Walking with my dog

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English Bulldog & French Bulldog

Walking With Your Dog

www.bullcanes.net Bullcanes Online

Walking With Your Dog Dogs are great walking companions, great personal trainers, and great nags. If you begin walking with your dog, you may soon find his tail is wagging your walking program. They are ready to walk when you are (unlike friends and family), will tow you down the trail, and let you know when it is time to lace up your sneakers.

Dog Training Opt for formal classes, if they are available and affordable. Start while the dog is a puppy, and continue until the dog can be trusted off leash. Your dog can earn the AKC Canine Good Citizen certificate, which indicates a level of obedience and training attained.

Walking Your Dog on a Leash If your dog is on a leash, it can't get away and cause problems. Consider using a pinch collar while walking your dog, if he is a puller, to increase your control and comfort. Some walkers use a harness, and others find retractable leashes to be the best way to give the dog a little more slack, then reel them in as needed.

Are Dogs Allowed Where You Plan to Walk? Check with the organizers of walking events you plan to attend. If walking in a park, call ahead to check to see if there are any restrictions. Note that dogs are sometimes allowed on trails, but not in shuttle buses or visitors' centers.

Bullcanes Online


Walking With Your Dog Carry a Pooper Scooper

Taking Time for Rest

If you don't have (or want to purchase) the actual tool, try a plastic bag. Many carry the plastic bags that newspapers sometimes come in. When the bag is placed over the hand, you can pick up what you have to, turn the bag inside out, and tie the end closed. Dispose of it properly. Zip-closure storage bags are another secure option.

Find a shady spot and take ten. Play with the dog, talk to other walkers, and cool down a bit. Dogs can't sweat. They keep cool by panting, finding shady spots, walking in water, and drinking lots of water. If you are walking near water in the summer, find a safe place (not public beaches) and let your dog go swimming. If you drove to your walking spot, be sure not to leave your dog in a vehicle unattended if it's warm out and you're making stops on your way home.

Identification Every dog should have a couple of forms of identification. Name tags and collars get lost. Tattoos and embedded micro-chips will back up the name tag. You should carry a clear photo of the dog, which can aid in recovery, should such a situation arise. Also, some areas of the country require you to carry your dog's rabies certificate with you.

Bullcanes Online


Staying Hydrated Carry water for both you and your pet. You can use your hand as a water dish for him. Some walkers suggest using collapsible cups, inflatable water dishes, and zip-closure bags, as well.

Is Your Dog Ready? Before taking a dog on a 10K Volksmarch, consider if the dog is healthy enough, has the desire, and is trained enough to walk the distance at your side. You should get an OK from your veterinarian if your pooch has any sort of medical problem, is overweight, etc. Work up to the longer distances with him by doing the shorter distances first.

Bullcanes Online


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