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SUMMER FESTIVAL How to pump up garden colour and produce
This season is an exciting time in the garden with vegetables, fruit and herbs growing in abundance and flowers blooming. With three to four months of warm weather in store, now’s the time to grow plants that thrive in heat. Try our tips to get the most from your summer garden.
Deadhead diligently
The key to a long-lasting display of flowers is to deadhead regularly. Andrew Grant of Enrich with Nature recommends that as plants fade out of bloom, pinch or cut off the flower stem below the spent flower and just above the first set of full, healthy leaves. “Repeat with all the dead flowers to encourage more flowers to develop and prolong the plant’s flowering season,” he says.
Water regularly
The warmer weather means plants need regular watering to prevent wilting and even dying. Tomatoes, for example, love to be watered, says Andrew. “And if you are growing them in a pot, water well so they don’t dry out,” he warns. “The more you water your tomatoes, the juicier your fruit is going to be. Water at the base, not the leaves, to avoid mildew.”
Keep an eye on your edible goodies – tomatoes love a good feed, too. Andrew recommends giving them a good boost with some fertiliser every couple of weeks as you water them.
Plan your planting so that taller plants grow to shield shorter or more delicate ones from hot sun and drying winds
Prevent heat stress
When temperatures rise above 30°C for prolonged periods, plants will stop growing and show signs of stress. Leaves may wilt, roll or brown, and flowers and fruit could drop off and blister or discolour. Water regularly and deeply to keep temperatures down, mulch to retain moisture in the soil and provide shade cloth if necessary. If growing leafy greens, such as lettuces, provide afternoon shade, otherwise they’ll produce bitter leaves and quickly go to seed.
Most plants grow best in temperatures ranging from 15-29°C. Learn the signs of heat stress in plants and act promptly
Provide a slow feed

Early summer is a great time to give plants a boost to help them cope with rapid growth over the warmer months. Robbie Yortt of Grosafe recommends a slow-release, seaweed fertiliser. “This is high in organic matter and great for overworked and tired soils,” she says. “Plants will also have the added bonus of being stronger and more resistant to pest damage during dryer periods.” Slow-release fertilisers work for four to six months.
Nourish the roots
If your flowers, crops and even lawns fail to thrive, try giving their roots a boost with a mycorrhiza-enhancing product. “These liquid fertilisers feed beneficial soil microbes and mycorrhiza fungi that activate root function and revitalise and improve soil activity,” explains Robbie. “That leads to better uptake of nutrients and moisture, and better plant growth.” Look for an organic product that’s safe for all plants.
For an abundance of tasty tomatoes, plant varieties that set small fruit on trusses It’s important to choose vegetables to suit your garden space. For patios and small areas, large containers can accommodate smaller cherry-type tomatoes, dwarf beans, eggplants, capsicums and chillies. Look for compact varieties that produce prolific crops. Specially bred babysized pumpkins and melons grow well in large containers, too. However, climbing beans, courgettes, cucumbers, and large-size pumpkins and melons are more suited to planting in the ground to ensure better production of vegetables and fruit.
Keep on top of pests
Unwanted visitors such as scale, aphids and stink bugs start to multiply quickly in warmer weather, so be on the alert. “Pinch them off with your fingers or try certified organic products,” suggests Robbie. “Choose ones which can be used on both ornamental plants (shrubs and flowers) and on fruit and vegetable crops.” Products like these will protect against chewing and sucking insects and can be sprayed directly onto plants.
Andrew Grant
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1 170mm Pelargonium ‘Big Ezee’ plant. 2 Coolaroo 6m x 1.83m 50% UV garden cover shade cloth in Rain Forest, $82, I/N: 3300394. 3 Grosafe ‘BioNeem’ biological insecticide concentrate, $29.99/200ml, I/N: 0316805. 4 Scotts Osmocote ‘Total All Purpose’ controlled release fertiliser, $19.89/1kg, I/N: 2961306. 5 Country Value ‘Golden Wax’ dwarf bean seeds, $1.99, I/N: 2961182. 6 Johnsons ‘World Kitchen’ small sugar pumpkin seeds, $5.38, I/N: 2961830. 7 PowerFeed all purpose liquid fertiliser concentrate, $22.98/2L, I/N: 3010406. 8 130mm ‘Ponchi’ extra small red tomato Solanum lycopersicum plant. 9 Trojan heavy duty bypass pruner, $15, I/N: 0246311. Some products are not available at all Bunnings stores, but may be ordered. If using products to deal with pests, diseases or weeds, always read the label, follow the instructions carefully and wear suitable protective equipment. Wear gloves and a mask when handling potting mix, compost and mulch. Store all garden chemicals out of the reach of children and pets.

Multicoloured marigolds can provide a bright border throughout summer

Many flowering plants bloom in summer, with some so plentiful they’re an excellent choice to cut and brighten up your home indoors. Flowers perfect for garden and vase include cosmos, dahlias, sunflowers, marigolds, salvias, statice and zinnias. Pelargoniums and hydrangeas are top sellers for a reason – their large blooms appear over many months. To cover fences and arches, plant climbers such as mandevilla, pandorea, bougainvillea, clematis and star jasmine. In hanging baskets, try petunias, calibrachoa, impatiens, begonias, portulaca, fuchsias or sweet alyssum.
Keep on top of your grass with these expert tips
1Master moisture Neglect or bad weather can leave a lawn looking and feeling less than lovely. For an area that seems pretty dry and dead but still shows some green, try watering it well – grass is resilient and may recover. If water runs off, improve moisture penetration with a soil wetter. Compacted soil can also prevent water and nutrients reaching grass roots – use a garden fork, spiked roller or lawn sandals to aerate it.

2Fill in bare patches Barren spots of lawn can be replaced by sowing seed or laying turf. Yates lawn specialist Steve Jackson says seed is economical and suits both large areas or repairing small patches. “But it can take months for the grass to establish, and you need to stay on top of weeds,” he warns. Turf is an instant but more expensive option – plus you’ll need to clear out weeds, stones and other debris, and improve the soil, Steve says.
3Feed and flourish During summer, apply a granular, lawn-specific fertiliser, and a liquid fertiliser in periods of active growth. Mow regularly, but trim only one-third of the grass blade length. “Removing too much of the leaf blade stresses the lawn,” Steve explains. For deep root growth, water less frequently, but for longer. Check with your local council for watering restrictions that may apply in your local area. 4Banish intruders Dig out weeds as you spot them or use a product suitable for the type of weed and your variety of grass. Irregular patches of dead grass could mean common lawn pests, such as sod webworm, grass grubs and armyworm, are active – treat with lawn-specific insecticide.
Keep in mind…
n If using products to deal with pests, diseases or weeds, always read the label, follow the instructions carefully and wear suitable protective equipment. n Wear gloves and a mask when handling potting mix, compost and mulch. n Store all garden chemicals out of the reach of children and pets.
During the growing season, monitor your lawn for potential problems, so you can nip them in the bud before they progress

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Prepare to grill
Make every bit of your barbecue gleam with Selleys BBQ Tough cleaning products
Use Selleys BBQ wipes for a fresh, clean and healthy cooking surface Remove built-up gunk to help reduce the spread of germs

Start your season of outdoor entertaining with a spotless and hygienic barbecue
Nothing beats a barbecue feast for relaxed entertaining in the warmer months. But when you whip off the cover after winter, are you looking at polished hotplates, gleaming grills and shining stainless steel? Probably not. The solution is a good clean, and this is where Selleys BBQ Tough range of products* come into their own.
For a barbecue that’s your pride and joy and has been in regular use, a quick scrub with Selleys BBQ Tough Wipes might be enough to get it ready for your spiced chicken kebabs. Use the wipes, which are suitable for surfaces in contact with food, nodule-side down. Wipes can be used on cold or slightly warm hotplates, grills and racks, and are also great for giving some attention to the unit’s hood and your utensils. And when you’re heading out to cook on a public barbecue, don’t forget to pack these invaluable helpers in your bag, so you can give the plate and surrounds a good wiping down before use.
If you’re generally pretty attentive to your barbecue’s cleaning needs, grab a bottle of Selleys BBQ Tough Grease and Grime Cleaner, which is perfect for regular de-greasing of your hotplate and grill. Simply spray it on, leave for a few minutes so the fast-acting formula can cut through the grease, and then wipe it off (use Selleys BBQ wipes for extra cleaning power). Rub over again with a clean cloth to get rid of any product residue, and you’re good to go.
Not so dedicated to a regular barbecue cleaning routine? Then your best bet is to bring out the big guns with Selleys BBQ Tough Clean. Its non-caustic formula works to cut through grease, grime, fat and charred bits on stainless steel and cast iron racks, grills and hotplates. It’s important to note that this power-packed product is flammable and therefore should only be used on completely cold barbecues. So check the safety instructions carefully, pop on a pair of rubber gloves, remove the parts you’re planning to clean and place them on a suitable surface. Scrape to get rid of any burnt bits, shake the can well and spray. Wait 10 minutes or so (up to two hours if the racks, grills and hotplates you’re tackling have been neglected for a while) and wipe with a damp cloth. Rinse with lots of water and dry off with a clean cloth.
1 Selleys ‘BBQ Tough’ aerosol cleaner, $8.90/400g, I/N: 0447803. 2 Selleys ‘BBQ Tough’ cleaning wipes, $5.98/pack of 12, I/N: 0195722. 3 Selleys ‘BBQ Tough’ grease and grime cleaner, $11.90/500ml, I/N: 0235879. 4 Selleys ‘BBQ Tough’ cleaning wipes, $10.98/pack of 30, I/N: 0039086.

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