1960s. The body of green glass decorated with murrine in blue and red, copper legs, maker’s paper labels, height 31 cm.

Estimate: SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
22 cm.
SEK 35 000 – 40 000 / EUR 3 380 – 3 870
70. Peter Pelzel (Italy, 1937–), a ‘murrine’ glass vase, Vistosi, Murano, Italy 1960s. 72. Alessandro Pianon (Italy, 1931–), a ‘Pulcino’ glass sculpture of a bird, Vistosi, Murano Italien 1960–tal. Orange glass body, copper legs, label marked, height73. Dino Martens (Italy, 1894–1970), an ‘Oriente’ pitcher, Aureliano Toso Murano Italy 1950–1960s.

Unknown model number, decorated in polychrome glass. Height 24.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
Barovier & Toso, Murano, Italy.
Diagonal bands in yellow/green glass, marked with paper label: Barovier & Toso, Murano 19195 made in italy. Height 21 cm, diameter 8.5 cm.

SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
75. Ercole Barovier (Italy, 1889–1974), an ‘Efeso’ glass vase, Barovier & Toso, Murano, Italy 1960s.
Grey tinted glass with bubbles, signed Barovier & Toso, Murano,
SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160

76. Ercole Barovier (Italy, 1889–1974), a ‘Sidone’ glass vase, Barovier & Toso, Murano Italy 1950–1960s.
Cylindrical vase with fusioned rectangular patches, ‘tessere’ in pale yellow and black. Height 31.5 cm.

Literature: Marc Heiremans, ‘Murano Glass Themes and Variations 1919–1970’, Arnoldsche, 2002, pp 45–57, see illustration p 55, this model exhibited at the Milan Triennale in 1957.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
77. Ercole Barovier (Italy, 1889–1974), a brown and black ‘a tessese’ vase, Barovier & Toso, Murano Italy, 1950–1960s.

Pezzati in brown, black and some white glass. Spherical with short neck. Height 25 cm.
Literature: Ibid. Heiremans. See similar models in a photograph p 55, as exhibited at the XI Triennale in Milan 1957.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
78. Ercole Barovier (Italy, 1889–1974), a ‘Parabolico’ dish, Barovier & Toso, Murano Italy 1950–1960s.
Decorated in brown, black and opaque glass. Diameter 33.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160

Barovier & Toso, Murano, Italy 1960s.
Opaque white and clear glass plates in a checkered pattern, engraved signature Barovier & Toso, Murano, height 11 cm, diameter 28 cm.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
79. Ercole Barovier (Italy, 1889–1974), a ‘Tessere ambra’ dish and three plates, Barovier & Toso, Murano Italy 1950–1960s.

Amber coloured and black glass in a patchwork pattern, engraved Barovier & Toso, Murano, the plates also label marked 25494. Diameter 34.5 cm and 15 cm.
SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
81. Ercole Barovier (Italy, 1889–1974), a green ‘A Spina’ bowl, Barovier & Toso, Murano, Italy 1950–1960s.

Oval shape, decorated in green, white, black and clear glass, engraved signature Barovier & Toso, Murano, remains of label. Length 30 cm, height 13 cm.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
82. Ercole Barovier (Italy, 1889–1974), two glass candelabra, Barovier & Toso, Murano, Italy mid 1900s.

Clear and iridescent glass, with gold decor, for three and two candles, height 28 cm and 32.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
Large square murrine in red, white and black glass against a clear background, signed Ercole Barovier. Height 16 cm.

Literature: Marc Heiremans, ‘Murano Glass Themes and Variations 1919–1970’, Arnoldsche, 2002. See no 18–19, pp 31–32.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
84. Flavio Poli (Italy, 1900–1984), an ‘a Bollicine’ glass vase, Seguso Vetri D’Arte, Murano, Italy 1940–1950s.

Red glass with applied gold foil, clear glass base, height 25.5 cm.
Literature: Helmut Ricke, Eva Schmitt (ed), ‘Italienisches Glas, Murano–Mailand 1930–1970’, Prestel–Verlag 1996, compare the model ill p 50.
Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 5 000 / EUR 390 – 490
85. Giulio Radi, a glass vase ‘Reazione policrome’, Ed A.Ve.M, Murano Italy 1950–1960s.

Polychrome ‘murrine’ against a gold metallic coloured background.
Height 19 cm.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
porcelain vase, Rörstrand ca 1900.

Relief decoration with pionees in pink, yellow, white and green against a light blue background, signed A.E and company mark in black, stamped G.L, a paper label marked 35. Height 45.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
87. Mela Anderberg (Sweden, 1865–1927), an art nouveau porcelain vase, Rörstrand, early 20th Century.

Decorated relief decoration in pastel colours of dragonflies and convolvolus arvensis (lat), signed Rörstrand M.A. 600 50 in green. Height 25 cm.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
88. Anders & Bess Wissler (Sweden), a ceramic vase, ateljé Solklinten Mariefred Sweden 1931.
Glazed i different light coloured hues, signed with a ladder, ABW 1930 and 105. Height 12 cm.
Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
90. Anders & Bess Wissler (Sweden), a stoneware bonbonnière, ateljé Solklinten Mariefred Sweden 1915.

Glazed in olive green hues, the lid crowned by a lizard in relief, signed with the ladder ABW 1915 B 39 A–1. Height ca 9 cm.
Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
89. Anders & Bess Wissler (Sweden), a stoneware vase, ateljé Solklinten, Mariefred, Sweden 1915. Glazed in light brown and blue, signed ABW with a ladder,

91. Ragnhild Godenius (Sweden, 1877–1966), a stoneware vase, her own workshop, Stockholm, Sweden 1919.

Flowing glaze in rasberry red and burgundy, the interior partly with a thick green tinted glaze, signed 1919. Ragnhild, height 15 cm.

SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
Relief decor with horizontal and diagonal bands in relief, glazed in yellow and brown, signed H.H. height 15.3 and 20 cm.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
93. Ewald Dahlskog (Sweden, 1894–1950), a faience vase, model ‘D42’, Bo Fajans, Sweden 1934–1943.
Relief decoration of horizontal ribbons, decor ‘66’, matt glaze in black and yellow with white dots, interior green glazed, signed D42–66 cD–9 and stamped SWEDEN BO GEFLE. Height 23 cm.
SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780

Painted polychrome decor of a fisherman and a hunter against a white glazed ground, signed GUSTAVSBERG KÅGE H with anchor mark, 2, Stig L, and incised stamps HANDDREJAD

GUSTAVSBERG KÅGE. Height 20.2 cm, diameter 15 cm.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
Painted polychrome ornamental decor in horizontal bands, signed KÅGE with the studio mark 42, incised HANDDREJAD and factory stamp GUSTAVSBERG. Height 39 cm, diameter 17 cm.

SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
The vase is made of a yellow matte ware and is signed CINTRA GUSTAVSBERG KÅGE and the factory mark. Height 16 cm. The bowl is made in matte white, in part rippled, signed CINTRA the studio mark and KÅGE. Height 7 cm diameter 10 cm.

Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 5 000 / EUR 390 – 490
94. Wilhelm Kåge (Sweden, 1889–1960), & Stig Lindberg, a faience vase, Gustavsberg 1938. 95. Wilhelm Kåge (Sweden, 1889–1960), a faience vase, 96. Wilhelm Kåge (Sweden, 1889–1960), a ‘Cintra’ bone china vase and bowl, Gustavsberg and Gustavsberg Studio Sweden 1930–1940s.98. Wilhelm Kåge (Sweden, 1889–1960), a stoneware sculpture of a dragon, Gustavsberg, Sweden 1940–1950s.
Red/purple iridescent glaze with silver painted decor, maker’s mark
GUSTAVSBERG KÅGE 3, length 20 cm, height 11.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
97. Wilhelm Kåge (Sweden, 1889–1960), a stoneware sculpture of a dragon puppy, Gustavsberg, Sweden 1940–1950s. White glaze, maker’s mark GUSTAVSBERG KÅGE 1, height ca 9 cm, length ca 12.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
99. Wilhelm Kåge (Sweden, 1889–1960), a stoneware sculpture of a dragon puppy, Gustavaberg, Sweden 1940–1950s.

Yelllow glaze, maker’s mark GUSTAVSBERG KÅGE 4, height ca 11.6 cm, length 11 cm.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
KÅGE, year letter Y and the studio stamp. Height 13 cm, diameter 11 cm.
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
Cylndrical, three flared elements around the base, scratched geometrical decoration glazed in blue, brown and beige hues, signed KÅGE the studio mark FARSTA X. Height 40.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 60 000 – 80 000 / EUR 5 800 – 7 730
Conical on five feet, scratched and carved decoration of masques and more, glazed in beige and brown hues, signed FARSTA, the studio mark, GUSTAVSBERG Y. KÅGE. Height 13.5 cm, diameter 20 cm.
SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900

Architectural shape on four feet, relief decor with horizontal bands and carved squares, glazed in brown, green and yellow shades, signed KÅGE
Cylindrical shape on nine feet, glazed in beige and brown, scratched decoration, signed KÅGE FARSTA i9 and the studio mark. Height 24 cm.

SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900

106. Wilhelm Kåge (Sweden, 1889–1960), a ‘Farsta’ stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1955. Cylindrical shape, on five feet, checkered relief decor, glazed in turquoise/blue hues, signed KÅGE with the year letter Z and stamped FARSTA and with studio mark, height 11 cm, diameter 13.6 cm.

Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 15 000 / EUR 970 – 1 450
107. Wilhelm Kåge (Sweden, 1889–1960), a ‘Farsta’ stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1950.
Relief decor with horizontal bands, squares and stripes, yellow glaze against brown, signed KÅGE FARSTA, T and studio mark, height 27.5 cm.
SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
Gustavsberg Studio Sweden 1957.
The upper part glazed in striped blue and beige hues, the base un–glazed, signed FARSTA, the studio mark, KÅGE Ä. Height 15 cm.

Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780

109. Wilhelm Kåge (Sweden, 1889–1960), three ‘Farsta’ stoneware miniature vases, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1958.

Glazed in turquoise/ blue and green, signed KÅGE Ö, studio mark and FARSTA, height 7.8–10.4 cm.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
110. Wilhelm Kåge (Sweden, 1889–1960), a ‘Farsta’ stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1951. Striped relief decor, glazed in green and blue hues, signed KÅGE FARSTA with studio stamp and year letter u, height 23.5 cm.

Estimate: Estimate: SEK 10.000 -12.000 / EUR 970 - 1160
111. Wilhelm Kåge (Sweden, 1889–1960), a ‘Farsta’ stoneware dish, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1958. Relief decor, glazed in brown hues, signed KÅGE, year letter Ö, studio stamp and FARSTA, diameter 31.5 cm, height 7 cm.

Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
Decorated i beige, brown and grey/blue, signed KÅGE and stamped GUSTAVSBERG, the tallest vase with studio mark and year letter Ö, height 6.5, 7.8 and 14.3 cm. (d)

Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 15 000 / EUR 970 – 1 450
113. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1969.

Grey/ blue ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark, k. Height 21 cm, diameter 17.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 18 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 740
114. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a pale blue and beige ‘rabbit’s’ fur glazed stoneware vase, Gustavsberg Studio 1956. Signed with studio mark and date letter Å. Height 34.5 cm. (d)
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
116. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1957.
‘Rabbit’s fur’ glaze in grey, signed Friberg with the studio mark and year letter Ä, height 24.3 cm.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
115. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1965.

Blue ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark, G, height 24.5 cm.
SEK 30 000 – 40 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 870

117. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1957.
Blue ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark, Ä, height 22.8 cm. (d)
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
Blue ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark and year letter F, height 40 cm.

Estimate: SEK 35 000 – 40 000 / EUR 3 380 – 3 870
SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
‘Rabbit’s fur’ glaze in blue and green, signed Friberg with the studio mark and year letter E, height 18 cm.

Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
121. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1966.

Blue ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark and year
122. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a set of 6 stoneware miniature vases and two bowls, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1957–1975.

‘Rabbit’s fur’ glazes in brown, blue and blue/grey, signed Friberg with the studio mark and different year letters, height 2.5–17.3 cm.
123. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase and two bowls, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1951–1972.

‘Rabbit’s fur’ glazes in blue and green/beige. Signed Friberg with the studio mark and year letters u, F and N, height 4, 5.8 and 13.5 cm, diameter of the bowls 10 and 13 cm.
Brown ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark, A. Height 33.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1967.
Blue and yellow ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze in a geometric pattern, signed Friberg with the studio mark, I and inscribed 35. Height 11.5 cm, diameter ca 14 cm.
126. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1965.

Green/grey ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark and year letter G, height 19 cm, diameter ca 16 cm.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
127. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsbergs studio Sweden, 1954.

Blue ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark and year letter Y, height 38.3 cm.
Estimate: SEK 30 000 – 40 000 / EUR 2900 – 3 870
128. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware dish, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1958.

Blue ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio ark and year letter Ö, diameter ca 31.5 cm, height ca 9.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
129. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1954.
Celadon green ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark, Y. Height 40 cm.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
130. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), two miniature stoneware vases, Gustavsberg Studio Sweden 1952, 1960. Alva & Gunnar Myrdal Collection. The one glazed in blue grey hues, the one glazed with sang the boeuf, maker’s marks (blurred) V and b. Height 9.7 and 5 cm.

Provenance: Alva & Gunnar Myrdal. Thence by descent.
Estimate: SEK 2 000 – 2 500 / EUR 200 – 250
131. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg Studio, Sweden 1956.
Glazed i olive green hues, scratched geometrical decoration, signed with the studio mark Friberg Å. Height 35 cm.
Estimate: SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
132. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1961.

Brown ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark and year letter C, height 31 cm.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1967.
Yellow ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark I, height 29.7 cm.
Estimate: SEK 30 000 – 40 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 870
133. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a large stoneware bowl, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1965. Four–sided with a glossy sang de boeuf and green glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark G, measurements ca 37.5 x 36.5 cm, height ca 19 cm.

Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1965.
Sand coloured ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark and the year letter G, height 36.6 cm.

Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 30 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 900
137. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1963.
Yellow ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark, E. Height 21 cm. (d)
136. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1965.

Yellow ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed Friberg with the studio mark and year letter G, height 52.3 cm.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 60 000 / EUR 3 870 – 5 800
138. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1965.

‘Rabbit’s fur’ glaze in brown and grey/green, signed Friberg with the studio mark and year letter G, height 27 cm.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
139. Berndt Friberg (Sweden, 1899–1981), a set of 5 stoneware miniature vases and 3 bowls, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1957–1966.

‘Rabbit’s fur’ glazes in white, beige, green, brown and yellow, two of these with a geometrical pattern, signed Friberg with the studio mark and different year letters, height 4–16.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
140. Stig Lindberg (Sweden, 1916–1982), a stoneware sculpture of ‘Europe and the bull’, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1940s.
In the shape of a bull’s head with a female figure, partly glazed, signed Stig L with the studio mark (blurred) and GUSTAVSBERG, height 32 cm, width 25 cm, depth ca 14 cm.

Provenance: Director Vitalis Johansson, Stockholm.
Estimate: SEK 30 000 – 40 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 870
141. Stig Lindberg (Sweden, 1916–1982), two stoneware sculptures, Gustavsberg, Sweden, probably 1940s.

Female figures, not signed, height 26 and 41.5 cm.
Provenance: Employee at Gustavsberg, thence by descent.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
142. Stig Lindberg (Sweden, 1916–1982), a stoneware sculpture of a female figure, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden, mid 1900s.

The skirt with painted decor, signed GUSTAVSBERG Stig L with the studio mark, length ca 35 cm, height 14.5 cm excluding wooden stand.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
143. Stig Lindberg (Sweden, 1916–1982), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg Studio, Sweden mid 1900s.

Glazed in beige hues, scratched and stamped decoration, signed with studio mark and SWEDEN. Height 22 cm.
SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
In the shape of an apple with a cut–out leaf, glazed in yellow hues, signed with the studio mark Stig L. Height 7.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 5 000 – 6 000 / EUR 490 – 580
Stig Lindberg (Sweden, 1916–1982), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg Studio Sweden 1960.145. Stig Lindberg (Sweden, 1916–1982), a stoneware vase, The neck with geometric relief pattern, glazed in beige and blue, signed Stig L

SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1951.
Checkered relief decor, glazed in turquoise and grey/beige, signed with the studio mark, Stig L –51, diameter 27.3 cm, height 8 cm.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
147. Stig Lindberg (Sweden, 1916–1982), a stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1961.
Relief decor with dots, turquoise/ green glaze, signed Stig L with the studio mark, GUSTAVSBERG SWEDEN. Height 31.5 cm, diameter 21 cm.

SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930

Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1977.
Spherical, slight irregular shape, glazed in burgundy and light green, signed Stig L with the studio mark. Height 23.5 cm, diameter ca 30.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
Oval shape on a round base, pressed geometric relief decor, turquoise and brown glaze, signed Stig L with the studio mark, ca 23 x 21 cm, height 19.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
150. Stig Lindberg (Sweden, 1916–1982), a stoneware wall relief, ‘Tjuren’ (The bull), Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1960s.

Glazed in brown and yellow against a dark background, signed Stig L, 28.5 x 31 cm.
Estimate: SEK 3 000 – 4 000 / EUR 290 – 390

Geometric relief decoration, glazed in grey/green and yellow against white, signed R HB SWEDEN and stamped 8. Height 34.7 cm, diameter 18 cm.

SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
Scratched decoration with animals and fish in dark blue/black against a grey and green glazed ground. Signed A.B.L with the studio mark and imprinted stamp GUSTAVSBERG, height 29.5 cm.

Provenance: Bought in the early 1950s, thence by descent.
Exhibitions: Similar works was included in Anders Bruno Liljefors’ premier exhibition at Nordiska Kompaniet, Stockholm 1952. The largest pieces was turned by his young colleague Dan Malmberg.
Literature: Arthur Hald (ed), FORM, Svenska Slöjdföreningens tidskrift, 1952, nr 2, see p 46.
Partly glazed in yellow and white, not signed, height 22.2 cm.
The Swedish glass artist and designer Edward Hald (1883–1980), Gösta Arvidsson, ‘Keramikens revolutionär, Anders Bruno Liljefors’, Carlssons 2011, compare similar sand cast sculptures illustrated.
SEK 5 000 – 6 000 / EUR 490 – 580

154. Anders Bruno Liljefors (Sweden, 1923–1970), probably, a stoneware sculpture, 1950–1960s.

Party glazed in green hues, mounted to a white painted wooden stand, not signed, marked with paper labels ‘Kat 54’ and ‘4/6’. Total height 20 cm, length ca 30 cm.
Provenance: The Swedish glass artist and designer Edward Hald (1883–1980), thence by descent.
Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
155. Lisa Larson (Sweden, 1931–), a unique stoneware vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden, 1950–1960s.

Glazed in grey, burgundy and brown, signed LISA L with the studio mark SWEDEN, height 26 cm.

Estimate: SEK 5 000 – 6 000 / EUR 490 – 580
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
Sven Wejsfelt (Sweden, 1930–2009), a stoneware floor vase, Gustavsberg studio, Sweden 1963. Relief decor with buds, turquoise glaze, signed Sven W with the studio mark and dated –63, height 43 cm.Rörstrand, Sweden 1940s.
Oval shape, painted decor of a female figure in blue, green, yellow and brown, signed R Grünewald, ca 20 x 14 cm, height 23.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
157. Vicke Lindstrand (Sweden, 1904–1983), a glazed ceramic sculpture of a gazelle, Upsala–Ekeby, Sweden 1948–1960.

Glazed in yellow, black and white, impressed mark V.L. Height 50.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
159. Gunnar Nylund (Sweden, 1904–1997), a stoneware sculpture of a shell, Rörstrand, Sweden 1940–1950s.

Glazed in celadon green and a little burgundy, maker’s mark R SVERIGE NYLUND, height 36.5 cm.
Literature: Petter Eklund, ‘Gunnar Nylund, konstnär och industriformgivare’, Historiska Media 2017, see the model illustrated pp 77–78.
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
160. Gunnar Nylund (Sweden, 1904–1997), a unique stoneware sculpture of a buck’s head, Rörstrand, Sweden 1950–1960s.
‘Rabbit’s fur’ glaze in brown hues, signed R SWEDEN G. NYLUND, total height 41 cm, including wooden base.

Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
Rörstrand, Sweden, 1950–1960s, model AKT.
Spotted glaze in grey and green hues, signed R SWEDEN GN AKT, height 43 cm.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
162. Carl–Harry Stålhane (Sweden, 1920–1990), a stoneware dish, Rörstrand 1957.
Decorated with a dancing couple with a city in the background, fixed metal mount. Signed R CH Stålhane and dated 57. Measurements 45 x 40.5 cm, depth/height 4 cm.

Estimate: SEK 5 000 – 6 000 / EUR 490 – 580
SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780

SEK 5 000 – 6 000 / EUR 490 – 580

166. Carl–Harry Stålhane (Sweden, 1920–1990), a unique stoneware vase, Rörstrand, Sweden 1960.
Flowing glaze in dark brown and green, signed R –60 CH Stålhane, scratched >158, height 19.5 cm, diameter ca 19.4 cm.

Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
167. Carl–Harry Stålhane (Sweden, 1920–1990), a unique stoneware floor vase, Rörstrand 1940s. Blue ‘rabbit’s fur’ glaze, signed R Stålhane SVERIGE a nd traces of a number, height 60.5 cm.
168. Carl–Harry Stålhane (Sweden, 1920–1990), a unique stoneware bowl, Rörstrand, Sweden 1960s.

Glazed in blue hues, signed CH Stålhane SWEDEN 2123 and stamped KREDITBANKEN SVERIGE. Diameter 36 cm, height 19.5 cm.

170. Tyra Lundgren (Sweden, 1897–1979), a stoneware sculpture, Sweden 1940–1950s.
Partly glazed, stamped signature TYRA LUNDGREN, height 17 cm, length ca 23 cm.
Provenance: Director Vitalis Johansson, Stockholm, thence by descent. (d)
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 15 000 / EUR 970 – 1 450
169. Tyra Lundgren (Sweden, 1897–1979), a stoneware sculpture of a bird, her own workshop, Sweden 1970.

Partly glazed, signed 70 TL B. Length ca 14.5 cm, height ca 13.7 cm including stone base.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
171. Tyra Lundgren (Sweden, 1897–1979), a wall sculpture ‘Yellow fish’, executed in her own workshop, Sweden, probably 1950s.

Two fish in high relief, mounted to a white painted wooden plate, incised seal mark, 37 x 50 cm, depth ca 11 cm.
Provenance: Swedbank Collection, Kalmar, Sweden. Nr 4, part of ‘Fågelvägen’ (as the crow flies), a wall decoration of totally 17 reliefs placed on a 16 meter long wall in Sparbanken’s (Swedbank’s) new house, Kalmar, inaugurated in 1970.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
Glazed in several colours, seal mark, length 24 cm, height 17.3 cm. Bought at the Gustavsberg exhibition showroom at Birger Jarlsgatan,

White stoneware, irregular shapes, the smaller ‘Senator’ with eggshell white and partly green glaze, the larger one ‘Meditation’ unglazed, both signed DN. Height 13 and 17 cm.

Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
Curved shape, partly glazed, painted in blue and brown. Relief decor of a horse’s head and a face, signed Henrik Allert. Height 38.5 cm, width 38 cm, depth ca 24 cm.

Estimate: SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
172. Tyra Lundgren (Sweden, 1897–1979), a stoneware sculpture 173. Dagmar Norell (Sweden, 1917–1996), two stoneware sculptures, ‘Senator’ and ‘Meditation’, her own workshop, 1960–1980s. 174. Henrik Allert (Sweden, 1937–), a ceramic sculpture, his own workshop, Skövde, Sweden.(d)

Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
Estimate: SEK 50 000 – 60 000 / EUR 4 830 – 5 800

SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970


Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 30 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 900
Estimate: SEK 50 000 – 60 000 / EUR 4 830 – 5 800
178. Hans Hedberg (Sweden, 1917–2007), a large faience box, Biot, France. glaze in green and red, interior in brown and beige, signed HHg, 16 x 16 cm, height 19 cm. 179. Hans Hedberg (Sweden, 1917–2007), a faience sculpture of an apple, Biot, France. Green/yellow glaze, signed HHg, height 20.5 cm. 180. Hans Hedberg (Sweden, 1917–2007), a faience sculpture of a green glazed apple, Biot France. Signed HHg. Height 12 cm.181. Hans Hedberg (Sweden, 1917–2007), a faience sculpture of an egg, Biot, France.

Spotted glaze in green hues, interior in yellow, signed Hhg, total height including black painted metal stand ca 29,5 cm.
SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
Yellow spotted glaze, signed HHg, height ca 12 cm.

Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
183. Gösta Grähs (Sweden, 1938–), a stoneware wall sculpture of a fish, Arboga, Sweden.

Glazed in grey and brown hues, mounted to a wooden plaque, signed Gösta, ca 40 x 55 cm, depth ca 11 cm.
SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
184. Hertha Hillfon (Sweden, 1921–2013), a ceramic wall sculpture of a face in profile, Atelier Hertha Hillfon, early 1990s. Highlighted with details in gold. Ca 75 x 55 cm, iron mounts.

Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
185. Eva Zethraeus (Sweden, 1971–), a porcelain sculpture, Studio Eva Zethraeus, Gothenburg, Sweden 2013. Blue/grey glaze with silver coloured details, signed EZ 2013, height 20 cm, length ca 30 cm.

Estimate: SEK 18 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 740 – 1 930
186. Rut Bryk (Finland, 1916–1999), a stoneware plaque ‘Ring a Ring O’Rosies’, Arabia, Finland 1944.
Decorated in colours with a woman among trees and flowers and dancing children against a background in blue and grey hues, signed RUT BRYK, –44 ARABIA and in ink to the reverse 1944. 31 x 31 cm.

Literature: Harri Kalha, ‘Rut Bryk’, EMMA, Espo Museum of Modern Art, 2nd ed, 2016, compare the model ill p 67, that plaque was purchased for the Danish Museum of Art & Design and the photograph was published alongside a review in ‘Kunstindustri’ magazine in December 1946. The plaque illustrated was Bryk’s very first work acquired by a museum.
Estimate: SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
187. Rut Bryk (Finland, 1916–1999), a stoneware plaque ‘Ring a Ring O’Rosies’, Arabia, Finland 1940s.

Decorated with a woman among trees and flowers and dancing children, signed RUR BRYK, 745 ARABIA, measurements 31 x 31 cm.

Literature: Harri Kalha, ‘Rut Bryk’, EMMA, Espo Museum of Modern Art, 2nd ed, 2016, compare the model ill p 67, that plaque was purchased for the Danish Museum of Art & Design and the photograph was published alongside a review in ‘Kunstindustri’ magazine December 1946. The plaque illustrated was Bryk’s very first work acquired by a museum.
Estimate: SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
188. Birger Kaipiainen (Finland, 1915–1988), a glazed ceramic dish, Arabia, Finland 1940s.
Painted decoration of flower vases with faces among chairs and tables, at the back marked BIRGER KAIPIAINEN, measurements ca 59.5 x 56.5 cm, height 10.5–11.5 cm.
Literature: Maria Berg, ‘Kaipiainen’, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava Keuruu, Finland 1986, see the dish illustrated, p 37.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
189. Birger Kaipiainen (Finland, 1915–1988), a stoneware sculpture of a flower pot, Arabia, Finland 1960s.
Glazed in burgundy, black and white, signed KAIPIAINEN ARABIA, length ca 21 cm, width 15 cm, height 18.5 cm.

Literature: Maria Berg, ‘Kaipiainen’, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava Keuruu, Finland 1986, compare similar matte glazed model, illustrated p 85.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
190. Birger Kaipiainen (Finland, 1915–1988), a ceramic wall sculpture, Arabia, Finland 1950s.

Painted polychrome decor of a female figure, signed to the back KAIPIAINEN, height 43.7 cm, width 4 cm.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
Decorated with carnations in white and red and orange lustre glaze against a purple ground, signed KAIPIAINEN ARABIA, 21 x 19.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 5 000 – 6 000 / EUR 490 – 580
Decorated vith pansies in blue/ violet against a dark dotted background, signed KAIPIAINEN ARABIA, 25 x 22.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
191. Birger Kaipiainen (Finland, 1915–1988), a stoneware dish, Arabia, Finland. 192. Birger Kaipiainen (Finland, 1915–1988), a stoneware dish, Arabia, Finland.193.
(Finland, 1915–1988), a ceramic sculpture of an egg, Arabia, Finland, probably 1970s.

Scratched ornamental decor in blue, black and yellow against a white lustre glaze, signed KAIPIAINEN. Height ca 12.5 cm.
SEK 10 000 – 15 000 / EUR 970 – 1 450
Decorated with dots in white and gold against a dark blue/black ground, signed KAIPIAINEN, height 38.2 cm.

SEK 35 000 – 40 000 / EUR 3 380 – 3 870
SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
Birger Kaipiainen 194. Birger Kaipiainen (Finland, 1915–1988), a stoneware 195. Michael Schilkin (Finland, 1900–1962), a stoneware sculpture of a cat, Arabia, Finland 1940–1950s. Grey/ light green glaze, signed Schilkin. Height 35 cm.Signed Schilkin Arabia. Length 43 cm, height 19 cm.

Provenance: General Curt Göransson (1909–1996), thence by descent.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 60 000 / EUR 3 870 – 5 800
Glazed in blue, turquoise and brown, signed 1962 ARABIA RT, height 18.5 cm, diameter ca 18.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 5 000 – 6 000 / EUR 490 – 580
vase, Bing & Grøndahl, Denmark, early 20th century.
Grey/blue ‘grene glasur’ glaze, signed FAH 1105 and with impressed maker’s mark B&G. Height ca 29 cm.
Exhibitions: Frans August Hallin’s ceramics for Bing & Grøndahl was shown at the ‘Baltic’ exhibition in Malmö 1914. The so called ‘grene glasur’ glaze was a speciality, developed at Bing & Grøndahl, inspired by French and Japanese ceramics.
Estimate: SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900

Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780

hues, incised signature SALTO, 21452 (or 21453?) and the three waves in underglaze blue and stamped DENMARK in green, height ca 24 cm.
Literature: Susanne Bruhn & Pia Wirnfeldt (ed), Axel Salto – Stentøjsmesteren, CLAY – Keramikmuseum, Denmark 2017, compare catalogue no 299, 300, p 181.
Estimate: SEK 100 000 – 150 000 / EUR 9 660 – 14 480
Partly with buds in high relief, glazed in beige, brown and blue hues, signed SALTO incised, in blue 21439 and the three waves, in
SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
stoneware vase, Royal Copenhagen, Denmark, model 20897. ‘Mussel blue’ glaze, signed 20897 and ‘the three waves’ in underglaze blue, signed SALTO and stamped DENMARK. Height 15.2 cm, diameter ca 14 cm.

Literature: Susanne Bruhn & Pia Wirnfeldt (ed), Axel Salto – Stentøjsmesteren, CLAY – Keramikmuseum, Denmark 2017, compare catalogue no 280, p 180.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 60 000 / EUR 3 870 – 5 800

a stoneware vase, Bing & Grøndahl, Denmark early 1960s. Partly glazed in blue hues, impressed mark EM and maker’s mark and number 51 in black. Diameter 30 cm, height ca 24.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
pitcher, Madoura, Vallauris, post 1955, variant of A.R. 296. Decorated in blue, brown and black against white, maker’s mark MADOURA PLEIN FEU D´APRES PICASSO. Height 31 cm.

Reportedly bought at the Madoura workshop in the 1950s, A. Ramié, compare no 296.
SEK 40 000 – 60 000 / EUR 3 870 – 5 800
207. Pablo Picasso (Spain, 1881–1973), a faience dish ‘Visage de Femme’, Madoura, Vallauris France 1955, A.R. 286. Scratched decoration, details in grey, signed I. 120 76/500 stamped EDITION PICASSO MADOURA PLEIN FEU. 39 x 32 cm.

A. Ramié, no 286.
SEK 60 000 – 80 000 / EUR 5 800 – 7 730
208. Pablo Picasso (Spain, 1881–1973), a faience pitcher ‘Pichet au Vase’, Madoura Vallauris, France, 1954. A.R 226.

Decorated in black, yellow and blue, signed EDITION PICASSO 36/500 stamped EDITION PICASSO MADOURA PLEIN FEU. Height 29.5 cm.
Literature: A. Ramié, no 226.
209. Pablo Picasso (Spain, 1881–1973), a ‘Toros’ faience dish, Madoura, Vallauris, France post 1952, A.R. 161.

Decorated in black against blue and green, maker’s marks EDITION PICASSO MADOURA PLEIN FEU, diameter 20.3 cm.
Literature: A. Ramié, no 161.
(d) Estimate:
210. Pablo Picasso (Spain, 1881–1973), a ‘Petit cheval’, faience dish, Madoura, Vallauris, post 1963, A.R. 470, ed. 122/150.
Decorated with a horse in black, blue and red against a grey ground, signed No 61 EDITION PICASSO 122/150 MADOURA, diameter 25.5 cm.

Literature: A. Ramié no 470.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
MADOURA PLEIN FEU. Height 31 cm.
Literature: A. Ramié, no 611.
Estimate: SEK 50 000 – 60 000 / EUR 4 830 – 5 800
212. Anna Möcklin, an Art Nouveau silver flower pot, Firma K. Anderson, Stockholm 1911. Possibly designed by Ferdinand Boberg.

Driven and chiseled decoration of fish on waves, signed above the base AM, height 12.2 cm, diameter ca 17 cm, weight 512 g.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
213. Ferdinand Boberg (Sweden, 1860–1945), an Art Nouveau silver vase ‘Skogen’ (the Forest), flower pot, K Anderson, Stockholm 1912, signed AM (Anna Möcklin). The decoration was executed by Anna Möcklin. Driven and chiselled relief decoration of different kinds of trees, squirrels, birds, spiders and other insects, rose cut diamonds and rubies. Height 34 cm, diameter at the base 24.5 cm, weight ca 2050 g. The same model was included the 1909 exhibition in Barbro Hovstadius, Ann Thorson Walton (ed), ‘Ferdinand Boberg – Arkitekten som allkonstnär’, Nationalmuseum Stockholm, Exhibition catalogue 601, 1997, pp 92–93. It says that the exquisite chiselled work with this piece was executed by Ms A Möcklin. SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
goblet, Malmö Sweden 1914.
The top with a Nautilus shell and filigree silver, the leg with a granite, the richly ornamented base with cabochon cut moonstones. Height 23 cm, weight ca 360 g.

SEXTIOÅRSDAGEN 6/9 1930’ and six signatures. Length with handles 28 cm, height 17.5 cm, weight ca 4000 g.
Provenance: Henry Dunker (1870–1962) was an important industrialist in Helsingborg and at the time of his death he was regarded as the most wealthy person in Sweden. He donated a lot of money in funds to the city Helsingborg.
Elisabet Stavenow–Hidemark, ‘Svensk Jugend’ Nordiska Museet, Stockholm 1964, p 135, catalogue no 40, compare the original model executed in pewter.
SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
216. Wiwen Nilsson (Sweden, 1897–1974), a pair of silver candlesticks, Lund Sweden 1939, the so called ‘byzantine’ model.

Height 26 cm, total weight ca 720 g.
Estimate: SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
Facet cut rock crystal, total height 3 cm, length of chain 60 cm. (d)

Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
217. Wiwen Nilsson (Sweden, 1897–1974), a set of 61 pcs silver flatware, Lund, Sweden 1951–1964.

12 forks (length 17.3 cm)
12 knives (stainless steel blades, length 18.8 cm)
12 dessert spoons (length 16.9 cm)
12 butter knives (length 13.8 cm)
11 knife inserts (sterling, length 4.2 cm)
1 cake server (length 22.7 cm)
1 cocktail spoon (length 21.8 cm)
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
219. Wiwen Nilsson (Sweden, 1897–1974), a pair of sterling silver gilt cuff–links, Lund Sweden. In the shape of a pentagon, the side 1.5 cm. (d)
Estimate: SEK 5 000 – 6 000 / EUR 490 – 580

220. Wiwen Nilsson (Sweden, 1897–1974), a sterling and onyx bangle, Lund Sweden 1941.

Facet cut rock crystal and onyx. Inner circumference 17 cm.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
221. Atelier Borgila (Sweden), a sterling mocca service, Stockholm 1934.

Wooden details to handle and finials. Height of the coffee pot 15 cm, total weight ca 835 g.
SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
222. Atelier Borgila (Sweden), a pair of sterling silver candelabra, Stockholm 1934.

Removable upper part with the arms, the lower part can be used as a candlestick. Height 20 cm, total weight ca 1195 g.
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 15 000 / EUR 970 – 1 450
224. Atelier Borgila (Sweden), a set of 8 sterling silver plates, Stockholm, Sweden 1955 and one 1957. The rim with beaded decor, diameter 27 cm, total weight ca 5290 g.
Estimate: SEK 35 000 – 40 000 / EUR 3 380 – 3 870
223. Erik Fleming (Sweden, 1894–1954), a sterling silver lidded jar with a spoon, Atelier Borgila Stockholm 1936. Height 7.5 cm, length of spoon 0.5 cm, total weight ca 148 g.

SEK 3 000 – 4 000 / EUR 290 – 390
225. Atelier Borgila (Sweden), a sterling silver lidded dish, Stockholm 1974.

Floral finial, the interior silver gilt. Diameter 20 cm, height 10 cm, weight 1135 g.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
226. Atelier Borgila (Sweden), a sterling and 18k gold sculpture of a robot, Stockholm 1970.
The robot with movable parts, standing on a square base, an 18K gold heart hanging freely. Height 16 cm including the base, total weight ca 660 g including the heart of gold. The original box

Octagonal vase, round base. Height 22 cm, weight ca 585 g.

Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
228. Inga–Britt ‘Ibe’ Dahlquist (Sweden, 1924–1996), a sterling silver necklace, brooch (Olof Barve) and bangle executed in her own studio Malmö 1958–1959.
The necklace with a frontal clasp decorated with small fossils, as is the bangle. The necklace with an inner circumference of ca 41 cm, the rectangular brooch 4.5 x 3 cm, the (impossible to open) bangle with a circumference of ca 19 cm. A pair of earrings with screws by another silversmith are enclosed.

Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
229. Sonja Hahn–Ekberg (Sweden, 1921–2008), a set with a textile necklace and two brooches, Sweden early 1960s.
Necklace and brooches decorated with embroideries and glass beads, all signed with a ‘S’. The necklace with an inner circumference of ca 40 cm, length of the pendant 18 cm, the square brooch ca 6 x 6 cm, the spherical ca 7 cm diameter.
Provenance: Acquired at ‘Konsthantverkarna’, Stockholm early 1960s.
Literature: Lillemor Dell, ‘Textila Juveler, Sonja Hahn–Ekberg Smyckeskonstnär’, Carlsson förlag, 2002, compare p. 36, Hahn–Ekberg started her career doing this kind of embroidered brooches. Hahn–Ekberg has participated in extensive exhibitions, in group exhibitions and separate shows, in Sweden as well as internationally, all the way from the 1960s until about 2001.
Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 5 000 / EUR 390 – 490
230. Vivianna Torun Bülow–Hübe (Sweden, 1927–2004), a wooden brooch with a pendant + additional pendant of glass by Edward Hald, Sweden ca 1948–1953.

Asymmetrical wooden brooch with a wooden drop–shaped pendant, stamped TORUN. Length 6 cm, total height 13,3 cm. Pendant of graal glass in the shape of a leaf, height 3 cm.

Provenance: Acquired at ‘Konsthantverkarna’, Mäster Samuelsgatan, Stockholm.
231. Vivianna Torun Bülow–Hübe (Sweden, 1927–2004), a silver dew-drop necklace and earrings, executed in her own studio, 1950s. Pendant with a purple glass drop as have the earrings, with screw–fittings. Neck part with inner circumference of ca 36.5 cm, pendant height 9.5 cm, earrings height 4.5 cm. Lacks maker’s marks.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
232. Vivianna Torun Bülow–Hübe (Sweden, 1927–2004), a silver box, an etui and a toothpick, executed in her studio in France, early 1960s.
An asymmetrical box, the lid with a rutile qvartz, ca 4.7 x 4.5 cm, height 3 cm, an asymmetrical etui ca 6.5 x 2.2 cm, height 11 cm, an 18 k gold toothpick ending with a cabochon cut moonstone in an etui, length 8 cm, French hallmarks and stamped TORUN, total weight ca 265 g.

Provenance: Acquired directly from Torun in Biot, France by a Swedish couple in the early 1960s.
Literature: Ann Westin, ‘TORUN Conversations with Vivianna Torun Bülow Hübe’, Bokförlaget Langenskiöld, Stockholm 2021. Box and etui depicted p 118.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
234. Vivianna Torun Bülow–Hübe (Sweden, 1927–2004), a stainless steel watch, design 326 executed in a limited edition 027/100, the mirror glass face with diamonds.
Numbered 007337, the face diameter 30 mm. Comes with the original box.

Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
rock crystal hair comb, executed in Torun’s studio, Stockholm 1964. The comb is finished with hanging drops. Ca 11.5 x 6.5 cm.
SEK 20 000 – 30 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 900

Inner circumference ca 45 cm, weight ca 24 g.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 15 000 / EUR 970 – 1 450

Wooden details to handle, maker’s mark U9. Height 21 cm including the handle, weight ca 550 g.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
Silversmedja Einar Telander, Stockholm / Lidingö 1977. Height 19.5 cm, weight ca 775 g.

Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
Oval shape, handles with wood, isolating cork to bottom. Height 16 cm, total weight ca 610 g.
Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970

241. Bo Parkvall (Sweden, 1947–), a silver milk jug, Stockholm 1998. Cylindrical shape, sculpted wooden handle. Length 16 cm, height 11 cm, weight 235 g.

Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
242. Sigurd Persson (Sweden, 1914–2003), an 18K gold necklace, Stockholm 1967.

A black pearl as an end–stone. Inner circumference ca 37 cm, weight ca 9 g.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
243. Sigurd Persson (Sweden, 1914–2003), a sterling silver bangle crowned with a strawberry coloured glass ball, Stockholm 1995. Open shape, height of the finial ca 3.5 cm.
SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780

Estimate: SEK 35 000 – 40 000 / EUR 3 380 – 3 870

Estimate: SEK 3 000 – 4 000 / EUR 290 – 390
244. Sigurd Persson (Sweden, 1914–2003), a sterling lidded pot, executed by silversmith Lars Munkhammar, Stockholm 1998. Wooden handle. Height 23 cm, weight ca 1015 g. 245. Bengt Liljedahl (Sweden, 1932–), a pair of sterling candlesticks, Stockholm 2002. Height 17 cm, total weight 920 g. 246. Anna–Stina Åberg (Sweden, 1941–), a sterling silver cake server, Nyköping 2003. Length 22 cm, height 8 cm, weight 159 g.12 cm,
Estimate: SEK 4 000 – 6 000 / EUR 390 – 580
er spoons
12 dinner forks

12 dinner knives (length 23 cm, handles 11,5 cm)
12 dessert spoons
12 luncheon forks
12 luncheon knives (length 20,5 cm, handles 11,5 cm)
12 teaspoons (length 13 cm)
2 jam spoons
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830

251. Georg Jensen (Denmark, 1866–1935), a set of 117 pieces of ‘Beaded’ flatware, Copenhagen 1925–1944 (the major part 1933–1944), silver and more.

12 dinner spoons
12 dinner forks
12 dinner knives
12 luncheon forks
12 luncheon knives
9 lobster forks
1 pair of fish servers
8 champagne whisks
1 pair of salad servers with horn
1 serving fork
5 salt spoons
1 mustard spoon with horn
5 butter knives
1 cheese knife
1 tea strainer
1 sandwich server
1 jam spoon
1 serving spoon
1 nutcracker
18 teaspoons (length 12.9 cm).
A fitted box enclosed.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
Height 12 cm, weight 235 g.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
16 dinner forks (length 18.4 cm, 10 engraved J)
16 dinner knives (length 22.4 cm, stainless steel blades, 15 engraved J)
16 dessert spoons (length 17.3 cm, 10 engraved J)
16 large teaspoons (length 14.8 cm)
16 fish knives (length 20.6 cm, 11 engraved J)
14 salad forks (length 14.4 cm, 10 engraved J)
16 salad knives (length 17 cm, stainless steel blades, 11 engraved J)
1 cheese knife (stainless steel blade)
Hammered decor. A silver plated butter knife with stainless steel blade accompanies the set.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830

254. Gustaf Fjaestad (Sweden, 1868–1948), a bedspread, flat weave, ca 272.5 x 171 cm.
With label attached: A.F. 1927 (Amelie Fjaestad, Arvika).
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
255. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a drape, ‘Röda Duchatell’, flat weave, ca 290.5 x 145.5 cm, signed MMF.

Early design. Woven before 1942 (rare.)
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
256. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a drape ‘Gröna Duchatell’, rölakan, ca 290.5 x 153 cm, signed MMF.
Early design. Woven before 1942. (Rare).
Estimate: SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
1873–1941), a drape, ‘Gula Dubbelkorset’, flat weave, ca 241.5 x 149.5 cm, signed MMF.

Designed in 1920, woven before 1942.
Estimate: SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
259. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a textile, ‘Skaftblomman’, flat weave, ca 131.5 x 47 cm, signed MMF.

Designed in 1926. Woven before 1942.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
258. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a drape, ‘Lockarp’. Flat weave. 244.5 x 150 cm. Signed MMF.
Designed in 1924. Woven before 1942.
Estimate: SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
260. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a drape, ‘Rågen’, flat weave, ca 215 x 153 cm, signed MMF.
Designed in 1929, woven before 1942.
Literature: Compare with Lundgren, Tyra: Märta Måås–Fjetterström och väv–verkstaden i Båstad, Stockholm 1968, plate 28; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate page 114; Angelica Persson, Ehrling Braghfors, Ulrik Swedrup: Se på mattorna – det är jag, 100 år av textil konst – sedan 1919, Märta MååsFjetterström, Båstad/Mölndal 2019, colour plate page 97.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
262. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), four textiles, ‘Knoppen’, tapestry weave, ca 34.5 x 36–37 cm – 34–35.5 x 51 cm, signed AB MMF.

Designed in 1932. Woven after 1941.
Literature: Compare with ‘Små Vävnader från Märta Måås–Fjetterström’, colour plate 8.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
261. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a textile, ‘Knoppen’, flat weave, ca 91.5 x 50 cm, signed AB MMF.

In 1932, woven after 1941.
Literature: Compare with ‘Små Vävnader från Märta Måås–Fjetterström’, colour plate 8.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
263. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a textile, ‘Lövendal’, flat weave, ca 155 x 67 cm, signed MMF.

Designed in 1928, woven before 1942.
Literature: Compare with ‘Små Vävnader från Märta Måås–Fjetterström’, colour plate 4.
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
264. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a drape, ‘Vingåkra’. Tapestry weave. 193.5 x 161 cm.
Designed in 1942 or 1943. (Rare).
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
265. Jean Lurcat (France, 1892–1966), a tapestry, ‘En Mansour’, tapestry weave, ca 128 x 81 cm, signed Lurçat. Tabard Frères & Soeurs, Abusson, No 2304.
Estimate: SEK 18 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 740 – 1 930

266. A carpet, flat weave, ca 359 x 247 cm, Sweden. 1910–1920s. A blue melange ground. A wide gray brown melange main border with stylized reindeers and trees.

Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
267. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Ljusa mattan’, flat weave, ca 253 x 169 cm, signed MMF.

Designed in 1928, woven after 1941.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 60 000 / EUR 3 870 – 5 800
268. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Röd Flossa’, knotted pile, ca 300 x 272 cm, signed AB MMF.
Designed in 1930. Woven after 1941.
Literature: Compare with Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate page 90.
Estimate: SEK 50 000 – 70 000 / EUR 4 830 – 6 760
269. Brita Grahn (Sweden, 1907–2003), a carpet, ‘Blåvinge’, flat weave, ca 282 x 202.5 cm, signed Brita Grahn. Sweden around the year 1950.

Estimate: SEK 50 000 – 60 000 / EUR 4 830 – 5 800
270. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Ståndaren’, knotted pile, ca 248 x 193 cm, signed AB MMF. Designed in 1928. Woven after 1941. The pattern ‘Ståndaren’ was designed for the world famous ship m/s Kungsholm.
Literature: Compare with Stensman, Mailis: Ännu Mera Mattor från Märta Måås–Fjetterströms ateljé i Båstad 1919–1999, Uddevalla 1999, colour plate page 7; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate page 111.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
271. Rakel Carlander (Sweden), a carpet, flat weave, ca 247 x 168 cm, signed RC.

A light melange ground with a grid pattern in a variety of blue nuances and different polychrome geomtric patterns. A brownish blue melange border.
Estimate: SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
272. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Blå heden’, flat weave, ca 249.5 x 198.5 cm, signed AB MMF.

Designed in 1931, woven after 1941.
Literature: Compare with Märta Måås–Fjetterström och verkstaden i Båstad, Stockholm 1951, plate page 6; ICA bokförlag: Antikt – Bukowskis experter berättar, Västerås/Spanien 2006, colour plate page 178; ; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta MååsFjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate pages 66–69; Skrifter från Kungl. Husgerådskammaren 20, Nisser–Dalman, Margareta, Stockholm 2019, No. 36, page 59; Angelica Persson, Ehrling Braghfors, Ulrik Swedrup: Se på mattorna – det är jag, 100 år av textil konst – sedan 1919, Märta MååsFjetterström, Båstad/Mölndal 2019, colour plates pages 112–114.
Estimate: SEK 50 000 – 70 000 / EUR 4 830 – 6 760
273. Brita Grahn (Sweden, 1907–2003), a carpet, knotted pile in relief, ca 210 x 190 cm, signed Brita Grahn. Sweden 1930–1940s. A green gray melange coloured flat woven ground with knotted relief, grid and diamond pattern in ivory as well as a variety of gray, ivory, bluemelange and yellow nuances.
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
274. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Bruna heden’, flat weave, ca 300.5 x 198.5 cm, signed AB MMF.

Designed in 1931. Woven after 1941.
Literature: Compare with Märta Måås–Fjetterström och verkstaden i Båstad, Stockholm 1951, plate page 6; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate pages 66–69.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 60 000 / EUR 3 870 – 5 800
275. Elsa Gullberg (Sweden), probably, a carpet, flat weave, ca 234 x 183 cm, unsigned.

Sweden the 1940s. A polychrome diamond shaped pattern.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 18 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 740
276. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Blå heden’, flat weave, ca 423 x 200 cm, signed AB MMF.

Designed in 1931, woven after 1941.
Literature: Compare with Märta Måås–Fjetterström och verkstaden i Båstad, Stockholm 1951, plate page 6; ICA bokförlag: Antikt – Bukowskis experter berättar, Västerås/Spanien 2006, colour plate page 178; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta MååsFjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate pages 66–69; Skrifter från Kungl. Husgerådskammaren 20, Nisser–Dalman, Margareta, Stockholm 2019, No. 36, page 59; Angelica Persson, Ehrling Braghfors, Ulrik Swedrup: Se på mattorna – det är jag, 100 år av textil konst – sedan 1919, Märta MååsFjetterström, Båstad/Mölndal 2019, colour plates pages 112–114.
Estimate: SEK 70 000 – 90 000 / EUR 6 760 – 8 690
277. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Grön äng’, flat weave, ca 291 x 207 cm, signed AB MMF.
Designed in 1928, woven after 1941.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 60 000 / EUR 3 870 – 5 800
278. Judith Johansson (Sweden, 1916–1993), a carpet, ‘Björkhult’, flat weave, ca 365 x 268 cm, signed JJ B.
Designed in 1964.
Literature: Compare with JJ Så vävdes ett livsverk – En berättelse om de vävda konstverken från Judith Johanssons ateljé i Knäred, Falkenberg/Varberg 2006, colour plate page 59.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
279. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Sommarmattan’, flat weave, ca 277.5 x 180.5 cm, signed AB MMF.

Designed before 1925. Woven after 1941.
Estimate: SEK 30 000 – 40 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 870
280. Ingrid Dessau (Sweden, 1923–2000), probably, a carpet, flat weave, not signed, ca 348 x 173 cm. Sweden 1955.

A stripe and diagonal pattern in ivory as well as a variety of red, blue, grey, yellow and brown nuances. One end with the inscription: Från över gränserna 1955.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
281. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Munka–Ljungby’, flat weave, ca 217.5 x 140 cm, signed AB MMF.

Designed in 1933. Woven after 1941.
Estimate: SEK 30 000 – 40 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 870
282. A carpet, flat weave, ca 300 x 194 cm, Sweden. The 1950s. A blue ground with a stylized modernistic pattern in ivory and purple. A checkered border.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 18 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 740
283. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Blå heden’, flat weave, ca 294 x 236 cm, signed MMF.
Designed in 1931. Woven before 1942.
Literature: Compare with Märta Måås–Fjetterström och verkstaden i Båstad, Stockholm 1951, plate page 6; ICA bokförlag: Antikt – Bukowskis experter berättar, Västerås/Spanien 2006, colour plate page 178; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta MååsFjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate pages 66–69; Skrifter från Kungl. Husgerådskammaren 20, Nisser–Dalman, Margareta, Stockholm 2019, No. 36, page 59; Angelica Persson, Ehrling Braghfors, Ulrik Swedrup: Se på mattorna – det är jag, 100 år av textil konst – sedan 1919, Märta MååsFjetterström, Båstad/Mölndal 2019, colour plates pages 112–114.
Estimate: SEK 30 000 – 40 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 870
Anna Maria Hoke) Sweden around 1950. (d)
Estimate: SEK 30 000 – 40 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 870
285. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Bruna heden’, flat weave, ca 222 x 129.5 cm, signed AB MMF.

Designed in 1931. Woven after 1941.
Literature: Compare with Märta Måås–Fjetterström och verkstaden i Båstad, Stockholm 1951, plate page 6; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate pages 66–69.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
284. Anna Maria Hoke (Sweden, 1911–), a carpet, tapestry weave, ca 278 x 163 cm, signed GH AMH. (Gotlands läns hemslöjd,286.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
Estimate: SEK 18 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 740 – 1 930
Designed in 1934. Woven after 1941.

Literature: Compare with Lundgren, Tyra: Märta Måås–Fjetterström och väv–verkstaden i Båstad, Stockholm 1968, plate No. 36, colour plate opposite page 49; Millesgårdens utställningskatalog nr 20: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Stockholm 1989, No. 10, colour plate page 17; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate page 122.
Estimate: SEK 130 000 – 150 000 / EUR 12 550 – 14 480
Judith Johansson (Sweden, 1916–1993), a unique carpet, ‘siluetter’, flat weave, ca 238 x 168.5 cm, signed JJ. Designed in the 1950s, woven 1964–1965. (Very rare). (d) 288. A carpet, flat weave, ca 240 x 155 cm, Sweden. The 1950s.
signed AB MMF.
Designed in 1933. Woven after 1941.
Literature: Compare with Angelica Persson, Ehrling Braghfors, Ulrik Swedrup: Se på mattorna – det är jag, 100 år av textil konst – sedan 1919, Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Båstad/Mölndal 2019, colour plate page 124.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
290. Edna Martin (Sweden, 1908–2003), a carpet, ‘Vårmattan’, flat weave, ca 244 x 189 cm, signed SH EM. (Svensk Hemslöjd, Edna Martin). Sweden around 1950.

Estimate: SEK 50 000 – 60 000 / EUR 4 830 – 5 800
291. Sigvard Bernadotte (Sweden, 1907–2002), a carpet, ‘Vitsippa’, flat weave, 846 x 395.5 cm, signed SB. Woven at Nils Nessims Textilateljéer, in the 1940–1950s. (Extremely rare in this size).

Estimate: SEK 100 000 – 150 000 / EUR 9 660 – 14 480

Sweden the 1960s. A red melange geometric ivory ornaments.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 18 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 740
292. Sigvard Bernadotte (Sweden, 1907–2002), a carpet, flat weave, ca 320 x 194 cm, unsigned. Sweden, 1940–1950s.

Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
‘Nattfrost’, flat weave, ca 200.5 x 139 cm, signed JJ L. Designed in 1964.
Literature: Compare with Andersson, Torsten: JJ Så vävdes ett livsverk, Göteborg 2006, page 102.
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
Sigvard Bernadotte (Sweden, 1907–2002), a carpet, knotted pile, 219 x 167 cm, signed SB.295. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Blåplump’, flat weave, ca 291 x 201 cm, signed AB MMF.

Designed in 1937. Woven after 1941. One ‘Blåplump’ was exhibited at the New York Expo in 1937.
Literature: Compare with Mattor och Vävnader – Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson, Marianne Richter, Ann–Mari Forsberg, Stockholm 1957, plate page 13; Millesgårdens utställningskatalog nr 20: Märta MååsFjetterström, Stockholm 1989, No. 14; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate page 133.
Estimate: SEK 80 000 – 100 000 / EUR 7 730 – 9 660
296. Judith Johansson (Sweden, 1916–1993), a carpet, ‘Spise Hall’, flat weave, 275 x 224 cm. Signed JJ.

Designed in 1961. ‘Spise Hall’ was woven in a variety of sizes – the pattern was created to easily adept to the customers choice of size – that where not standard. All the variants are shaded in a escalating colour scale. In nature there is no such thing as a uniform colour, its always changing depending on light, shadow and density.
Literature: Compare with Andersson, Torsten: JJ Så vävdes ett livsverk, Göteborg 2006, page 80.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 18 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 740
297. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), A carpet, ‘Salerno blå med enkel bård’, flat weave, ca 332 x 212 cm, signed AB MMF BN.

(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson). Designed in 1948
Literature: Compare with Yashar, Nazanin, Nilufar Tappeti Antichi: Tappeti Svedesi e Mobili Scandinavi Anni 1920–1960, Milano 1998, colour plate page 39; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate page 151.
Estimate: SEK 70 000 – 90 000 / EUR 6 760 – 8 690
298. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Salerno blå med enkel bård’, rölakan, ca 250 x 181.5 cm, signed AB MMF BN.
(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson). Designed in 1948.
Literature: Compare with Yashar, Nazanin, Nilufar Tappeti Antichi: Tappeti Svedesi e Mobili Scandinavi Anni 1920–1960, Milano 1998, colour plate page 39; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate page 151.
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 50 000 / EUR 3 870 – 4 830
Sweden the 1950s. A light blue melange ground with a large polychrome modernistic pattern in dark blue, ivory, pink and various nuances of yellow.

Estimate: SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
Literature: Compare with Möller, Viggo Sten: En bok om Barbro Nilsson, Stockholm/ Barcelona 1977, colour plate page 68; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, , Värnamo 2009,
plate page 153.
Estimate: SEK 30 000 – 35 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 380

Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160

302. A carpet, flat weave, ca 237 x 145 cm, signed VJ, Sweden. The 1950s.

Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
303. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Salerno grå’, (‘Kristianstad’), flat weave, ca 322.5 x 205.5 cm, signed AB MMF BN.

(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson). Designed in 1948.
Literature: Compare with Yashar, Nazanin, Nilufar Tappeti Antichi: Tappeti Svedesi e Mobili Scandinavi Anni 1920–1960, Milano 1998, colour plate page 39; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate page 151.
Estimate: SEK 150 000 – 175 000 / EUR 14 480 – 16 900
304. Judith Johansson (Sweden, 1916–1993), a carpet, ‘Blomsterkrans’, rölakan, ca 255 x 188 cm, signerad JJ E. Sweden, 1960s.
Estimate: SEK 18 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 740 – 1 930
305. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Salerno blå’, flat weave, ca 245 x 177 cm, signed AB MMF BN. (AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson.) Designed in 1948. The pattern was designed for the chapel in Salerno, Italy.
Estimate: SEK 100 000 – 120 000 / EUR 9 660 – 11 590
306. Brita Grahn (Sweden, 1907–2003), a carpet, flat weave, ca 311 x 214 cm, signed Brita Grahn. A gray melange ground with squares in different nuances of gray, pink, purple and yellow. (d)

Estimate: SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
307. Märta Måås–Fjetterström (Sweden, 1873–1941), a carpet, ‘Effsingen’, flat weave, ca 248 x 157 cm, signed AB MMF. Designed in 1936. Woven after 1941.

Estimate: SEK 60 000 – 80 000 / EUR 5 800 – 7 730
308. A carpet, flat weave, ca 304 x 201.5 cm, signed B (Bohusslöjd). Gothenburg (Sweden), around the 1950–1960s. A blue melange ground with checkered ends.
Estimate: SEK 18 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 740 – 1 930

309. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Krabban, grå’, knotted pile, ca 256 x 190 cm, signed AB MMF BN.

(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson). Designed in 1947.
Estimate: SEK 70 000 – 80 000 / EUR 6 760 – 7 730
310. Judith Johansson (Sweden, 1916–1993), a carpet, ‘Gång’, rölakan, ca 237.5 x 168 cm, signed JJ.
Designed in 1956. (Rare).
Estimate: SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
311. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), Barbro Nilsson, a carpet, ‘Bankrabatten brun’, knotted pile, ca 205.5 x 202 cm. Signed AB MMF BN.
(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson).
Designed in 1966.
Literature: Compare with Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate page 156. (d)
Estimate: SEK 40 000 – 60 000 / EUR 3 870 – 5 800

313. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Snäckorna’, tapestry weave, ca 300 x 202.5 cm, signed AB MMF BN. (AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson). Designed in 1943.

Literature: Compare with Lundgren, Tyra: Märta Måås–Fjetterström och väv–verkstaden i Båstad, Stockholm 1968, plate 48; af Klercker, Susanne: Antikt – Bukowskis experter berättar, Västerås/Spanien 2006, colour plate page 182; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta MååsFjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate page 145.
Estimate: SEK 80 000 – 100 000 / EUR 7 730 – 9 660
Estimate: SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
Ingrid Dessau (Sweden, 1923–2000), a carpet,’ Vintergäck’, flat weave, ca 247.5 x 143.5 cm, unsigned. Sweden 1950s. 312. Agda Österberg (Sweden, 1891–1987), a carpet, ‘Björtins matta’, flat weave, ca 237 x 159–165 cm, unsigned. Designed in 1955. (d)315. Hjördis Jansson (Sweden), a carpet, flat weave, ca 244 x 170 cm. Signed HJ KH.

(Hjördis Jansson, Klockaregårdens Hemslöjd). Sweden 1950–1960s. A polychrome stripe pattern with hexagons.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 18 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 740
316. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Tånga blå’, flat weave, ca 243.5 x 173 cm, signed AB MMF BN.

(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson). ‘Tånga’ was designed for the H55 (the Helsingborg exhibition in 1955).
Literature: Compare with Möller, Viggo Sten: En bok om Barbro Nilsson, Stockholm/ Barcelona 1977, colour plate page 69; Stensman, Mailis: Ännu Mera Mattor från Märta Måås–Fjetterströms ateljé i Båstad 1919–1999, Uddevalla 1999, colour plate page 11; af Klercker, Susanne: Antikt – Bukowskis experter berättar, Västerås/Spanien 2006, colour plate page 184; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta MååsFjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate page 154–155.
Estimate: SEK 50 000 – 70 000 / EUR 4 830 – 6 760
317. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Tånga brun original’, tapestry weave, ca 140.5 x 89.5 cm, signed AB MMF BN.

(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson.) ‘Tånga’ was designed for the H55 (the Helsingborg exhibition in 1955).
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 18 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 740
318. Judith Johansson (Sweden, 1916–1993), a carpet, ‘Östertälje’ rölakan, ca 306 x 202 cm, signed JJ.
Designed in 1950. (d)
Estimate: SEK 18 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 740 – 1 930
319. Edna Martin (Sweden, 1908–2003), a carpet, ‘Oktandria’, rölakan, ca 303.5 x 197 cm signerad SH (Svensk hemslöjd).
Designed in the 1950s.
Estimate: SEK 12 000 – 15 000 / EUR 1 160 – 1 450
320. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Solfläckar’, flat weave, ca 230 x 198 cm, signed AB MMF BN.

(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson). Designed in 1966.
Literature: Lundgren, Tyra: Märta Måås–Fjetterström och väv–verkstaden i Båstad, Stockholm 1968, colour plate opposite page 80; Nationalmusei utställningskatalog 308: verkstad Måås–Fjetterström, Stockholm 1967, No. 31, plate page 13; Möller, Viggo Sten: En bok om Barbro Nilsson, Stockholm/Barcelona 1977, colour plate page 90; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta MååsFjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate pages 156–157.
Estimate: SEK 80 000 – 100 000 / EUR 7 730 – 9 660
321. Britta Rendahl–Ljusterdal (Sweden), a carpet, ‘Tarfala’, rölakan, ca 300.5 x 201 cm signed BR.
Sweden 1960–970s
Estimate: SEK 18 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 740 – 1 930
322. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Violetta blå’, knotted pile, ca 243.5 x 142 cm, signed AB MMF BN.
(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson). Designed in 1961.
Literature: Compare with Lundgren, Tyra: Märta Måås–Fjetterström och väv–verkstaden i Båstad, Stockholm 1968, plate 58.
Estimate: SEK 70 000 – 80 000 / EUR 6 760 – 7 730
323. Kerstin Person (Sweden), a carpet, ‘Butterfly’, flat weave, ca 241.5 x 170.5 cm, signed KP.

Ateljé Tre bäckar. Sweden the 1970–1980s.
Estimate: SEK 18 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 740 – 1 930
324. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Gröningen ljus’, knotted pile, ca 144,5 x 108 cm, signed AB MMF BN.
(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson). Designed in 1954. (Rare). (d)
Estimate: SEK 30 000 – 40 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 870
325. Anna–Greta Sjöqvist (Sweden), a carpet, tapestry weave, ca 216.5 x 148 cm. signed ILSE AG S.

Sweden around 1950. Geometric patterns in ivory as well as a variety of yellow, brown, grey and green nuances.
Estimate: SEK 18 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 740 – 1 930
326. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Enbär’, gobelängteknik, ca 143 x 107 cm, signerad AB MMF BN.
(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson). Designed in 1946.
Literature: Compare with Lundgren, Tyra: Märta Måås–Fjetterström och väv–verkstaden i Båstad, Stockholm 1968, plate 50, colour plate opposite page 65; Möller, Viggo Sten: En bok om Barbro Nilsson, Stockholm/Barcelona 1977, colour plate page 3; Liljevalchs konsthalls katalog: Märta MååsFjetterström, Märta flyger igen, 90 år med Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Värnamo 2009, colour plate page 149.
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
327. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Strålblomman grå’, flat weave, ca 282.5 x 216 cm, signed AB MMF BN.

(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson). Designed in 1952.
Literature: Compare with sketches Möller, Viggo Sten: En bok om Barbro Nilsson, Stockholm/Barcelona 1977, colour plate page 79.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 30 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 900
328. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Blåbär, mörk’, tapestry weave, ca 221 x 150.5 cm, signed AB MMF BN.

(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Nilsson). Designed in 1946.
Estimate: SEK 18 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 740 – 1 930
329. Monika Bertilsson (Sweden), a runner, flat weave, ca 200 x 89 cm, signed AÖ MB, Tre Bäckar in Varnhem.
Designed in 1956 (Monika Bertilsson has designed the pattern and Agda Österberg has approved of it).
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
330. Barbro Nilsson (Sweden, 1899–1983), a carpet, ‘Rödlock’, knotted pile, ca 218.5 x 154 cm, signed AB MMF BN.

Designed in 1945. (Rare).
Estimate: SEK 8 000 – 10 000 / EUR 780 – 970
331. Ingrid Dessau (Sweden, 1923–2000), a runner, ‘Stensöta’, flat weave, ca 293 x 82 cm, signed KLH TF MP ID. (Kristianstad läns Hemslöjd, Ingrid Dessau). Designed in 1953.

Literature: Compare Gustafsson–Seife, Inger: Ingrid Dessau textildesigner, Borås 2008, p 15, 20, 21.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 18 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 740
332. Marianne Richter (Sweden, 1916–2010), a runner, ‘Fjädern, lila’, knotted pile, 280 x 122 cm. Signed AB MMF MR. (AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Marianne Richter). Designed in 1947.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 25 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 420
333. Marianne Richter (Sweden, 1916–2010), a carpet, ‘Fjädern, grön’, knotted pile, 225 x 133 cm. Signed AB MMF MR. (AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Marianne Richter). Designed in 1947.

Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 18 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 740
Designed in 1969.
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 18 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 740
334. Marianne Richter (Sweden, 1916–2010), a carpet, ‘Blommig rya’, knotted pile, ca 176.5 x 130 cm, signed AB MMF MR. 335. Irma Kronlund (Sweden, 1919–2008), a carpet, flat weave, ca 219.5 x 148 cm, Signed KLH IK. Kronobergs läns Hemslöjd, Irma Kronlund. Square and step pattern in a variety of brown nuances.Estimate:
Estimate: SEK 25 000 – 30 000 / EUR 2 420 – 2 900
336. Barbro Sprinchorn (Sweden, 1929–1973), a carpet, ‘Advokaten’, rölakan, ca 119 x 90.5 cm, signed AB MMF BS.

(AB Märta Måås–Fjetterström, Barbro Sprinchorn). Designed in 1958 (rare).
Literature: Compare Lundgren, Tyra: Märta Måås–Fjetterströmoch väv–verkstaden i Båstad, Stockholm 1968, plate 73.
Estimate: SEK 10 000 – 12 000 / EUR 970 – 1 160
337. Berit Koenig (Sweden), a carpet, ‘Påfågelsmattan’, knotted pile, ca 360 x 245 cm, Svensk Hemslöjd, unsigned. Sweden the 1950s.Two female figures around a tree, one light, frosted glass cup, the base signed Alice Nordin Herman Bergman Fud. Height 57.5 cm.
Estimate: SEK 30 000 – 35 000 / EUR 2 900 – 3 380
Relief decoration of hazel pendants and butterflies, signed around the base HUGO ELMQVIST A.B E. Gj–metod (which was his own company where he had a patented way of bronze making). Height 47 cm. Reportedly this vase was given as a gift from a Swedish actor to the Norwegian opera house (den Norska Folkoperan) around the turn of the century 1900. The Opera house later sold it at an auction.
SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
Modelled as an elegant serpentine dancer, two lights, the base signed A. Jonsson PARIS AB För. Konstgjuterierna, height 45.5 cm.

Estimate: SEK 35 000 – 40 000 / EUR 3 380 – 3 870

Signed with monogram HE. Height 20 cm.
Estimate: SEK 6 000 – 8 000 / EUR 580 – 780
344. Hugo Elmqvist (Sweden, 1862–1930), & Elsa Kock, an Art Nouveau patinated bronze vase, Stockholm.

Floral relief decoration, signed H.E–t and (blurred) A B E Gj. Metod Stockholm Doc E. Kock, underneith scratched y6 (?). Height 22 cm.
Estimate: SEK 5 000 – 6 000 / EUR 490 – 580
Relief decor with leaf loops and a grasshopper, signed HUGO ELMQVIST HAB and stamped HEt. Height 31.5 cm.
Literature: Compare Bukowskis Modern Spring sale 2011, nr 560, catalogue no 516, this same model executed in Florence ca 1900.
Estimate: SEK 15 000 – 20 000 / EUR 1 450 – 1 930
345. Alice Nordin (Sweden, 1871–1948), a ‘Night and Morning’ patinated bronze table lamp, Herman Bergman Konstgjuteri, Stockholm, early 1900s.

Decorated with a naked couple around a tree, the man holding to the woman’s legs while she is gazing into the light. Signed Alice Nordin Herman Bergman Fud. Height 55.5 cm including an orange and iridescent glass shade.

Literature: Irja Bergström, ‘Skulptriserna – Alice Nordin och hennes samtida 1890–1940’, Makadam Förlag 2012, compare the model illustrated p 107.
Estimate: SEK 20 000 – 30 000 / EUR 1 930 – 2 900
343. Hugo Elmqvist (Sweden, 1862–1930), an Art Nouveau patinated bronze vase.346. Ernst Spolén (Sweden, 1880–1974), a cabinet on stand, designed for The Golden Hall in Stockholm City Hall 1916–19, probably executed by Hjalmar Jackson.
Oak, the front in geometrical relief, interior in marquetry with mythological motifs, base on stand in the shape of sculptured figures, height 196 cm, width 204 cm, total width (with doors open) 350 cm, depth 70 cm.

Exhibitions: Presented at the exhibition of the association ‘Verkstaden’ in 1920 at Liljevalchs, Stockholm.
Literature: Liljevalchs, exhibition catalogue 25, 1920.
Svenska slöjdföreningens tidskrift: organ för Svenska slöjdföreningens tidskrift: organ för konstindustri, handtverk och hemslöjd, Svenska slöjdföreningen, Stockholm, 1920 Carl Bergsten, Möbler och inredningskonst på verkstadens utställning, p. 76.
Svenska slöjdföreningens tidskrift: organ för konstindustri, handtverk och hemslöjd, Svenska slöjdföreningen, Stockholm, 1923. P 124.
Pihl Atmer, Ann Katrin, Stockholms stadshus och arkitekten Ragnar Östberg: drömmen och verkligheten, Natur & kultur, Stockholm, 2011, p. 165–167, 313–318, 364–366. The drawings from Ernst Spoléns archive, Stockholm City Archives.
Roosval, Johnny (red.), Stockholms stadshus vid dess invigning midsommarafton 1923: beskrivning, G. Tisells tekn. förl., Stockholm, 1923, del III, p. 244–252.
Estimate: SEK 50 000 – 75 000 / EUR 4 830 – 7 240