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Issue 10









Of licentia Superiorum

Imprimatur: Mecljliniae, 28 die 1945 Junii (F) ET-JOS. CARTON DE WIART, Ev. to.


INTRODUCTION Year 1595, in Venice, came out of the presses of George AngelĂŠrier a big two-volume work: Lignum Vitae ... (1). The author, a Benedictine Mantuan Arnold Wion native of Douai, it reviewed the illustrious men of his order. On page 307 of the first volume presents the record of St. Malachy, the greatest apostle of Ireland after St. Patrick, friend of St. Bernard, who wrote his life (2). It is here that for the first time the famous Prophecy of the Popes who will be the subject of our study. The first editor, Wion, we offer as an apology, saying: "That's all I found the literary production of St. Malachy"! He added that if he publishes this prophecy is that knowledge is unique, many people desire it and that is it does not take up too much space! Yet it has papal 111 reports that fill five pages in 40 (8). The reports due at the time of publication (1595) are flanked by the papal names: there are 77, Celestin II was elected in 1143 to Clement VIII elected in 1592. Except for the last three names are followed by a papal brief comment justifying the prophetic description. Wion ending note that these comments are not the work of St. Malachy, but his interpreter, R. P. Alfonso Chacon O. P. This is probably the historian of the Popes better known as the Latin name of Ciacconius. Ciacconius he really believed that St. Malachy was the author of 111 horoscopes which nobody had heard before the end of the sixteenth century? We think not. Others go further and conjecture that boldly Ciacconius is not only responsible for the comments, but signs

(*) See Appendix I to the facsimile of the frontispiece. (2) See Acta SS. Nov., t. II, pars prior. - Patrology of Migne, t. 182. - Cfr Vacandard Journal of Quest, hist., T. 52 (1892), pp.. 5-57. (3) See Appendix I of the facsimile pages 307-311.



parliaments themselves! The source is clearly very suspicious. In short, the Prophecy of the Popes still remains mysterious in its origin. It is no less mysterious in its intention. To read reviews of Ciacconius, reports indiscreet answer the question "Who is the pope? "As the No. i Ex Castro Tiberi means that the pope will come out of Castello on the Tiber, the No. 2 inimicus expulsus means it belongs to the family Caccianemica, No. 3 Ex magnitudine montis, it will come from village of Montemagno, etc.. (1). Once, only once, comments that use a post-election: at No. 68 frumentum flocidum, wheat (weapons of Marcel H) is said floccidum, Ciacconius note, because the Pope will reign little days. Elected April 9, 1555, Marcel died in fact the first of May next. It is surprising that after this 74 de Rore caeli the interpreter did not see in the image of the heavenly dew and beneficial short pontificate of Urban VII (from 15 to 27 September 1590). Evidence that Ciacconius deliberately stopped his eyes with a history of the pontiffs. Urban had been archbishop of Rossano: that was enough to justify his description. So if the author of the comments was also the author of the prophecy, the intent of it is as clear as day. But it is so obvious that the latest reports, at least, reports not discussed, are anything other than the history of the popes (baptismal names or family coat of arms, titles of Cardinals, places of origin, etc.).. How to see Pia civitas in hello (No. 76) the holy city at war which would be elected from? Allusion unlikely, since the lack Ex or In whose reports are discussed abundant consumption. It is an event of the pontificate to be reported this way. Consideration was given to Paris who under Innocent IX, in league against Henry IV with the support of the Pope. Similarly at No. 79 perversa People, instead of an accursed race which elected come out, we saw more precisely Protestant Germany who, under Paul V, conspires against the Catholic Empire. At No. 104 Religio Depopulata, is it a religious order to which belong the depopulated elected? Again the absence of Ex or In

(L) See Appendix II numbered series of reports translated and identified.



reminds more of a devastating event in Christendom. Unanimously we saw here the prediction of the Great War 1914-1918 which ravaged the pontificate of Benedict XV. N08 The 109 and 110 are clearly referring to signs in the moon and the sun of God's judgment precursors, such as No. 111 Gloria Olivae clearly announces the victory of the holy people, provided by the same Final Judgement described the conclusion of the prophecy. It seems that the latest reports are not point the same as the first and the ambiguity of intention thickens the mystery of the origin. Are the reports may have been altered commented? The assumption of a false or partial alterations made after the fact would explain the duality of intent: the original document predicted the major events of the coming pontificates, but misunderstood and mistreated by the prime interpreter, the published text does not show over the original intent, if not in the reports which have escaped the alterations of the forger. There are other mysteries yet. The conclusion that seems clear is she, like everyone else was believed so far, the Last Judgement, or, as we believe, one of the judgments of God that punctuate the story, such as destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century, the end of medieval Christendom in the fifteenth? We affirm that it is now, not the end of the world, but only to the ruin of the city of seven hills, a symbol of pagan civilization after the Renaissance. We base our opinion on an array of exact calculations, all of which give the year 2012 to the date of the ruin in question. It is clear that this date can not be the Unknown day and ruin, therefore, is also not the end of the world. The author of Prophecy of the Popes is not St. Malachy, but he has honored his work to the great Irish saint. Why? Is this the end to be able to predict for sure the history of post-pontificates the author claimed and before the real author? It was necessary to introduce the reports truly prophetic, that is to say, we believe, the last 40, those of Gregory XIII was elected in 1572 and his 39 successors, including Pope Pius XII is the 34th. The process of Pseudo-Malachi denounces do not necessarily fraudulent intent. We will call



"Prophet" for short and without wishing in the least a matter that the magisterium of the Church alone can legitimately know. Of all the mysteries of the Prophecy of the Popes it is the thickest. We will know why if you have the courage to read through.

THE MYSTERY OF THE ORIGIN The mystery of the origin is not yet clarified, we said. We are certainly the first to suggest the hypothesis of a false part. A forger reached, it is obvious. Or at least it is certain that the reports of previous Popes Gregory XIII were prepared under different conditions that reports later. It is too little say in other conditions. For if the "prophet" had everything written in the late sixteenth century, if no forger had come to edit their work, even though the conditions had been different: the sole author had consulted historical data to Gregory XIII and then its lights prophetic. Borrowing Panvinius (*) detected by Thurston (2) and errors already reported by MĂŠnestrier (3) show a drawing or subsequent events, inspired by fallible document, not the intervention of a forger distinct from the original author . Let us say more precisely that the last 40 reports were written in another intention that emerges from the current text of the first 71. This sudden change of sight it must be concluded in a fraudulent action. Or the sole author is a forger, or there are two authors and the former may be sincere. We would assume the two authors. It is a priori the pjus likely since a forger would not have changed his views and he would have avoided by prudence altered that the "prophet," He was absolutely refrain, as the reports were written after the fact

(*) Onuphrius Panvinius published in Venice in 1557 a series of records on Romani Pontifice. ( A ) T h e W a r a n d t h e P r o p h e t s (London, 1915, pp. 120-161). Cfr Vacandard, critical studies and religious history, fourth series, Paris, 1923, pp. 4363. - According to his model slavishly, the Pseudo-Malachi is only interested in events prior to the election of popes, adds to antipopes legitimate popes, etc..

(*) Refutation of prophecy falsely attributed to St. Malachy on t h e e l e c t i o n o f p o p e s , Paris, (1689). - As currently drafted, the first reports allude to false arms.



the end to introduce the prophetic and to facilitate interpretation. What we need to put this beyond doubt, is the change of intent from the report of Gregory XIII. Such is the "break" that we, just tear the veil that covers the source. But there is another cut, obviously, we need to talk first to get rid forever of the thesis defended indefensible and yet again in the twentieth century (1), that the reports are not all equally prophetic! Borrowing Panvinius sufficient to refute the thesis in question. There was likewise very compromising literal similarities between alerts and Historia B. Platinae Vitis Pontificum Romanorum published in Cologne in 1573: composita at No. 27, modicitate at No. 54. But it is unnecessary to use the findings as delicate! The simple reading of the commentary immediately imposes Ciacconius unshakable conviction that the first 71 reports were written after the fact: the discretion of God does not accommodate itself to predictions made abruptly. As well, if all reports are also prophetic, how is it that the discretion of God, overshadowed in the first 71, broke out in the last 40? On the one hand, some thirty names on the other hand, only three: Romulea, Umbriae, Etruriae. Before you even compare the text with the priests, it is clear that the first reports to accumulate details cram two names: From Pannonia Tusciae (No. 8), Hierusalem Campaniae (No. 21), while the latter remain in the general. Here the words naturally bind: Lilies and Pink (No. 81), insatiable beast (No. 86), Penance glorious (No. 87), Soldier in War (No. 91), high column (No. 92), Eagle raptor (No. 97), Light in the sky (No. 102), burning fire (No. 103), Faith intrepid (No. 105), etc.. There they found more than once reconciliations monstrous Pig in a sieve (No. 11), Canon of the brick (No. 16), bone Cobbler (No. 35), goat and the hostel (n 56), The Poli-port grille (No. 63), Flower hat patient (No. 65), Crown mountain (No. 67), angel oak (No. 71).

(!) In particular by Father Joseph Master. See The Prophecy of the Popes attributed to St. Malachy. Critical study. Beaune, 1901 (864 pp.) The Popes and the Papacy in 1143 at the end of the world Paris, 1902 (718 pp.)..



But it is the confrontation with the priests of reports accusing the clearest cut denouncing the false. Almost all first reports of the 71 words trouyent is justified by the arms, the names of baptism or family, the places of origin, the titles of Cardinals, while the words of the last 40 reports almost never have this chance then ! In the case of Lumen caelo (No. 102) indicating the star in the sky of arms of Leo XIII is unique or nearly so. Mon-tium custos (No. 83) could also be justified by the star vigilant that overcomes the hills in the arms of Alexander VII. However, as words are not typical application in the last 40 reports, while their fellows in the first 71 are constantly checked! Thus the cross is missing weapons of Clement VIII (No. 77: Crux Romulea), Innocent X (No. 82: Jucunditas crucis), and Pius IX (No. 101: Crux of cruce) and the Lily Rose are similarly not found in the history of Urban VIII (No. 81: Lilium and Rosa), flowers in a circle in those of Clement XI (No. 89 Flores circumdata), the Rose of Umbria in those of Clement XIII ( No. 94: Rosa Umbriae) for the same deficiency Swan attributed to Clement IX (No. 84: Sidus Olorum), for the country assigned to Animal Benedict XIV (No. 93: Animal rural), Bear rapidly assigned to Clement XIV (No. 95: Ursus velox) to the Eagle raptor attributed to Pius VII (No. 97: Aquila rapax), Dog and Snake attributed to Leo XII (No. 98: Canis and Coluber). The cut is obvious and we do not understand that the loyal Lord Abbot was able to stubbornly deny (1). Holding the unit drawing must conclude that total falsification. Only the case of fraudulent alterations or remodeling the second editor reports due for them to say who will be pope, saves the reports not due to the late sixteenth century to explain fully the cut which we have spoken. The first author had in mind the history of the Church or pontificates, as shown in the last 40 reports, the second, as evidenced by the first 71 as they are now, was only the history of the pontiffs. It is now a question of whether something is the first draft in the first 71 reports.

(') See especially the first volume of Master, pp. 627-644.



The intervention of a forger is clear: how far will she? It could be that the second Editor has complied with the number of reports and that he was merely slight alterations, it could also be that he thoroughly revised the original text. We believe we can guarantee to the nearest whole number of reports today: the mention of the antijustified as discussed and attributed to St. Malachy is the fact that the first editor. We also have the right to ensure the complete integrity of the last 40 reports: our findings will that integrity beyond doubt. As for the first 71, we dare not say for sure: there have been alterations, of course, and probably travel, but how? It is impossible to answer. Just, indeed, change one letter at times to say something entirely new report. At least we affirm this: suppose after writing a pre-existing text that guides and embarrassment. The forger has kept the measure and did not give a punch where a successful push to say who would be Pope. 71 The first reports are indisputable traces of retouching. Free to a pre-existing text, the forger would have worded differently, often if not always, the answer to the question: Who will be pope? He retained the authentic text for the papal events in the history of the allusions more or less suitable to its own subject. Thus, even in the reports due and commented, Father Master was able to discover moral references, similar to those of reported non-retouched. Advocate of total authenticity, he found other explanation for this duality of intent that ingenious system of double intention: the prophet would focus on major events pontificates, but the operator would describe in the arms, the names, titles of future popes (1). The objection to Master the operation aforesaid is as poor in the last 40 reports that it is rich in the first 71.

(') "These details, which it has often stopped as if they were referred to themselves by the author of the prophecy, are only a pretext: they are chosen in such a way that they serve by a kind of word play, to express an opinion on each pontificate "(The Popes and the Papacy in 114S at the end of the world, p. 23).



Examples of probable alterations. We conjecture that No. 9 Ex anser quarter panel was read originally: Anser custos. The first report writer meant and vigilance of Alexander III, whose name evoked the memory of the geese of the Capitol. The forger could not ignore the obvious allusion, but he forfeited to the system to him. By replacing Anser anser custos by Ex custodian, he turned the point of the allusion to the history of the pontiff, that is to say to his family background. In the system invented by Master Anser custos much better it would * anser rear quarter. At 22, the forger retains the Dragon struck, signal the fall of the Hohenstaufen under Clement IV, because there is an allusion to the alleged arms of this pope, "Aquila cuius insignia unguibus Draconem tenens." Novus No. 41 of Virginia fort is the most significant. Listen Ciacconius "Gregorius XI vocabatur Belforti Petrus, Cardinal S. Novae Mariae. " Beaufort Sainte-Marie-la-Neuve, either! Also: New high of a virgin, some allusion to the return of Gregory XI in Rome thanks to the energetic intervention of St. Catherine of Siena. If the forger would not keep referring to the great event of his pontificate, he would have written: Nova of Virginia fortis. Here we have evidence that the second she could kept writing the first. At 62, the reference to the primitive papacy of Julius II: Fructus Iovis iuvabit (It will promote the arts, the fruits of Jupiter) is retained by the forger who hears it in his own way: The oak tree of Jupiter, will promote Cardinal della Rovere! The ambiguity has rendered superfluous by any editor. This case had to be extremely rare. Usually a boost was needed, as Ex Anser anser instead. Gregory XII, the pope of the great schism reached its climax, was originally reported as a boatman facing the sea in ponto Nauta (No. 48). A beautiful symbol that the forger a miserable substitute for referring to the Commandery of Negroponte Gregory XII whose future was filled and he writes: Nauta nigro spawning. If he keeps at least Nauta is that it sees an allusion to Venice, home of the elect. Witness the comment Ciacconius "Venetus, commendatarius Nigropontis ecclesiae."



The choice of the forger can not be explained always the intention that inspires only. Cornes it applies to a pope Conti (No. 15), Luna Moonstone (No. 43), nothing more natural! But why it falls to Vicecomes Urban V, who was nuncio in Visconti (No. 40) instead of Gregory X Visconti (No. 23)? Why Medicorum will happen to Paul III cardinal of SS. Cosmas and Damian (No. 66) instead of fall to one of the three popes Medicis (Nos. 63, 65, 70)? Rather than edit the original text, the forger is sometimes content with allusions whatsoever. Usually though he is content with little. This is quite exceptional that it takes the overall signal indicating the candidate-Pope. Most often it takes the words in isolation or even a syllable attached to it! Tusciae (No. 8), Tuscus (No. 26) are a cardinal of Tusculum, Esca (# 30) means Esculanus; Capra and albergo (No. 56), and Capranica Albergati; Fide (No. 69), Caraffa! Or, going from one extreme to the other, referring to literal becomes purely moral means Piscator Jean-Pierre at No. 26 and the son of a fisherman at No. 58, at 49, means Flagellum an archbishop of Milan by the emblem of St. Ambrose at No. 52, Lupa reports a bishop of Siena in the arms of this city, at No. 63, De craticula must mention the origin of Leo son of Lorenzo the Magnificent ! There is evidence, we believe that there has been double writing, first for the pontificates, the second candidates for the tiara. Now the question is whether the last 40 reports have escaped the alterations which have clearly suffered the first 71. If Ciacconius was the author of retouching, n08 72, 73 and 74 discussed by him as the first 71 would also be suspect. This is yet in its system of interpretation, the poverty of his recorded allusions to our 72, 73 and 74, we can scarcely believe them intentional. The waist of the balls (. Pilar Medium body Kingdom) according to him would mean the dragon without tail of weapons of Gregory XIII and the balls of arms of Pius IV, who was Cardinal Buoncompagni! The Axe in the middle of the sign (. Axis in signi medietate) identify the band that crosses the lion (zodiac sign?) Coat of arms of the Pope! The Dew of Heaven (De Rore Caeli) evoke the Archdiocese of Rossano which was Urban VII holder! Such coincidences have



be accepted, offering themselves or existing in the text, it is hardly possible that they were invented or obtained by retouching. It was so easy to write: draco and middle finger medietate Leonis in Axis. Perhaps the forger he was selected by the fact that reports of Gregory XIII, Sixtus V and Urban VII were known to the public, have been disclosed separately in the conclave after the first draft, which would have place under St. Pius V. It is necessary that both editors are closely following, since nothing remains of the first, except that it has retained the second. We guess that the forger has removed the manuscripts that would have denounced his edits, but this precaution makes sense only in the event that the manuscripts in question were small, which implies a fairly recent editorial. The disappearance of the few witnesses to the original text would justify the assertion of the first editor, "has midt wishes." We knew the prophecy of the popes, we recall the reports of the last three elected (1572, 1585, 1590), but we regret not to find the full text. The forger then put into circulation a revised text that Wion is responsible to publish comments with tendentious Ciacconius. According to Thurston, things would have developed and passed. The sole author of the prophecy, a hoaxer simply having fun to take the horoscopes of 74 popes and anti-popes from Innocent II in Rome who received St. Malachy, the game continued looking around him papabili them the most. In view of Cardinal Simoncelli to Orvieto, he wrote Ex Antiquitates Urbis (No. 75); to Bellarmine Monte Pulciano, Pia Civitas in bello (No. 76); to Santa Croce in Rome, Crux Romulea ( No. 77), to which Baronius is the emblem of the waves, Undosus vir (No. 78). After that, it would have launched into space the remaining 33 numbers! Improbable hypothesis and also refuted by history. For Santa Croce died in 1588. The hoaxer would have operated at or before that date. But at that time, nor were cardinal Baronius or Bellarmine! In itself, nothing prevents that the forger may have looked upon foreign candidates to the Sacred College, but then the field opens randomly becomes huge! Small wonder that in this wide range of candidates seeking Thurston discovers good and by simply allusions which



conch four characters meet more or less the reports in question? What surprises us, us is that Thurston Undosus virtual stops and it has found no justification for perversa People (No. 79) and the rest! In 1588, only a prophet could have foreseen that he would be a just Baronius was elected in place of Undosus vir (1). Of the four reports that Thurston is a credit to its mystifying invention, the latter is by far the most successful. That is to say more accurately that looks just like the reports discussed by Ciacconius. The connection of words in Undosus vir (man full of waves) is not surprising that in less nemorosus Angelus (Angel of groves). Ciacconius, Chacon Spanish, would have seen in the reporting of Baron Vir and Undosus an allusion to the "waves" of weapons of Baronius, he who, at 32, note Undarum such an allusion to the "waves" of the coat of arms Boniface VTII . We believe that the convenience of easy vir Undosus with Baronius Ciacconius did not escape, but it is not he who invented it. At most he has touched the reporting of Bonifica VIII and introduced there the "unda" that prepared the intelligence Ă 'Undosus. The other three meetings, they are so miserable that it is unnecessary to explain other than by chance. Especially the first Ex Antiquitates Urbis for a citizen of Orvieto can not stand the test. Yet the opponents of the prophecy have ceased to boast as the key to the mystery of the origin! To listen to the Prophecy of the Popes have been made expressly to suggest to the candidacy of Cardinal Simoncelli to Orvieto! Schmidlin is the first, to our knowledge, which has recognized the limited basis of this assumption free (2). First, Simoncelli was never a candidate. But there is more. We affirm that it is impossible to see in Ex Antiquitates Urbis an allusion to Orvieto. Urbs with a capital letter does not mean anything other than Rome, especially here. Antiquities is also very poorly chosen to signify the age of Orvieto. Finally, if the author of the

(1) See Moliens, art. Baronius, dictionary of ecclesiastical history and geography, VI, 871. - Without the opposition of the Spanish Baronius took the place of the ephemeral Leo XI. ( Ă‚ ) Die Papstweissagung of hl. Malachias, in Festgabe H. End / you, Munster in Westphalia, 1904, p. 33.



prophecy had thought of Orvieto (Urbs dressed) by writing Ex Antiquitates Urbis, how could he not have given to Ex Novitates urbis reporting to one of three popes Neapolitan met before? He could not ignore the Neapolitan origin of Paul IV (No. 69) his contemporary, and we see by the text of their reports, he had the attention drawn to the same Neapolitan origin of Urban VI ( No. 45) and John XXIII (No. 50). Pia Civitas in bello poorly made reference to Bellarmine. Crux Romulea to Santa Croce in Rome would be more successful, was the banality of the Cross Roman in a series of papal reports. Both will we see further that the true meaning of the reports in question has nothing to do with the history of the pontiffs. The interpretation system accredited by Ciacconius only maintained beyond the reports due only with conjecture disproved by the event. Simoncelli was not elected, nor Bellarmine, neither Santa Croce nor Baronius! The first interpreter lived to witness the collapse of its system. We understand that, never admitted authorship Wion endorsed him! He died in 1599 with the hope (perhaps) that Baronius successor to Clement VIII and rehabilitation, by name and weapons figured in Undosus vir system disgraced. It is not clear that Ciacconius itself has retouched the alerts it says. It is likely, however. He has succumbed to the temptation common to all the commentators, who imagine easily restore the texts they alter! We hear it said, smiling at Wion, "commented The reports are not quite of St. Malachi, they are a little too"! Wion and discreetly sends us in veiled admission "ad Quae Pontifice adiecta not ipsius Malachiae sunt, sed R. P. F. Alphonse Giacon, Ord. Praedicatorum, huius Prophetiae interpreters ". Targeting only comments, the opinion is way too naive. In wanting to complete the original work, Ciacconius has spoiled a lot. It's his fault that all performers have since denied speculation in the prophetic reports that did not at all the silly question: Who will be pope? When Wion's comment Ciacconius published in 1595, there were five years ago that the interpreter had given his work



to the editor, and three popes were elected in this short interval. Wion was content to put their names next to the Papal three reports that affected them. He could only see the triple denial imposed by the facts and no doubt he hesitated to publish a document become very suspect. Wion loyalty is unquestionable, though his criticism is not worth heavy. It has been wrongly suspected of having fabricated the Prophecy he edited (1). The author of Prophecy of the Popes is unknown. Wion did not know more than us. Perhaps Ciacconius knew it. He knew that St. Malachy was a pseudonym and it is understandable as he is allowed to edit a document in his defense that had neither the prestige of antiquity nor an unquestionable sanctity . It is not credible that the author has agreed to rework the commentator. If, however, these reports did not reach the prophetic, but only learned afterwards horoscopes by way of introduction, the tolerance of the "prophet" is not impossible. We think more likely that the author knew nothing of alterations of the interpreter. No doubt he was dead or it had antiquity in Italy. We will say no more now. By scanning for the mysterious prophecy or its purpose, we may be on the path of interesting details.

(!) Weingarten (Studien und Kritihen, 1857, pp. 555-573) claims that Wion is the author of the prophecy. It was refuted by Harnack (Ueber den Zweck und deu Verfasser der Prophetia Malachiae in Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte, 1879, III, pp. 315-324). - The No. 38 De Rosa Attrebatensi suppose Clement VI was Bishop of Arras as shown in Wion Lignum Vitae, while that of Clement VI Ciacconius a former Archbishop of Arles, following Panvinius. It may be that the publisher has corrected the error on this point the commentator. At 33, the printed text is patereus, while the commentary assumes patareus. At 65, the edition of Wion and gives pilei aegri Ciacconius pila aegrae bed. Maybe is it simply printing errors. They abound in subsequent editions.


What he wanted, the unknown author of Prophecy of the Popes? It has been said time and again that he wanted to push the candidacy of Cardinal Simoncelli. Thurston, smarter, thought he wanted to have fun. But what pleasure can you get to write 33 random reports that it probably will not see the end? And if it were only to support a candidate for the tiara, why write 111 reports, while two or three were enough (*)? The scale of the resources immediately excludes the hypothesis of a forger interest (2) as that of a hoaxer. Only the analysis of the document from the unedited document, we will announce, if not the very person of the author, at least his intentions and his turn of mind. After all, the name would not add much to the character, unless it was a matter of well-known personage. The Prophecy of the Popes has an originality that his opponents are most often overlooked. It is confused with the conjectures launched at each conclave (3) or with the eschatological predictions inevitably engendered any

(*) We shall see the reason for the 111 or 112 instead of elements of prophecy. (J) was named Alfonso Ceccarelli, who was condemned by Pope Gregory XIII. See Pastor, History of the Popes, tr. fr., XIX, p. 13, note 4. Paris, 1938. Cfr Fumi, Opera di di falsificazione Alfonso Ceccarelli, Perugia, 1902, Premoli, in Arcadia, Attica, 1917, I, 245. (') "On the occasion of conclaves, there was no lack of playing to the prophecies. We did this opinion and the opinion was acting on the Cardinals. The process was simple and as tradition ... "(Brou, The pseudo-prophecy of Malachi, in studies, CLXX, 1922, p. 417).



troubled times (1) or with the prophecies of the popes cycle Joachim of Fiore (2). The first confusion is so rough that we will not dwell to dissipate. It is also already shown that for the Prophecy of the Popes is in no way to predict who will be pope. This, no doubt, for reports retouched, but the alterations prove precisely that originally was any scope of the text. Originally, the first 71 numbers, as the last 40, were aimed not at the candidates for the tiara, but the events of the pontificates. The latest confusion is less coarse. It was an argument in favor of No. 106 Pastor Angelicus. You should know that the Spiritual medieval Liberatus which has expressed, opposed to unworthy priests at will an ideal of evangelical holiness which Celestine V had a moment embodied the dream. It was the Pope or Angelic Pastor (3). By taking this name, our prophecy tie it not to lucubrations of Liberatus? The index is the weakest. It simply proves that the author of Prophecy of the Popes had knowledge of the medieval legend. Why would he hesitate to use a name to announce a dedicated priest of evangelical morals as His Holiness Pius XII? Far from compromising our paper, No. 106 decorates doubt. Otherwise, there is nothing in common between the prophecies

(!) Cfr F. Prat, The End of the world and its warning signs, about some recent works, in Studies, vol 88, 1901, pp. 396 ff. Among the more recent works that divert and the Prophecy of the Popes from its original purpose include Elijah Daniel, Is this really the end of time? Paris, 1927. (S) The cycle does not go back to Joachim, but to a lesser brother rebel, a century after the abbot of Fiore, composed by hostility against Boniface VIII, the earliest of the prophecies of the popes. Liberatus in 1303 at the earliest, he published the Vaticinia Ioachim, which shall thereafter be republished with additions or imitated. Pasqualino Regiselmo gave an edition in Venice in 1589, where he uses, he says, seven and eight editions old manuscripts. See Schnuer-rer, The Church and civilization in the Middle Ages, t. III, Paris, 1938, p. 47. - On Liberatus see Gratien, History of the founding and evolution of the Order of Friars Minor in XIII9 century, Paris, 1928, pp. 419-424. - See an edition of Vaticinia Ioachim with their additions and imitations in Lecanu, Dictionary of the prophecies, ed. Migne, 1854, ii. 489 ff. (3) See the article by Brou, Studies, CLXX, 1922. There is history de'la formula Pastor Angelicus.



Medieval popes and the Prophecy of the Popes of the sixteenth century. The first inspired by hostility to the hierarchy completely ignored the last. They are modeled on the Oracles of Leo VI the Wise, Byzantine emperor from 886 to 912 (1). They never count more than thirty numbers, most pundits are already here. However, each issue is diffuse and decorated with a logo or image, while 111 issues of the Prophecy of the Popes is extremely concise and without such a bill (2). Remains confusion with the eschatological prophecies. Apparently the conclusion of our eschatological prophecy is clear: "During the last persecution of the Holy Roman Church, which sits Pierre Romain feed the sheep amidst many tribulations, which passed, the city of seven hills will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge his people. " This is, obviously, a Judgement of God, but by what right will we see the last trial? No doubt, the decision in question follows the "last" persecution, but it follows from this that the trial is similarly "last"? The Apocalypse does it not point to a long period of peace between the "last" Persecution and the Last Judgement? Can we call "persecution" the supreme burst of hell will break that Christ by his coming suddenly before he could reach the city of saints? And, assuming there is still persecution after that mentioned in the conclusion of our prophecy, this new test would hit it necessarily the Roman Church? This would of faith that he was the true church will through its center to Rorr ^ e. Or it could be that, Rome

H View in Greek Patrology of Migne (CVII, 1121-1168) reproduction of the Oracles. (*) The last vaticinium Ioachim described Pope Urban VI of the Great Schism in the form of a winged dragon, lying on a furnace, with a human head with donkey ears and wearing the tiara The tail shell out nine as to snatch them from the sky, while around the moon eight other stars beyond its taken. Text : Is Haec will ultima, aspeclu hrribilis, quae detrahet stellas.

Tune fugient aves and reptibilia tantummodo remaneaunt. Will Crudeli, universality consumens, infernus you exspectat. We are far from the pithy motto of UrBath VI in the text, however, touched the Prophecy of the Popes : Inferno praegnanti (No. 45). The last word, which Ciacconius sees an allusion to the name of pope Prignano certainly is not original, but the "Inferno" that aims the place called "Hell" was born near Naples, where Urban VI seems met and not invented.



destroyed, the Papacy cherch창t also a residence. We believe that it is precisely this change in the papal residence of the Popes Prophecy see happen after the 111th Roman Pontificate. Year 2012, we cease to call "Roman" Catholic Church. God's Judgement will happen then, far from putting an end to the history of the Church, will usher in a new era. The year 2012 will then, as time did the fall of Jerusalem in 70, that of the Empire in the fifth century, that of medieval Christianity in the fifteenth. Jesus predicted the judgments of God in AD 70, John in the Apocalypse, described the ruling of God in the fifth century, St. Vincent Ferrer preached and confirmed by miracles the imminence of God's justice in the fifteenth century . Each time, he found eager believers who have confused with the Last Judgement the extraordinary interventions of Divine Justice. The third time, the preacher himself made the mistake and perhaps the author of Prophecy of the Popes he believed, too, that the trial would be the last set. But even if he believed that, one has no right to compare it to the false prophets who, in troubled times, as announced the imminent coming of the Antichrist and the Last Judgement. For, unlike the doomsayers, our prophet has so little intention to frighten his contemporaries that still provides 40 Popes before the Supreme deadline! 40 popes, that is to say more than four centuries! Exactly, in this case 440 years! Because the "prophet" is an average 11-year pontificate. How do we know? We shall see later, when, in many respects, we show that the period embraced by the 40 reports is from 1572, when the election of Gregory XIII, in 2012, the Judgement of God. The intention of the "prophet" is not to worry, but to reassure believers of his time. In the sixteenth century, following the large secessions which, deeper than the Great Schism, divided Europe for centuries, one would expect, as in the days of St. Vincent Ferrer, the appearance of the Antichrist . The false prophecies abounded in that direction. Protestants and Catholics agreed to judge the impending end. The author of the prophecy of the popes reacting against the current of pessimism contrasts rather a long bright future with a dark past. With Gregory XIII begins.



According to him, a new era that will be as glorious for the Papacy that was the last bit. While Innocent II (elected in 1130) at St. Pius V (d. 1572) there are ten or antipopes doubtful popes mixed with legitimate pontiffs, from 1572 to 2012, during the same period, there were not one intruders! The great reforms of Trent finally came to repair the evils unleashed by the Great Schism and the pseudo-reform that was actually a revolt. Purified the Papacy will still suffer great persecution, as in the days of the Revolution, it will never cease to occupy in the Church's rightful place. It is done from the rivalry of the Empire and that of the general council, these two enemies of the papal supremacy in the four and a half centuries before Gregory XIII. The last of the emperors, Napoleon I, will break against the rock of Rome, and the last of the general councils, the Vatican proclaimed the personal infallibility of the successor of Peter. Such views, as a result of our study will no doubt, agree or a forger or a hoaxer, they assume a man of God, maybe dupe of his dreams, but certainly well intentioned. We thought (God knows why!) A contemporary of St. Pius V Pope believed that much and he did come to Rome, where a high destiny awaited him without the death of his protector. This is an English exile who, after writing and worked as a not for the See of Peter, went to die in Ireland, where he fought to the end against the ungodly Elizabeth. Nicolas Sanders or Saunders, Sanderus, a professor at Oxford, left his professorship in 1560, came to Rome where he became a priest and doctor of theology, Cardinal Hosius followed the Council of Trent, Poland, etc.., Amounted then at Louvain as professor of theology and in 1571 it published his work De Ecclesiae Visibili Monarchic1. This book won him the esteem of Pius V who called him to Rome. But Gregory XIII, who in 1572 succeeded the holy Pope dominicain, took less Sanderus boiling zeal, and sent the good soldier in Spain and from there to Ireland where he died in poverty in 1583. Leaving for Ireland, began to Sanderus Philip Sega, Bishop of Piacenza, the manuscript of De Clave David addition to the De Monarchia Ecclesiae Visibili. The book was published in Rome in 1588. At the 251 Pope, the author expresses the view that, to measure time, nothing is more advisable



the series of the Roman pontiffs! Is not the idea that controls the Prophecy of the Popes? As he entrusted the manuscript of De clave to David Sega, would Sanderus he said that of the Prophecy of the Popes to Chacon that he had to meet either in Rome or in Spain? If it were proved that the meeting took place in fact, we would be allowed to lend temporarily fanatic defender of the papacy, the father of our paper. Preparing to raise Ireland against Elizabeth, he had attributed to Saint Malachy, the great Irish bishop, promoter of Roman customs in his country, the honor of a prophecy that he considered perhaps as a gift from God. But why would he Sanderus reported his patron as a nemorosus Angelus? It Ciacconius which we believe is responsible for the Angel of groves where he makes an allusion to the name of religion Pope Michael, and his place of origin: Bosco. We do not know what was the original text. Maybe it was the place! Angelus nemorosus: Anglus tenebrosus. Saint Pius V had excommunicated Elizabeth (1570) and England seemed darker than ever in the eyes of the Catholic exile. Moreover, we do intervene Sanderus here only to illustrate the intent of the Prophecy of the Popes is to predict the persecutions and triumphs of the Papacy. If we are to believe the newspapers of the time, Bishop Szlagowski, Pro-Rector of the University of Warsaw, in a lecture March 12, 1929, took as its argument, too, that the Prophecy of the Popes will not announce the end the world, but the glorious career of the Papacy. It is understood that only the persecutions are an integral part of this glorious career.

THE MYSTERIOUS PETRUS ROM ANUS "Petrus Romanus Sedebit "Said the conclusion of our prophecy. There are those who saw in this an unlikely Supreme Pontiff Peter II! Others felt more sensibly than the last pope, the 112th, was born in Rome and would have received in baptism the name of Peter. The latter view can claim interpretation system popularized by Ciacconius. We know we what to think of this ridiculous system, unworthy of a true prophet. We therefore reject the Roman appointed Peter as the impossible Peter II. There is only one Peter, the first of the Roman pontiffs, and he saw in his many successors. He still to serve in the final as in the first persecution. We believe Petrus Romanus represents all the Roman Pontiffs from St. Peter to the recipient Gloria Olivae. Their exact number is known to God alone, as no historian can hope to have distinguished the popes certainly legitimate intruders. However, from Innocent II in Rome who received saint Malachi in 1139, there were 102 correct legitimate successors of St. Peter. It is generally accepted today that Clement VII, Benedict XIII and Clement VIII Popes of Avignon opposed the popes of Rome, Alexander V and John XXIII, Pope of Pisa also opposed to the Roman pontiffs, are not worthy of inclusion in the list of popes authentic. But it is the exact number of predecessors of Innocent II, who is unknown or debatable infinite. Art to check the dates (Paris, 1818, III, p. 343) has 160 popes before Innocent II. Panvinius counted in 164, a figure adopted by Funk (Kirchenlexicon, Freiburg, 1895, c. 1440) and Seppelt {Theologie und Kirche as Lexicon, Freiburg, 1935, c. 938). The Tabulae Fontium of Creusen (ire edition, Freiburg, 1911) also elect the number 164, but with three times Benedict IX! The second edition refrain from any numbering. L. Cristiani, who had initially counted 161 popes before legitimate



Innocent II (Ecclesia, popular encyclopedia, Paris, 1927, p. 761) did finally has more than 157 (Tu es Petrus, encyclopĂŠdie popular Paris, 1934, p. 508). The idea came to us that the prophecy of the popes was tell us about it something interesting. How many she has the Roman pontiffs under the symbol Petrus Romanaked ? Add up the number of letters to the conclusion: syllables words the phrases

158 67 26 9

and we obtain in fact


This is a pope has no more than Cristiani in Tu es Petrus. For this historian, Gloria would Olivae No. 259. Should we regret that the prophecy has rounded the figure? And also why 260 would it not nearer the truth than 259, since 259 is all the numbers chosen by historians the lowest? Only the idea of adding letters, syllables, words and phrases is not necessary at all. Assures us that she came to the mind of the author of Prophecy of the Popes? We note that the last three are 67, 26, 9 are 102, that is to say the exact number of legitimate popes from Innocent II. But the first reports of the 111 that applied to Ciacconius Celestine II because he sees YEX castro Tiberi a clear reference to the origin of this pope born in Citta di Castello on the Tiber, where we see this report, we as a referring to the expulsion of Rome (the only Castrum Tiberi which the prophecy of the popes to speak honestly) that afflict many times the successors of Innocent II, and by 1140, Innocent II himself Ex castro Tiberi applies, we believe the Pope, who received St. Malachy on the eve of his final exile (Innocent II had been kept away from Rome for many years by his rival Anaclet II that made room for him in 1138). Including one of the Popes Innocent II reported in the legitimate Prophecy of the Popes, we bring to 102 the number of true successors of St. Peter. We therefore believe that a report has perished, unless the antipopes reported



are number 9, not 10. The latter hypothesis does not seem permissible and here's why. The numeral letters (*) Ex castro Tiberi 112 count the numbers of the prophecy setting aside 10 units: X. CIL II there is therefore 10 antipopes. Therefore, for 102 legitimate popes should be added to Petrus Romanus 111 reports. We prefer to assume the loss of a warning, loss which is not unlikely since the text published by Wion was redesigned by Ciacconius or other forger. Now let's see if the 102 reports of legitimate popes do not share into three groups 67 + 26 + 9. Already, by the fact that the prophecy begins to Innocent II, the predecessor of the 158 Roman pontiff are set apart as the number of letters. Of the 158 letters to the conclusion that there are two X, strictly speaking, could count double. Thus the number of predecessors Innocent could rise to 160, round numbers better than 158. The total would be 262 popes, a number that can be read either from right to left and from left to right. If we consider the last 9 reports, we will find that they form a verse very clear and, if we consider the 26 issues before this stanza, we found such that they form a set of three stanzas quite remarkable. As for reports that come before 67 26 and 10 are mixed with reports of anti-popes, their apart is automatic, as was done 158 or 160 of the predecessors of Innocent II.

In persecutionis extrema S. R. E. Petrus Romanus who sedebit pascet oves in multis tribulationibus; quibus transaction, and civitas septicollis diruetur iudex tremendus iudicabit populum suum.

S = main noun, A

Ignis ardens Religio Depopulata Fides intrepid Pastor Angelicus Pastor et Nauta Flos florum Medietate of Lunae Laboratory solis Gloria Olivae


= Adjective, noun = C com-

(*) There are seven in Latin letters that value figure: M =, D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5, I = i.




iudicabitThe center of Crux the Balneis plement. theof stanza unique S and SS C is preceded by a populum Etruriae cruce Lumen S C quatrain of homogeneous type A and 5 followed by a quatrain similarly suum (*) in caelo SC homogeneous type S C. is also are a significant similarity between each phrase TheThere three stanzas clearly distinguishable, as the three parts of and front of it.The Theverses persecution is wellninefold symbolized by the the reporting prophetic inconclusion. are extreme isolated burning fire; his earlier, victim the (SRE) represented stanza as discussed theyHoly haveRoman all the Church same center S is and S, not by the Religion depopulated (Benedict XV called della Chiesa found elsewhere, this center is preceded and followed by a quatrain asand would substituted Ciacconius Ecclesia in Religio!),Why The are pontiff above, buthave this time the quatrains are more homogeneous. mustBecause be registered an intrepid of Peter, toasfeed theywho notthen more? extreme stanzasfaith, are the not faith independent the sheep persecuted, what better than theofPastor Angelicus; isolated; dependence affirmed by the composition quatrains, all tribulations referred Pastor and Nauta of the Great composed of a are triplet and to a by single signal. Indeed,(the in Pope the first two Schism was Nautabefore in ponto) quatrains, the reported: tercet comes the interlude one and,(quibus in thetransaction) last two is markedisby theonly Flower flowers, andsofinally came the warning quatrains the oneofthat passes, that the quatrains and signs are of trial and the trial itself that avenges the chosen people symbolized by intended for one another, as shown in the drawing: the olive tree. S A A S S A S C S C C S S C SA ... SC SA SA SA SASCSCSC Between 26 and 26 words related reports we find this analogy As arrowheads, reports unique gaze of theor first quatrain to will obviously not make sense, butdirect eitherthe side groups distributions the be second and as third to the fourth. tell us that the verses complete the same shown in the tableItbelow. the extreme opposition that we will discover in the first stanza between the central and the second quatrain. This stanza is central eightfold. It therefore has no center. To take the place ofIneach tercet stands Crux out aRomulea report, on the one handS ASA and AS persecutionis Undosus A S center of on the other hand, the junction beyondviithe SC form a unique extrema People perversa SA fortune SA-f-AS initiates the chiasmus of the stanza extended in the S. In tribulationis pacis SC extreme stanzas. A Rostrum isLilium brought for Miles in bello, in a sense R. andin Rosa S and as to the structure, because the "Harrow door" does notS arouse the E. Iucunditas crucis C least idea of a besieged place that the "soldier at war," the Simage of an sedebit Montium custos CS army in battle. A Paenitentia gloriosa responds similarly Columna Petrus Sidus Olorum SC excelsa, and Bellua insatiabilis, Pet rural. Romanus, Fluminea in magno SA Thus thethat 26 reports are clearly a insatiabilis closed system and stand perfectly Bellua SA pascet Paenitentia gloriosa SA for those who frame them. ovesto interpret the four Rastrum brought in SC It remains recovery (letters, syllables, in Flores circumdata SA multis Of bona religione AS tribulationibus; Miles in bello SC quibus Columna excelsa SA transaction Animal rural SA civitas Rosa Umbriae SC septicollis Ursus velox SA diruetur Peregrinus apostolicus SA and Aquila rapax SA Iudex Canis and coluber S and (*) MASTER omits the last word, however, which appears in the edition. S tremendus Vir religiosus SA



words, phrases) of the text. In the first round, there are 158 or 160 items, 67 in the second round, 9 and 26 in the third to the last: in the decreasing progression, there is a strong symbolism acceptable. The trials of the papacy are increasingly abbreviated, that is to say that the victory always follows more closely the persecution. It took ten centuries to build medieval Christianity on the ruins of the Roman Empire, it took more than four centuries to bring about spiritual reform qu'acheva the Council of Trent, less than three centuries have led to the Papacy reformed glory of the Vatican under Pius IX and Leo XIII, a century will lead the reform of Pius X Olivae Gloria. The results might show a parallel between the four periods of unequal duration: 40-1140, 1140-1590, 1592-1902, from 1903 to 2012. We said earlier that with Gregory XIII (1572) began a new era, ending in 2012, would have the same length as the period 1140-1572. It is clear that we must not press such matches. But we found a much stricter parallel between the first 56 popes of Prophecy and the last 56. The exhibition that we will do will allow us to enrich our knowledge of the unknown author or rather, unnamed, as we now know of him he had not only the worship of the papacy, but he was endowed with uncommon ingenuity.

THE MYSTERIOUS number of signals In the first edition, the only one that matters, since all the witnesses are dependent on the original text alone, reports are not numbered. He who was the first made the account and found neither marveled: obviously, he has said, this number was wanted and he said the 33 reports issued in a vacuum, as the desire to go back to St. Malachy says the 78 reports made by history or by speculation. We think we, as the number 111 is simply no question: originally there were 112 reports neither more nor less. Ex castro Tiberi, we have seen, is = 112 CXII. This is the first record number counted from the last: is not that what the Romans had the calends, nones and ides? Is not that what Septuagesima and Lent are counted from Easter. This is the first clue. Here is another clue. Type S and S, as we have seen, is characteristic of the centers. However, outside the three S and S which have been discussed, such extraordinary occurs only twice, and twice in quick succession: Capri and albergo (No. 56), Cervo and Leone (No. 57). The forger has probably changed more or less united and the words, but the Type S and S must be primitive. For it is precisely in the center of the current series: with this correction as the current series with only 111 numbers is to have the center double, lying to the conclusion as a 112th issue. Instead of counting and Petrus Romanus, we assume, as we said, the fall of a report. If the dual type S and S is in its original position, reporting lost had come after 57. But no more likely that a slight shift in the retouching of the forger.



But above that these indices will speak grasping parallel we will develop between the first 56 and last 56 popes. The second column of 56 popes, all legitimate, beginning with Pius II in our assumption of a lost report with Paul II if you will count as Petrus Romanus 112th. The parallelism in any case remains the same except at the beginning and end. In our view, Innocent II leader of the first column is to Pius II for which we place at the top of the second. By involving Petrus Romanus, and thus excluding Innocent II, we face as leaders Celestine II and Paul II, while Pius II would take place after the first column in front of Petrus Romanus. Except at one point, the parallel is independent of our conjecture. The following table compares against the pontiffs. The comparison of reports would not say much: all numbers in the first column and the first fifteen seconds have been touched up. And no doubt there has been displacement. However, the confrontation will be telling the pontiffs, provided that the range in chronological order. The forger, to follow more closely Panvinius model, has broken more than once that order is right. We have recovered without difficulty. It is not surprising to find the No. 9 before the n08 6, 7, 8, and No. 45 by No. 42, No. 46 by No. 43, No. 44 rejected beyond the No. 51! Before questioning the confrontation of the pontiffs, let us enter the mind of the "prophet". Or, if you will, the genesis of this parallel a priori not necessary at all. His intention is to replace it twice the number 56 to the sum 112? 56 product of 7 and 8 is obviously more mystical than 112. But this reason seems frankly inadequate, if not ridiculous. Here is our explanation. It has a Celtic flavor (1) which is not unpleasant. For the more common priests, the Breviary which refers to Viri gloriosa Ecclesiasticus praised Chapters XLIV XLIX to. These Viri gloriosa are 28 in number, the Vulgate joining Seth and Shem and repeating Enoch. 28 and 28 numbers and characters. 28 These numbers are clearly two parallel columns:

(') Cf Gougaud, Christian Celtic Paris, 1911, p. 260.



Patriarchs : Enoch Prophets Elijah Noah Abraham or Kings : Isaac Jacob Moses Aaron Phineus Joshua Caleb Judge Samuel Patriarchs: Enoch (bis) Prophet Nathan Kings David Solomon

Elisha Hezekiah Isaiah Josiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Zerubbabel Jesus Nehemiah Joseph Seth and Shem Adam.

Leaders are well chosen: Enoch and Elijah are the two heralds the second coming of Jesus Christ. But the most remarkable is the sharing of each column into two groups io + 4. And what is surprising is that 10 of each column calling for their heads or in their wake and 4 of the other column! Regularly should write Adam, Seth, Shem (Joseph), Enoch (aa) at the beginning and not at the end of Viri gloriosa. But, to our parallel pontifical, distribution adopted by the same defect, would attract the "prophet". Each of the 28 Viri gloriosa is to him four priests, so that the patriarchs are the pilgrims (Heb. XI, 8-16) are antitypes the first 40 and last 16 priests, while judges, prophets and kings , residing in the promised land, are the last 16 antitypes popes in the first column and the first 40 of the second. It turns out that, similar to their types, the first 40 popes and the last 16 are either absent from Rome or captives in Rome (as a rule, of course), while the last 16 of the first column (their leader file of Urban V chose its name as a program: the return to the Eternal City) and the first 40 seconds of the resident in Rome and really exert temporal power (with exceptions). The first report Ex Castro Tiberius (Outside the castle on the Tiber) reported the nomadic nature of the first 40 popes. The character reappears in the late eighteenth century was similarly reported by Peregrinus apostolicus (Pius tops the last 16 popes). With Urban V and Gregory XI, who lead the series 16 of the last Popes





first column, N. theB. stay in Rome becomes habitual The names of anti-popes are in italics. (two priests left Enoch Innocent II 56. Pie IIhave you seen Elijah Avignon for Rome). Novus of Virginia forti alluded, the 1. Celestine II 57. Paul II return of Gregory XI. 2. Lucius II 58. Sixtus IV We think, perhaps3.rashly, inspired Eugenethat III the "prophet" 59. was Innocent VIII by the 28 Viri glortost the parallelIV 56 / 5o. But60. heAlexander had other Noahto draw 4. Anastasius VI invitations Elisha 5. Adrian IV 61. Pie III that the scriptural model. He noticed as we with the No. 57 he 9. Alexandre III 62. Julius produced a renewal of papal names: Figure63.IILeo which appears three X 6. Victor IV times at Abraham the beginning then disappears only to Adrian VI Hezekiah 7. Easter of I I I the list of 112 64. 65. Clement VII 8. Calixte I I I reappear after the No. 56 and then present two times: Pius II, Paul II. 10. Lucius III Paulii The loss in the range is even more significant66. that it is due to an error xi. Urban III 67. Julius III of MartinIsaac IV, who,12. if Gregory he hadVIII confused the two popesIIMarin with St. 68. Marcel Isaiah Martin I, II would take the number (No. 28 !) 13. Clement III 69.Between Paul IV St. Pius Pius I 14. Celestine III between Paul 70.I Pius and II, there were 199 popes 115 and IV Paul II. Sixtus IV, 15. Innocent III 71. S. Pius V who comes third in16. theHonorius secondIII column is separated by 166 Pope Sixtus Jacob 72. Gregory XIII Josiah III and his name is17. noGregory less unusual than those Pius and Paul. Julius IX 73.ofSixtus 18. Celestine IV VIIcomes Marcel soon appear as separate 180 popes Julius I.,74.IIUrban finally 19. Innocent IV 75. Gregory XIV Marcel separated from the first by 191 popes! Despite its high figure, Moses 20. Alexander IV 76. Innocent IX Jeremiah Leo X, the 66th successor too, an unusual name. 21. UrbanofIVSt. Leo IX, brings, 77. Clement VIII This renewal has undoubtedly 22. Clement IVescaped the "prophet" 78. Leo XI who is after the 23. Gregory X 79. Paul Ezekiel six popes Pius II, Paul II, Pope Sixtus IV, Julius II, V Leo X and Marcel Aaron 24. Innocent V Gregory XV II. We understand that he therefore thought 80. to compare two columns 25. Adrian V 81. Urban VIII of 56 numbers of the popes prophecy. 26.112 John XXI and anti-popes 82.ofInnocent X 27.history Nicolas III 83. Alexander VII By consulting the and without a glimmer of prophecy, the Phineus 28. Martin IV 84. Clement IX Zerubbabel author of our document, writing under St. Pius V, could easily draw a 29. Honorius IV 85. Clement X parallel between the rather unusual first 16 popes of the two 30. Nicolas IV 86. Innocent XI columns: Joshua






31. S. Celestine V 32. Boniface VIII 33. Benedict XI 34. Clement V 35. John XXII 36. Nicolas V 37. Benedict XII 38. Clement VI Innocent 39. Innocent VI II Lucius 40. Urban V II 41. Gregory XI Celestine 45. Urban VI II Eugene Anastasius 42. Mild V I I IV46. Adrian IV IX Boniface Alexandre III X I I I 43. Benedict 47. Innocent VII Victor IV48. Gregory XII 49. Alexander V Pasca l III 50. John X X I I I Calixt 51. Martin V 44. Mild V T I I 52. Eugene IV 53. Felix V 54. Nicolas V 55. Calixtus III

87. Alexander VIII 88. Innocent XII 89. Clement XI 90. Innocent XIII 91. Benedict XIII 92. Clement XII 93. Benedict XIV 94. Clement XIII Pius II Paul II 95. Clement XIV Sixtus IV 96. Pius VI Innocent VIII 97. Pius VII VI Pius 98. Leo XII Alexander 99.III Pie VIII Julius 100. II Pope Gregory XVI Leo X 101. Pius IX 102. Hadrian IVLeo XIII 103. Clement VIIPius X 104.III Benedict XV Pope Paul 105. Pius XI 106. Pius XII 107. 108. 109. IOI. Mr.



Enoch (bis)


Set and Shem




Urban III Gregory VIII Clement III Celestine III Innocent III

Julius III Marcel II Paul IV Pius IV Pius V

Innocent II Ex Tiberi Castro inaugurated the series of Roman pontiffs who, like the patriarchs, will travel far from inhospitable Rome: Pius II will exceptionally, too, and a pope traveling alone with Pius VI died outside Rome, and recalling the many Popes of the first column that ended their days away from the Eternal City. The first successors of Innocent II will deal with the agitator Arnold of Brescia, as the successors of Pius II to Savonarola. Alexander III, head of the Lombard League will head to Barbarossa, as Julius II, instigator of the Holy League, push abroad in Italy. To three creatures of Germanic Caesar: Victor, Pascal, Calixte, are for the three popes who attended Lutheran powerless to revolt, which began under Leo X and peaked under Clement VII. Then, on the one hand, Lucius III to Innocent III, is the struggle against the Albigensians supported or regulated by the third and fourth Lateran Council, is on the other hand, the armed resistance to the Protestants assisted by the beneficial action of the Council of Trent (opened under Paul III, closed under Pius IV). And finally, what a great confrontation that of Innocent III with St. Pius V! These are the two popes elected on earlier in the year, a January 8, 1198, the other 7 January 1566, the worthy one and the other to dominate their column. Under Innocent III, the great victory of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212) breaks on the west Muslim advance, as, in St. Pius V, the great victory of Lepanto (1571) stops in the East the progress of the Islam. Add Innocent III approved of St. Dominic and St. Pius V is the great Pope dominicain. If it was truly a prophet, the author foresaw at least following the parallel and sketched. Perhaps he foresaw the remarkable similarity between Honorius III and Gregory XIII, Pope Gregory IX, the first patron of miners, and the great Franciscan Pope Sixtus V, between the ephemeral Celestine IV who reigned 17 days and even more ephemeral Urban VII who reigned only 12! Thus confronted both the shortest pontificates. And, curiously, later will confront similarly



the two longest pontificates: the antipope Benedict XIII did for Pius IX, who reigned over the first 29 years despite the councils of Pisa and Constance, the second having reigned over 31 years! But note in both cases a line more interesting than the duration of the reigns. Celestine IV was elected after the hope that the voters did embarrassed to set the octave of the Nativity of Mary (September 15) if they could agree (s) and Urban VII was specifically elected September 15 (1590). His description of Rore Caeli (No. 74) is probably alluding to the short set of his pontificate and the feast of the Nativity of Mary, the dew of heaven. As for Benedict XIII, not only by the longevity that rivals Pius IX: one, in fact, he maintained the traditional faith and continued to assert the superiority of the Pope highly on the general council against the claims new fathers of Pisa and Constance. Thus he prefigures the pope whose personal infallibility dogma was proclaimed by the irrevocable past councils. The "prophet", he saw the struggle of two cities continue to both sides: Guelphs and Ghibellines in the thirteenth century, Catholics and Protestants in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Then, both sides, it is France that Germany succeeds in opposition to the Holy See: Philip the Fair and its lawyers are for Louis XIV and the Gallican the popes ruled from Avignon by the King of France foreshadow the pontiffs of the eighteenth century Bourbon docile to the suggestions. Of particular note Clement V that removes the Templars, not opposite, but inversely related (he opens the series closes its antitype) of Clement XIV which suppresses the Jesuits. We readily believe that reporting Gallus vicecomes that Wion-Chacon attributed to Urban V came back originally to Clement V, a vassal of the King of France: the numeral letters MCC WI LL = 1311, when the Council of Vienne, which suppressed the Templars. A Urban did for Pius V and Gregory XI, Pius VII. Here the "prophet" could not ignore the parallelism under penalty of being endowed with any supernatural views. For precisely the point of view of the residence in Rome which we have shown the importance of priests in the confrontation with Viri gloriosa, the doublet Urban Gregory foreshadows the excellent

(*) See Holweck, Fasti Blending, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1892, p. 210.



doublet Pius VI Pius VII. The first two have in common is that they brought back from Avignon to Rome the papal residence, one in 1367 and another in 1377, and similarly the last two have in common that they were both exiles in Rome , one by the Revolution in 1798-1799, the other by the Empire in 1809-1814. With Pius VI and Pius VII again before the peregrinations of Urban V (1). It indicates that the prediction Peregrinus apos-tolicus applied to Pius VI more than two centuries before the event! Note also that the area of Avignon, leaving with regret by Urban V and Gregory XI, was taken to the papacy by Pius VI in the Revolution and the Empire under Pius VII. The neighborhood confirms the parallelism. This curious phenomenon occurs elsewhere. We noted earlier the approximation of the two longest papal reigns, that of Benedict XIII of Avignon and of Pius IX. However, the immediate successor of Pius IX, Leo XIII and only saw like Benedict XIII and Pius IX years Peter's in Rome, that is to say 25 years. All three have belie the proverb: No videbis s anno Petri. We know that the enemies of Benedict XIII saw his reign of 29 years demonstrated he was an intruder! The return of the papacy in Rome is followed by the Great Schism, a figure of the Revolution. Are these not the two most terrible trials of the Roman Church? The Great Schism will run until 1417 and reborn in the schism of Basel ended in 1449. The Revolution will fill the entire nineteenth century. In the twentieth it will become a general apostasy of the European nations: Religio Depopulata. The last papal chair in the first column to the liquidation of medieval Christendom already much shaken by the Great Schism. The voice of St. Vincent Ferrer preached the imminence of the Last Judgement. Yet he predicted the future Pope Callistus III that he would one day and it canonize his prophet. According to the great preacher, was so close Calixtus III which was the series of pontiffs. He was wrong, but not completely. Calixtus III, Gloria Olivae type, foreshadowed the last pope of Rome. His predecessor, Nicolas V, lives fall into the hands of the Ottomans the Eastern Rome (1453) and the lamentable fall

(') See Mollat, The Popes of Avignon, Paris, 1912. pp. XI-XIII and Appendix Y of the 3rd edition (1920), pp. 403-411.



• marks the end of the Middle Ages, as the ruin of the Empire in the West marked the end of old age. The same Nicolas received the submission of the last of the anti-(Felix V, 1449). It was also the last pontiff to crown an emperor in Rome (Frederick III in 1452). This is clearly a dark civilization, and that its successor, the Renaissance, is now sinking in turn. The second column is exhausted, despite the longevity of modern popes. Soon we shall see the heavenly signs, warning of God's justice. A Flagellum Solis (No. 49 moved by the forger probably) will meet laboratory solis (No. 110); modicitate De luna (No. 54), De medietate luna (No. 109). But, again, life out of death. Calixtus III died August 6, 1458, on this Feast of the Transfiguration he had established the previous year. Gloria Olivae also provides a glorious transfiguration rather than a consumer disaster. Who does not see the immense relief that this parallel events had taken in the interpretation of prophetic reports, if the forger had substituted its views to those petty reported the original text of the first currency? Now it's barely two or three places in the comparison of signal produced light. It may be that the No. 31 Ex eremo Celsus has escaped the alterations. The forger has seen an allusion to the elevation of the hermit to the papacy. We see, we, the announcement of the canonization of Celestine V who, having robbed a function sublime but overwhelming, was raised to the altars. A hermitage Ex Celsus did during Paenitentia gloriosa, currency by Alexander VIII, named as Pierre Celestin V. Unfortunately, Alexander had to lie his motto, as it afflicted the Church by his patronage. But nepotism even justifies the glorious invitation to penance. Innocent XII, immediate successor of Alexander VIII, reform the papal court. In front of the Crux cruce, reporting of Pius IX, Cosme Luna-dina, false reporting of Pope Benedict XIII, means nothing. We conjecture that the original text was: Sole Luna. It was a way of saying that the anti-Moonstone borrow radiance to legitimate pope. Crux of cruce Luna and Sole Partner to the structure, but also for the sense. We show below that the Cross of the cross means CorÊdemp-tion: the sun and the moon would include the firing of Mary



Christ all its glory. But how the forger would have thought it to be replaced by sole Cosmedin? You should know that in front of St. Mary in Cosmedin Moonstone which was former owner was a small temple that styling for 1560 Santa Maria del Sole. Is not it only natural, given the system Ciacconius to substitute the name of the main church under the nearby temple? 11 was an allusion to the Cardinal of Santa Maria in Cosmedin Cosmedin and obviously better answer to this sole purpose. Only instead of a currency full of symbolism, stupid editing introduced a report that had meaning only by his words alone. The insignificance of reported global touched denounces, as we said, the intervention of a second editor just as foolish as the first was intelligent. It is hard to believe that Ciacconius is the author of such alterations, but that he did not notice the stupidity, that's enough to confuse. He popularized the forgery, if it has not committed itself. Some have thought that Chacon is not mentioned Wion Ciacconius. But it is clear that the editor does not mention the name of the interpreter as to assert that the paper publishes. So this is a wellknown and respected as a historian of the popes. We conclude that Ciacconius attached no importance to the Prophecy of the Popes fell into his hands by accident perhaps, and there saw an opportunity to use his knowledge of the history of the popes. This knowledge also does him no great honor, because it depends too pontifical records of Pan-Vinius.

THE MYSTERY OF LETTERS NUMERIC MDCLXVI seven numeral letters, Roman numerals, they attracted the attention of the "prophet"? Did he not think to use these material items, especially useful that reports could not be very concise. • that much? The idea came to us he had to wrap some numerical data in order to protect them from tampering. Everyone knows that nothing is more vulnerable in copying a figure even slightly complicated (1). The loose protective when it comes to prophetic numbers, has a second advantage by concealing the number that appears after the fact, it removes the suspicion of carrying out fraudulent. Suppose, for example, that No. 79 we read the letter numeral V and no more. The advent of Paul V here may justify the prediction obvious, but it would be right to think that the elected took the name Paul in order to reach the figure predicted! Wrapped in letters not numerals eleven people perversely makes the figure fraud unlikely. The fact is that we are the first to report the coincidence! It is possible that it is purely coincidental. But it may also not intended by the writer, it was ordered on a board above (2). Those who imagine that all is said when you mentioned the word chance, are thought to discover that little purpose in the artificial.

(') We know the translation in letters of the value of Pi: I like to learn a useful number to the wise! Immortal Archimedes, artist, engineer. That your decision can snuff the value ? To me your problem was of such benefits. (the) "Interest singular coincidence is that it depends on the First Cause most immediately (in the report of the foreordination) than other events ments " (MARITAIN, SEVEN LESSONS ON BEING, Paris, p. 158).



We will see that in the last 40 reports remained intact, the numeral letters are a wonderful role. It seems unlikely that the writer has consciously tried to make them say what they say indeed. But why, if he is a prophet, should have the clear consciousness of what he predicted in an inspiration which transcends? For some figures, however, we believe easily that the editor has deliberately sought. And No. 112 included in the first report eX tlberls Castro. Thus the timing of the year 1311 enclosed in gaLLVs VICeCoMes (where the motto was originally the lot of Clement V). We will be less categorical for the figure of Paul V. For it is the only example of referring to the papal figure. The almost total absence of reference to the papal figures proves she not that the author did not think to use the numeral letters? For, what would he have used preference? Roman numerals are not they all appointed to report the serial numbers of the popes of the same name? The objection would be unanswerable, if the multiplication of such allusions, brutally accurate, was contrary to the discretion of God. If the case had appeared regularly, we would have quickly discovered that the process and then became the freedom of elected officials? That the popes should freely choose their name. However the figures, more often than people think, require a specific name or at least greatly restrict the choice. The list of 35 numbers from Gregory XIII with the names next compossibles • XIII Benedict, Gregory. V Anastasius, Eugene, Felix, Honorius, Paul, Serge, Sixtus. VII Adrian Alexander, Urban. XIV Gregoire. IX Innocent. VIII Clement, Urban. Leo XI. V Anastasius, Eugene, Felix, Honorius, Paul, Serge. XV Gregoire. VIII Urbain. Boniface, Stephen Innocent. VII Adrian, Alexander. IX Clement, Urban. X Boniface, Clement, Stephen. XI Clement, Innocent. VIII Alexandre.



XII Innocent, Leo. XI ClĂŠment. XIII Benedict, Innocent. XIII Benoit. XII Clement, Leon. XIV Benedict, Innocent. XIII ClĂŠment. XIV Clement, Innocent. VI Celestin, Martin, Nicolas, Paul, Pie, Sixtus. VII Adrian Pie. XII Leon. VIII Pie. Gregory XVI. IX Alexander, Pie, Urban. XIII Leon. X Boniface, Stephen Pie. XV Benoit Clement. XI Pie. XII Pie.

Only the figures V and VI left a serious choice of 35 and 15 times the figure imposed the name! It must be insane audacity of counterfeiters to announce the popes to come by their name (1). Unable to decently predict the numbers of the popes to come, the "prophet", he thought about the election years? We know that timing is not nothing but a date coated letters. The example of gaLLVs VICeCoMes (1311) is unique? Among the records can not be retouched, one might suggest for setting an effective date. It's flora ClrCVM-Datla (No. 89) which is 1757 and whose place almost exactly to meet this year if we assume the average of eleven per issue. In fact, Clement XI who has the No. 89 was elected in 1700. It is therefore certain that the author has not thought about the election years. Their prediction would have been less intrusive than that of papal names. Yet the timing was too popular in the late sixteenth century that the writer has not used this strange way of enriching the data of his prophecy. It is not difficult to guess the intention that it had come. The main data: 40 Popes again before the Judgement of God, left very uncertain time in years. In advance it is impossible to define

(*) See the case of the false monk of the eighteenth century in Padua Elijah Daniel, Is this the end of time? Paris, 1933, p. 314.


THE mysterious prophecy of the popes

whichever represents one, two, three, four or five centuries! Or the "prophet" knew (we shall show) or at least conjectured that 40 popes reign 440 years. He knew or conjectured that the duration of post-40 reigns St. Pius V, during whose reign he wrote, would begin in 1572 to finish in 2012. Too many clues converge on this exact one given way to a fortuitous result. Even if the chance is reached, it was not left to itself, for there is nothing and he alone can do nothing. The reader to judge the value of many coincidences that we will meet.

Medium in body pilarum Axis medietate signi. So begins the list of last 40 reports that we have all escaped the alterations of the forger. Their mysterious meaning will become clear later, but now we see naturally, inevitably, the signal of a medium or a new beginning. We are warned that it is yet to come as many years that he has run since Innocent II (elected in 1130). The calculation of the numeral letters (which abound in both currencies) confirms this first impression. MMMM DD C L = X VWIIIIIII 5182. This total does not mean anything, it suggests at most 1582. We know that in that year Pope Gregory XIII reformed the calendar. Thus 1582 would mark out the beginning of a new era. Let us apart: M D L X = VW IIIIIII 1582. It remains MDC = MM = 1600 and 2000. What do these two years are secular side of the year 1582? We know that one of the main points of the calendar reform was to eliminate the secular bissexte years, except for those with two zeros before the number is divisible by four. The years 1600 and 2000 will therefore remain the bissexte removed at 1700, 1800, 1900. It's a way to tell us that 2000 will be achieved by 40 popes to come. We affirm that it will be exceeded 12 years. Between the last M pilarum Medium body and the first M in Ă 'Axis medietate signi we find exactly XII. How do we know that these must be added to XII MM?



Let alone the first of two reports. It is: MMM D C L = WVII 3667. Or 1667-2000. The idea came to us that 1667 would be reduced to 1572. Then we find the extreme years of the period embraced by the 40 reports. For in addition to MM XII, released in the following description in order to distinguish the addition of the amounts to MD. We are increasing from 2000 to 2012 easily, but how do we reduce from 1667 to 1572? By replacing C by V as we are invited to read the text backwards CORPV V C pro! The author he thought of this substitution? No, no doubt, but we do not believe that chance there thought alone! This data 1572-2012 that we will find more than once, is it not likely that it is suggested in the early 40 reports? The idea came to us that the conclusion of the numeral letters should indicate the final year 2012. We find in 26 words or 158 letters: 6 M, 5 D, 6 C, 5 L, 2 X 20 V, 20 I. These seven quantities are not any. Put together the M and C on the one hand, the D and L on the other hand, as we invite the same number of their appearances. We get 6600 and 2750. If we add I to 15 seconds short, this is 2765. The 2 X 20 V 5 and I added to the remaining first sum in the 6725 will. Both are using the same four digits variously placed. They both mean the year 2012, not counted since the birth of Christ, but one, 2765, from the founding of Rome, the other, 6725, from a triple of the Julian period. We know that Rome was founded in 753 BC, and the Julian period starts in 4713 BC Those who have read the Roman Martyrology on 25 December will not be surprised to see here involves the era of the founding of Rome. Indeed is it not suitable to date the ruin of the city of seven hills from its construction? The Julian period not included in the martyrology of course not. Its invention is due to a Protestant Joseph Scaliger, who called Julian in memory of his father Julius Caesar. She appeared only two years before the calendar reform. Protestants can be vain, as we are proud of the work of Gregory XIII. Even Petavius, Scaliger who did not, lot rents



the Julian period (1). It embraces, in fact, all historical times and, more rigorously as a result of the Roman pontiffs Nicolas Sanders boasted that it can be found in the jumble of dates. The idea of Scaliger is very simple, but it is coming to him. It took three cycles competitors encountered in all calendars, the solar cycle 28, the 19-year cycle and the cycle of 15 years entered data, and urged them to end up in the past three 1 of the year -4713, in the future to the combination of extreme numbers 28, 19, 15 of the year 3267. Thus he gave to each of the 7980 years of world history a reporting feature, since competition of the three cycles exhausted all possible combinations of three digits and do not repeat. We must praise the "prophet" to have stripped the "Egyptian" and used his invention to date again the year 2012 (2). The 40 reports which contain 66 I melted with a V sign in the IV Jucunditas indivisible. This is 65 more than 4 separate units amalgamated. We see an allusion to the Julian period! From 1572 to 2012, there were 15 complete solar cycles (1 to 28) over one end of the cycle (13 to 28) and a beginning (from 1 to 5), 22 complete lunar cycles (1 to 19) over a end of the cycle (15 to 19) and a cycle to which lack only the last number (1 to 18), 29 complete cycles of entered data (from 1 to 15) over the last number of a cycle (15 ) and an early (from 1 to 5). We meet 69 times 1. But four times the number 1 appears twice in a single year: 1588 saw the start all solar and indiction, 1672 solar and lunar, lunar and 1843 the indiction, 2008 solar and the indiction. The sign IV includes four No. 1 in excess of the year. Obviously it should not be a prophet to know that from 1572 to 2012 the three cycles begin again 69 times with 4

( * ) " I n omni scaligeriana temporum doctrina, nihil is melius and periodi julianae methodus utilius quam, quam ad ille chronologiae munimentum adhibuit " ( I n temporum doctrina, 1627, II, at the beginning). (*) The Enciclopedia Universal illustrada Europea-Americana (Bilbao, Barlona, Madrid), Article Cronologia (XVI, 479), just to the era Christian in relation to the era of the founding of Rome and the Julian period (And the Olympics, the omission here is not difficult). The same encyclopedia speaks of the Prophecy of the Popes in Volume XLVII (1922), pp. 788-796 and is subject to God to judge her, "Are esto verdad? Es una supercheria, una Farsa? Dios sabe lo ... If broma es, es broma muy pesada;




time as weAgain just said. But is it that likely that a man havenumeral thoughtletters. of it is unlikely the writer hasshould so chosen Yet that? Soitby chance there are more than 65 I IV, but is it a coincidence? is difficult to deny without assigning any choice in the chance that a Continuing our investigations. Let us(and nowfollowing), numeral letters of a block success, adding to the previous confound reason. of 40 reports and those of the conclusion. We get 20 + 6 M, 18 + 5 D, Let us now ground the numeral letters of 26 related reports in a 21 C 6 +, 41 + 5 L, 7-f 2 X 47 + 20 V + 66 20 I. The sign indivisible IV closed system (Nos. 77 to 102). We find 14 M, 8 D, 17 C, 27 L, X 5, 34 V, appears1 IV, once38in the84,40we{Iucunditas reports) twice in do. the Still we I. At correct in sydus Sidusand as we always conclusion (iudex, sign is 4 if(No. we maintain merger, correct in iudicabit). circundatiThis circumdata 89). Wetheread apostolicus six if one separates the two letters that are one syllable, five if we adopt Peregrinus, here as elsewhere, at No. 96, that lack of space, the printer the mean This is a game that can be deliberately wanted to exactly hasvalue. been shortened to Peregrin 'Apostolic'. This done, we have make are different. It wouldinto be arbitrary to vary the evaluation of IV in 144 signs, bursting one of the IV Jucunditas. It seems clear that a singlehere calculation, because then we could talk about boost. But in the writer wanted the merger to obtain the fine total of 144, separatesquare calculations, it is perfectly legitimate one threein short 12. Especially with the value IV to (4)adopt of the 144ofsigns values provided one of keeps it from another of isthe sameand well 21,312 worth product per one 148 end 144. to This amount 21,312 calculation. If you prefer, it is the necessary that feature the three IV from have the documented. It offers interesting that the central same value, but this value is 4, 5 or 6. figure 312 we read both the left and right. And why is it being 312 and Previously we separated I of V in the conclusion to make the two are demonstrated? Because the term embraced by the pontificates 26 2765 and 6725. We then made simultaneously Jucunditas IV, as we corresponding to 77-102 n08 goes from 1592 to 1903 and has 312 have seen. We will now take the average value, that is to say, years! Exactly the election of Clement VIII No. 77 (January 30, 1592) equivalently neglecting the three J. We have therefore 26 M, 23 D, 27 the death of Leo XIII, No. 102 (July 20, 1903) there were 311 ½ years. C, 46 L, 9 X 67 V and 86-3 I. It so happens that the first three stanzas is 10001, so that the other two This is exactly what is required to include the timing of the first 12 together worth 11,311: 311 this time we read left to right as the central and last 12 years the period 1572-2012. Since it was obviously 3. The truth is between 311 and 312: 311 and a half years! We shall see impossible to make the 441 vintages, what's more appropriate to that these form a 312-year Paschal cycle perfectly similar to chiasmus choose the 12 extremes on either side? of three stanzas. Here then there is no question of chance, but a prophetic view. To exhaust all the combinations, now take the numeral letters of 40 reports as a whole, but not those of the conclusion. We keep and timing of the 24 mentioned above 20 M, 18 D, 21 C, 41 L, 7 X 47 V, 661. The I do not concern us, except the three I Fides Intrepid. Why? We shall see. the numeral letters Medium in body 2012 pilarum Axis 572 MConsider D THE WW II M Vof IIIII II 573medietate M D THEsigni WW leaving III aside the IIIII I. IItIIIII remains M MDLXWV2011 (1575), MDC 574(1600), M D TMM HE WW IIII M IIIII IIIII DD 2010 (2000). What reason he has to confront 575 M 576 M 577 M 578 M 579 M 580 M 581 M 582 M 583 M




A 11




three years? A good reason, but better yet another reason that made us have to confront in 1582, 1600, 2000. It is no longer the calendar reform, these are the holy year. The first of these years comes three years after the election of Gregory XIII. The "prophet" warns us that the next will come 25 years later and in 2000 adding that the interval of 25 years will continue until the end of the period 1572-2012. This warning is not superfluous, since, under Gregory XIII specifically, it was proposed to reduce the above interval to 15 years (1). Was there a reason to set aside the previous ordinary jubilee of 1575, 1600 etc.. ? Perhaps, but for some reason that year of less interest to their holy timing whose style is renewed at the end of the sixteenth century (2). Knowing that the interval of 25 years would be maintained until the year 2000 the "prophet" was not new prophetic light list the year that would see the 40 holy successors of St. Pius V. Suppose the 40 reports contain Roman numerals required to include the regular 18 jubilees from 1572 to 2012. Our hypothesis is confirmed the coup, but the retention of 25 years is very likely a priori, we could not talk about prophecy or prediction extraordinary. To have extraordinary prophecy or prediction

(1) Until Paul II fixed 25-year interval had changed more than once. Boniface VIII had thought to continue a tradition of sanctifying the secular year 1300. Clement VI took a longer tradition and more secure by sanctifying every 50 years (1350). Urban VI reduced the 50-year 33 and year 1390 was declared a saint, and 1423, but did not let pass the year 1400 without the sanctifying secular alike. After 1423, we did not wait for 1456, but we celebrate the Jubilee of 1450 and after that, the interval became invariable, fixed, as was said by Paul II to 25 years. (2)That is to say that D ruled previously counted or not is now with the value of 5 C. See Essay on the critical and analytical timing, Brussels, 1741, pp. 13 ff. See also the Bulletin of the Society for the Study of the Province of Cambrai in 1942. The timing issue is filled with historic collected by Leo Delahodde: D never counted before 1500 and after 1500, the account is sometimes, not always, it is only in the late sixteenth century that occurs regularly or necessarily . The cut is floating and it is precisely that we are located in the same place as the reform, although dated this, the timing and style pascal. We mean that we take Y advent of Gregory XIII, who reformed the calendar in line. The reports for the pontificates can not mark the beginning of them. The numeral letters indicate for the years 1575 and 1582 for the holy Easter dates.



ners, should one or more anniversaries have been celebrated and their timing is lacking alike, or a special anniversary was celebrated like the ordinary (opening and closing the doors holy; duration a full year extension with the world the following year) and that its timing is in the reports. If that happened last Jubilee was doubtful because, celebrated, it would have been deprived of the properties of ordinary jubilee should be the "prophet" by an unequivocal sign, marqu창t the position he took in the controversy . Well, the numeral letters of 40 reports meet all these wishes. Historically the jubilees of 1800 and 1850 were not celebrated, the first cause of death in exile of Pius VI, the second due to the leakage of Pius IX to Gaeta. As for the Jubilee of 1875, it was not celebrated in solemn form, and without opening the Holy Door was immediately extended to the whole world. That is why many authors do not mention it in the series (x). Other authors mention the Prophecy of the Popes and agrees with them. In addition, there was a jubilee in 1933 "extraordinary among the extraordinary" in the words of Pius XI who promulgated. Incomparable by its object (redeeming death of Christ), by the most solemn ceremonies which were granted by its universal success, the Jubilee 1933 is added to the holy 18 years (or 16, not taking into account the not celebrated jubilees of 1800 and 1850). Unlike ordinary I do not need in their timetable, the extraordinary demands three I. Is that why the editor I took three in the reporting of Pius XI: Intreplda fides? With both D, this is 1003. The remaining six reports after that of Pius XI contain exactly 30 what to do plenty of things to do 900. Accuracy even before coming to the calculation of numeral letters. Was it proper to go completely silent not celebrated jubilees of 1800 and 1850? Do not they deserve to be included as jubilees of law to which the historical fact has only missed-tion? But how to distinguish the figure of the law and face the fact? It's very simple. Only the historical fact

(1) See Y Pontifical Catholic Almanack, Paris, 1935, p. 82. The Article Popes of Jubilees was the inspiration of our discovery.


51 53


The data thatdoes have long, are characteristic the papal confers individuality, the right the specific note.way Thetojubilees We say that entered there was probably a more convenient setofthe There 15.inThe year 1572ofwas No. so that intoJanuary celebrated in fact be included a comprehensive timetable and those term inchancery 2012: it was to are ensure that the sum the XVI15, might rise 1573 I reappeared No. No. 15 is already in the election of of law,The the common basis for all1.modern anniversaries, (i500). 440. MDCL were excluded a priori, becauseunderway theor L MD alone would Gregory XIII, is what no thatItcomes in the period May 1572 to Under these conditions, the 40one reports provide everything you easily need have produced more than 2000 years! seems,first however, very The (except year In 2012, itthey bears the tonumber 5. depending Now the first and more Ifact, useless a produce priori) figure the timing of the XVInothing had2012. produced 440. 369 or 371 on letter useful (can be used prioriofthat IVX) the last Jubilees of 1575 to 2000: whethernumeral the ambiguous signonly IV gives theavalue 4 or 6. Itis does notI and V: Olivaer. The intermediate lead take 70 medium that this ... sum reaches 439IVX or 441, depending on us theinfallibly years thatof 1 to 5 1573 to 2012,1572 as shown in theIttable below: fails or from not the extremes and 2012. is best to choose the mean 1575 M D


value for 5 and IV and 1600 M D the C failure to reach 440 is exactly 70. 1625 M D C V W X to fill the gap 7 X more. That is to say It would have been necessary 1650 in M Dreality. C L Now we see that the present 7 X 2 are twice that found 1774 I 1573 VI 1683 VII XI 1883 1675 M D C L VV V W distributed in (8 72-76), V the first 77blockVII 84a stanza VIIIIin anger, 76 in a V second, 92 1700 M D C C 78 theVIIII 86 alone I is completely 83 VIII three in theVI third, and last stanza private . 95 1725 M D C W C W V V 92 VP) 97 V 87 VI 1908 However there 7 D, 1750are MD C CXL as much as missing. D is the letter of XIIII 1601 IV (1) 1711 XI 93 VI 23 awarding and may replace The 1775 MD C L CX V VV W last of the 7 X present is nicely II 4 VI 13 V 1802 V 37 1800 M D confronted XI with December crux in14DeCruce (No. 3 101). XV Another 47 13 VII VI 1825 M D C C C V VV W indication ofVI intent secret: the stanza has 17 3 X 14VIIII V and 11 56 23 V penultimate 27 V 1850 M D I is in fact 111, matching D, 6 and VIIIand D 25 VI X, which 28 hasVthe last 732 I 12 V I 63 1875 M D C C C L V W X VII 39 V 42 V 47 VIIIIverse 71 is 112. Does not 111 Cend 1900the MD C C 112 LL to introduce? Is 112 to the last V1925 V LL LLis 57 VveryXIoutgoing? 53 V 82 (Nos. 103-111 are actually M D52 LL104-112) LL Wnot W XV 62 VI 58 VI 63 V 1933 M D or LLcomplication? LL LL LL W W VV III the absence of 70 years 97 But why this detour First, V195 째 M D67 LL LL VIIII 61 V 77 VI 98 LL LLthe W XXXX would set the fatal 1942 (without D, is the last verse 42). The 70 V1975 82 III 70 VI 78 VIII V 2000 M D LL LL LL LL L W W V represented by the 7 D appear to be a stay free. It is as if God was 12 2000 M different from the punishment of 70 years the city of seven hills, which toJubilee bind 57 signs point not fixed arbitrarily butyear according was Wehitsaid in Letters 1942. that the Range of 42 ofto 1875 112,was the reported value questionable the fatal beyond 2012. to the strictest use. Thespan IV fucunditas isreported justified,one if not necessary. doubt. is 112 the indeed, coming and In its The lastThis verse ofonly, the the that yearsis1901-2012. There was reason tobetween I V, VI and Vreign would be Vsomeone and andthat theand only change would historical place. It was he and else the writer intends anticipate a two-year of not Pius X: theIV, duration began with the be to years 1698 andLVM. 1712 to 1711. letters We IIIII to reportsubstitute in writingthe from Crvx CrVCe Ten1697, numeral onlyproscribe twentieth century. that is normally replaces W the that replaces interrupted rere aofrecord! Theoffirst letters of claimed notification of X. It is Then,groups theby addition D instead 7V, Xthree 7 oras14 V group was by the remarkable that XV never by I,with which would have exceeded Leo XIIIof (elected join offollowed the reporting offive Pius timing the holy1878) year. Weisthose had too much XV, XIX (or(184610 V) maximum indiction. 57 signs absolutely necessary. 1878) tothe probably make itwhich clear that itThe is only the Holy Year have been included aofL,the is very elegant (1),are while 7 D1875, were Their application is no fatal.reign It is applied to the numbered which took place at the end of less the long of Pius IX andyear not is also absolutely to the at first that comes along. not demote the yearcorresponding 1850, which occurs theyear beginning. Here thereYou is acan visible mark a second sign therefore similar to the previous take a trace of or intent sotime: we have the right toisexclude a game of chance. leap of 15could numbers years).2000. The absence of 2025 is The Jubilees take (or us 15 beyond significant, but does not determine the year 2012 which will, we believe the latter. Here is a very original indication that she fixed exactly 2012. (1) The awkwardness of XXXXX L is justified now: we without X, ityears would (I) If you prefer I to V in for separate Jucunditas, obtainthese VI, V5 the 1698, 1712. have required that 12 D prissent the value of X, but D 12 crammed into the last



medIVm corpVs 22 ment necessary. All in all, the pllarWm problem was, we think he skillfully In AXIS medletate slgnl 15 resolved. De Rore Caeli A But the solutioneXmight go unnoticed! Therefore a28second solution antlqVItate VVrbis was offered to researchers. There V (and Civitas in bello pla were a means of multiplying 9 I, but they are not involved crWX romVleain the faces of jubilees 25multiplied with VndosVs HLVW 17 impunity) without bringing the surplus in the calculation of the holy people per-Versa (2) 5 year. Agree that, to count 440 years, the modified R XVI index trlIbVlatlone PacI repetition will be Indoubled. This agreement is very10natural when it lllIVm and rosa 7 comes to increasing the amount of XVI or libitum. R 23 gives us exactly 9 I-VcVndltas crWcIs V and 12 I, 69 unitsmontIVm in totalCvstos (x). 11 sldVs olorWm 16 G LORIA O LIVAE flVmlne of magno 6 bellver Insatlabllls 9 This is the authentic text of the final report. A mistake over a later paenltentla glorllosa 4 edition (includingInMaster) rastrWmGloria carried Olivae door. In what 11 could further exhaust all our previous calculations or nearly so. But flores clIrcVmdatl 8 substituting the of bona rellglone 2 value from 607 to 107, it would still destroy the wonderful coincidence Miles in bello 2 that we expose. This time there can be no question of chance. The colVmna excelsa 15 enemies of the prophecy rest assured! It is not more preternatural animal rWrale 11 vision. But the calculation that follows is so delicate 7and so precise at rosa Vmbrllae the same time it isVelox by itself a miracle of ingenuity. It reveals at least the WrsVs 30 peregrllnVs Apostolic Vsand justifies our 13 findings given turn of mind of the author unknown aqVIla rapax 16 above. canl colVber The first reportsand of 111: eX tlberls Castro was worth6112 and counted, HLVW rellglosVs 14 as we said, the 102ofpopes 10 legitimate anti-popes13of the prophecy: balnelsand etrVVrIlae X, CH. The last of crWX 111 isof107. Missing 5 units to recover crWce 30 the sum of 112. In provided lVmen caelo 6 5th: Pastor and These five units are by description ascending Ignls ardent 2 lazy mind stop naVta. This may be a way to start the attention. But the rellglo depopVlata 7 there! fides Intreplda 3 It is clear that 107 should have its own meaning. Seek if, from May pastor angellcVs 6 1572 to May 2012,pastor an interesting From what and naVta point does this 107 times. 5 we saw of the calendar reform, it does not take much 10 ingenuity to flos florWm of medletate lVnae 6 laboratory soils A glorlla Olivaer 8 440 manner at the expense of the previous stanza (which had not only kept 6) have made 120, not to mention the V and I. Now it was necessary to achieve and not to exceed 112. You should not have more than 7 D in the last stanza (it was already a lot): it reduced to 42 the value of V and I. It was difficult to write nine reports without bringing at least 6 V and 12 I. (*) The evaluated instead compensates for theopposes default the (*) sign The ambiguity R does notIVchange the 6per wormofV:5 separation syllabic one. We haveofalready said thatonIVthe canhalf-vowel. be 4, 5 or 6. influence the consonant



see the number 107 in an allusion to the sum of bissextes that arise between the Ist May 1572 and April 30, 2012, that is to say during the 440 years of age corresponding to last 40 reports. The exact number is 107 bissextes: without the Reformation of Gregory XIII, the sum would have been 110, but the three century years 1700, 1800, 1900 lost their bissexte under this reform. We understand that our author has taken the opportunity to illustrate the number 107 which referred to the 1582 event to which he attached the greatest importance. It is not the allusion is surprising is his discretion. Since there must be 107 bissextes during the period of 40 reports, why not to bring 107 words in the composition of these 40 reports? In fact we have exactly 100 words. This round number is not unpleasant and probably there a sense that we will find out soon. This now we would like to raise up to 107. Now we have seven words filarum, montium, Olorum, flora circumdata, Balneis, florum and only 7 words in the plural: is it not fair to count two for each of the plural? Returning to the number 100. It evokes the idea of the century. The author has he thought about 100 years? Suppose that the sum of the numeral letters contained in exactly 100 words or 100 36 524 365 times more than the ordinary 24 bissextes centuries (after 1582, three out of four centuries no longer count as bissextes 24 instead of 25), this numerical coincidence is decisively. In fact, the sum of the values is only 33,521. 3003 is missing. This defect is not any. Why does he lack three units? To meet the three million missing. Why does he lack three million? Because the calculation of jubilees claimed 20 million more or less. Could be replaced by six three M D? Obviously not, for the same reason: the calculation of Jubilees wanted 18 D, no more. As for adding 30 C or 60 L, not to mention the calculation of jubilees which likewise prohibits the invasion en masse, the idea does not have it. The three I are there to accompany the three M. Now, if we read the 40 reports, we find three and only three times followed immediately by M I: 没uMIne, rastruM In, Misses. If we read the column of 40 initial letters, we find M 3 and 3 I neither more nor less. Finally, if we read the column



of 40 letters, which we still find 3 and M 3 I neither more nor less. Is it not a way of saying, "I know MI MI MI missing"? Only What is this assessment of the duration in days of a century? Would this not suggest that the researcher 440 year period are also counted in days like 100 years of the century? The 440 years worth 160,600-plus days in the 107 bissextes. These, we have seen, are counted separately, as appropriate, in the last 40 reports. Now the second last of 40 is 601, that is to say, 600 units in addition to 160 thousand. But what is the final unit added: From Lahore-Is ground? It means that you should take once the 600 of the penultimate report. This means that the values of 38 previous reports should be taken more than once. How many times? Read the 38th issue: medietate IVnae from: the last letter here is numeral V. So all the values of the 38 reports (except the multiplier V final) should be taken 5 times. These values, without the V final, are in fact 32,808. Multiplied by five, that's 160 000-f-4040. A fool who would leave disconcerted by 4040 the surplus! This surplus is most welcome: 40 times 4000 = 160,000. The author invites us to understand why he jettisoned the sum of the first day of bissextes 107, then 600 units, he wanted to get a number of 160 thousand which is distributed among the 40 reports so as to give 4000 each. For he thought of this distribution? Certainly. The proof is that he gave the first of 40 reports MeDIVM CorpVs plLarVM value quite unusual in 3667, more than half of the highest value of the 39 following: De Magno fLVMIne = 2556. What is 3667? Is 4000-333. The first report suggests or means in the hollow joint 333 years of the period 1572-2012, as the last report in relief means the 107 leap years in the same period. Note that 1572 and 2012 do all but one leap year, not counting 1572 until May 2012 and ceasing to count from May To confirm the report of the hollow joint 333 years, it should be noted that the M and D once excluded as impossible (over 333), the remaining values CLX VI the first three reports are exactly 333:



meiĂŽVm CorpVs pILarVm AXIS In medletate slgnl of TFSA = rore CCLL XVVV IIIII III. The following two reports which contain either M or D 232 worth in short, making 333 if they joined the flanking letters, ie the last cell of Rore and the first of Crux Cruces - L e x antlqVItate VRBL pla Civitas in bello C - = CCLL XVVV IIIII III. One objection. The sum of 160,707 days involves consideration of 10 days unreal 5-14 October 1582. Would not it have been better left out of account those 10 days in order to serve the reform of Gregory XIII again? Yes and no. No, because we had to get the numbers 160,000 francs, 600.107. Yes, if 10 days in question could be cut ad libitum. Or the value of the sign ambiguous single IV (Jucunda-tas) allows this subtraction ad libitum. For 160,000 we evaluated IV = 6. If we prefer IV = 4, the failure of two units multiplied by 5 (as all other values) gives exactly 10. Height accuracy: one can count at will (IV = 6) or does not count (IV = 4) 5 times 2 days suppressed by Gregory XIII in October 1582.

THE MYSTERY OF OTHER LETTERS NUMERIC The author of Prophecy of the Popes was a computer enthusiast. It is unlikely that he has merely exploit the numeral letters MDCLX VI called Roman numerals. We have seen that he had used XVI include the numbers of the indiction. The idea came to us he had to use other letters to include the numbers of lunar and solar cycle, which, as mentioned, together with the entered data in the Julian period. The last 40 reports contain 19 different letters. At No. 84 should be spelled Sydus Sidus and No. 100 of the H Ethruriae addition is a fault. The J is indistinguishable from I or V of the U. A B C D E F G I L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 6

1 0 1 7

M N O P Q R S T U X 1 1 1 8

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

1 9

Note that X = C + S and the value 19 = 3-f 16 similarly. Why these 19 letters did not imagine it 19 numbers of the lunar cycle? Is Medium body pilarM Axis ... does not reveal that M is the medium of whose extremes are 19 AX? The first seven letters ABCDEFG are called Sunday (*) and they are repeated five times the solar cycle of 28 years: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 fedcagfecb agedcbb f a 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 g c fedbagfdcba g

d e

(*) Each of the 365 (366) days of the year is invariably designated by the letter when applying devolves series ABCDEFG repeated 52 times. The



Of the seven letters in question, only F could stand less than five times in the last 40 reports. Now it looks exactly five times, all you need and nothing more to provide its contingent to the cycle of 28 years. Low index of intent or letters of attention to Sunday, from the editor. Here is another significant indication. If we elect the first letters that are available Sunday, that is to say the first two of staggered (n08 7276), the first verses of each system and linked in the first of each of the quatrains of the stanza independent, we obtain: E followed immediately by T> (medium), C (crux), B (Bellua), A (Rosa), G (ignis), F (flos). The series is complete and in order retrograde EDCBAGF. We have attached D to E because, in four, five or six years, it is necessary to meet a leap year or two letters a year. For the same reason we have included F to G, because if ED is in the same year, G comes four years after a leap must belong to F and therefore calls after him. The couple is recommended ED naturally and postulated the couple GF. It could not be done that was followed immediately by G F E is followed as in D medium. He noted that the report taut Flos Florum F contains only letters actually Sunday. The intention to F show seems to be no doubt. Sometimes, quite exceptionally, and as a result of the calendar reform, seven years pass without any

At December 31 receives as iei January. In leap years the bissexte (February 25) receives F for 24 February. From one year to another retrograde on Sunday of a letter and he similarly retrograde of a letter from bissexte. When one year has his Sundays in A (st January ... December 31), the following year will be in G (7 January ... December 30). In the leap year occurring on Sunday 24 February, for example (in F) is then present on March 2 (in E) instead of presenting March 3 (in F). Sunday Letters of 28 years solar cycle will thus follow in the order and 7 retrograde leap year cycle has two Sunday letters, the first to bissexte worth, the second from bissexte. So there will be 35 Sunday letters for a cycle of 28 years. The cycle we give and that starts with F has been ongoing since 1901. The years 1700, 1800, 1900 who lost their bissexte, the cycle of Sunday letters had to vary from each of the three years that have had one letter Sunday (1700 C, E and G for 1800 to 1900 ). It has happened three times since the calendar reform that the cycle of 28 years found only 34 letter Sunday. The year 1582 has two Sunday letters: GC.



of them is leap. This was the case so far (if not more will come before the year 2100) for seven years 1697-1703, 1797-1803,1897-1903. These are the three series FEDCBAG, AGFEDCB, CBAGFED, in which each letter represents one year. These three sets belong to the period 15921903 espouse three stanzas whose center is flourishing Cir-A cumDati Bon religion. The seven Sunday letters FECDB-AG FEDCBAG represent the series that runs from 1697 to 1703. Note that Clement XI who falls circumdata Flores was elected in 1700. We may regret that the report comes before D C instead of coming after. The editor could have written instead of Dati Circum Circum Dali. If it has not done, is not it a sign that he has not thought about the series of seven Sunday letters? We think he wanted to bring D of M so that MD way suggested a timetable. The two C found in the same word are circumdata MD with the year 1700. She noted that it was necessary because it is she who, ceasing to be a leap year, produced the series FEDCBAG for seven years. The VII found in circumdata next to MDCC 7 years 16971703 refer to all non-leap. While this calculation is difficult, but our author has accustomed us to the amazing tricks. The 1697-1703 series is the first of three and on that ground, the most interesting. For the first time in 1703 completed a series of seven letters to seven years Sunday. Curiously Litterae SUNDAY provides the timing of this year 1703 which saw the miracle: MDCLLIII. Here chance played, but he played beautifully. Now let's see if we can use the 19 letters and 7 Sunday to mark the period 1572-2012.

Intervention 7 Sunday Letters. There are 174 letters in 40 reports Sunday (AE, OE = E). They should lead us to the year 1572 to 2012. Year 1572 from the February 25 letter as a Sunday E. So I must interject here, because Gregory XIII was elected after bissexte. Now we find E as first letter in the Sunday report of Gregory XIII: medium ... Then D and C for the years 1573 and 1574 medium Corpus ... Promising start. The



end is also encouraging? The year 2012 has the letters A Sunday (until February 24) G (from 25 February). The final report presents the first G and A: Gloria ... It should be read down for AG to finish. According to the invitation clear enough, agree to read the 40 reports either from right to left, sometimes from left to right, the odd according to the current method, peers down. Therefore, here's how to follow the Sunday letters 174. Beside each year we will write it calls. When the same letter is reproduced immediately (without interruption or intervention of another Sunday), we can either stay in the same year (where we meet, in fact, number of occurrences of the letter Sunday: even the first in leap years is at least seven times), or jump to the very next year with the same letter. Of course, we will follow an invariable law: in the same report, we will not leave the year, a report to the next, we will spend the next year. If it happens (and it happens on the first bit) and two Sunday letters in sequence as in the following retrograde GFEDCBAG ... and a leap year occurs just to collect GF or EF or ED or DC or CB or BA or GA, we will give the two letters to the said year which includes, as long as these two letters are in the same binary. It is understood that each binary form a closed system and it is not surprising since the system read (from right to left and from left to right) begins with each binary. Under these conditions, following the leads of ABCDEFG 1572 to 2012, as one can see in the table below. mE (i572 * ") D (i573) ium C (i574) orpus pilA (i576 *) rum A (i595) in xis mE (* i592) D (i587) iE (i586) tA (i58i) tE (i578) Gis (i576 **) or D (i598) E (i6o3) rore () C (i6o4 "") E (* i6o8 ") li E (* i620) x A (i6i7) ntiquitA () tE (i6i4) Urb (i6u) IS pia (i623) C (i627) ivity (i628 **) in B (i633) E (* i636 ") 11o C (iÔ44 *) rux Romula (i642) A (* i640) und (i648 **) osus vir G (i657) E (i653) ns pE () rve () RSA (i65i) in Tribe (i66i) ula (i662) tion (i664 **) pA (i668 *) C (* i672) IS lilium E (* i676) t rosa (i673).



IUC (i677) a D (i682) Italian (i684 **) s C (i688 "") ruc () is montium C (i694) ustos sid (i6g9) us Olorum D (i7i6 **) E (i7i6 *) F (i7i5) Lumina (i7io) mA (* i708) G (I703) n0 B (i7i8) E (i72i) lluA (i724 * ") INSA () tia () B (i729) ILis pE (i738) nite () (NTIA i736") G (i73i) loriosA (i73o) rA (i74i) strum in port A () F (* i76o) Lore (I755) s C (i75i) IRC () UMD (i75o) A (i747) ti. D (i76i) E (i766) B (i768 '*) we have (i769) rE (i772 ") LIG (* i776) Ione (i777) mile (i788 *') s in B (i785) E (i783) llo. C (i79o) olumnA (i792 *) E (i794) xC (i796 *) E (i8oo) LSA (i8o4 *) A (i8og) nima () 1 rura () 1E (i8o6) rosa (i8i5) umb (* i820) Series (i823) ursus vE (i828 **) 1ox. pE (i834) rE () G (i838) Rinus A (i843) postoliC (i847) us A (i848 **) quil () rA () pA () x C (i852 **) A (i854) nis E (i856 '*) t C (i858) oluB (i859) E (i862) rE r vir (* i868) lig (i866) iosus. D(I874) E (i879) B (i88i) A (i882) ESA (i884 **) IS E () Etruria () (') C (i897) rux D (i896 **) E (i8g6 *) C (i892 ") ruc () E (i8go) ume (igo2) n in C (* i904) E (* i908) lo iG (i9i7) nis A (i9i6 **) rD (i9i4) E (igi3) ns rE (i9i9) lig (i923) io D (i925) E (i93o) Population (i933) tA () F (* i952) iD (I948 *) E (I947) s intrepid () pid (i942) A (I939) pA (I956 *) blind () nG (I956 * ") E (I958) LIC (i96o <) us pA (I967) E stor (ig64 *) t nA (ig6i) UTA () F (ig68 **) F los () Lorum D (ig8i) E (ig8o **) mE () D (ig76 <,) iE (ig75) tA (ig72 **) tE (ig6g) Moon () D (ig87) E (IgG2 *) lA (igg5) B (* 20oo) ore (2oo3) solis G (20i2 **) Lori (2oi2 *) Olive (2oo8 **).

During the period embraced by the last 40 reports (first May 1572-30 April 2012) there are exactly 22 957 di-

(1) 0 (1874) is D (i868 **) if not for another bit that E (* i868). By changing the binary, always changing year, as in signal change, the same letter refers to another year. It is a conventional rule, but invariable. The years 1572-2012, the only one that its timetable is in the 40 reports in 1757 (ClrCVMDatl flora). Or circumdata Flores provides the letters here Sunday the years 1747 to 1760. One meeting was possible and it occurs t




sleeves (x) (I will 37 present the May444 4, 1572 and the last, April 29, 2012). O = 12 = The Roman numerals the 40 reports in total worth 33,519, but the 15 P of 13 195 = 14 28letters represent only one Sunday D and C that are 2Q first (here) Sunday = 15 R which 660 each. Yet there is44 a D, immediately preceded by M, is first letter = I6 43 S meaning 688 The mysterious of the and numeral 500 represents Sunday. This isstanzas the D circumdata which, = 29 T 17 493 as mentioned above, =is moved (after the set C) to serve as a clear 47 V 18 846 timetable. Here we confirmation of our previous = a 6 Xfind 19very welcome 114 interpretation. The MLX 22419 and apply in short, We have seen 544 reports thatVIthe 35 last four stanzas are thewith first the threeD 5442 circumdata, the remaining 17 5Dofand C to are linked in a22919, closedcompounded system. It follows that the first 40 21 reports We find exactly the sum 5442. thatThis it isisnot that start the by achieve the exact amount 22,957. should, too, form a kind of Note stanza. sonecessary and we will "prophet" has the calculation we have from to ad72 cautelam. looking formade the meaning of these that five numbers to 76. He Intervention 19 letters. could legitimately take the average value 10, the letter M that he The staggered 72-76. repeats Each threeletter timesisinworth the report I pilaruM Medium body. Therefore, the amount of its number in the series of it 19. As was enough to have 544 letters for probably 5440. If he counted 557 Wesum haveof staggered the firstwe fivewould reports: Medium body pilarumofEx the these values, get not the number lunar months letters, otherwise it is to provide the exact number 5442 (with 13 is to Urbis2012? The lunar cycle of 19 lunations from May Antiquitates 1572 to May supernumerary II). sign inXL medietate rore29 caelidays 12 h. 44 m. The think. EachMMMMM lunation CCCC orAxis lunar month lasts Moreover, if there is random, the wonder is it less? Pia Civitas in bello. lunar cycle of 19 years has therefore 235 lunations. In 440 years old, there consequently lunations opposite 23 times,structure, 37 more no moons: in The will numbers are even235 diametrically central short: 5442. structure has a unique. Looking in the history of the five pontificates, a Of the 557that letters retainbe what madethough. 5442 in Roman numerals: phenomenon the design included MMMMM XL II. Theofchoice of XL XXXX is arbitrary, butonly the The first CCCC five successors St. Pius V had reigned together use permits and corresponding then prove thatperiod he is happy. thethe remaining twenty, and the in theirEvaluate reports is first of 544 letters: May 1572 (date of death of Pius V) at December 30, 1591 (date of death of Innocent IX, the fifth successor of Pius V). This is, counting the days extreme 7173 days, and, without counting, 7171. We have carefully omitted ten days suppressed by Pope Gregory XIII (5-14 October 1582) and counted the bissextes the years 1576, 1580, 1584, 1588. The A = isA exactly are 48the February 24, 1582, center of the 7173 or 717148days = 11 B 2 22 preceded and followed by the same number of days, 3585 or 3586 17 c = 3 51 depending on whether one fails or not the = 18 D 4 72 extremes. Now it is = February 24, 1582 Gregory XIII signed the 60 E 5 30 bull "Inter extremely 0 serious" who reformed the calendar. We checked the date in Bullaires = 5F 6 30 and it is given by February 24 Pastor in his History of the Popes (tr. fr., 11 G m 7 77 XIX, p. 237. Paris, 1938). Perhaps 64 I = we 8 should 51see in a signi medietate 2 Axis in allusion to the 24 40 L

36 0 15 M = 10 15 0 (!) The actual number of days which 32 Nis =160,697, 11 35 gives 22,956 weeks and a surplus of five days, that among these five days is2a Sunday: April 29, 2012. So there is exactly 22,957 on Sundays. =




February 1582 in the middle of 7173 or 7171 days of the period embraced by the quincunx. The waist of the balls would do it. referring to the first half. Our hypothesis is confirmed by the anagram of the 84 letters that make up the n08 72-76. In the sixteenth and seventeenth century still, even the scientists were not ashamed to use anagrams to pique the curiosity of their followers (1). There are famous anagrams, like that attributed to Charles I of England (2). St. Francis de Sales does not consider it futile to point out that "Mary anagram for love." We know that in the anagram, it does not distinguish between J of I or V of U, the difference between these letters semi-vowels and semi-consonants only from the position that the anagram change by definition. Auguste and Gustave, Joseph and Sophie are anagrams impeccable. After these oratorical precautions, we can present an anagram of 84 letters. Note the product number 7 and 12 which are, as everyone knows, the two best-known mystical numbers.





E R G R A S L E X D A R I V M j E V I P A B I T I E S P I I A P I O

"Bulla Inter extremely serious (lex calendarii) medium Aevi occupabit inter extremos dies Pii and quinta Pio." That is to say, "The Bull" Inter extremely serious "(Law of the calendar) will occupy the center of the length between the extremes of day and the fifth after Pie Pie." Was there a way to define in fewer words and more clearly the phenomenon discovered earlier? The anagram is certainly prophetic, because, even assuming that she was conceived after February 24, 1582, how the author could he know of course that the pontiff appointed by Pia Civitas in bello, the fifth after Pie, die December 30, 1591? As for assuming an editorial after 1591, no one, we believe, will grow until then the horror of the prophecy!

(*) See Boquet, History of Astronomy (1925), PP.. 327 "T 3O0. ( S ) Quid est Veritas? Is that adest vir




It would be better to speak of chance, but as wonderful coincidence is scarcely less miraculous prophecy. The stanzas which we will now examine the mystery related to dates of Easter. Now the calendar reform had the purpose of rendering those dates actual compliance, they had gradually lost with the law of Nicaea (1). At the time of Gregory XIII, the real beginning spring naturally as any time the day of the equinox, March 21 but was later than 10 days to deny the equinox springtime! It was in March n the night equaled the day and it was therefore deleted ten calendar days to restore the coincidence of the March 21, 1583 with the equinox invariable. It seems certain that the author of Prophecy of the Popes was particularly interested in the computation of Easter. Popes and dates of Easter are no less gloriously associated as popes and jubilees (2) and we understand that the P. G. of Jerphanion could write once ending his brief history of Easter reckoning this decision rave: "You have understood how the computation of Easter comes to us full of memories. The old and the new law, Moses and the Apostles, the whole Christian Church, the people and doctors, bishops. And scholars, the East and West, have had their share in the construction of this building . So many emotions this work has raised ... That enthusiasm, that indignation and also struggles ... Finally we see a Pope put the crown and that act recognized even by those who refuse obedience, is one of the most striking manifestations of the place that the world the Roman See "(s). Reform of the calendar ends, in fact, imposed by the Protestants, first to those of Germany in 1700, then to those of England and America in 1752. And we be surprised that the Prophecy of the Popes attaches so much importance to the Bull of 24 February 1582!

(*) Depending on which Easter should be celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon of spring. This can not occur until 21 March at the earliest Easter came earlier than March 22 (if that day was a Sunday). If the full moon occurred on March 20, we had to wait for the next subsequent 29 days and a half, and Easter, then, could be deferred until April 25. (*) See Chauve-Bertrand The Question of Easter and the calendar Paris, 1936. (*) In Studies (Paris, 1924), Volume CLXXIX, p. 155.



Until the 40 reports issued in the period 1572 to 2012, we can sniff a reference to the dates of Easter. For this number to 40 440 years the total shares in increments of 11 years each (on average). But every 11 years, after as before the reform of Gregory XIII, held back the same dates of Easter, with many irregularities, no doubt, but then just take a look at the picture we give in Appendix IV to discover the very real periodicity of 11 years. So to answer the first record dates from 1573 to Easter 1583 (Easter 1572 was spent when Gregory XIII succeeded Pius V), and the last of 40, the dates of Easter from 2002 to 2012. In the absence of a cycle embracing 440 years, the "prophet" has used the 40 ONZAIN. But from 1592 until 1903, a real cycle before him and we'll see how it's reported.

The system of three stanzas (N08 77-102). The great Paschal cycle of 532 years which had begun in 1140 (the date that we believe, marks the beginning of time embraced by the 112 reports) since that year has the No. 1 in both the 28-year solar cycle than in the moon 19 years (we know that the conjunction of these two cycles makes the cycle of 532 years, the product of 28 by 19), the great Paschal cycle, we say, died a violent death in 1582 and, officially, it does was not replaced. In contemplating the design of the 26 reports from No. 77 to No. 102, the idea came that it could well be an allusion to the Easter ignored. Let us first recall the prophetic picture: AS SA SA SC S and S SC SC SC SA



That cycle, if any, must appear in the form of Greek chi, that is to say that from the center of the dates for Easter should be on both sides. Since the cycle, if there really, in 312 years or more exactly 312 Easter dates (we have seen above the sum of the numeral letters of 26 or 312 21 312 reports provide read right and left of the central 3) and that He is represented by 26 numbers only



ment, it is necessary that each of these 26 issues dates back 12 Easter average (26 times 12 = 312). Well, first consider the dates of Easter plants 96 years, which must meet the eight reports (8 times 12 = 96) of the central stanza. From 1747-1748 the central couple, the 48 pairs of opposing dates lead on the one hand, going back to 1700, on the other, down to 1795. 1700 April 11 opposed to the April 5, 1795 1701 March April 20, 27 1794 March 1702 April 16 31, 1793 1703 April 8 April 8, 1704 March 1792 April 23 24, 1791 1705 April 12 April 4, 1706 April 4 1790 April 1707 April 24 12, 1789 1708 April 8 March 23, 1709 March 1788 April 31 8, 1787 1710 April April 16, 20 1786 March 1711 April 5 27, 1785 1712 March April 11, 27 1784 April 1713 April 16 20, 1783 1714 April 1 March 31, 1715 April 21 1782 1716 April 12 15 April 1717 March 1781 March 28 26, 1780 1718 April 17 April 4, 1719 April 9 1779 April 1720 March 19, 1778 31 30 March 1721 April 13 1777 April 1722 April 5 7, 1776 1723 March 16 April 28 1775 April 1724 April 16 3, 1774 1725 April 1 April 11, 1726 April 21 1773 April 1727 April 13 19, 1772 1728 March 31 April 15, 28 1770 March 1729 April 17 1771 March



1738 April 6 opposed to April 10, 1757 April 18, 1739 March 1756 March 29 30, 1755 1740 April 17 April 14, 1741 April 2 1754 April 1742 March 22, 1753 25 April 2, 1743 April 14 1752 April 1744 April 5 11, 1751 1745 April 18 March 29, 1746 April 10

One notices immediately that each date is faithful to his wife: April 2 as a combined (or objects) to April 14, April 14 an ally (or objects) to April 2, and so on. We note further that the sum of the dates associated is either 16 or 47 depending on whether they are both in April or not. Finally, we note that no two identical dates do not meet at an equal distance from the center except April 8. It is this latter phenomenon that has put us on the path to the discovery of the Easter unknown. Whence could come the exception of April 8? To answer the question, it suffices to have before the 35 possible dates for Easter arranged in a chiasmus: Mars 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 234567

Avril 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9


Identity is a special case of equidistance. The dates of Easter year equidistant from the center separates the ideal year 1747-1748, are all equally distant from the center of the field on April 8 Easter (March 22-April 25). The law very simple no exceptions in the lot of years corresponding to the central stanza. There are other cycles that here obedient to the same law of equidistance. But here the cycle as a couple has a central binary April 2 to April 14 between years frequently equidistant between years also found nearby. We believe we must insist on this unique cycle discovered. Not a single one meets again, to the following dates both before and after Easter 1582, two consecutive dates or closely with, as here, the gap 12. This gap is often equidistant between dates and between such dates, there are also all possible deviations from o to 34. Case of o: April 8 to April 8, if 34-March 22



April 25. Note that, in the binary opposite: April 25 to March 22, the difference is not 34 but 1. Because the gap is measured consistently progressing, not backwards. After April 25 is March 22. From April 9 to April 7, there will be two non-point difference, but 33, that is to say that we will progress from April 9 to 25, and back to March 22 and from there reach the 7 in April. In doing so, we find Easter dates between adjacent or consecutive years that the gaps 27, 20 and rarely 13. When the second date of Easter is a leap year (which, as of February 29, Sunday come one day earlier than if the year was common), the aforementioned differences become 26, 19 and 12. But the gap 12 did in fact presented only once to our knowledge there are dates for Easter! Another time came away similarly unique dates between adjacent years: 30. Easter fell in 1582 to 15 April and 10 April 1583: 30 gap. Without the removal of ten days in October 1582 (5-14), 10 April 1583 had been appointed on March 31 and 20 had had the difference between very ordinary Easter dates of consecutive years. Thus the gap 12 between April 2, 1747 and April 14, 1748, by its originality unprecedented, said the gap 30 between April 15, 1582 and April 10, 1583, spread equally unprecedented. The center of the cycle is fully stressed by presenting the difference can not be found elsewhere 12 dates between distant or equidistant years, the years 1747 to 1748 repudiate the quality of neighborhood and adopt that of equidistance, digging them a kind of vacuum, so to speak, marking the exact spot where the series of years should be divided into two columns as shown in our table. According to the prophetic model, the equidistance of the dates should be continued in the 108 years that each side of the central 96 dates, meet the extremes of nine stanzas reports (9 times 12 = 108). But according to the same model, there must be exceptions to the law 24 of equidistance, or 48 wrong dates associated. For answers to an AS and an SA to a CS, a CS: These four reports are poorly coupled 24 bit or 48 Easter dates. We find indeed among the 24 couples irregular 108 that come below 1700 and beyond 1795 until the years 1592 and 1903 on the one hand on the other. Only 24 such couples are not grouped 12 + 12 as suggested by their model AS-SA and SC-SC, and the difference is not surprising.



It was impossible to report in detail scattered irregularities. These irregularities, however, are not scattered at random. Pulling into the lot line center, we are faced with four consecutive exceptions: 19 April 1699 in front of 27 March 1796 30 March 1698 16 April 1797 7 April 1697 8April 1798 22 April 1696 24 March 1799

After this, exceptions are never in series, except the last 4 couples, so that the end meets the beginning: 26 March 1595 in front of 15 April 1900 10 April 1594 7April 1901 18 April 1593 30 March 1902 29 March 1592 12 April 1903

All other exceptions are isolated, except in the center of the batch of 108 years (where we find two consecutive): 21 April 1647 in front of 23 April 1848 1 April 1646 8April 1849

Among the 108 couples, so there are 84 regular and 24 irregular pairs. The number 84 produces mystical numbers 7 and 12 is certainly not any. Of these 84 ambiguous figure a couple: 22 April 1685 in front of the April 22, 1810

This couple is regular, since the identity is the ideal of equidistance, but one could also consider irregular, since the identity is a special case of equidistance for April 8 center of the field Paschal. We will see that the "prophet" was counted twice this couple ambiguous, both as an irregular, another time (ad libitum) as scheduled. The 312 Easter dates are represented or counted by 312 units in addition to 21 thousand in the sum of 21,312 numeral letters. However, this surplus is formed by a 312 L, X 5, 34 V, and 38 1iv I. The only block counts L 50 dates associated with irregular (including two on April 22). The details of the XVI dĂŠnombrent regular couples, that is to say that each of the 17 couples (18th March 24 to April 23 does not appear in the cycle) is represented by the number of dates that has the Paschal cycle.




Regular couples of the dates The design is complicated propheticMany in the extreme stanzas, a clear 22 25 April 2 II simply the parallel. They are autonomous and they do not extend 23 24 8 V III central chiasmus of the stanza, they withdraw into themselves around 25 22 12 W II their own center 26 21S and S. There 16 is an indication. wv I The fact 27 is that on one hand, 20 from 159214 vv the other IV from 1812, run in 28 19 14 w IIII parallel two sets of identical dates of Easter. There are exceptions, but 29 18 14 w IIII in fact there are 84 cases of identity of 92. This is exactly the number of 30 17 L8 wv III couples in the regular lot of years to meet the extreme stanzas. 31 16 26 XX V I In the central stanza of the lot, the number of regular I 15 18 wv III couples (all couples were2scheduled) was18 48. However, parallel to the wv IIIfirst 48 dates of these couples, for years 3 13that is to say 16 parallel to wv the dates of Easter I 4 12 vw I dates same 1700-1747, we find, in the 16 years 1852-1899, 48 Easter 5 II 28 XX V III without a single exception! 22 X vv II 6 10 These parallels are all that remain after 1582 from the immense 12 w II 7 9 parallel, before the calendar reform, brought the same dates every 532 8 8 8 V III years! But here the return 262 takes faster, after 220 years, = 5 place X 34-f 1much V IV 38 I even after 152 years. The ambiguous sign binary IV provides to insert the bit We believe that the central systemanof opportunity three stanzas: ambiguous April 22-April 22 among regular. The latter, if he wants to From Flores circumdata bona religione flowers set appear as regular, must grasp the binary April 8 (normal case of in the proper cycle religion identity). The number of occurrences of this binary rises to 5 with 10 referred to the Easter thebe period byextra the system 26 Easter dates. Signdates IV, Vofwill used embraced to mark the 2 by replacing reports to 1903.toSicut circum-polished diesthe dabant thefrom three1592 I, in addition which I will re IV divided sum 4.earn rosarumIrrespective flora and lilia springcouples days, doare notthe it'sexact 35 days of convallium. regular and The irregular, number of theofyear that can fit Day Renewal supernatural March 22 to April 156. Now there are exactly 156 syllables in 26 reports: 25? If this were so, Flos florum (No. 108) a mean of 35 days, the next reform that would set the date for Easter. While he fully realize the Crux Ro mu the a A do additi vir Peopl symbolism of the homogeneous quatrains of the last on stanza alone e worsystem. its A In bu dates the would ti vary forming per a closed series sorti of Easter a 0 overnot m ng range of dates. We read in the liturgical and parish Questions (Marchpa cis Li li um and ro its cun Ju April 1949, p. 56 ff) under the evocative title: What is the issue of di heap raw cis My ti um had tos If timing? prognosis: "The timing is ever stabilized in 1950? Nothing is due lo rum Of flu mi not my gno 0 Beaut in its ti two lily Pae impossible and read yet thata time seems premature " a iful or in

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(P. 57). If the last verse is 109 years (1903-2012), the center must be in the year 1958. Will be fixed as the date of Easter: Flos florum? Here's a hint that the "prophet" has provided for the fixing of the date of Easter in question. Note first that the parallel of Easter dates for years 1592 ff. and 1812 et seq. is a fragment of the general parallel between the first 220 and 220 dates last Easter. One hundred and seventy times the face dates 220 years apart are identical, since March 22, 1573 (!) In front of 31 March 1793 until April 8, 1792 in front of the April 8, 2012. The extreme dates are not arbitrary. The primum Pascha (March 22) opens the show and of course it's April 8, the center of 35 dates (March 22-April 25) that the farm. How about April 25th? Because the binary April 25 to April 25 is extremely rare (only one case among 220). However, the penultimate bit confronts April 24, 1791 to April 24, 2011 *! But we find in the final appearance of the April 8 notice that the date of Easter to be fixed that day. If, shortly after the mid-twentieth century, Easter continues to be mobile to attach to April 8, while at the same time General will also cease to compare identical dates outside of April 8. And cut, it no longer deserves to be mentioned except in the part that does not reach the binding of Easter and that was indeed reported as noted above. The silence of the Prophecy of the Popes on the parallel General 220/220 (2) can be explained perfectly if Flos means florum April 8 Easter or fixed. Relative silence, too. Because there are means, without excessive subtlety, to read the latest reports referring to a parallel between the first 220 and 220 dates last Easter. Since there are 35, not 40 days of the year when Easter can fit, retain only the first 35 numbers. The last 5 represent the second half of the twentieth century or the period fixed for Easter. The 35 reports selected

(') 1572 Easter is not for the period embraced by the 40 reports, Gregory XIII was elected May 13, 1572 (St. Pius V died on the first of May). (2) The number of syllables is 248: it would be 220, if the editor had thought to binary 220. The fact that there are exactly 220 numeral letters does not seem to break the silence. The following steps will show however that there are ways to reduce the 248 to 220 syllables.



u ">N 0 ro ro -T "1 00 O M C VO 0 0 O oa M 0 ov o O v r ^O I Cl O O "O O O o o oo 0 oo oo "0 > o \ > v O oo v H O M " " o "H 0 > O Ov O O I •H v Ov V H S II O O ro v M M o M ro v | | O N II it M M O M N v 00 Cl | | cc ro | | ro Cl M Cl O <R * O | | ro * II | | O ro " ro M t M II CI | | I Cl I | |H | | | | | | II M Cl | | <TH II | | | | H || oo He 1! Cl II 78 77 79 THE MYSTERIOUS PROPHECY OFOF THE POPES THE MYSTERIOUS PROPHECY THE POPES IITHE MYSTERIOUS H U PROPHECY OF THE POPES II o II II II II ii II II II It he II O II V II n II II II II He II II n h count rexactly 220 syllables, which VwereO theI 220 pairs IIof dates (4 OOr O "OOVOM 00vnot ON f PO PO BPI Cl *.OO oMthat ro >\DM OMfM "VO OofOHIEaster). r>M "oo ON PO■oo oo (assuming the parallel is HVOObinding N vVO N R "Clby u "> r-»oo VO VO VOro VO VO o destroyed R the Cl "> O "O O "O oo <r 00 ^ ^ oo oo ro v > O O parallel O^ O ro Cl I MOf theM WE unreal, Even this may be "reported as Futuribles. 35 Cl W ro O oo NMM ON oo w ON I H a TtVO ON M M o vO M M OND vO "O OP m HI | TH HI N | O IH PO N N reports circumdata Flores (where we saw an allusion toVOEaster II N vO MCl | |35N | | M || M M N II || N| HI | N| II H M| II HI |HI N| M | 0March o f00 |^O N| dates, from 22 to April 25) occupies the be Mexact | O | ro | "| vIIShould | |center. II pII ro N "II v| | | 0 O > 0 N •o| V v 0 O M Cl O| M Cl 0 V o 0 oo oo 0 now that theB 340 dates associated in pairs in should beA NO O oo - the oo identity <* NOv11 OII O O II •ON II "II rN TfO VOO II II 0 vII 0TJ II O II O II B II POO N M it II "O M II II II M r counted while 100 dates non04 O Vt ^.separately, ^ the t THI0associated - with oo0 the N v " v -F OP IH vO IH oo o M UI0vO he O oo seen, M was NON ^ON Mhave ^N S already MOM would identity be as a whole. We N O 0N when M HI IH M M M M issue of chiasmus in the period 1592-1903, N IH0 dates that were general 262 vOIO vO • f-O t ^oo •ON Ov OO O O ■M ro NT PO "O vOoo 00o■ M f M PO N PO Tf o N •4 O M "O IH ro ro v U -lU-)OiO O Cl " N oo Cl ro Tj •o V t IN.O'GM " TN > " o m vOin "<1detail, o MM TF TF ON fN ro OL "> 50 were not counted regularly involved in while only irregular " vO vO vO D C ro TS"O "O "O " Tf O ^ - O O ro ro > U ir> iO> "R • mass with the ro letter L. Here we similarly see that the letter C counts in M O"O ro T Tf n ") "O r> > " the 100 block exceptions in parallel, while the X VI dénombrent in ■ Ioo lO vO oo O o ON HI N POH > N vO M Coc N PO IO VO HI ON o IH N N (N N M "M oo ON o m O340 normal O. O Mcases. c of * the last detail C is considered the only C " H the o M M M M M CN N N PO IH 0 HI HI it O I 35 | reports. O •othe NM MMM0 r O S ro " M © oo M O S ro m oo O MM stanza, penultimate letter of the numeral The latter is V N Cl N | | N is M rejected ^ v | beyond M O C vand H Cl V Cl | |can v |" beMused Mto I | | Cl (angeliCVs) which therefore He II itvO S M P *POII ONII r ^II PO PO T|^ M N Moo vO o II | | | M | | | | | | O HIH II M M O N IH IH PI M M II the N ri same dates M N (above, He POin the rt count count dates inN| chiasmus, the last 00L N M | | PI M | HI POII M PO M M | N II |ro| | was followed by a further letter, numeral : caeLo). aside, | | The V| set | II || vOletters M PO 7 X 41OPV,ONand MH O II 1iv. SThe sum "F RI 340 B oo N isa inHIfact o 00 VO there useful (XVI), 611 T} IN CD t ^. II 00 II II M PI II IIN He II IM II nN oo VO IIM III ro IIPOII He N cd IIM II II NN M II II II II POII II HI N N M is there exactly, but also the separate assessments of II each 34 dates H Cl O 00 gof >oo ^ N vO N II M M M IH o ro ropresents O U^ March M oo24, N which " Md M O M1940 only (there is raVO date, itself in 1799 and I Cl o O MM ■ NW>PO O "O vO ON oo WE O r ^oo ON 0 T O U '>vO t ^ oo O NOM PO PO •O TJ> vo IH Cl oo 00oo Cl 00 M NM M W ION OON HON ON O"O O( M oo M O v nO ro and ooregularly involved): o O vO not 1 ON " N it H M Cl w HI oo 22mM 23m 25m 26 27 28 29 30 31 A c VIH if> M N roro vO N O W N ro y * u- V r oo O O I "d ro Tf " O Cl 0 O O Cl ro ro IIIIII II IIII W w W WII VIII WIV WIIII Ov OVO t ^oo ONro OTro N PO RF N M POI O ^vOM v PI ON H ro ro oo M ON o IH "M N N POO VO > O HICl vO vO0vOvvOro ^ M "O m U-> u-i > o "O 00 O T>. ^ T TN 00 I 1 0 2 3 4 5 <CIH > NM vO vO VO U-> M W M W Cl Cl Cl M 6 7 8 9 roXIIII WVI v VIII O ro O w XIIII W*I IR> WN W ooo W W XIIII ^ O " O oooo v0 o M Cl O "J " Oi r>. oovO O M Cl 0 M oo0 t 0 v 0 0 WII 0 O |OVOO (4 oo19 20 oo 0RF23 O rt oo - O00 v Ov 12vo 13 14 15 16 \ 17 18 W XII II XPOO"NO O M v S 21N22 M WII O W |VIII IH |XVI M N XIIII ON IN. 00 M O M N |VO M IHWW "O 00 PO M || | 0 TJ- PO N| v "M|v| N O N |00 PO CN HI | M | |IHO OII Ov | | PO M v| | 24 25 | | II II | | | | || | | II N || | | | Oo | | v v 0 IIII II | II O M | N I He II I could easily replace in March 25. The V C rejected beyond the five PO II II II II II •f II II II II H II (M II II II II it Oj 00 II rt IN TF I v O RII^Cl II M M II M V II H II NM "O 00 Cl <OR O • 0M *obviously ro oo r O a ro " O It Nwas (S easier to exclude a five H I. B N O " d T^ M UM M O CTI M N F M M itvO^oo vPO 0 OM IIM O*.ON HI POI"O^ ro <M"> M O u-i O M N vvO M M O II M II N N HI IH " wPOII IHPOIIM H II M M II IIPO II Cl II IIN Cl Cl 00 ON o MP POII PO W II II II II N" PO O PO vO PO oo PO T vO R oo •WE O M HI N • Tf II M O PO "O NvIIM II M O PO POII Tf O PO PO PO m <JII ^ II F "N M It II II O ooV M M ro 0 M o> S ro " tf O M M v Oi M Cl 8 Tt m 00 O CI M v O v Cl N" NM 0 u- M O "o I O Cl O Cl M Cl O M nI o o >M PO ■ M M IH m *ON U vO f"AH vO oo ON o HI M PO w iO vO HI oo ON t ^ O O O O O o> ON oo ON oo IH N O oM "> o IH M M M vo IH M M M O ro OWE M Cl tN. O O M "O Cl ro " t^ r ^O O I Cl M ONDoes V O M V V T " v oo O O ■ "O vO" "lo O vo V h N O VO v O oo rv oo H oo o> ooo> o O v o v V - rs. oo ON rt ON "O N vO 00 a ro IN oo o M M O |N IH N| M M- ON 00 O vO HI vO f IH HI O VO O V O N M | M | N|| N M| HI M M CO c" M | II | | | II N| M | II | | | | | | M| M II O L| | N v O U N ro | in O •< o O v MWM M ro < V N 0 O M Cl ro ro " 00 O I u"> • 0 ON PO vO "No II ro PO it o N II M II II II II II II ro II - II<fII II II NN > ro TOM W PI O II ro ro ro MN M II N ro ro IF H PO M O <M0M B N M ON N CA ON oo N N N o vO N Cvro M vO fM vO PI cl M (N IH N IH O PI M M 0 IH N 0 ON o oo vO •O vO t ^00 ON N0 00 W MO PO Tf M 0 POM00 •O 00 00 00 00 o vIH N ON ♦ MW PO Tj " •o vO r ^ oo CVv . I ON ON ON B Et it oo M ro oo ri ON •O M O H O N r O oo ro 10 v O O O ro ^II Cl yt FX TV ONO oo WE "O t d n Cl ro M M ro M O M N ^ ro M Cl ro v v vO II II II Cl n II II 11 II II II Cl ^ M II II II II M Cl w II II II II II II II He V















THE MYSTERIOUS SIGNAL SENSE unretouched The signal flow retouched not mysterious: they try to characterize the future elected by lines prior to the election. We have done good justice to this ridiculous system of interpretation. The records can not be retouched never want to announce who will be pope. It took the imagination of Thurston and all the rest to find in the allusions to 7278 n08 applications, historical tracking of success or failure, we have earlier shown the futility. This is the time to complete our refutation of Thurston showing the true meaning of the warning. Let us note first that, if it is true that each of the last 40 numbers meets a distinct priesthood, this does not necessarily mean that each report is directly relevant, or only the pontificate. It is not enough to say that, according Ciacconius, the meaning relates to candidates for the tiara, and we believe it relates to elected pontiffs or their kingdoms. Our view is broader. It can be done and it is indeed more than once that the pope is covered by the corresponding report. It seems at first glance that this must be the case for the No. 83 montium custos = Guardian of the mountains, for the No. 96 Peregrinus apostolicus = Pilgrim Apostolic for the No. 99 Vir = religiosus religious man, for No. 106 Pastor Pastor Angelicus = angelic, for No. 107 and nauta = Pastor Pastor and mariner. But we believe rather than Pastor and Nauta, occupying the center of the last verse, applies to all the pontiffs of this stanza, which will be characterized by the dual aim of feeding the Christians of birth and convert the heathen. There would nauta in an allusion to the care of foreign missions including the recent popes are clearly met. We also believe that Vir religiosus does not apply to Pius VIII, but attached to



No next Balneis Etruriae means the religious baths Tuscany indicating the future exceptionally Camaldolese religious Gregory XVI (1). Even the hint should it expand and focus, into or through Capellari Maur, the revival of the ancient Benedictine order which occurred in the early nineteenth century. Ciacconius disregarded the expansion of meaning and, perhaps, foolishly substituted Ex eremo De Balneis while Bains allude much better than the desert monastic revival. We see apostolicus Peregrinus, besides the immediate allusion to travel and exile of Pius VI, the announcement of the expansion of foreign missions that followed the French Revolution. Again, preferably Ciacconius have sniffed a petty referring to the foreign origin of the future pope, and he would have noticed (which was done in fact by others) that Pius VI belonged to a Swedish family! In the system interprets the first, Peregrinus apostolicus could mean that the Pope came from abroad. But it is clear that Peregrinus is substantive and it means pilgrim. Even allowing for! Apostolicus the noun and identifying the Apostolic with the Pope, it would give peregrinus meaning not "from without" but "out of his residence." In any case, the description covers both trips Pius outside Rome and Italy. The first of these trips, the one the Pope undertook in 1782 to meet Joseph II in Vienna, is characteristic, as there was for centuries no Pope had crossed the Alps. The emotion was too great it all over Europe (2). But the second trip that the old priest was against his will in 1798 to die in Valencia August 29, 1799, that exile is even more characteristic and gives the report in question prophetic incomparable brilliance. It is possible, indeed, that for his first trip, Pius VI, who knew his motto has wanted to achieve, but certainly the revolutionaries who led the force to move a second time the Alps cared little to accredit Prophecy of the Popes! Finally we believe that montium custos is not Pope Alexander VII, but the Virgin Mary Patron of the Church

(*) The desert of Camaldoli, the cradle of the Order of St. Romuald, is close to Bagno in Tuscany. Cfr Mabillon, Acta SS. Ordinis S. Benedicti, Venice, VIII, p. 256. (2) Cf Soranzo, Peregrinus apostolicus. Lo Spirito di viaggio pubblico e il Pio VI Vienna, Milan, 1937.



custos being in the feminine, as in the incipit of the ode of Horace (III, 22). That's enough to mark the enlargement of our views. We say that such an extension probably greatly facilitates chance encounters. So do not pretend we not make predictions in isolation reports indisputable. We have previously found an overabundance of specific references and figures. They are enough to avenge the prophecy of the reproach of being vague. We also recall that, with the intention of "prophet", the parallel types and antitypes 56 / $ 6 by comparing the reports should clarify their meaning. After this necessary preamble, we propose an interpretation of the last 40 reports that at least escape the charge of meanness and appear worthy of a man of God. 72. Medium, pilarum corpus. 73. Axis in medietate signi.

The enigmatic turn of these two signals is related due to the need to accumulate them in the many letters required by the numeral three timing diagrams 1582, 1600, 2000. The meaning seems clear enough, however: Mid-body balls and shaft in the middle (half) of the sign refer to a tie. There can be no question of half the reports. No doubt there is a sharing time embraced by the 112 numbers of prophecy. The "balls" would be the year, and the "sign" the prophecy complete. Specifically is it referred to the day of election of Gregory XIII and Sixtus V as they mark the exact place of the two priests in the series of 102 legitimate popes. This conjecture has proved so fruitful that we find it defensible and more than likely. You should know that Gregory XIII was elected May 13, 1572 was the Rogation Tuesday (day average or central Rogation before the Ascension) and that the Pope was elected on Wednesday of Easter Week was once called Pasca medium (24 April 1585). The anagram of two reports that we give for what it is led by G. in mediis litaniis, X. Pasca movetur per medium. We know that the Rogation before the Ascension



Litaniae are called minor. May the gold are held April 25. G. for Gregoriu-s and X. for Xystus (Latin name of Sixtus) easily justified. Only the last word for movetur promovetur is quite poor. Coincidence? Probably. We quote as a curiosity. We have more than that to support our conjecture. The coincidence of the day of election of Gregory XIII and Sixtus V with April 28 is reported in the combined reports of these two great popes. It consists in that the Rogation Tuesday falls on April 28 when Easter occurs on March 22, while the Wednesday after Easter also falls on April 28, when Easter comes on April 25. And this is how the two signals reported April 28. We know that April is commonly represented today by the number 4 following the day of the month. Let us read 28-4 in the numeral letters of the two reports. The maximum being 12 (figures for months) and 31 (numbers of days) can not intervene X VI. Now we find an X, 3 and 7 V I, which means: XWVIIIIIII. Note that I have rejected only four in the last three words: In medietate signi only that is to say, without mixture of X or V. The cycle of the Missal includes 102 masses Septuagesima the 24th Sunday after Pentecost, and the cycle of the Breviary has 102 offices Septuagesima to the vigil of the Ascension. If we juxtapose these two sets of masses 102 and offices in column 102 of legitimate popes of the prophecy, the Mass of the Rogation Tuesday (which is celebrated on Monday, but another station) falls precisely elected Pope Gregory XIII Rogation Tuesday, and the Office of Easter falls on the Pope. One might wish that instead of Easter Sunday it was the following Wednesday who returned to the Pope elected in effect on Wednesday, but the resulting conclave on Wednesday began on Easter Sunday and Sunday is certainly the more accurately Axis of the liturgical year than is Wednesday, mid-week. To compensate for the slight movement, it turns out that, in the series of offices, the Holy Tuesday falls on Marcel II elected Holy Tuesday and that elected Pope Alexander VII on Wednesday after the Sunday In A Hotel that Wednesday falls The two elections are in a century A

Distance: 9 April 1555 and April 7, 1655. Can we speak here of pure chance?



The symbolism of the day of election of Gregory and Sixtus is not obscure. As the Ascension and the Resurrection more, these two pontificates open a time of glory. There will be persecution, but they glorify the papacy instead of debasing as the Great Schism. The same year that Pope Pius VI died in captivity, the future Gregory XVI in Rome published a book under paradoxical but profoundly Christian della Santa Sede It trionfo. In the shadows of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance will succeed pagan lights that will make the papacy a rallying point. Reform of the calendar is any indication of revolving credit that true reform Thirty worth the Holy See. But note again the happy coincidence that makes Septuagesima the starting point 102 of Mass and service parallel to the 102 popes legitimate. Septuagesima Sunday is, as we know, the term extreme than achieved upstream influence of the date of Easter as the 24th Sunday after Pentecost is the farthest point downstream. Yet the limits of Septuagesima are marked by January 18 and February 22. That is to say that Septuagesima never goes back earlier than January 18 and never drops lower than February 22. In 1204 alone, to our knowledge, this latest date of February 22 was achieved by Septuagesima, this being a leap year and Easter with them April 25, two conditions often simultaneously. What do the January 18 and February 22, Septuagesima keys? These are the two feasts of the Chair of St. Peter, one in Rome, one in Antioch. This is old, this one was not introduced at Rome under Paul IV (1558). The "prophet" witnessed the introduction and it is he is giving a description of Paul IV sede Petri or Petri Sedes that the forger, to aim Carafa, changed in De fide Petri! Peter's faith would also mean to double party as evidenced by the gospel of the Mass together. 74. De Rore Coeli (From the dew of heaven).

The allusion to the short and beneficent Pontificate of Urban VII (15-27 September 1590) has already been reported, and the probable allusion to the Nativity of Our Lady (see above). Again on election day (octave of the Nativity of Mary) would have caught the attention of "prophet"



Ex Antiquitates Urbis (From the antiquity of the city). 76. Pia Civitas in bello (The Pious city at war). 75.

No question of Simoncelli of Orvieto or Bellarmine! We translate freely: "Since the ancient days of the City (Rome), the holy city is an activist." One thinks of the famous bull of Boniface VIII: "Clericis laicos infestos Oppido tradit antiques", or the struggle of two cities mentioned by St. Augustine. This overview contains the conclusion that the prophecy is limited by perhaps the strength of the League and the Huguenots in Paris that represents Henri IV before his conversion. Gregory XIV and Innocent IX supported the Catholics of France during their short pontificate: together they ruled from December 1590 to December 1591! Is not it clear that the references must necessarily go beyond the moral pontificates when they are tightly restricted? We could join the No. 77 Crux Romulea the previous two because it announces the victory after the fight. Clement VIII received the abjuration of Henry IV, and the absolution of the old Huguenot ended the League whose excesses must not forget the noble inspiration. With the No. 77 begins the series of 26 reports related to a system. It will be necessary sometimes to confront our equidistant and draw closer to their additional meaning. We can partially compensate for the loss of a kind that touches the forger were rendered unusable. The 13 couples or binary system made by the three stanzas: 77. 78. 79. 80.

Crux Romulea Aquilarapax 97. Clement VIII, Pius VII. Undo addition vir Peregrinus apostolicus 96. Leo XI, Pius VI. People perversa Ursus velox 95. Paul V, Clement XIV. In tribulationis pads Rosa Umbriae 94. Gregory XV, Clement

81. Lilium and Rosa and Canis coluber 82. Lumen Jucunditas crucis in caelo

XIII. 98. Urban VIII, Leo XII. 102. Innocent X, Pope Leo XIII.

83.101. Crux of custos montium Alexander VII, Piuscruce 84. Sidus Olorum In Balneis Etruriae 85. Fluminea in magno Vir religiosus 86. Bellua insatiabilis Animal rural

IX. 100. Clement IX, Gregory XVI. 99. Clement X, Pius VIII. 93. Innocent XI, Benedict




87. Paenitentia gloriosa Columrui excelsa 88.

Ractrum brought in Miles in bello

89. From Flores circumdata bona religione

92. Alexander VIII, Clement XII. 91. Innocent XII, Benedict XIII. 90. Clement XI, Innocent XIII.

It is not clear that every move the parallelism plays a role in the interpretation, since, we repeat, the "prophet" had a more general parallel between the last 56 to 56 early popes. Yet there is reason to presume the game for binary 77-97, 81-98 and 89-90: the first begins the parallelism, the second between the centers of the extreme stanzas, the third is the center of the central stanza. Since NOB 86 and 93, 87 and 92, 88 and 91 echo the sense no less than for the structure, it should similarly be presumed utility of confrontation in the interpretation. Moreover, without denying a priori, we leave the question open. 77. Romulea Crux (Cross Roman). 97. Aquila rapax (Eagle hawk).

Dramatic confrontation of the two Rome and their standards, Christian Rome between the Cross of the Eagle raptor pagan Rome (1). You can read the monogram of Christ appeared to Constantine (Labarum) in the two letters - XR - (Chi, rho), as one might decipher the initials of Senatus Populus What Romav / us in Aquila Raptor by breaking the double letter X. Under Clement VIII (1592-1605) Protestant advance was broken while under Pius VII, Napoleon I, worthy successor of the Caesars, which threatens to lead France into schism (1809-1814). 81. Lilium and Rosa (Lis and pink). 98. Canis and coluber (Dog and snake).

The No. 81 controls the first stanza, which covers the years 15921676, and 98, the third verse embracing the years 1758-1903. On these two periods, the "prophet" is a summary trial and valid only in general. The contrast is intentional and it is striking between the two symbols face. As the lily and the rose are excellent Christian virtues

(*) Cf Luigi Valu, L'Aquila the e Croce.



born of purity and charity, the dog and the snake are the vices characteristic of neo-paganism, lust and envy. The praise is deserved of the seventeenth century, the reprimand in the nineteenth (including the last third of the eighteenth) may seem excessive. But the third stanza begins with Rosa Umbriae (No. 94) which, taking part in the praise and Lilium rosa, singularly reduces the stigma and Canis coluber. Lilies and Pink This is the century of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal, Mr Vincent and Louise de Marillac, the century that saw the hatch Visitation, the Daughters of Charity, the Vincentians, the Eudistes, the Oratory, the Sulpicians ... On its own, South America justify Lilium and Rosa offering us the Lily of Quito (Marie-Anne de Paredes, 1618-1645) and Rose of Lima (d. 1617, canonized in 1671). The Canadian Martyrs are all eight between 1593 and 1649. Note that the long pontificate of Urban VIII (1623-1644) was well suited to occupy the center of the stanza and characterize the seventeenth century. Dog and snake is the century of the Revolution, liberalism, or rather the unbridled license which is the result. It is also the century of socialism, which raises in the working world class hatred and a murderous desire. The relatively short pontificate of Leo XII (18231829) occupies the center of the period 1758-1903 and marks the transition progress to the decline of the Revolution (in the moral point of view, not the political point of view). N08 The following Vir religiosus of Balneis Etruriae, Crux and Cruce Lumen in caelo announce a Catholic revival. 86. Bellua insatiabilis (insatiable beast). 93. Rural Animal (Animal rural).

The two beasts are for! The first symbol of the boundless ambition of Louis XIV, which reached its climax under Innocent XI (16761689), as to oblige the pope to excommunicate the most Christian king (1). The famous Gallican Declaratio Cleri of 1682 is an episode of the ever-recurring struggle between nationalism and Catholicism. Louis XIV is shown here worthy rival of Philip the Fair and maybe do a comparison to suggest that reporting begins with the syllable Fair. It also shows worthy precursor to the rapacious eagle, Napoleon.

(') See Dubruel, Studies (Paris, 1913) volume CXXXVI1, CP. 608-635.



In Gallicanism or exaggerated ambition of Louis XIV faced the pagan naturalism of the reign of Louis XV. The Animal symbolizes naturalism and the term is synonymous with rural paganum. This is obviously not Benedict XIV (1740-1758) that include the Animal country! Innocent XI was no longer covered by the insatiable beast! The great Pope Benedict XIV has to look more in the report of its predecessor: Columna excelsa. 87. Paenitentia gloriosa (Penance glorious). 92. Columna excelsa (Column high).

Alexander VIII (1689-1691) has not shown repentance as its type in the parallel 56/56, St. Peter Celestine. The lesson sounds like a reprimand manner. Column means it is high time that the Papacy stands against the errors of the eighteenth century. Clement XII (17301740) will condemning Freemasonry, condemnation reiterated by his successor Benedict XIV. 88. Rastrum brought in (Harrow door). 91. Miles in bello (Soldier at war).

Innocent XII (1691-1700) the church is under siege, like the corresponding Benedict XIII (1724-1730) declared war on the Gallicans. From both sides, the "prophet" is a papal decree. The bubble "decet pontificem Romanum" (1692) corrects the abuses of the previous pontificate and prevents the return. On September 25, 1728, Benedict XIII Gregory entered the calendar of the universal and the Egl ise equipollent canonization raises a storm in Latin Europe (1). The soldiers at war, so it's Gregory VII, the Miles Christi celebrates them all. Note that the type of Benedict XIII in the parallel 56/56 is John XXII who had to struggle against Louis of Bavaria, which even created an antipope. 89-90. Flores circumdata of bona religion (put flowers in a circle or ring in the proper religion).

This combined signal so as to center in the central stanza is the period 1592-1903. We saw earlier in the flowers put in a circle forming the Easter dates

(!) Cfr Baumer, History of the Breviary, tr. fr., II, pp. 303-3x4.



a cycle of 312 years. But Easter could itself receive a crown of flowers that would other feasts of the liturgical year. Clement VIII to Leo XIII, the calendar of the universal church has been enriched by many parties, so that Pius X, as formerly St. Pius V, had free on Sundays and certain holidays invaded by the Proper of Saints. Clement XI (17001721) wrote to the universal calendar the feast of the Holy Rosary (October 3, 1716) that is perhaps particularly circumdata Flores and Innocent XIII, November 29, 1721, the first year of his pontificate (1721-1724), made similarly Universal Day Holy Name of Jesus: From bona rtligione. We will complete the interpretation of the 26 reports now by following the chronological order. We will seek additional information either in a parallel but in an uncertain neighborhood indisputable. 78. Undosus virtual (Man waves. Human heated) 79. People perversa (Gent perverse). 80. In tribulationis pacis (For disturbing the peace).

The n08 79-80 fused into one reminiscent of the No. 76 Pia Civitas in bello. There he was leagued against Catholic France Henry IV here is the German Lutheran league against Rome and in the throes of the Thirty Years War (1618-1648). In tribulationis pads - in bello. The Union of Protestant princes date of 1608 and coincides with the pontificate of Paul V (1605-1621). Begun under the same pontiff, the Thirty Years' War will continue beyond the pontificate of Gregory XV (1621-1623). It remains to interpret the enigmatic Undosus vir. The vicinity of the People perversa (Germany Lutheran) is reminiscent of Luther was certainly a man heated! But what does the fiery Saxon monk under Leo XI? The pontiff has ruled that 26 days (first-April 27, 1605) and it does not appear in the history of the popes as his figure XI, symbol, according to St. Augustine, sin X that violate the commandments! It seems, indeed, that the "prophet" has not provided this figure prevaricating because it occurs twice in suggested Und. osKs Vir: after the initial Undecimus come VVI worth XI. Yet the figure of Leo XI us back naturally to Leo X whose description begins in December (Initials of Decimus): From craticula ... (No. 63). The reference taken from the "grill" is very poor in the system



of Ciacconius and one can believe that the word is primitive. Now we know that Leo X (1513-1521) which saw the revolt of Luther (1517, 1521). To be less petty, our interpretation is indeed that of Thurston inspired by the system Ciacconius. Overall Undosus virtual means well and poorly Luther Baronius. 82. Jucunditas cruris (Joy of the Cross).

Innocent X (1644-1655) condemned the Jansenists who wanted to remove the tree of the cross its tasty fruit by limiting the salvation which he was the price. Imagine there be a forger or a hoaxer making a report so well here? 83. Montium had to s (Guardian of the mountains). 84. Sidus olorurn (Aster swans). 85. Fluminea in magno (From the great river).

The Guardian of the mountains is, as we said, the Virgin Mary which Alexander VII (1655-1667) extended his patronage to the States of the Spanish crown in 1656 (1). The star of the swans, are the Apostles Peter and Paul (Sidus Apost-Olorum: constellation of the Apostles) and the Grand River which separates this star is the Milky Way, the symbol of all the saints and in particular all the holy pontiffs. Why are they such reports to Clement IX (1667-1669) and Clement X (1670-1676)? In the parallel between the 26 words of the conclusion and the 26 numbers of the system, Sidus Olorum done for Petrus and De magno fluminea, Romanus. These two words are remarkable among all and as a kind of the 112th (or 113th) report, it is not surprising that the "prophet" gave them worthy of hanging, as he did for nine phrases 9 numbers in the stanza alone. The strange sense of de magno fluminea (= the great river of stars) came to mind contemporaries of Clement X (2). 94. Umbriae Rosa (Rose of Umbria).

This beautiful symbol is probably the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that Clement XIII (1758-1769) authorized in 1765. This celebration of pure love is characteristic of the period embraced

(>) See Holweck, Fasti Mariani, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1892, p. 273. (*) See Master The Popes and the Papacy ... p. 433.



by the third stanza opened up Umbriae Rosa. It was, indeed, rise gradually and under the last Pope of the stanza, reaching the highest degree. 95. Ursus velox (Ours fast). 96. Peregrinus apostolicus (Pilgrim Apostolic). 97. Aquila rapax (Eagle hawk).

These three numbers form a triptych. Central reporting has as many letters as the two extremes together: Ursusvelox Peregrinus apostolicus Aquilarapax

PeregrlnUS apostolicus, it is both Pius VI and Pius VII: each has two words in order, the four letters of the good name of Pius. The "prophet" who wrote under St. Pius V has probably seen the name hallowed finally back and greeted with joy: Pius, Pius! as the sailors cry, Earth, Earth! But history shows us that the No. 96 is ideal for two popes of the same name and same origin (Cesena), both leaving Rome to decline a misguided Caesar (Vienna, 1782, Paris, 1804) and all two also removed from Rome to suffer exile in France (Valencia, 1799, Fontainebleau, 1812 to 1814). The difference is that the enemy of the Papacy is the Revolution in the case of Pius VI, the Empire of Napoleon in the case of Pius VII. This difference is marked by the reports that frame the Apostolic Pilgrim. The Bears quickly figure out the revolution suddenly and rapidly spreading in Western Europe, the Eagle raptor figure equally well the Emperor Napoleon, the Usurper giant. We know the imperial eagles, but do we know that, striking out in the draft seal to him presented a drawing of a lion at rest, he wrote next: An eagle with spread wings (1)? One wonders why Ursus velox falls to Clement XIV (1769-1774). But he had to bring him before Pius VI. Indeed, the Revolution is preparing from the unfortunate papacy suppressed the Society of Jesus. It runs. There are few political and social upheavals that have occurred with such rapidity. Note also that VrsVs

(X) Cfr Ludwig, Napoleon, tr. fr., Paris, 1929, p. 191.



Velox is 75 and invites us to go beyond the year 1774 which witnessed the death of Clement XIV. The allocation of Aquila rapax to Pius VII shocked the foolish followers of Ciacconius. Obviously this is not the gentle priest who is well featured, but her captor. Until 1814, Napoleon meets the reign of Pius VII who imposes his will on many occasions. This screen mask great Pope rightly powerless. If we want at any price discovered in an act of Pius VII "greed", it will consider the testimony of so many bishops that he imposed to appease the emperor and to facilitate his work of pacification. The idea of peace is no stranger to the pontificate of Pius VII. Not to mention the restoration of religious peace in France by the Concordat of 1801 (it was too early to deserve a mention troubled), the last eight years of the pontificate (1815-1823) were "much the best in the nineteenth century" (x). Then was fulfilled the motto PAX that Pius VII, first Benedictine, had written in his arms. Is it coincidence that, as the reign of the pontiff, his report concludes with the much-desired peace? PAX was the final syllable, in 1814, separate rapid and sound isolation as an independent word. Note that this way of dividing the words to derive various meanings is a process dear to the ancient Irish (2). Ciacconius could have availed himself of the Celtic origin of the document to interpret it as he usually does. He had discovered in the original text of veiled allusions to arms of the popes and cardinals: his mistake was to stop there and to generalize or exaggerate them. Such is the brilliance of this triptych that Dunand, opponents of prophecy says the "forger": "man of infinite sagacity of mind" (3). It is too clear that the wisdom was not enough for a man of the sixteenth century to predict the major events of the late eighteenth. If we add the numeral letters of the three reports that they contain the names of popes corresponding

(') Fern. Hayward, The last century of Papal Rome II, Paris, 1928, p. 24. (8) See Roger, The teaching of the classics of Ausonius to Alcuin, Paris, 1905, pp. ii么ss. (庐) in the Journal of the French clergy, III, 1895, p. 276.



pendent, we get exactly what it takes to be the initial year of the period embraced by the three pontificates (1769) and the number of years of each of these three pontificates (6 years 24 ½ years, 23 years). Velox VrsVs peregrlnVs apostoLICVs aqVILa rapax

LaVrentIVs Ganganelli Ioannes-angeLICVs Braschler Barnabas ChlaraMontl

MCCCCLLLLLL LXIX (= 1769), VI, VVVViriI, VVVVIII, I was the last to be shared between the reigns of Pius VI and Pius VII. 99-100. Vir religiosus of Balneis Etruriae.

We have already interpreted this double reporting is that, through the Camaldolese Gregory XVI, the revival of ancient religious orders. 101. Crux of cruce (Cross of the Cross). 102. Lumen in caelo (Light in the sky). 103. Ignis ardens (Burning fire).

No. 103 belongs to the independent stanza. We join with the last two numbers of the three stanzas of the system by giving a new meaning. Independent in the stanza, the burning fire of persecution means, as indicated by its successful conclusion: In persecutionis; closer to Lumen in caelo, Ignis ardens takes on new meaning: Charity (caritas Ignis, says the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus ). There are also frequent fusion of the fire of love and fire of persecution. Thus we obtain as a triptych for n08 95-97. We shall see that the three reports are in fact grouped to make the center (No. 102) the first place, second right, or top (No. 101), the third to the left or bottom (No. 103 ). Charity occupies third place. So the first shall be occupied by the Faith and the second by Hope. The arms of Pius X (Ignis ardens) are an anchor at three branches where the pope wanted to put the symbol of the theological virtues. They also wear a gold star with five points on a blue field, where the pious pontiff wanted to similarly serve the privileges of Mary. Of these privileges, we will retain the top three: the Immaculate Concept ion, divine and virginal motherhood, co-redemption. It obviously indicates that the co-redemption of cruce Crux. The cross of Mary was indeed a reflection



the cross of Jesus. The new Eve, the new Adam crucified could say : Crux of Cruce, like the old Adam had told the old Eve Caro de carne (Genesis II, 23). There is not hesitation on the allocation of two other privileges. The Immaculate Design not going to Pius IX, Pope of the Immaculate, she should at least go to his immediate successor Leo XIII : Lumen in caelo. In none of the flower head office on December 8, we read : Signum magnum apparuit in caelo: Mulier amice sole ... Remains the divine and virginal motherhood for Pius X and the great mystery of love, work of the Holy Spirit, combined very well to Charity : Ignis ardens, such as non-allied co-redemption less to Hope (Rd, 0 crux, spes unica) and the Immaculate Design to that faith, in heaven become the Lumen gloriae. Is that all? How not to think even the three-Person ties divine ? Do Lumen in caelo is not primarily referring to the Heavenly Father who dwells in unapproachable light (/ Tim. VI, 16)? Do Lumen caelo preceded in Crux cruce does not mention the Lumen luminance Creed (*) where the first Lumen means and the second the Son, the Father? God the Father presides naturally occupies the center of the triptych, is then Son (above) and finally the Spirit (below). Can not elsewhere not to join the Father the Immaculate Conception which Marie the only daughter of God and the faith which alone can achieve Inaccessible divine person and never sent ; Impossible not associate with Marie Coredemptrix the Savior Jesus, who founded our Hope , Impossible to separate the Holy Spirit of Mystery specifically assigned to it and is the privilege Mary, the Divine Motherhood inseparable, too, of Charity. Pius IX Son Coredemptrix Cross of Hope Cross Immaculate Father Leo XIII Faith Light in the sky Pius X Spirit Virgin Mother of God Charity burning fire

To complete to justify the distribution of privileges Marie, here's a wonderful coincidence that it is difficult not See point the finger of God. The three popes also dedicated to the Mother of God received in baptism the names of three saints most intimately united to Mary during their lifetimes. (!) Cucherat made the connection without thinking of the advantage as we do here (cf. Review of the World Catholic 1871, xxxii, p. 30S).



Pius IX was baptized Jean-Marie, Jean-Baptiste, Pierre, Isidore, Pellegrino (1) Leo XIII: Vincent, Joachim, Raphael, Louis (2). Pius X: Joseph.

Leo is the only pope named Joachim Pius X and the only named Joseph (note that, in parallel with the 112 popes Viri gloriosa 28, Pius X belongs to the quatrain stored in front of the patriarch Joseph). Jean-Marie (evocation of the mystery of the co-redemption, Woman, behold your son), Joachim, Joseph, he only needed three names to be included in the triptych and demonstrate impeccable distribution. Jean-Marie is the son of Mary Coredemptrix and takes the place of Jesus, Joachim was the father of Mary Immaculate and takes the place of the heavenly Father, Joseph is the husband of the Virgin Mother and the veil of the Holy Spirit . And this beautiful triptych stands in 1846-1914, in this splendid revival puts Catholic worship in honor of the Divine Persons (previously weakened by the God of the deists and rationalists), the cult of the Mother of God (the definition of 'Immaculate Con-ception takes place in 1854, the eighth year of the pontificate of Pius IX), the estimates of the theological virtues (previously shaken by the wave of moral virtues or natural). A divinely inspired prophet could he better characterize the period 1846-1914? If we add to that the wonderful success of the n08 95-97 and taking into account all our other findings, dare we still despise prophecy of the popes as a common wrong or a fool hoax? One might say that the period 1846-1914 is not suggested in the three reports of 11 letters each (coincidence that invites the group, as above the 21 letters of notification to meet the central 10-j-11 letters Reported range). It is, as long as the three numeral letters

(*) See Minutes of the Roman for the cause of the Servant of God Pope Pius IX, tr. fr. authorized, Paris, 1910, p. 6. - We celebrated Pius IX on June 24 and not December 27. It seems to have preferred his second name in the first or he believed that Jean-Marie recalled the mystery of the Visitation. But when the privileges of Mary, Jean-Marie can not discuss anything other than the coredemption. (2) The first name of Leo XIII was Vincent Ferrer, but soon the young Pecci made his second pass before the first name. See Boyer d'Agen, Youth of Leo XIII, Tours, 1896, p. 166, note 1 and p. 246




currencies are added those of the first names and surnames of three popes (as above, to our 95-97): In Crvx CrVCe Ioannes-Marla Maštale ferrettl MDCCCXLVI LVMen In CaeLo IoaChIMVs PECCI MDCCCLWWIIIIIII Ignis ardens IosephVs sarto MCMIII

The numeral letters are the three election years 1846, 1877 and 1903. Elected February 20, 1878 according to our method of counting, Leo XIII awarded the 1877 vintage, which means the beginning of the year, not the first of January, but March 25 or Easter. It used to use in many places, and even in the sixteenth century. Pius IX was elected in June and Pius X in August. Moreover, this increased precision time adds nothing to the value of the triptych. It only shows occasionally the "prophet" did not disdain the information material. Here it would appeal to surnames and first names, but in a different spirit that the forger. Father Master saw more clearly, when he devised a system of double allusions: the wrong, we said, was to see what happens over only here and there. 104. Religio Depopulata (Religion depopulated). 105. Fides intrepid (Faith fearless). 106. Pastor Angelicus (Pasteur angelic).

The 1914-18 war that fills the pontificate of Benedict XV (1914-1922) is the natural effect of the great apostasy of European nations. This apostasy is not universal and fearless faith of Pius XI (1922-1939) found many imitators in Spain and Mexico, not to mention the Catholic Action which this pope is the leader. Pius XII (1939 -..) be truly faithful Pastor Angelic sorely tried by the terrible war of 1939-45. The Good Shepherd is highlighted by the bad shepherds who lead the people to the slaughter as vile herds. May the lost sheep back into the fold of the Angelic Shepherd (*)! 107. Pastor et Nauta (Pastor and mariner).

This, we believe, the common feature nine

(!) Even the Lutheran Heiler described with emotion the ardent dream of Pastor Angelic (Heiler, Der Katholizismus, Idea und seine seine Erscheinung, 1923, pp. 334 ff.) Cfr K. Adam, the true face of Catholicism, tr. fr., Paris, 1931, p. 127,



last popes of Rome, which is here figured. The nauta evokes either the high seas: Duc in Altum! and predicts the development of foreign missions, or the stormy sea, as in No. 48 Nauta in ponto (Gregory XII), and so is the persecution redoubled violence. Both allusions are also compossibles. 108. Flos florum (Flower of flowers).

That is, we have already suggested, the feast of feasts: Easter, the date will be determined probably by the pontiff to whom falls the comforting symbol. 109. Medietate of Lunae (In half of the moon). 1x0. Laboratory solis (the eclipse of the sun).

Signs of God's judgment obviously figured. Is it civil anarchy (moon) and religious (sun)? As in the calamitous times of the Great Schism. God preserve us from reviewing an antipope after 500 years of interruption of this sad phenomenon (1449-1949)! n o . G l o r i a O l i v a e (Glory of the Olive).

The olive appears that the people of God glorify the ruling and revenge in 2012.

CONCLUSION We do not see what prevents the Prophecy of the Popes to be a true prophecy. Its unknown author is not interested in a forger or a hoaxer. This may be a visionary, who has believed in good faith inspired by God. But the event which ultimately judge the value of a prediction too often has given reason to doubt reports prior to their implementation, so that we have the right to say denials. One way out is now, after the imposing procession of coincidences that we have scrolls in front of the reader: the use of chance. But chance is not something that the lack of intent, being so obvious that nothing, chance can not create anything. Randomly assign all the wonderful events that we have discovered, is to pretend that it is equivalently ourselves that we invented. First, we protest that not once we have given the boost accomplice by what happens in the random effect to work wonders. Any reader endowed with some patience a way to check without too much trouble our findings and calculations. We challenge them to take us in default. It would have been physically very easy to argue our findings by hiding weaknesses, we made a point, nice to also aim for perfect sincerity. So have we hit the reward for this loyalty, for what, at first we had encountered as an objection, turned into an argument again. We say that this is not to suspect our calculations, but to challenge the value. It is not a written objection will be that, subject to aggressive treatment that you just make use of the Prophecy of the Popes, it is written that a number of coincidences should present more or less interesting. What does one have not been told in the Apocalypse! What do we have not discovered the mysteries of the Divine Comedy! In 1912, the



Religious Science Research published a study on Cena Lapôtre Cypriani (II, pp. 497-596): The author, a historian of great value, it piles up the most surprising coincidences and draws arguments to see Cena in a satire of the Julian 'Apostate. The scientific world was not persuaded and P. of Labriolle, in his History of Christian Latin literature (1920), gives this harsh verdict: "The attempt to transform the Lapôtre Caen in a satire of Julian the Apostate is pure fantasy" (p. 225, note 2) . Taking evidence for coincidences, it was demonstrated that Napoleon never existed! Read the Myth of Napoleon J.-B. Perez. (Like what Napoleon never existed, Agen, 1836). Perez obviously having fun and ridicule those who make the God-man a solar myth, but it demonstrates the absurd coincidences that linked most do not prove the intention that they seem to appear. The proof had been made long ago. The famous Father Hardouin the eighteenth century had he not read the history of France in the Gallo-Roman medals? (*) And had he not discovered the portrait of the Friar Preacher Apostolic racing in the ode "No usitata" Pseudo-Horace (II, 20) as he said (2)! The hyperherméneutique is the art of finding in a text more things than the author himself. The addition can come from elsewhere than the ingenuity of the commentator? In this sense we are accused of having put in the Prophecy of the Popes coincidences that we have identified. But when, as here, a prophetic document, one should not speak too quickly hyperherméneutique. It may well be that many or even most of the coincidences noted in this study were not noticed by the editor who did not like us details of events under the eyes. He probably could look distinctly all those resulting from the assumption of 440 years of the 1572-2012 period embraced by the last 40 reports. Still is not sure he will be delivered to the careful calculations that we have reproduced. No matter, if the document is governed by a prophetic author whose eyes nothing can escape?

(*) Cf Trévoux memories for the year 1734, pp. 318-331. (2) See J. van Ooteghem, One commentator of Horace extravagant, in Classical Studies, XIII, 1945, pp. 222-235.



The question is whether the reported coincidences could happen by chance. If chance alone is involved, then the reality of these coincidences only result of our ingenuity. We are born by noticing when they have nothing in itself remarkable. But if another cause is at stake or rather an intelligent cause acts other than our own mind, then even if the cause is not the conscious mind of the writer, the coincidences are real before being noticed and can not can say that they are purely accidental. Frankly we do not believe that all events recorded in these pages is due to chance. Without deciding a matter that is beyond our jurisdiction, we conclude salvo iudicio digitus Ecclesiae Dei rub. On the contrary, any impartial reader attributed to the ingenuity of the commentator Rudolf Werner finds expounded in The Secret of the Pyramid of Cheops (Brussels 1943). Chapter VIII (pp. 209-269), the author undertakes to interpret the Prophecy of the Popes, where he wants to see that astrological allusions! But should it, to make some discoveries compossibles questionable change completely the whole idea of the document. Each report is, in his opinion, not a pope or papacy, but invariably a period of 8 years from 4455 ten thousand years from 1144! It would be an accident that would have occurred all these coincidences brutal teeming with the gloss of Ciacconius? Werner or he gives up as we defend the authenticity of the current text? But as good as the coincidences based on the text altered? We do not expect to collect the votes of "scholars". That intelligent men that we address. There is a great difference between both groups. All the way from the spirit of geometry to the intuitive mind. The scientist is controlled by a method not infallible, the intelligent man is free from the prejudices of the ignorant but blinkers of the scientist. The scientist is limited to one specialty, intelligent man extends his eyes everywhere. The scientist is blocked, closed to any new idea that might disturb his method, the intelligent open-minded, friendly, rejects nothing a priori. Yet there are genuine scholars who remain intelligent. These are those who make the discoveries that other



opposed as they can (x). We know today that the method is sterile and must apparently nonsense to find something new. The year 2012 will show whether or not the "prophet" has been clear. (X) "As my late friend, Eugene Nus, writes Albert de Rochas (in the Journal of the Invisible World, May 15, 1899, pp. 725 f.), he had dedicated his book, Things of the other world, the shades of scientists patented, licensed, webbed, decorated and buried, who rejected the rotation of the earth, meteorites, galvanism, blood circulation, vaccination, the ripple of light, the Lightning, the Daguerreotype, the steam, propellers, Cruise ships, railways, gas lighting, homeopathy, Magnetism and the rest, to those, living and unborn, who do the same in this and will do so in the future! - The scholars of their usefulness remains: past in the form of bounds, they mark the path of progress! "






Ornamentum, and Decus Ecclesiae, IN QVINQVE LIBROS DIVISVM.

In quibus, Totius Sanctiss. Divi religionis Benedicti initiatives; Viri Dignitate, Doctrina, Sanctitate, ac Principatu clarifying describuntur : & That Fructus per eos S. R. E. accessible serunt, fusissimè explicantur. AVCTORE

D. ARNOLDO Wion, Belga, DVACENSI Monacho S. Benedicti of Mantua, Ord. Diui Benedicti Nigrorum, Congregationalists Casinensis, alias S. Iustinae of Padua.

Accessit Dilucidatio, quomodo Principles A V S T R I A C I , A former Originem ducant N I C I Familia Romana, quae erat D I V I B E N E D I C T


Cumulative Index Duplica.

PRIMA PARS. Cum Privilegio.




Liber Secundus.


Dunenses in Hibernia, sub Archiepiscopo Armacano. S. Malachias, Hibernus, Bencorensis monachus, and Archi-episcopus Ardinacensis, cum aliquot annis sedi unlimited praefuisset, moisturecaused LiTat circiter anno Domini Archiepiscopatu abdicauit 1137 & Dunensi sede ContentUser Others in ad finem usque permansit IUF. Obiit anno 1148. 2 Nouembris die. S. Bernardus in eius IUF. Ad eum extant Epistolae S. Bernardi very, uidelicet, 315. 316. & 317. Scripsisse fertur & ipse nonnulla booklets, nihil quibus ha-ctenus uidi, praeter quandam prophetiam Pontificibus of Summit, quia quae Breuer, & quod nondum SCIAM apologized, and multi wishes, catch me affixing is.

Prophetia S. Malachiae Archiepiscopi, of Summit Pontificibus. Ex Castro Tiberi. Inimicus expulsus. Ex magnitudine Motis Abbas Suburranus. Of chloride albo. Via Transtiberina.

CĹ“lestinus. Typhernas. ij. Caccianemica de familia. Lucius, ij. Patria Ethruscus Oppido Eugenius. iij. Suburra of familia. Montis Vilis natus Oppido in San magnificent. Anastasius. iiij. Leaking Cardinalis S. Nicolai Adrianus. carcere Tulliano.

Callistus. iij. Guido Cremensis CardinaLily S. Transtiberim Mariae. Thusciae of Pannonia. Paschalis. iij. Antipope. Hungarus national no, episcopus Card. Tusculanus. Ex anser Alexander, iij. Paparoni de familia. custodian in Lucius, iij. Lucense Card. Ostiensis. ostio Lux. In Vrbanus. iij. Mediolanense, familia critical addition cribro. bella, quae Suem pro Gerit armis. Gregorius viij. Card. S. Laurentii in LuciEnsis Laurentii. V2 na, cu308

Ligni Vitae,

na, cuius insignia enses falcata. Schola exiet. Clemens, iij. Romanus, domo Scholar. Bouensi of chloride. CĹ“lestinus. iij. Bouensi Familia.



Comes signatus. Latere of Canonicus. Auis Ostiensis.

Innocentius. iij. Comitum Signiae Familia. Honorius. iij. Familia Sabella, Canoncus S. Ioannis Lateranensi. Gregorius. ix. Familia Comitum Signiae Episcopus Card. Leo Sabinus. Ostiensis. Cœlestinus. iiij. Mediolanense, cuius insidious Comes gnia Leo, Episcopus Card. Sabinus. Innocentius iiij. domo flisca, Comes LauaLaurentius, niae, S. Cardinalis Laurentii in Lucina. Alexander, iiij. Of comitibus Signiae, EpiSignum Ostiense. Scopus Card. Ostiensis. Hierusalem Campania. Vrbanus. iiii. Gallus, Trecensis in CamDraco depressus. Pania, Patriarcha Hierusalem. Clemens, iiii. cuius insignia Aquila vnAnguinus uir. guibus Draconem tenens. Gregorius. x. Mediolanense. Familia viConcionator Gallus. This comitum, quae angular pro Gerit insignificant. Comes bonus. Innocentius. v. Gallus, ordinis Praedicatorum. Piscator Thuscus. Adrianus. v. Ottobonus familia Flisca ex Comitibus Lauaniae. Rosa composita. Ioannis. xxi. antea Ioannes Petrus EpiScopus Card. Tusculanus. Nicolaus. iii. Vrsine Familia, quae rosam insignificant in Gerit, Dictus compositus. Exleonina. teloneo liliacei Martini. Martinus. iiii. cuius insignia lilia, canoEx rosa nicus, Thesaurarius & S. Martini Turonen. Picus inter Honorius. iiii. Sabella Familia insignia roESCAS. Ex sa leonibus gestation. Nicolaus. iiii. Picenus Esculanus patria. eremo Celsus. Cœlestinus v. Vocatus Petrus MorroEremita do. Ex undarû bndictione. Bonifacius. viii. Vocatus prius Benedictus, Caetanus, cuius unda insignia. Concionator patereus. Benedictus xi. Frater who uocabatur Nicolaus, ordinis praedicatorum. Liber Secundus. Aquitanicis buttocks. Clemens V. aquitanus nations, cuius insignia fessae erant.




Of osseo sutor. Cornus schismaticus. Frigidus Abbas. Rosa Attrebatensi. Of môtibus Pàmachii. Gallus





uirgine Decruce



Cosmedin. Schisma Barchinoniû. Inferno of praegnâti. Nauta Ponte nigro, Flagellum Solis. Ceruus Sirenae.

Corona ueli aurei.

310 Lupa Ccelestina,

Ioannes XXII. Gallus, familia Ossa, Suto-ris filius. Nicolaus V. that uocabatur F. Petrus hornBario, contra Ioannem XXII. Antipope minority. Benedictus XII. Abbas monasterii subsidence frigid. Clemens VI. Episcopus Attrebatensis, cuius Rosae insignia. Innocentius VI. Cardinalis SS. & Ioannis Pauli. T. Panmachii, cuius insignia sex montes erant. Vrbanus V. nuncius apostolicus ad Viceco Mediolanense moth. . Gregorius XI. uocabatur that Petrus Belfortis, S. Cardinalis Mariae tied. Clemens. VII. leaking Presbyter Cardinalis SS. XII. Apostolorû, Crux cuius insignia. Benedictus XIII. antea Petrus de Luna, Diaconus Cardinalis S. Mariae in Cosmedin. Clemens VIII. Antipope, leaking Canoni Barchinonensis-cus. Vrbanus VI. Neapolitanus Pregnanus, natus in loco which dicitur Infernus. Bonifacius. IX. familia Tomacelli to Genua Liguriae orta, Cubi cuius insignia. Innocentius. VII. uocatus Cosmatus me Sulmonensis-ment, cuius sydus insignia. Gregorius XII. Venetus, commendatarius Nigropontis ecclesiae. Alexander. V. Graecus Archiepiscopus Mediolanensis, insignia Sol. Ioannes XXIII. It Diaconus longitudinal data S. In-stachii that cum ceruo depingitur, Bononiae legate us, Neapolitanus. Martinus V. familia Colonna, S. Cardinalis Divonus Georgii ad uelum aureurri V3 Lupa

Ligni Vitae, Eugenius. IIII. Venetus, canonicus antea Cœlestinus re-gularis, and episcopus Senesi.



Amator Cruris.

Felix. V. that uocabatur Amadaeus Dux Sabaudiae, insignia Crux. Modicitate of Luna. Nicolaus V. Lunense of Sarzana, humilibus parentibus natus. Bospascens. Callus list us. III. Hispanus, cuius insignia Bos pascens. Capra & Albergo. Pius. II. Senensis, leaking secrets Cardinalibus Capranico & Albergato. Of Ceruo & Leone. Paulus. II. Venetus, leaking Commendataecclesiae Ceruiensis rius, & S. Tuli Cardinalis ti- Marci. Piscator minority. Sixtus. IIII. Piscatoris filius, franciscanus. Praecursor Siciliae. • Innocentius VIII. Ioane who uocabatur BapTista, and uixit in curia regis Siciliae Alfonsi. Bos Albanus in Portuguese. Alexander VI. Episcopus Cardinalis Albanaked & Portuensis, Bos cuius insignia. Of paruo homine. Pius. III. Senensis, familia Piccolomini. Fructus louis iuuabit. Iulius. II. Ligurian eius insignia Quercus, louis Arbor. Craticula of Politian. Leo. X. Laurentii medicei filius, and scholaris Angeli Politian. Leo Florentius. Adrian. VI. Florëtii filius, Leo eius insignia. Flos aegri pilei. Clemens. VII. Florentinus domo of medicea, pila eius insignia, and lilia. Hiacinthus medicorù. Paulus. III. Farnesius that lilia pro insignibus gestation, & Card, SS fled. Cosme, and Damiani. Corona montana. Iulius. III. antea uocatus Ioannes Maria up. Frumentum flocidum. Marcellus. II. cuius insignia ceruus & Frumtum, ideo floccidum, quod pauco uixit in papatu tempore. De fide Petri. Paulus. IIII. antea uocatus Ioannes Petrus Caraffa. Esculapii pharmacum. Pius. IIII. antea Dictus Io. Angelus Medicis. Angelus nemorosus. Pius. V. Michael uocatus, natus in Oppido Boschi. Medium body pilarû. Gregorius XIII. cuius insignia medius Draco. Liber Secundus.


co, Cardinal Pio creatus to. IIII. that in the pi-gestabat armis.



Axis in medietate signi. Sixtus. V. that in medio AXEM Leonis in arput gestation. De Rore Coeli. Vrbanus. VII. leaking Archiepiscopus Rossanensis in Calabria, ubi colligitur mafia. Ex Antiquitates Vrbis. Gregorius. XIIII. Pia ciuitas in bello. Innocentius. IX. Crux Romulea. Clemens. VIII. Pastor & Nauta. Vndosus uir. Animal rural. Rosa Flos florum. Peruersa people. In Vmbriae. Vrsus Medietate of luna. tribulationis pads. uelox. Peregrin Laboratory solis. Lilium & rosa. 'Apostolic'. Aquila Gloria oliuae In Iucunditas crucis. rapax. Canis & psecutione. extre-ma Montium custos. coluber. Vir S. R. E. sedebit. Petrus Sydus Olorum. Of religiosus. Of Romanus, who pascet magno fluminea. Balneis Ethruriae. Oues in mul-tis Bellua insatiabilis. Crux of cruce. tribulationibus: quibus Poenitentia gloriosa. Lumen in ccelo. Transactis ciuitas Rastrum in bore. septicollis ruetur di-, Flores circundati. Of Ignis ardens. Religio Depopulata. and jellyfish iudicabit bona religion. Miles Fides Intrepid. iudex be po-pulum in bello. Columna Pastor Angelicus. suum. Finis. excelsa. Quae ad Pontifice adiecta not ipsius Malachiae sunt, sed R. P. F. Alphonse Giacon, Ord. Praedicator첫, huius Prophetiae interpreters. Episcopatus Litter E. Cap. X I L

THE MYSTERIOUS PROPHECY OF THE POPES 108 109 THE MYSTERIOUS PROPHECY OF THE POPES I. Ex Castro Tiberi Celestine II 18. Leo Sabinus Celestine IV The castle on the Tiber 26 9_II43 8 - 3-1144 Lion of the Sabine 25 -10 To 1241 10-11-1241. Lucius II Inimicus expulsus 19. Comes2.Laurentius Innocent IV Enemy Laurent expelled 9 3-1144 15 - 2-1145. Count (Companion) 1243 7-1225 620. Signum Ostiense 1254. 3 - Ex magnitudine montis Eugene III Sign of Ostia Alexander IV 12 APPENDIX II The size of Mount 15 2-1145 21. Hierusalem Campaniae 25 12-1254 - 5-1261.8-7-II53. Jerusalem The fromProphetic Campania 111 (Champagne) Urban IV currencies translated and identified. 4 - Abbas Suburranus Anastasius 29 81261 2-10IV 22. Draco depressus 1264. 5 " Father of Suburra 9 7_II53 3-12-1154. 23. Dragon struck Clement IV 23 24. Anguinus virtual albo elected A 2-1265 29-11-1268. 5 - Of chloride Adrian IV Man withCampaign the snake whiteaccepts Gregory X 27 4-12-1154 1 - 9_ii5991271 Victor IV 24. Concionator Gallus 6. Ex Tetro carcere 21101271 10 - 1French preacher Antipas. 1276.20 - 4-1164. 25. Bonus Comes The black jail 7 9-1159 Innocent V Good Count (companion) " 11276 22 - III 67 Pascal Via Transtiberina 26. Piscator Thuscus 11 Antipas. 1276. Tuscan Fisherman Way Transtiberine 22 4-1164 20V- 9-1168. 8/15Adrian 27. Rosa composita 7- - 1276 18 - 8Rose made 25 Calixtus III 8. Of Pannonia Tusciae 1276. 28. Ex Telonio liliacei Martini Antipas. John XXI The counter to Martinin Tuscany Ofread Pannonia en 209-1168 29 - 8-1178 229-1276 5-1277. 29. Ex rosa leonina d abd. Nicolas III The rose to the lions 9 - Ex anser rear quarter Alexandre III 111277 22 - 830. Picus interGuardian ESCAS of the goose 7 30 - 8-1181. 1280. 15/22Peak between the primers Martin IV Lucius III IO celsus Lux in ostio 31. Ex eremo 21281 28 - 3. High Desert 1285.24-11-1185. Light at the entrance 1 9-1181 32. Ex undarum benedictione Honorius - 11-10-1303. 24-12-1294 The blessing of the waves it. In addition cribro Urban III Benedict XI 33. Concionator patereus Pork in the screen 25-11-1185 20-10-1187. 22-10-1303 7 - 7-1304. Preacher of the pater 12 Ensis Laurentii Gregory Clement V VIII 34. Buttocks aquitanicis . elected 5 - 6-1305 35. The fasces of Aquitaine Sword of Lawrence 21 1017-12-1187. accepts 20 - 6-1305 20 - - 4-1314. 1187 John XXII Of13 osseo sutorexiet Clement III Schola 8-1316 4-12-1334. The cobbler bone 736 Corvus schismaticus Nicolas V Antipas. Out of school 19-12-1187 20 - 3-1191. 5-1328 25 7-1329 abd. Raven14 schismatic Celestine III Of chloride bovensi 12 Benedict XII . 37. Abbas frigidus 30 3-1191 - 4-1342. 8 - 1-1198. 25 12-1334 Cold Abbot Campaign to cattle 20 Innocent III 15. Horns signatus Count appointed (appointed 8 1-1198 16 - 7-1216. Companion) 16 Canonicus of latere Honorius . III Canon of the brick (side) 18 7-1216 18 - 3-1227. I 7 Notice Ostiensis Gregory IX #


Bird of Ostia

19 3-1227 -

22 - 8-1241.

Paul V 16 5-1605 28 - 1-1621. Gregory XV 80. In tribulationis pads THE MYSTERIOUS PROPHECY III POPES In the tribulation of peace 9 2-1621 8 - 7-1623. " Sixtus IV 58. Piscator minority Urban VIII 81. Lilium & rosa Fisherman Minor 9 8-1471 12 8-1484. Lilies and pink 6 - 8-1623 29 - 7-1644 Innocent X 82. Iucunditas CRUDs Innocent VIII 59. Praecursor 112 JoySiciliae THE MYSTERIOUS PROPHECY OF THE POPES of the Cross 15 9-1644 7 1-1655. 3 THE MYSTERIOUS PROPHECY OF THE POPES Precursor of Sicily 29 8-1484 25 7-1492. 110 THE MYSTERIOUS PROPHECY OF THE - POPES Alexander Pius IXVII 101. 83. Crux of the Cross Montium custos Alexander VI 60. Bos38. Albanus in Portuguese Rosa Attrebatensi VI Guardian (on) Mountains 7 4-1655 22 - Clement 5-1667. 16 - 6-1846 7 - 2-1878. Cross cruce ForeignOfbeef in port 10 8-1492 18 8-1503. the Rose of Arras 7 5-1342 6-12-1352. 102. Lumen Light in Leo XIII Clement 84. sky Sydus Olorum 39. Of montibus Pammachii InnocentIX VI the caelo 20 - 2-1878 20 - 7-1903. Pie III 61. Parvo homine Queen of the Swans 20 6-1667 9-12-1669. Mountains of Pammaque 18-12-1352 12Pius - 9-1362. X 103. TheIgnis little ardens man 22 9_I5- 3 18-10-1503. 40. Gallus Vicecomes Urban V Burning fire - 4 - 8-1903 20 - 8-1914. Clement X 85. Fluminea in magno Viscount French 28 - 9-1362 Julius Religio Benedict 62.104. Fructus IovisDepopulata iuvabit The great river 29 4-1670 19-12-1370. 22 - 7-1676. 28-10-1362 XV 3 9-1914 22 - 1-1922. Religion Fruit of Jupiter will 1 11-1503 21 - 2-1513. elected Gregory Pius XI XI 105. Fides intrepid depopulated Innocent XI 86. Bellua insatiabilis accepts 6 - 2-1922 30-12-1370 27X- 3-1378. Intrepid faith beast 10 - 2-1939. Leo 63. Of Politian craticula Insatiable 21 9-1676 12 8-1689. 41. Novus of Virginia forti Clement Antipas. Pius 106. Pastor Angelicus Poliziano's Grill 11 3-I5I3 1-12-1521. XII 42. New high of a virgin 20 9-1378 16 9-1394 Pastor Angelicgloriosa Alexander VIII 87. Poenitentia 2 3-1939 Apostolica de Cruces Benedict XIII VIAntipas. 64. 107. Leo43. Florentines Pastor & nauta Penance glorious 6 10- Adrian 1 - 2-1691 y '■ Apostolic of the cross 28 - 9-1394 23 - 5-1423. Pastor mariner Florentand Lion elec 9 1-1522 - 1689 ted ClementInnocent VIII Antipas. 44. Luna Cosmedin 108.88. Flos florum brought in XII Rastrum accepts 16 2-1522 14-9 -1523. 10 6-1423 27 7-1429 Moon Cosmedin Flower of flowers. Harrow door 12 7-1691 27 - 9-1700.abd. Urban VI SchismaofBarchinonium 109.45. Medietate Lunae Clement VII 65. Flos89. pilei aegri elected 8 4-1378 Schism of Barcelona Clement XI Flores drcundati Half of the moon. Flower hat flowers ill of praegnanti 19-11-1523 2515-10-1389. - 9_I534accepts 9 4-1378 46. Inferno Put in a circle 23 11-1700 19 - 3-1721. 110. Laboratory solis Paul III 66. Hiacinthus medicorutn Boniface IX Work from Hell no. Sojeil of the eclipse. Hyacinthe doctors 13-10-1534 10-11-1549. Innocent XIII 90. Of bona religione Gloria Olivae 2-11-1389 1-10-1404. Julius III VII 67. Corona montana 47. Cubus of mixing In good faith 8 5-1721 7 - 3-1724 Innocent Glory of the olive tree. The crown Mount 8 2-1550 23 3-1555 Cubeofout of the mix 17-10-1404 6-11-1406. Benedict 91. Miles bello 48. MeliorinSydere In persecutionis extrema S. R. E. Petrus Romanus who sedebit pascet oves Gregory XII Marcel II 68. in Frumentum flocidum XIII a better planet multisOn tribulationibus; quibus transaction civitas septicollis Diru-tur and 30-11-1406 4 - 7-1415 abd. Wheat flakesPonte 1 - 5-1555 Soldier at war 29 5-1724 21 --2-1730. 49.tremendus Nauta nigropopulum suum. 9 4-1555 ludex iudicabit Alexander V Antipas. " Mariner Bridge Black 26 6-1409 4 5-1410. Paul IV XII 69. During De 50. fide Columna Petri Clement 92. the final excelsa persecution of the S. E. R. Peter Roman who sit Antipas. feed Flagellum solis Joh XXIII Of Peter's faith 23 5-1555 18 - 8-1559 High column 12 city 7-I730 6 -hills 2-1740. the sheep in many tribulations, after which, the of seven will Scourge of the sun n be destroyed 51. Cervusand Sirenae the dreadful Judge will judge17his people. 29 - 5-1410 - 5-1415 Pius IV 70. Esculapii pharmacum Benedict 93. Animal rural Stag of the Siren exp. XIV Cure of Asclepius 25-12-1559 9-12-1565. 52. Coronaofveli Martin V theaurei field 17 8-1740 S.3Pius - 5-1758. V 71. Angelus Beast nemorosus Crown of golden veil ii-n-1417 20 2-1431. Angel of the woods 7 1-1566 1 - 5-1572. 53. Lupa Coelestin Eugene IV Clement XIII 94. Rosa Umbriae " Wolf Célestine 3-3-I43I 2-1447. Umbria 6 7-1758 2XIII --2-1769. Gregory23 72. MediumRose body of pilarum 54. Amator Crucis Felix Waist balls 13 5-1572 10 - 4-1585. V Lovervelox of the Cross Antipas. XIV Clement 95. Ursus 5-11-1439 7 - -4-1449 55. Modicitate of Lunae Ours fastsigni 18 5-1769Sixtus 22 9-1774 73. Axis in medietate abd. The smallness of the moon Axis to half of the sign 24 4-1585 27 - 8-1590. Nicolas V Pius VI 96. Peregrinus 56. Bos pascensapostolicus 6 - 3-1447 25 Pilgrim Apostolic 15 29-VII -3-1455. 8-1799. ■ 2- Urban 74. De RoreBeef caeligrazing Calixtus III - 1775 57. Capra & Albergo The dew of heaven 15 9-1590 27 to 9 "^ go8 - 4-1455 6 - 8-1458. Pius 97. Aquila 58. rapax Goat and the hostel Gregory XIV VII Pie II 75. Ex Antiquitates 59. Cervo &Urbis Leone Eagle prey 14 320 8-1823. 19 8-1458 14 8-1464. Of the antiquity of the City 5-12-1590 15-10-1591. - 1800 Innocent IX Paul II 76. Pia Civitas in bello Leo XII 98. Manufacturers & coluber 30 - 8-1464 26 - 7-1471. Holy city at war 29 10-1591 30-12-1591. Dog and Snake 28 10 2-1829. ■ 91823Clement VIII 77. Crux Romulea 99.Romulus Vir religiosus Cross 30 1-1592 3 - 3-1605. Pie VIII Religious man 31 3-1829 1-12-1830. Leo XI 78. Undosus virtual Gregory XVI 100. Of Balneis Ethruriae Man waves 1 4-1605 27 - 4-1605. Baths of Tuscany 2 2-1831 1 - 6-1846. 79. People perversa Gent perverse




1015, 1547 10 I THE 21 MYSTERIOUS 6 29 17 2 25OF M THE 14 POPES 5 L PROPHECY 114 1026, 1558 10 26 14 6 8 29 11 2 22A 14 30 L 1037. 1569 10 26 15 6 8 1048, 1580 3 26 115 15THE31MYSTERIOUS PROPHECY OF THE POPES 22 M 11 3 22 A 7 30 1 1059 4 26 15 31 9 1070 4 24A 8 31 1623 16 31 1652 1733 511 11 1762 18431 16 31 1872 19 3 16 7 30 1081 4 24A 9 31 7 1624 9 1651 1734 25a 22 1761IV 18449 7 9 1871 APPENDIX 1092 28 17 9 25M 20 IT m 27 16 8 23M 1 1103 25M 1735 APPENDIX 1625 30 2917 17 16509 10 6 1760III 2 23m16I7 2218704 1118453 in 1583 1692 11141626112 294 1861649 2 18 7 186 1912 Paschal 532 20 1693 27 years: 16 1802 8 241846 M 11803 Year 25M 1736 A5 22m 15 1759 12 1028 m I 1694 11 5 1801 1 1804 16 1911 1125 1584 29 1115 31691 22A-1139.1140 2 To(1592-1903). 1582. 12 27 16 Number 239 of8 cycle Round Pascal 1136 22 M 11 3 23 A 1585 21 1690 1695 3 13 1800 1805 14 27186 1910 26 20 5 28 16 A 21 1 1627 4 12 1648 1737 21 26 1758 1847 4 12occurrences m of 3 6 1586 10 1689 1799 6 1806 118date.190 1696 22a 24m 5 28 16 each 24 8 13 65 28 1757 10 A 2118486 23a 21 m18679 1738 10 1628 23a 21 1647 1587 29 18 1688 1697 1798 19186 190 7 8 14 5 25 A 10 21 61807 1629 15 1646 1739 29 18 1756 2 A 8 29 5 184928 17A 25 12 6o8, 140 7 30 19 4 26 15 3i 20 M 3 18 10 26 15 6 m6 8 619, 151 4 27 3030 15 1755 31 20 1588 1687 19 I74O 1716 26 3i18651907 1630 31 17 16 830 164530 17 3i 10 5 185028 16 14 1698 3 19 16 10 1797 26 15 71808 630, 162 8 24 12 4 24a 9 3i 20 6 185125a 1809 2 27 27 15186 190 16311589 20 2 27 14 16441686 I74I 1699 2 1914 27 17541796 20 10 16 m 4 24a 9 A 20 4 62 30 19 10 28 641, 173 1590 168513 1742 29 1700 17 1122a 9 51753 25m1795 14 1632 n 22a 5 822a 164324 25m 18521810 11 22a 5 23a 18631905 0 m 1811 3 29 1701 18 27 25m1794 14 30185319 1633I59I 27 14 20 216421684 1743 14 29 20 1752 27 14 20 186 190 11 29 16 652. 184 A 21 13 18 3 25m 14 3 2 416 29 19 4 30 663, 195 1592 16836 1744 1812 12 1903 1634 16 29 3i 218 164121 511 1611 16 29 29 1702 3 3i1751 23a1793 14 3i185419 4 3i 3118612 674. 206 2 22a 6 188 29 . 1813818 8 30i8601902 16351593 " 16401682 1745 18 1855 23 1703 11 829 3 81750 23a1792 8 0 685, 10 217 26 15 7 16361594 23m 24a 616391681 1746 10 23 6 24a 17491791 1856 23 10 m 1704 24 A1814 4 24aA7 18591901 16 3 696, 228 26 15 7 m 20 12 m3 16 8 m 707. 239 27 21 15 16803i 1747 1705 41748 1790 1815 1595 26 1637 12 The 4 12 26 20 16 part 8 of the 212 12M28 241857 5 4 215185 190 16 13 N. B. years1638 1583-1591 and 1904-1912 are not Easter. 718, 250 27 16 3i 8 0 20 5 28 17 8 m 1596 224 25 18167 14 1899 Marc14 22 24a 29 117 2 31789 729, 261 9167926 A 27 28 298 32 2 14 1706 5 3 431 28 12 2 4 5216 13 6 h 1597 23 10 1678 1707 24a 23 1788 6 1817 10 189 740. 272 24a 9 A 0 14 6 28 10 2 April 283 25 1823 22 18 16 m* 14 May 1122a 6 9 29 4 816 751. 9 212520 19 14 6 19 10 2 2418 1677 m 1708 17 8 813 1787 Decemb 1598 22m 71818 22m 29 518 1897 2 14 30 26 er22a 10 1819 11 1599 "294 18 5 1709 3i19 1611 1786 5 1896 762, 31676 25 0 8 1710 30 2019 2711 1785 27 Irregular italics. 1600 2 dates14are in 1675 m 2 15 71820 23 614 1895 2 3i 5 19 114 1784 27 773. 3 # 18 1601 22a 25m 31674 26 8 1711 1821 22a 25 1894 m 0 8 3i *3 4 27 15 7 5 23 7m 16 24m2713 205 1783 24a 784. 31673 23a 8 1712 7 1602316 II2 7 1822m 1893 2 24m1613 3i5 1782 18 16 3i 20 817 1892 2 795. 327 12 1603 30 17 31672 23a 2 1713 1823 30 22a A 13 1529 1781 18 0 806, 338 12 1604 18 29 28 1671 16 2 1714 1824 18 29 1891 16 A 20 9 16 2 22a 7 18 817. 349 12 28 17 1605 10 1670 I7I5 21 26 1780 1825 3 6 189 29 6 A 21 10 828, 360 5 28 17 016 2 22a 7 30 18 9 9 A 14 II 2 1606 26 166917 1826 26 21 188 839. 371 621 28 15 127 4 23m1779 12 27 1716 0 9 850, 382 6 22 10 27 16 7 23m 12 14 12 16 1607 15 A m 1668 1717 28 19 1778 10 25 1827 15 A 188 27 16 t 20 12 m 8 861, 393 6 19 11 27 16 A 21 12 3 26 14 13 16 6 1608404 30 10 19 1667 11 1718 17 30 1777 6 1828 10 1887 872, 25a 9 A 21 6 26 I5 14 2 1609 19 166611 1719 9 7 1776 3 1829 19 25a 188 883, 415 3i25a 19 18 10 A 14 6 60 894. 426 3i 20 4 18 1720 10 3126 1614 1775 6 3 23a 15 16 1610 11 5 1665 1830 8 11 5 1885 905, 437 3i 13 5 18 1721 3 1326 3 15 1774 6 4 23a 8 16 2 1611 3 13 1664 1831 3 13 188 916, 448 24m 13 5 19 3 26 15 31 40 927. 459 25m 12 1722 4 5 23a118 1773 3i 28 17 8 17 16 1612 22a 25m 13 1663 5 1832 22a 25 1883 938. 470 22a 14 29 12 4 m 28 17 9 18 16 24a 8 31 r 949. 716623 7 1613481 22a 9 7 18332 9 188 12 723 28 2817 199 1772 31 28 17 19 2 960, 492 22a 7 30 6 20 28 17 9 25 r 1614 30 17 71661 23 1724 16 3i 1771 1834 30 7 1881 971. 503 16 29 17 2 20 16 m m 1615 19 28 1660 I725 A 15 1770 22 11 1835 19 28 188 2 21 12 982, 514 16 8 23 0 m 1616 3 13 1659 m 1726 21 26 1769 19 11 1836 3 13 1879 22a 12 993. 525 16 1617 26 21 A165821 1727 13 3 1768 19 11 1837 26 21 1878 27 23a 8 1004 536 16 1618 15 A A1657 21 1728 28 19 1767 20 11 1838 15 A 1877 27 24a 8 , 1619 31 16 1656 1729 17 3 1766 20 51839 31 16 1876 27 25a 4 1620 19 28 1655 1730 9 7 1765 13 51840 28 19 28 1875 5 1621 11 5 1654 I73I 25 22a 1764 1841 11 5 1874 3 m 2 1622 27 1732 13 3 1763 13 51842 27 13 1653 25a 13 1873


INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................


The mystery of the origin .............................................................. The purpose of the mysterious prophecy of the popes................... The mysterious Petrus Romanus ................................?................. The mysterious number of reported .............................................. The mystery of the numeral letters................................................. The mystery of other numeral letters ............................................ The mysterious meaning of the stanzas ......................................... The staggered 72-76................................................................. The system of three stanzas .................................................... The mysterious meaning of reported non-retouched.....................


CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... APPENDIX I: Facsimile of the text Wion............................................... APPENDIX II: 111 currencies translated and identified........................ APPENDIX III: The Paschal Cycle of 312 years (1592-1903).................. APPENDIX IV: The Paschal Cycle of 532 years......................................




19 25 31 41 59 66 66 69 80 98 102 108 114 116

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