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Ben J Brown
I started amateur writing career by writing random free form poetry, music reviews, and video game reviews on various online websites such as Epinions.com. Eventually, some of his works were selected for online publication on sites such as Honeysoul.com, Poetsink.com, and thetruthmagazine.com in 2006. At age 31, I'm honing my poetry and writing craft by joining writing communities such as Urbis.com, Writerscafe.org, and Soultry.net. Now my freelance reviews are being featured on sites such as Soultracks.com and Blogcritics.org. My first poetry book was published in 2007 by PublishAmerica entitled Diary Of An Affair. A seductive and thought provoking compilation, I pieced together a number of powerful poems with conversations, thoughts, and sayings to weave a story in a unique way.