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SATURDAY | July 27, 2013 | Vol. 59 | No. 39 | www.theleadernews.com | @heightsleader

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How to have a healthy neighborhood

The Center for Houston’s Future will present its next Summer Salon series discussion, “Healthy Neighborhoods,” from 7:30-9:30 a.m. Aug. 7 at the Junior League, 1811 Briar Oaks Lane. The series uses a panel format that encourages candid conversations among the participants. Moderator will be Deborah Milette, deputy director of emergency and environmental health services, National Center for Environmental Health of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; panelists are Margo Hilliard, M.D., Loren Raun, Ph.D., from Rice University; and Scott McClelland, president of H-E-B Houston. Go to www.futurehouston.com for information about registration.


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An In-Depth Edition

Future of area must keep eye on past T

his is what we still love about newspapers. We get to do this. We get to turn an entire edition of The Leader upside down. And we think you’ll like it. What’s more, we get to spend this edition explaining something absolutely none of us knows for sure. (Or, as some might say, we get to do exactly what the media always do. We get to make stuff up.) Here’s what happened: For a number of years, The Leader has published an edition called “Those Were the Days.” As you might guess, the edition (publishing every other July) was a look back on days of old. It was a time for advertisers to share stories about their businesses when colas cost a nickel and phone numbers didn’t need area codes, much less seven digits. It was a place to pay homage to the men and women who came before us and built this community into the one we enjoy today. Some would argue there was no need to change our historical look at this community. But during a meeting one day in our office, a member of our team made a comment that rang true: “There’s only so many times a business can share its history. Seems like we’ve been doing the same thing year after year.” And that’s when the mouths in this office started mumbling Dr. Seuss... “Oh the places (we’ll) go.” We wondered, aloud, if we could JONATHAN take the history of the Heights, Garden Oaks, MCELVY Oak Forest, and all our neighborhoods in bePublisher tween, and morph that into a look ahead. Could we talk to the folks who shaped our history about what they see for the generation of tomorrow? Was there any possible way, with all the resources in our community, to publish a VISION? Not too long ago, in a conversation with The Leader, someone questioned where we wanted to take this community. Did we want to turn North Shepherd into Upper Kirby? Did we want 19th to become Six Pines Drive in The Woodlands? Ella to become Times Boulevard in West University Place? In a strange way, the person asked if we – The Leader – had an agenda for what we wanted this community to, one day, become. The answer is difficult. We believe those who built, preserved and protected this community deserve to be protected. We believe the charm of our neighborhoods is a combination of antiquity and modernity, with a nod to the former. We also believe the new generation of homeowners – the young families swarming our ZIP codes – deserve their due. They are the ones paying big prices for small lots and smaller homes. They are funding the investment returns for the men and women who built this community. As such, we believe the new generation should have a hand in rebuilding, regentrifying, the neighborhoods and family homes they’ll leave to the next generation. So in a strange sort of answer, our vision of this community cannot be defined, mainly because that is not our role – despite what our name may say. Sure, we’d like to have a hand in promoting the small businesses in our market. And yes, we’d like to help inform and entertain you about the growth of our community. And in our own way, there is no doubt we’d like to be part of the vision for our community, in whatever manner that will one day be. But you all are the creators of that vision. You are the ones who will determine which businesses flourish and which ones fail. You will decide whether to rebuild your home or leave this community and head for the ’burbs. You are the ones who will determine the successes of our public and private schools, simply by your investment in time. And you are the ones who will elect and hold accountable those people charged with maintaining the public good. You are the creators of this vision. We are simply the documenters of what you discover. In the pages that follow, we’ve talked to public officials and grocery shoppers. We’ve asked for ideas and prognostications, and we even asked for a little poetry from our readers. What we’ve compiled is not even close to what we all can dream about our neighborhoods. In the end, though, maybe it will give us a vision to consider.


On Page 6A Thirty years later/ and the two-ninety feeder/ is still not complete That’s right. Our Betsy Denson took to social media, asking readers to share haikus about our neighborhoods. Needless to say, the creativity of our readers is superb.

Dr. Stephen Klineberg has studied the demographics of Houston for 32 years running. He gives you some insight into how fast we’ve grown and the million more people we can expect in the next decade.

On Page 4A We asked some of our local leaders about the future of our neighborhoods. What kinds of businesses can we expect? Are we finished with the growth spurt? Are we ready to handle the growth?

On Page 2A One important movement to improve quality of life in our area is a plan to restore the bayous all over Houston. White Oak Bayou, like most, became concrete in 1965. The city has a plan that might create a super trail of bayous that some say will imporove our neighborhoods.

On Page 8A The legacy of Clayton Lee Jr. lives on with his history of the Heights, published in today’s Leader. Read about our beginnings, and catch up with his wife, Libby, and how she puts our history in perspective.

On Page 12A This section is only possible because businesses in our community supported it. Please take the time to read about the families that keep our local businesses open.

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