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INSIDES p. 5................................................ Open Letter p. 9..................................................... How-To p. 13............................................... Cheet Sheet p. 14...................................... Antipoems by Siobhan p. 16............................................. Siobhan Stuff p. 18................................................. Chit Chat p. 20.................................................Brain food p. 21........................................... Featured Artist p. 23......................................... Item of the month p. 24............................................ Roll the Creds



OPEN LETTER TO CENSORSHIP I don't hold vendettas against many things, but one practice that forever angers me is censorship. I am a very emotional person, I'll admit, so when something upsets me I force myself into another's shoes and logically work through the actions they did that angered me. In this way I can be objective and overcome my own sentimental biases in most situations. However, I've tried to see the reasoning behind censorship, and it is there, yes, but it's just bad reasoning! I can understand why censorship exists, but that doesn't mean I support it at all. “Think of the children,” you probably didn't say but maybe possibly could have. Well, the way I see it, it is an almost irresponsible move to go out of your way in order to keep children in the dark. I mean don't get me wrong here, it's not like I'm saying go show your 5-year-old kid Wolf of Wall Street, it's just that you shouldn't freak out when they are exposed to something you'd rather have "protected" them from. This is the world they are growing up in, and you can't change that. Coming from the perspective of a highly sheltered kid, I can say with complete honesty that it makes for an awkward and uncomfortable adolescence. I never swear in front of my parents. I never talk about sex in front of my parents. I never talk about drugs or alcohol in front of my parents. God knows what the hell I even do talk about in front of my parents. Suffice to say, sheltering your kids is no way to form a strong healthy relationship. As well, when I started to take off the rose-colored glasses of my childhood and really see all the injustice and unhappiness in the world, I couldn't help but feel betrayed by my parents. I've gotten over it though; after all it isn’t their fault, and I can understand that they’d only wanted what was best. By now, I have come to realize that the world is the way it is and I honestly don't know if it can ever be changed (I hope and pray to an agnostic's god that it can), and all we can do is look at it honestly. For too long have our perceptions been sugar-coated and for too long have artists of any and all mediums been persecuted for their brutally honest depictions of their world. However, there is absolutely no reason to continue down this road. Why should we continue to criminalize the truth? Why is it that we fear our children learning about how their world really works? If anything, I believe that it is our duty to no longer neglect the ugly facts of life that we’d rather keep hidden. All that’s at stake really is our own slight discomfort, and in comparison to the valid education of a new generation, is that really all that much to ask for? Personally, I believe that censorship only serves to perpetuate the fear culture that we have culminated for ourselves, as a society. We have 5

built up walls between ourselves and reality through this superfluous censorship. We deny the truths that we cannot bear to face, ourselves. Truthfully, in order to overcome injustice, one must acknowledge it. How can we expect to grow as a society so long as we refuse to even look at the harsh truths existing in our world. We must not only look deeply into the void of unpleasantries that dominate our planet, but we must let them affect us. As I’ve said before, I’m really, really angry. I’m angry because I’ve allowed myself to see reality exactly the way that it is. I’ve looked at the universe honestly, with all of it’s ugliness, bigotry, hate, hope, fear, beauty, happiness, love, death, life, injustice, resistance, passion, oppression, war, and humanity. The world can be a pretty scary place, at times. It can be depressing and overwhelming, but it can also be incredible. In my life, so far, I’ve met some of the most amazing, open-minded, and loving people in the world. probably. I’ve had fantastic experiences that I will never forget and that words can hardly explain. I’ve had the good fortune to be witness so much beauty, and it is that beauty that we all must fight for. Yeah, there is a lot of bullshit that we all have to deal with on the daily, and for some, this is much much harder than for others, but it is important to remember the good as well as the bad. I am angry, but my anger is not just fueled by the bad, but by threats to the good as well. I know that there is so much good in the world and I say it’s time we fight for it. An honest view of the world is not the same as focusing on the bad stuff. Trust me, I’ve been guilty of that, and it does no one any good. To take an honest look means to take in the good with the bad, to understand that a planet full of atrocities can also be home to miracles, if we let it. As my favorite Existential philosopher Nietzsche said “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” Yes, life can be hard. Yes, the world can be an ugly place. Yes, some people really suck. All of that is a given. The thing about life is that it isn’t easy, and sometimes it all just seems pointless. But, here’s the thing: your life doesn’t have to be meaningless. You get to decide what your life will mean. However, as we all know, an uninformed decision is always bad news. So here we come full circle. In order to decide what your life should mean or what you should even do with it, you deserve to have a full, unadulterated view of the world surrounding you. You deserve to be informed of the context of your life. So why should we keep allowing the media to show us only the bits and pieces of our world that they deem appropriate?


I say bring on the swear words. Bring on the “mature themes”, and nudity, and brutality, and obscenities, because in the real world there are no bleeps or blurs. Give us all the content as raw as you can, and let us be the judges of what is appropriate for ourselves. No longer should we persecute artists for showing things the way they really are, because honestly that’s just plain stupid! As I’ve said, this is the world that we are all born into, and at times it does seem like the darkness can overthrow the light, and maybe it does, who’s to say? However, you are deluding yourself so long as you refuse to acknowledge the existence of either factor. Excuse the cheese, but life is like a rose, it can be gorgeous, but sooner or later it’ll prick you. So let’s stop dethorning the rose that we call life. Let’s just finally accept the fact that the good and the bad go hand in hand, and stop trying to ignore the parts that hurt us. After all, how are you supposed to fix something that you refuse to see? xoxo, One Kid Who’s Equally Angry & Blissful

(and a little confused.)




How to Look Like You’re Summoning the Devil in 10 Easy Steps (aka “How to play KUNJA”) Have you ever found yourself completely and entirely surrounded by uptight sticks in the mud? Wish there was a way you could just completely and entirely freak them out? Do you ever have the desire for others to perceive you as a satanic madman? If you’re currently in this situation, then you, my friend, are in luck. There exists a game that not only is bundles of fun- but can also dupe the prissier of your peers into believing that you are, in fact, a voodoo priest or priestess (or anything in between). What could this mysterious game be? Kunja. Sound black magic enough for you, yet? So, just follow these steps and you’ll be scaring your elders in absolutely no time at all! This is a short one, too. So you’re just that much closer to fooling the world into thinking you’re summoning Satan!


Gather a Tribe

Unfortunately for you creepy little critter, this is not a one person game. So that means you’re going to need to find some other humans who share in your longing to freak out the normal people. I’d recommend finding the Winona Ryder character from Beetlejuice, however if that isn’t really a possibility, you’d want to find some people who are as “strange and unusual” as her. Or basically, just find a few friends who’d be okay looking like a herd of warlocks for the upcoming minutes/hours/years. You’re going to need at least 3 other people for a functional, not-terrible game. If you have around 20 other humans at your disposal, though, that would be pretty stellar.


Identify Your Victims

Now that you’ve got your troops rounded up, you’re going to want to find the perfect spot to unleash your mad chanting skills. Context is everything here, and the less context the better. One of the best kunja games I’ve played took place about 10 feet from a little league practice. Got plenty of nervous looks from adults and small children, alike. Needless to say, that was a huge success. So for the most triumphant reactions, you’re really going to want to find the most unsuspecting location that you can. Playgrounds, fancy dinner parties, 5-star-restaurants, the dark star-speckled night sky’s the limit!



In order to start the game you’re going to want to find an open plot of land somewhere and have your troops all sit criss-cross-apple-sauce in a nice big circle. If you 9

want you can do some whooping and interpretive dancing as you find your seat. For good measure, you might even want to do a synchronized pratfall followed by violent seizing. You know, to give the impression of a total demonic possession. I mean, that may potentially be a bit much, but you can’t say that it would not be pretty effective. Either way, the important part to take away from this step would be the sitting in a circle. It really doesn’t matter how much flash you add, so long as you are, in fact, sitting, ultimately.


Begin the Game

Okay, okay, okay. Here’s where it starts getting freaky deaky. Now that you are all sitting, the next step would be to have every member of your group slap their thighs, clap their hands, and repeat, in rhythm. Once you’ve got a beat going you’re going to start chanting the word Kunja (Kune-Jah) in rhythm with your clapping. You’re going to want to start it out slow if you’re a rookie at this, trust me. It only gets more complicated from this point out. Just hold on for a little while- it’s really fun, I swear!


“Bunny Bunny”

Now that you’ve been chanting for a sufficient amount of time, you’re all set to add the next step. In order to really start the game, one person must turn their hands to face them and then pinch their thumb to their middle and ring finger twice while saying “bunny bunny”, then make eye contact with another player, turn their hands to face that person, and repeat the “bunny bunny” hand motion, now aimed at the person of their choosing. Now the second person has the bunny and must do the same thing as the one before them and pass the bunny along to another player, and the game keeps going until someone messes up (in which case, you can either have the screw-up be out or just start playing again, pending on how many players you have). All the while, the rest of the circle continues to chant “Kuuun-ja Kuuun-ja”. I really hope you started out slow.


Gain Speed

Once you think you’re ready to spread your little gargoyle wings and take flight, it’s time to build up speed. The faster you go, the more intense and difficult the game becomes. Do not be deterred if you mess up, though! Once you get the hang of it, I swear to god this is the most fun game in the whole entire world- Probably the underworld and the universe and all alternate universes, as well. It’s my personal favorite game, if I do say 10

so myself. And another bonus of picking up the speed? It’s guaranteed to freak out all uninvolved bystanders that much more!


“Toki Toki”

I’m sorry, you might not like this, but there’s another step. Granted, you don’t have to do this step, but it makes the game more challenging and makes your crazed chanting even more unsettling to the outsiders. So here’s the deal: if you’re sitting next to the player who has the bunny, you need to spread out your palms and wave your hands side to side while saying “Tokitoki Tokitoki” (Toe-key). Keep in rhythm and don’t forget to go back to kunja-ing afterwards!


Gain MORE Speed

Once you’ve gotten the hang of everything, go even faster. Also, if by this point you haven’t received a noteworthy amount of looks, you might be doing something wrong. In that case I don’t know what to tell you. This game is pretty hard to explain, tbh.


Gain Volume

Louder is always better. Make your game all the more intense and shocking by gaining volume as well as speed. In this way, all those around you will definitely draw the conclusion that the devil is just about to make an appearance. Probably. But, I mean if you heard a crowd of crazed youth shouting words like “Kunja” and “Toki toki”, you’d probably fear something demonic ripping it’s bloody, horned head through the floor, too. I might. If nothing else, I’d at least think it was a fairly weird occurrence, feel me? Nah? Yeah, that’s fine. I’m telling you, though, get LOUD.


Crawl Back into the Cave From Whence You Came

Once you’ve Kunja-ed for long enough, it’s time to make a dramatic exit. Maybe go into a backbend and crawl away? Or you could just walk. Either way, do me a favor and check your thighs? I always get a splatter of tiny bruises all around mine, and I’d really like to know if I’m the only one that happens to. Maybe I’m just going too ham.



Cheet Sheet

Let’s Learn About MASCULINITY ●

The most prevalent ideal of masculinity is called “hegemonic masculinity” which

requires that men: stray from femininity, heavily monitor their emotions, be aggressive and macho, pursue their sexuality with frequency, and distance themselves from homosexuality to the point of homophobia. ●

Around 1 in 14 men will be victims of domestic abuse, however this fact is

trivialized and overlooked by society’s perception of men and masculinity. ●

Men have, on average, a lifespan 5 years shorter than women, a fact that has been

linked, by a study by the UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research XIII, to social codes that discourage men from seeking help, specifically, with health related problems. ●

"Lots of boys pick strong messages about who they are and who they want to be

from the media. The music industry presents overtly sexual messages that denigrate women and portray them as sex toys. Video games offer violent messages, and even the sports video games include taunting and teasing. Movies portray men as tough guys. And there are the subtle advertising messages aimed at boys, in the liquor ads on billboards and buses. All of these offer images of masculinity that boys strive to achieve."- Geoffrey Canada, President and CEO of the Harlem Children's Zone

Some Resources: ●



Violence: ●




Kids: ●



Antipoems by Siobhan

Summer Hot Fire Sun Sunburn Burning Death

Fall Leaves Falling Slipping Falling Death


Spring Flowers Bees Allergys Death



Siobhan Stuff

Trust issues suck. I mean they really honestly suck. I can’t even do a trust fall without feeling completely defenseless with fear and anxiety. Trust issues aren’t something you’re born with, it is a defense mechanism that you learn after being hurt so many times. The ways I learned to protect my self was to be an open book and to not trust anyone. And it isn’t like I am constantly paranoid that you’re going to like steal my stuff. It is more like if I tell you anything you are’nt gonna keep quiet and you’re going to leave me. Yeah. Today I broke down because I have to do a trust fall from a table tomorrow. I am dreading it so badly I am contemplating skipping and I don’t skip class. EVER. I HAVE NEVER FELT THE URGE EVEN. I am shaking and crying right now at the thought of even going to class and having to fall from a table into the arms of strangers. AFTER THE FALL So, I fell. I did it. I made my self so vulnerable, and the thing is, I don’t regret it. Yeah. I still don’t trust them but I don’t not trust them either. yeah.

-Siobhan <3



Chit Chat

Interviewing: Bev Kunkel

What's your favorite color? ● Olive green because I look good in it and it's my eye color.

What is the last song you had stuck in your

head? ● "We found love" I think it's called Rhianna- by Rhianna

Who's your oldest friend? ● My friend Spirit. I have known her since she was three and I was five. She was my neighbor and we met because she was watching me through her window. She thought I was a princess.

Do you talk to strangers? ● Yes I do. Sometimes I chime in on random conversations or greet people on the street.

What is the first memory that comes to your head

right now? ● Sitting on my cousin's bed when I was little. I am wearing Dorothy's ruby red slippers and clicking them together.

What is your strongest held belief? ● Eating healthy is key to living a long and happy life.



Brain food Word Jumbles: ergadllaanoep

_____ _____


neaj yeer


enrgde oresl

______ _


ufkc eth iartpcayrh

____ ___


talebr msacu


hrifcried ziethnsec

_________ ________





rjr oleinkt

___ _____

echet ehets


ahryr otpert

_____ __

oirt rrglr

____ __







ofwalngg udamaes atozrm


___ _______ ______

hnoj nenoln

____ _


____ _____

_________ _ _

____ ___ __


Secret message from Jim Morrison: ______ ___ _______ <3(Siobhan doesn’t approve of #16)<3 Answer Key: 1. Edgar Allan Poe 2. Jane Eyre 3. gender roles 4. fuck the patriarchy 5. Albert Camus 6. Friedrich Nietzsche 7. masculinity 8. bullture 9. JRR Tolkien 10. cheet sheet 11. Harry Potter 12. riot grrrl 13. Chicago 14. brain food 15. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 16. John Lennon


Featured Artist Clare Darnall



Item of the month Siobhan GAME OF THRONES. OMFG. G.O.T. IS MY LIFE RIGHT NOw. I read 200 pages in the last 24 hours. Let’s just say I am slightly *cough* extremely *cough* obsessed. Like I did my homework in 10 minutes because I didn’t procrastinate at all. I just wanted to finish it so I could read. ALSO The book is like 100000000000000000000000000x better than the show. AND Daenerys Targaryen is a fucking badass female character. I wish I was her, kinda, not really. But she is awesome and I wish I was kind of as cool as she was. I also Love Arya. She is another badass female character. GO BADASS FEMALE CHARACTERS! I also love Jon Snow. And Tyrion Lannister Those are the four characters I love with a burning passion.

Paloma This month I am grateful for ridiculous self-diagnoses. See, I am the kind of person who gets colds all the time. My throat has been sore since like 8th grade and the days when my nose isn’t stuffy are highly valued rarities. I literally just blew my nose right now. And again. Anyway, I heard a few weeks ago that there was something going around called “walking pneumonia” (techy name: mycoplasma) and that sounds pretty damn scary, am I right? So I went home and looked it up via WebMD, and it turns out that the symptoms of walking pneumonia were all basically just the symptoms of the common cold. So what do I do? I (probably falsely) diagnose myself with walking pneumonia. Why? Because it is a far more interesting answer to any comments about my nose-blowing, constant-coughing condition. “Oh wow, are you sick?” “Yeah, that young walking pneumonia.” It’s just way more fun. PS, might I also express my gratitude for tissues and tea? Thanks for getting me through cold season.

Grace Long car rides are really great, I mean, you get to sit, not do anything, and look out the window at all sorts of things going by. Especially if you have comfy stuff to cuddle. If I could I would just sit in the back of a coach bus and be driven around the world. all I would need is some blankets, a big sweater, and many snacks. Watching things buzz past the window has always been super relaxing, even if it just the same corn or trees over and over, it just feels good. And I am very lucky to be able to read in the car, so books=great car rides=great books+car rides=best things ever. Especially if the car ride if long enough to read and gaze out the window and sleep and eat and read more. When I was little I would stick my head out of the window like a dog, but I had to stop because that is a very dangerous thing to do.


Roll the Creds Hit us up: e-mail contactbullture@gmail.com follow bullture.tumblr.com like facebook.com/bulltureculture

Kudos: Writers: Siobhan Sandoval, Paloma Campillo Editor in Chief/Angry Kid: Paloma Campillo Formatting: Grace Bullock Special thanks to Bev Kunkel Thanks to our artist Clare Darnall


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