BBDO Quarterly Highlights Issue #3 Oct 24, 2014

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IN THIS ISSUE Highlights of this issue cover a variety of consumer health trends including the rise of quantified self, incentivized wellness, wearables, and engagement-driven OTC marketing, followed by an inspiring campaign from the broader CPG world and a special supplement of highlights from the Cannes Lions 2014. From how today’s consumers want to actively track and analyze their health and physical activity to how sensors provide more useful and responsive insights rather than raw data, all highlights reveal that the OTC landscape continues to evolve rapidly. There is a huge opportunity for us to help consumers get better, healthier and focus on making our brands more meaningful and useful in the lives of consumers.

ABOUT QUARTERLY HIGHLIGHTS: Quarterly Highlights is a report, distributed by BBDO, presenting timely perspective on trends and observations relevant to Bayer Consumer Care. Each report will summarize recent category developments from around the world, providing considerations for the business. We are excited to share what we see is shaping the health and wellness landscape today and look forward to harnessing these opportunities to optimize our business choices in the future.


J&J AND NOVARTIS FACILITATE SELF-TRACKING WHAT’S HAPPENING? Consumers are interested in measuring their life in numbers to gain control, get organized and get better, and we are seeing an increasing number of healthcare organizations integrating self-tracking technology into their services. We predict that those brands will be perceived as valuable in the consumer’s eye and that consumers will be more willing to provide information to those brands so that they can provide personalized services to help them reach their goals. EXAMPLE(S):



In May 2014, Wellness & Prevention, a division of Johnson & Johnson that works with health plans on behavior change coaching, released a mobile app, Track Your Health. The app is not available to the general public, but rather, through health plans to the 30 million covered lives that have access to Wellness & Prevention products.

In support of World MS Day, Novartis announced the launch of the 7-Day Challenge to “Live Like You” for people with MS. The 7-Day Challenge to “Live Like You” is simple: using wearable technology or accessing personal online systems that people use on a daily basis, including calendars, social media channels and fitness trackers, people with MS are invited to track their activities for seven days and gain valuable insights into what works best for their lifestyle. In addition to this, Novartis announced an agreement with a division of Google Inc. to in-license its "smart lens" technology for medical uses in order to enhance the ways in which diseases are mapped within the body and ultimately prevented.

Track Your Health can incorporate data from a number of third party health trackers and sensors, allowing users to track and aggregate data, set goals, and visualize their weight, movement and nutrition progress in the form of charts.


How might we help consumers track their health and enhance tracking services to keep them hooked? (e.g. incentivized wellness programs for diabetes sufferers or probiotic users) Any ways we could build a community where self-trackers can participate, learn and realize their goals with continuous support? Can we offer this via Aspirin’s iamproheart platform? In what ways can we create personalized brand experiences? How can One A Day, Midol, Claritin or Aspirin Cardio help people track their daily intake / regimen? Can we think of partnerships that can enhance our tracking efforts? (e.g. partnering with an online pharmacy presorting and tracking customers’ medication)

BRANDS ARE GETTING MORE INVENTIVE TO HELP CONSUMERS BE WELL-THY WHAT’S HAPPENING? Brands and policymakers are getting more inventive in their bids to persuade consumers to adopt healthier lifestyles. They are doing this via everything from free gold for weightwatchers in Dubai to coax UK construction workers into eating healthily. Overall, consumers enjoy being healthy and wise; and products, services and experiences that promise wellbeing, help them be better and healthier create goodwill among consumers. EXAMPLE(S): VITTEL BOTTLE CAP HAS A REMINDER TO HELP PEOPLE STAY HYDRATED

h"ps:// watch?v=yyRgQJzILus

In May 2014, Vittel released a prototype bottle cap designed to encourage people to drink more water. The French water brand’s Refresh Cap features a timer that sets itself every time the user screw the cap shut. When an hour is up, a flag pops up reminding them its time to take another sip. According to PSFK, in the US, 75% of people are chronically dehydrated. Even though the Vittel cap was used as an experiment in France, Americans could use a water reminder timer as well – especially useful in the summer.

Alfa-Bank: “To earn money, you have to sweat” h"p://

RUSSIAN BANK REWARDS CUSTOMERS WHO WORK OUT WITH HIGHER INTEREST RATES UK SUPERMARKET TESCO BANS CANDY FROM CHECKOUTS In May 2014, Tesco announced that it would be removing candy from its checkouts, with the aim of helping customers choose more healthy options.

Research showed that 65% of shoppers felt that moving candy to elsewhere with the store would encourage them to be more healthy. The policy is in effect throughout Tesco stores across the UK>

In June 2014, Russian Alfa-Bank introduced a savings account that rewards customers for taking physical exercise. To take advantage, users sync their Jawbone, RunKeeper or FitBit fitness tracker to the bank. They then use its Activity software to decide how much their exercise is worth. For every step they take, the bank will transfer between 1 and 50 Russian kopeks from their existing account into the high interest savings account not otherwise available. This initiative cleverly taps into the burgeoning wearable tech trend and also delivers real benefits to consumers – and there are few better benefits that a bank could offer than giving customers more money.


How might we encourage more people to be healthy? Any ways we could optimize our social initiatives in light of people wanting ? How might we incentivize wellness in emerging markets such as Brazil and Russia? Can financial rewards help motivate consumers to improve their behavior? Can we use incentivized wellness programs as a way to help promote an ongoing regimen in markets like Brazil? (e.g. probiotic/allergy reward program for Iberogast Balance/Claritin)

SENSORS START PROVIDING USEFUL INSIGHTS RATHER THAN RAW DATA WHAT’S HAPPENING? As more data is captured about individuals and communities, better tools are needed to make this often complex information more meaningful and easier to understand. The development of highly visual and often interactive formats are providing experts and amateurs alike with methods for investigating health on any scale, allowing for easier to understand analysis, as well as deeper and greater insight. EXAMPLE(S):


PHONE-TO-PHONE CONNECTED APP SUPPORTS ALZHEIMER’S PATIENTS WITH GEO-TRIGGERED MEMORY PROMPTS Samsung in Tunisia has created a tech-driven service designed to support Alzheimer’s sufferers by bolstering their memories. The Backup Memory project was created in conjunction with the Tunisian Alzheimer Association and 3SG BBDO and is still in proof of concept stage. It is hoped that the service will help people suffering from the disease by providing them with visual prompts about their loved ones at appropriate moments via smartphone. Using the WiFi Direct protocol (which allows devices to connect directly to each other without needing a wireless access point), the patient’s phone detects when a friend’s phone enters the near vicinity. Once detected, the patient’s phone then displays key info about the approaching person, such as their name, a photo of them and their relationship to the patient.

A FITBIT-ISH DEVICE HELPS BABIES AND THEIR PARENTS GET A BETTER NIGHT’S SLEEP San Francisco-based Sproutling, a self-titled family technology company, created a digital wristband that aims to help babies, and their parents, get a better night’s sleep. The Sproutling Baby Monitor wearable band fits onto the baby’s ankle and works with a mobile app to monitor the child’s wellbeing and environment. The band measures the infant’s heart rate, temperature and position, while the accompanying smart charger uses a sensor to track the room’s humidity, noise and light conditions. Whereas traditional baby monitors alert parents when the baby cries while they are in another room, the sensors on Sproutling’s charger alert parents when they themselves are too loud. For example, if noise from a cocktail party downstairs could be interrupting the baby's sleep. The sensors on the anklet are able to assess the baby's sleep phase and predict how long he will be sleeping so that parents can structure their time accordingly during naps.


How might we make data more responsive and useful? What’s smart about Sproutling is not just the detailed information it tracks, but how it presents this data back to parents. Rather than overwhelming new parents with an abundance of facts and figures, the app relays the info in a way that is easy to understand. How might we better leverage the wearable tech trend? In creating a digital service beyond our product offering that makes people’s lives better, we can create goodwill among our target audiences.

FASHION MEETS SELF-CARE WEARABLES WHAT’S HAPPENING? Today’s wearables are mostly clunky and male-oriented because until now companies have been treating the design of wearables as the design of computers, while fashion designers think about style, age, taste and a number of other criteria when they make clothing and jewelry for consumers. Moving forward, it will be increasingly crucial for wearable makers to start worrying about the look and feel of their products. Research firms predict that companies that crack the tech-meets-fashion code could sell hundreds of millions of accessories in the coming years. EXAMPLE(S): TORY BURCH + FITBIT


Tory Burch partnered with FitBit for accessories she designed exclusively for use with the fitness brand’s Flex, including a brass pendant and bracelet, and patterned silicone wristband.

Google partners with Diane von Furstenberg to try to give its smart spectacles some social grace.

What It Is Metal bracelets and pendants to cover up a FitBit fitness tracker The Hype “We’ve known that form factor is crucial to creating a health and fitness tracking device that will fit into people’s lifestyles and become truly wearable – from day to evening”

What It Is A Google glass model designed for women, sold via Net-A-Porter, that looks like half a pair of stylish glasses and half a mutant robot vision device The Hype “You can be driving and watching a movie,” says von Furstenberg. “I probably shouldn’t say that. The point is that you can be filming things while you’re doing them.”



Fashion designer Michael Bastian is partnering with HP and retailer Gilt to sell a smartwatch in fall 2014.

Withings introduces Activié, the very first Swiss Made watch measuring both time and physical activity.

What It Is A stainless-steel chronograph exclusive to Inspired by a sports-car dashboard, the watch will run notification apps and come with 3 bands The Hype “With the early devices I have seen,” says Bastian, “the design and feel of the watch take a backseat to the technology”

What It Is A leather-strap wristwatch…that also tracks your heart rate and sleep cycles. It looks just like a watch you’d wear. The Hype “We wanted to design a beautiful, Swiss-made watch and put in all the activity tracking – swimming, running, sleeping – but with a one-year battery,” says Julien Depreaumont. “We don’t want to sound pretentious, but it’s the epitome of a smartwatch.”


Is health becoming more fashionable? Can design thinking be the source of our next breakthrough in health? How might we optimize the look and feel of our current products/services? (e.g. contemporary design for Bayer blood glucose meters, more fashionable packaging for Iberogast Balance)

Source: Harvard Business Review, September 2014; MISC IC Health, September 2014; Fast Company, October 2014

TELCO INDUSTRY ACKNOWLEDGES MOBILE IS A TRUSTED SOURCE FOR HEALTH INFO WHAT’S HAPPENING? Never before consumers have been more m-powered. Today, they have better access to a mobile phone than to a doctor, giving mobile operators an opportunity to take action in this area. By 2018, 62% of the world population is expected to own a smartphone (~4 billion smartphone owners), and half of those smartphone owners are expected to use health apps. EXAMPLE(S):


UKRAINIAN TELCO DEVELOPS A MOBILE FIRST AID SOLUTION After hundreds were injured in street protests in Ukraine earlier this year, there has been a surge of interest in first aid courses in the country. Since the demand for first aid skills overwhelmed training centres, Ukraine’s largest telco brand Kyivstar stepped in with a digital solution and introduced the First Mobile Aid app. It was created with doctors from Boris Clinic, the largest private hospital in the country. The app includes detailed text instructions and step-by-step video guides of what to do in case of common medical emergencies, from fractures to heart attacks. The app has a button that people can tap to call the emergency medical services, as well as a map of the nearest medical institutions. It also includes a list of what everyone should keep in their first aid kit. Although Kyivstar didn’t invest in any media to promote the app, the app quickly became the top medical app in the country and is among the top 20 apps in Ukraine’s app store.


KENYAN TELCO LETS SUBSCRIBERS ACCESS HEALTH ADVICE VIA THEIR MOBILE Back in 2012, Safaricom, a leading mobile network operator in Kenya, teamed up with Call-a-Doc to launch a new mHealth tool called Daktari1525. This gave Safaricom’s subscriber base of over 18 million people the ability to receive expert advice on health issues 24/7 – just by dialing 1525 on their mobiles. This is an invaluable service in a country where one doctor attends over 10,000 patients and mobile penetration is over 70%. Daktari1525 was launched by Kenyan Information and Communications Permanent Secretary Bitange Ndemo, who termed it a timely event at a time when the government is looking at digitizing its medical operations.


How might be become more meaningful and helpful at the times of disease outbreak and/or natural disaster? It is important to note that Kyivstar and Safaricom’s apps were not a commercial project, but rather an attempt to solve a social problem faced by their people. However, by providing a useful service that responds to its subscribers’ needs, the brands proved their relevance and stood out from the competition.

Source: European Commission; MarketsandMarkets “mHealth Apps & Solutions by Connected Devices, Health Apps, Medical Apps – Global Trends and Forecast to 2018”, September 2013

FMCG BRANDS ARE BRINGING A NEW SPIN ON SAMPLING AND MEDIA PLACEMENT WHAT’S HAPPENING? Consumers go wherever they can find content that appeals to them, often without any real awareness of the media channel itself. And as consumer navigation evolves, marketers will have to provide new mechanisms for content discovery and advertising alignment. EXAMPLE(S):


COLGATE REPROGRAMMS VENDING MACHINES TO REMIND YOU TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH AFTER THAT SUGARY SNACK In Puerto Rico, Colgate-Palmolive wanted to promote its toothpaste to those who need it most by reviving the healthy habit of brushing after eating. In order to target sugar eaters directly, the brand created The Sweetest Treat, which reprogrammed select vending machines in the city to remind snackers to brush their teeth. Every time someone came to a vending machine for a sweet-tooth fix, a free sample of toothpaste was delivered with the purchased goodie. And instead of reading the typical post-purchase “Thank You” the vending machine delivered the message “Don’t Forget To Brush”, reminding the snackers to use their free toothpaste after munching on their treat. Colgate used this channel to add a bit of a “surprise” factor. By hitting consumers when they least expect it, the product demands more attention and seems more intriguing than a lone sample of toothpaste in a pharmacy.


COLGATE TURNS PACKAGING INTO CLASSROOM TOOLS Realizing that schools in Myanmar face constant shortages of necessary supplies like paper, books and pencils, Colgate-Palmolive Myanmar decided to leverage both its growing distribution network and its product packaging to meet a need in the community and developed a campaign simply called “Turning Packaging into Education”. The brand created a series of educational posters printed on the inside of its boxes. Each poster was accompanied by a lesson plan specifically developed for Myanmar schools. The brand rolled out a pilot program of four posters targeting families in rural areas, a demographic that comprises some two-thirds of Myanmar’s population. The four posters, called Digestive System, Brushing Guides, Good VS Bad Food and Grandpa’s Example, each teaches a lesson centered on a traditional Burmese illustration. In addition to the graphic and lesson plans, each poster was printed with a tollfree telephone number. By calling the number from any phone, teachers could access 10-minue recorded lesson tailored to the poster, which they could then plan for their classroom.


How might we optimize our channel selection? Any ways we could disrupt the current category beliefs in terms of channel planning? (e.g. vending machines, packaging vs. TV, radio) Any ways we can bring a new spin on product sampling? Colgate’s vending machine example is an interesting example for making sampling a little more exciting. Although we really like the vending machine example, we believe snackers are not realistically going to try the product right away, and what’s more, even if people want to use the toothpaste, they probably don’t have the means to do so. We would have loved to see the brand include a free toothbrush, to encourage people to use the samples immediately.

ANALGESICS AND CASF BRANDS ARE HONING THE CRAFT OF STORYTELLING WHAT’S HAPPENING? Brand storytelling isn’t a new concept, but with the explosive growth of social media and content marketing, the opportunities to tell stories as part of direct and indirect brand marketing initiatives have become a strategic priority. Marketers have been telling brand stories for years through advertising, but the art of writing those brand stories as effective pieces of online content is a challenge that few are trained to do. EXAMPLE(S):



With their recently launched Osteo Gel 12 Hourly, Voltaren speaks to all osteoarthritis sufferers via an inspiring consumer story and emphasizes that movement is the most effective treatment apart from medication to reduce pain.

VOLTAREN GERMANY CELEBRATES EVERYDAY HEROES WITH “SMALL ACTS” In September 2014, Voltaren Germany launched a new TV spot, called “Small Acts”, which is a great storytelling example that challenges generic OTC problem-solution and demo formats. The 60-second spot, which is also available in a shorter 30-second version, showcases a delivery man doing a small act that makes a big difference in the world of a father and his son. The spot ends with call to action for Voltaren’s promotion and invites consumers to their website for further information. The website emphasizes how Voltaren is celebrating everyday heroes and inviting everyone to nominate their everyday hero with a convincing story. Story winner gets a trip to Munich, which they define as an unforgettable get-away from their everyday life – including a professional photo shoot and an exclusive cooking event.



In an attempt to challenge cough/cold category conventions, in its new campaign, Sudagrip stays away from showcasing sufferers with symptoms and dials up the emotional benefits of having no flu – e.g. enjoying the sunrise, sharing an ice-cream. We believe Sudagrip could have done a better job bringing to life benefits that are more category relevant, rather than generic.


How might we optimize infusing consistent personality into our global brands? It is important to note that although Voltaren Germany and Voltaren Australia have different campaigns on air, they both stay true to the brand’s “Joy of Movement” belief and reflect this in the same manner. How might we focus on the use of perpetual marketing in our efforts? How can we link our TV viewers to our website or social media channels? What are some of the universal human truths and desires our brands can tap / are tapping into? (e.g. connection for Tabcin)

OTC BRANDS SUCH AS NEOSALDINA AND SUDAFED ARE RETHINKING “DIGITAL” WHAT’S HAPPENING? Big-name OTC brands no longer see digital as a separate discipline, but more as an integral part of all marketing activities. The key to success for all brands is not the channel itself, but the ideas and the insights brands bring to it. “A bad idea based on a bad insight on a great platform sucks. But a great idea rooted in a powerful insight will find every platform and exploit consumer engagement,” says Unilever’s VP Media for Americas and Europe. EXAMPLE(S):

h"ps:// h"ps://

NEOSALDINA ENCOURAGES HAVING A MORE FUN LIFE Positioned exclusively for headaches and promoted as the No. 1 analgesic for headache relief,Neosaldina launched a new campaign, called “Neosos & Neosas”, integrating TV, POS and digital activities. TV ads show people doing a good deed for someone else, which in turn helps to resolve their own problems, and the campaign nicknames such people as “Neosos” (male) and “Neosas” (female). Supporting social media activities encourage consumers to have a fun life without headache and become a “Neoso/a” through helping others.

BOXAGRIPPAL ACTIVATION ON SPOTIFY Earlier in 2014, BoxaGrippal entered Spotify, asking users what song makes them healthy and allowing them to create their own “Get Well Soon” (“Gute Besserung”) playlist. Although the brand must have made a significant investment, we feel the Spotify activation is not integral to the overarching brand idea and hence doesn’t seem to offer much of an added value.


SUDAFED UNVEILS FIRST-OF-ITS KIND SINUS SKETCHER APP TO HELP SINUS SUFFERERS OPEN UP THROUGH DRAWING Serious sinus sufferers often describe sinus pain and pressure as leaving them feeling squeezed, congested, beat down and crushed – desperately seeking relief from their sinus and pressure as part of the all-new OPEN UP & SHARE contest on the SUDAFED Facebook page. Using the first-of-its kind SKETCHER™ app, serious sinus sufferers are empowered to submit an original sketch to creatively communicate how sinus pain and pressure looks and feels to them. Serious sinus sufferers can create an original illustration using The SINUS SKETCHER™ app’s images and drawing tools, as well as edit pictures from their own Facebook photo albums for their sketch. In the end of November, SUDAFED, along with well-known cartoonist Liza Donnelly, selected fivesketches as finalists, out of which one received $ 5,000 prize.


How do we optimize our communication plans to include digital as an integral part of all marketing from the start – rather than an extension at a later stage? Digital is not a distinct, stand-alone channel, but an enabler to building consistent, relevant and desirable brands with which people can have a personal relationship. It supports and connects all other channels and is increasingly part of each. We believe the next few years will see an even greater integration of digital and technology within marketing channels.

CAMPAIGN PICK OF THE QUARTER RADIANT DETERGENT: “RADIANT RETURN” THE CHALLENGE: Supermarkets down under were planning to delist Australian laundry detergent brand Radiant. This was despite testing by parent company PZ Cussons showing that it kept the colors brighter in clothes for longer. Radiant wanted to prove this product benefit to consumers, but it only had a limited budget to do so. THE WORK: The brand launched “Radiant Return” – a modern take on the product demo where the judges were unsuspecting retail staff. Clothes bought from various fashion stores were subjected to extreme torture, from paintballing to pottery, a process that was documented using spy cameras. Afterwards, the items were washed with Radiant and returned to the stores. Out of 14 tests, 13 returns were successfully made, forming the basis of a larger integrated campaign. THE IMPACT: Radiant saw year-on-year sales growth of 26%. Penetration for the brand has also reversed the negative trend from -12% to +1%. The brand also saw its highest market share in five years. It became the most popular washing detergent product in Woolworths, Australia’s biggest supermarket. And after almost being taken off supermarket shelves, Radiant is now claimed to be the fastest growing laundry brand in the country. Case Study: h"ps://­‐hTsYxg

In terms of social media, interactions were 8.7 times above normal FMCG benchmarks and nearly 900,000 people watched one of the films in the first four weeks from launch, the agency claims.

CONSIDERATIONS FOR BAYER: -  How might we give a new twist to existing product benefits? Radiant updating its classic product demo in a cheeky way is a great example for that. -  How might we make better use of leveraging existing behaviors? Radiant taps into an existing behavior where people often return clothes to the store the day after wearing them, particularly for a special occasion. By seeing their own behavior being recognized in this campaign, people might be more likely to try the brand.




“The IPA and Gunn recently partnered in an attempt to quantify the link between creativity and effectiveness. They found that creatively awarded campaigns are 11 times more effective than campaigns that are not awarded. The reason being that creatively awarded campaigns connect more emotionally with people and generate more fame. So yeah, Cannes matters.� - David Lubars, Worldwide CCO & N. America Chairman, BBDO

CANNES ENTRIES THIS YEAR "   A record 37,427 entries "   97 countries "   Newer categories are replacing veteran categories "   Traditional categories such as Film, Press & Radio saw a decline in entries, while newer categories saw significant growth

"   Mobile were up 12%

"   Film entries were down 9%

"   PR entries were up 43%

"   Press entries were down 12%

"   Branded content & entertainment entries were up 22%

Source: BBDO Knows, June 2014

AT CANNES BBDO had a record-setting year at Cannes: "   We hit the century mark, winning more Lions than ever before (100) "   We had more shortlist points than ever before (324) "   We won the inaugural Grand Prix for Product Design "   We won the first ever Lion in Pakistan "   We won the first ever Lion in Cyber in the Philippines "   We were the #1 network in North America and Asia Pacific, #2 in Latin America, and #3 in EMEA "   ALMAP BBDO was the third most awarded individual agency "   34 agencies had shortlisted work "   21 agencies won Lions, including one Grand Prix, 11 Golds, 25 Silvers and 63 Bronzes "   We won awards for 40 clients, including global ones like Bayer, Guinness, Mars, Mercedes, PepsiCo, P&G

Source: BBDO Knows, June 2014

ASPIRIN: “QUEUE” & “FIRE TRUCK” ALMAP BBDO (BRAZIL) STRATEGIC QUESTION: How do we differentiate the role Aspirina and Cafiaspirina play under the Aspirin franchise – Aspirina for moderate pain; Cafiaspirina for stronger pain?



All adults – both men and women

When people are in pain, they want a medication that can take care of it – whether it is moderate or strong pain “Queue”


Extra strength pain relief for the ones in red (Cafiaspirina) and moderate pain relief for the ones in green (Aspirina)



RESULTS •  •  •

Gold Press Lion AdWeek: The World’s 17 Best Print Campaigns of 2013-­‐14 “Everyone in these stressful ads, delighhully color-­‐coded, has a headache. But the real pressure is on the guys in red, who need extra strength pain reliever” (June 2014)

“Fire Truck”

GUINNESS: “SAPEURS” AMV BBDO (UK) STRATEGIC QUESTION: How can we convince beer drinkers that Guinness is the most distinctive beer in the world? Target

Men with extraordinary integrity and character In life, you can’t always choose what you want to do, but you can choose who you are.




As part of the campaign, the documentary gives an insight into the day-to-day lives of the Sapeurs, who regularly come together to talk, laugh and discuss life, all with the upmost elegance and character. Guinness is a brand with a deep, rich and authentic character – the most distinctive beer in the world. More taste, more substance, more soul than most other beers

RESULTS 2 Bronzes in the Branded Content & Entertainment category; 2 Silvers in Film; 3 Bronzes in the Film Cram Lions category •  Sapeurs immediately became the talk of town earning significant online buzz/WOM •  Fast Company Co. Create: “It's an ad which features extraordinary people in an extraordinary situaqon but, at the same qme, it's saying: these guys are just like everyone else.” (January 2014) •

Guinness: “Sapeurs”

PANTENE: “LABELS AGAINST WOMEN” BBDO GUERRERO (PHILIPPINES) STRATEGIC QUESTION: How do we encourage women the world over to achieve their true potential?


All women – regardless of age


Women tend to be labeled unfairly compared to men and they hold themselves back altogether doing something they want to do for themselves or some achievement they want to attain.


Pantene urges women to leave labels behind and be strong and shine


Healthy, strong and beautiful hair helps women feel confident and empowered.

RESULTS Bronze Cyber Lion YouTube views today surpassed 46 million First Filipino ad to the exported to the US, of which Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg is a huge fan •  Forbes: “Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg leans in and helps ‘boss versus bossy’ Pantene ad go viral” (December 2013) •  •  •

Pantene: “Labels Against Women” h"ps://



VOLVO TRUCKS: “THE EPIC SPLIT” FORSMAN & BODENFORS (SWEDEN) STRATEGIC QUESTION: How can we get people worldwide to talk about trucks?


A broad audience who influence truck buying decisions – from the driver to his family and friends, colleagues and bosses, clients and the businesses whose products the trucks carry


Buying a truck is not only a rational decision; it is highly emotional too.


The stability and precision of the driving – demonstrated in a spectacular manner


Each of the 6 “Lives Tests” series demonstrated one feature – from robustness to control, using the help of a host of characters including a hamster and a troop of bulls.

RESULTS •  •  •

Cyber and Film Grand Prix; 6 Gold; 2 Silver; 1 Bronze 10 million hits on YouTube amer 48 hours Earned media: 126 million euros

Volvo Trucks: “The Epic Split” featuring Jean-­‐Claude Van Damme hFps://

HARVEY NICHOLS: “SORRY I SPENT IT ON MYSELF” ADAM & EVE DDB (UK) STRATEGIC QUESTION: How can we challenge the spirit of giving during the festive season? Target

Those with a sense of humour, primarily Harvey Nichols customers


What is really going on peoples’ heads when they’re Christmas shopping in Harvey Nichols: how do I spend all the money on myself rather than on gifts for loved ones?


A new line of products allowing customers to be unseasonably selfish and spend less on their loved ones in order to spend as much as possible on themselves


The “Sorry I Spent It On Myself” gift collection comprises a range of Ultra Low Net Worth (ULNW) gifts such as a Water Resistant Sink Plug for £1.13 and Authentic Lincolnshire Gravel priced at £1.61.

RESULTS Integrated and Film Grand Prix Public Reacqon (e.g. “I have got to go to Harvey Nichols, I can’t believe this is real”) •  Significant PR Buzz •  •

Harvey Nichols: “Sorry I Spent It on Myself” hFps://






Marketers are on a Classic product demos are Documentary style content Newer categories are journey to embed purpose being replaced by “epic” ad seeing significant growth is gaining ground and social impact into (e.g. Branded Technology) formats their brands

5. Challenger brands are striving to become the thought leader – the one everyone talks about


“This year at Cannes, we saw outstanding work from all over

the world that combines the best in creativity and technology with the human element and the fact that our agencies took home top honors across a broad range of categories including advertising, digital, mobile, media and PR, speaks to the depth and breadth of service offerings from Omnicom.�

- John Wren, President & Chief Executive, Omnicom

WHAT TO EXPECT NEXT YEAR? More Categories. More Countries. More Creativity. More…

“The cement never hardens on the show. It’s always

liquid, always reinventing itself, always pushing into new areas.” - David Lubars, Worldwide CCO & N. America Chairman, BBDO

Thank you.

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