School Impovement Presentation

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Pleasanton Public School

External Visit th March 26 , 2012 Friday, March 16, 2012

Agenda 7:45-8:10 8:15-8:45 8:45-9:45 9:45-10:00 10:00-10:40 10:45-12:00 12-00-1:00 1:00-3:00 3:00-3:30 3:45-4:15

Friday, March 16, 2012

Arrival of External Team Team Orientation Host Team Presentation Break Tour of Buildings Interviews Lunch External Team Meeting Exit Report to Administration Oral Exit Report


External Team Members:

Team Leader: Gary Monter Superintendent at Palmer Member: Sara Paider Kindergarten Teacher at Loup City Member: Jason EvereA ESU #10 Technology IntegraGon Specialist Member: Emily Jameson ESU#10 Staff Development Member: Cory Bohling Elementary Principal at Centura

Friday, March 16, 2012


Pleasanton SIP Team Members:

Team Leader: Bob Bednar Guidance Counselor Member: Randy Bauer Industrial Technology Instructor Member: Denise Giffin Resource Teacher Member: Diane Hand School Board Member. PEP Chairperson, and Parent

Friday, March 16, 2012


• Rule 10-­‐Sec+on 009, Regula'ons and Procedures for the Accredita'on of Schools • Required of all Nebraska public schools and accredited nonpublic schools • Requires a review of the School Improvement Process • Requires a visit at least once each five years

Friday, March 16, 2012

Purpose of an External Team Visit The School Improvement Plan Steering Committee believes there are several key elements to continuous school improvement. One aspect includes the input of all stakeholders (teachers, staff, students, parents, and administrators). The function of an external visitation team is to evaluate progress on each target area as well as the intervention strategies that have been implemented. The target areas addressed in this report are intended to meet state requirements for the school improvement process.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Goals for Today’s Visit • Review the School Improvement Processes that are in place at Pleasanton Public School and determine the effectiveness of the processes. • Provide input on their data collection. • Provide feedback on the interventions selected to improve student achievement. • Validate interventions at Pleasanton Public Schools. Provide specific feedback on what has been incorporated, what is going well, and what areas need improvement to be more effective.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Demographics Enrollment • Preschool – 33 • Elementary – 132 • Junior High – 33 • High School – 49 • Total –247 (136 males, 108 females) • OpGon In – 19% • OpGons Out – 1% Friday, March 16, 2012

Demographics Services • Special EducaGon – Elementary (10%) JH-­‐SH (11%) • Title – 7% Ethnicity • Hispanic – 3% • Caucasian – 1% Other • Free & Reduced – 29% Friday, March 16, 2012

Demographics Pleasanton Public School Staff Members •AdministraGon – 2 •K-­‐12 Staff – 6 •Elementary Staff – 12 •Secondary Staff – 7 •Classified Staff – 15 •Contracted Services -­‐ 1

Friday, March 16, 2012

Mission  Statement Through cooperation of students, staff, family, and community, the mission of Pleasanton Public Schools seeks to offer everyone educational opportunities to excel and become responsible citizens in an ever changing world.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Beliefs Governing Values: •Everyone can learn and excel in a positive environment • The quality of education improves with cooperation of students, staff, parents, and community •Access to quality learning tools and skills leads to life long learning •Instilling a learning attitude produces responsible citizens who can cope and adapt to an ever changing global community •Encourage excellence. Friday, March 16, 2012

Target  Areas The Pleasanton Public Schools have prioritized three target areas in the School Improvement Process. 1. Reading Instruction 2. Communication 3. Technology Integration

Friday, March 16, 2012

Reading  AcRon  Plan After review of stagnating reading / language test results, staff chose to revise our previous Curriculum Action Plant to focus on Reading. Reading Mastery for Grades 1-6 was selected as a major intervention strategy.

Friday, March 16, 2012

CommunicaRon AcRon Plan Communication remains a strong action plan, reflecting the mission of Pleasanton Schools: “The school and community working together to develop life long learners in an ever changing world.”

Friday, March 16, 2012

Technology AcRon Plan Technology remains a strong action plan, reflecting the mission of Pleasanton Schools: “The school and community working together to develop life long learners in an ever changing world.”

Friday, March 16, 2012

Reading IntervenRons Reading Mastery Curriculum (Teacher In-service, Accountability) Accelerated Reader Library Addi+ons DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) Distance Learning connec+ons to authors and book experts

Friday, March 16, 2012

CommunicaRon IntervenRons Automated Phone Call System PowerSchool / PowerGrade PEP (Parent Engaging Planning) NewsleNer School and Teacher Websites Quantum Learning Distance Learning

Friday, March 16, 2012

Technology IntervenRons One to One Laptop Program iPad Users Group Learning Management System (Moodle / Edmodo) Project Based Learning Distance Educa+on Connec+ons NovaNet or Odysseyware TECHS Course via ESU#10 Google Docs / Google Apps Friday, March 16, 2012

Technology IntervenRons iPod iRead Grant from ESU#10 – Grades 5,6 Graphing Calculators CNC Laser / Vinyl Cu^ng Technology Plasma CuNer, Spool Gun Welding, Tig / Mig Welding Digital Cameras Smart Boards / Promethian Boards MOBI technology LCD Projector in each classroom Friday, March 16, 2012

Technology IntervenRons 4 Distance Learning CODEC Systems Skype connec+ons Tumble Book Display via Apple TV Automated Library System Skystream Wind Turbine So`ware (iLife, iWorks, Microso`, Adobe Illustrator, Pagemaker)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Terra  Nova

Achievement Tests transitioned to an online version in grades 4-10 in 2010-2011

Friday, March 16, 2012

DIBELS Results 2011-2012 Mid Year Composite Results: KDG: 61% at or above benchmark 1st GR: 85% at or above benchmark 2nd GR: 79% at or above benchmark 3rd GR: 70% at or above benchmark 4th GR: 76/5 at or above benchmark 5th GR: 83% at or above benchmark 6th GR: 88% at or above benchmark Friday, March 16, 2012

ACT Test Results

The Pleasanton Students: • Score close to the state average each year • Score significantly higher on the math subtest than other subtests • English and reading subtest scores are significantly lower than math and science Friday, March 16, 2012

RTI Response to Interven+on • Committee continues to be trained, monitoring students who experience difficulty in the classroom. • RTI Committee continues to explore ways to make a transition from the Student Assistance Team Approach

Friday, March 16, 2012

Nebraska State Accountability (NeSA) Reading The NDE Report Card indicates: GR 3 – 81.3% meet / exceed math standards GR 4 – 70.6% meet / exceed math standards GR 5 – 71.1% meet / exceed math standards GR 6 – 66.7% meet / exceed math standards GR 7 – 75% meet / exceed math standards GR 8 – 82.4% meet / exceed math standards

Friday, March 16, 2012

Nebraska State Accountability (NeSA) Reading The NDE Report Card indicates: 100 % of students met or exceeded State Reading Standards

Friday, March 16, 2012

Nebraska State Accountability (NeSA) Math The NDE Report Card indicates: GR 3 – 87.5% meet / exceed math standards GR 4 – 76.5% meet / exceed math standards GR 5 – 77.8% meet / exceed math standards GR 6 – 73.3% meet / exceed math standards GR 7 – 81.3% meet / exceed math standards GR 8 – 82.4% meet / exceed math standards

Friday, March 16, 2012

Nebraska State Accountability (NeSA) Science The NDE Report Card indicates: GR 5 – 94.5% meet / exceed science standards GR 8 – 58.2% meet / exceed science standards

Friday, March 16, 2012

CollecRon of Data / Surveys School Climate Survey Graduate Survey Technology Survey Communica+on Survey Methods: Online Collection of data via Facebook / Google Form and Zoomerang Friday, March 16, 2012

Technology Survey Results •Parents (45% participation) •Students (100% par+cipa+on) •Teachers (100 % par+cipa+on) •Used Zoomerang to make, take, and gather data

Friday, March 16, 2012

Teacher Survey Standard 3:

Teaching and Assessing for Learning •Survey on the 12 Objectives of Standard 3. •Experienced Staff •Mastery Degree •Used Zoomerang to make, take, and gather data •Teachers 100% par+cipa+on

Friday, March 16, 2012

Graduate’s Survey Results •Graduates (48 out of 70) 69% •Corliss Dixon used Facebook to get in contact with past graduates •Used Google Docs to take Survey •Used Google Docs to make Graphs

Friday, March 16, 2012

Climate Survey Results • • • •

Parents (48% participation) Students (100% par+cipa+on) Teachers (100 % par+cipa+on) Used Zoomerang to make, take, and gather data

Friday, March 16, 2012

CommunicaRon Survey Results • • • •

Parents (50% participation) Students (100% par+cipa+on) Teachers (100 % par+cipa+on) Used Zoomerang to make, take, and gather data

Friday, March 16, 2012

Rigorous High School Curriculum Every student completes: 4 years of math 4 years of history / social science 3 years of science (most 4 years) 4 years of English 2 years of foreign language (most 4 years) 1 year of informa+on technology (most 4 years) 1 year of career educa+on Friday, March 16, 2012

Rigorous High School Curriculum Mathematics: Eighth Grade Algebra I Senior Op+ons of Calculus I, College Algebra, and Sta+s+cs (UNK or CCC) English Composi+on / Intro to American Literature for Seniors (CCC) Psychology / Sociology, Chemistry for Juniors (Peru State or NCTA)

Friday, March 16, 2012

________ School’s Current ConRnuous Improvement Process

Friday, March 16, 2012

Our Job . . . To provide • School Improvement Goal(s) CommendaRons • School Improvement Goal(s) RecommendaRons • Overall CommendaRons • Overall RecommendaRons • Next Steps

Friday, March 16, 2012

Review and Discuss Agenda Profile Data/Support DocumentaRon Opening PresentaRon by Host School Wri`en Report DirecRons ConRnuous Improvement Technical Assistance Rubric Oral Exit Report Expense Reimbursement Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

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