Mascot Graphic Standards Manual Revised February 2014
Color Please reference the below colors when using the UHD Mascot. PMS coated(C) colors should be used when printed on coated paper, such as glossy, as well as when imprinting on items. PMS uncoated (U) colors should be used when printing on uncoated paper, such as matte.
C: 58.4 M: 1.6 Y: 100 K: 0
R:119 G:188 B: 31
C: 92.8 R: 0 G: 120 M: 27.4 B: 60 Y: 100 K: 15.6
PMS 7732 C
C: 15.7 M: 100 PMS 1797 U Y: 77 K: 4.8
R:198 G:9 B: 59
C: 100 R: 0 G: 46 M:86.4 B: 109 Y: 29.5 K: 22.4
PMS 294 C
PMS 368 C PMS 375 U
PMS 193 C
PMS 349 U
PMS 293 U
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Primary Mark Primary Mark For use on dark background*
Primary Mark For use on light background
Full Color
Black and White
* The Primary Mark shown here is represented on a dark rectangular background for illustrative purposes. The background shape/color is not part of or associated with the Primary Mark.
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Gator Mark Gator Mark For use on dark background*
Gator Mark For use on light background
Full Color
Black and White
* The Gator Mark shown here is represented on a dark rectangular background for illustrative purposes. The background shape/color is not part of or associated with the Gator Mark.
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Gator Head Mark
Gator Head Mark For use on dark background*
Gator Head Mark For use on light background
Full Color
Black and White
* The Gator Head Mark shown here is represented on a dark rectangular background for illustrative purposes. The background shape/color is not part of or associated with the Gator Head Mark.
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Clear Space Guidelines Primary Mark 1) 2) 3) 4)
Draw a square whose height is the same as the “UHD” portion of the logo. This square is your measurement unit. Draw a box around the complete mark. Draw a second larger box with sides that are one measurement unit from the inner box. The outer box defines the clear zone for the mark.
Gator Mark 1) 2) 3) 4)
Draw a square whose Width is the same as the “UHD” portion of the logo. This square is your measurement unit. Draw a box around the complete mark. Draw a second larger box with sides that are one measurement unit from the inner box. The outer box defines the clear zone for the mark.
Gator Head Mark 1) 2) 3) 4)
Draw a square whose height is the same as the distance between the lowest point on the neck and the top of the white in the left eye. This square is your measurement unit. Draw a box around the complete mark. Draw a second larger box with sides that are one measurement unit from the inner box. The outer box defines the clear zone for the mark.
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Minimum Size
Primary Mark It is important for the UHD mark to be clear and easily identifiable wherever it appears. To prevent it from being illegible, the width of “UHD” must always be at least 1”.
Gator Mark 1.75”
It is important for the Gator Mark to be clear and easily identifiable wherever it appears. To prevent it from being illegible, the height of the Gator Mark must always be at least 1.75”.
Gator Head Mark
It is important for the Gator Head Mark to be clear and easily identifiable wherever it appears. To prevent it from being illegible, the width of the Gator Head Mark must always be at least 0.75”.
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Improper Use
DO NOT change the spacing between letters
DO NOT alter the weight or form of the letters
DO NOT change the typeface
DO NOT distort the logo
DO NOT change colors outside of assigned colors
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Produced by Bullpen Marketing for the University of Houston - Downtown