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SATURDAY | August 31, 2013 | Vol. 59 | No. 44 | www.theleadernews.com | @heightsleader

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Metro offers free holiday weekend rides

Metro is offering free light-rail and local bus service on Labor Day weekend, Aug. 31-Sept. 2 – but trips will be on a reduced, Sunday schedule for the holiday Monday. City and Metro officials especially encourage use of public transit to the Museum District, Hermann Park and Houston Zoo, which always see heavy congestion during long holiday weekends. There will be no Park & Ride, MetroLift reservation or Metro RideStore services available on Monday. The agency’s Customer Care Center will be open from 8 a.m.-8 p.m., however, to handle questions about routes and other matters. For more, go to www.ridemetro. org.

HISD race could tip balance on board by Charlotte Aguilar charlotte@theleadernews.com With the majority of the Houston ISD Board of Trustees up for election on Nov. 5, two incumbents – including Leader-area trustee and Board President Anna Eastman – are facing challengers, and longtime board member Larry Marshall is not running, in an election that could tip the balance of supporters of Superintendent Terry Grier. Filing closed at 5 p.m. Monday. Eastman is being opposed by Hugo Mojica, executive director of the Greater Northside Chamber of Commerce and an




honored school volunteer who was active last session in lobbying the state legislature as a board member of the Parents for Public Schools organization. Harvin Moore, who represents upscale Galleria-area and River Oaks communities,

is being challenged by Anne Sung, a product of HISD schools and former teacher who is now director of strategic planning and public policy at the Harris County Sheriff ’s Office. Running unopposed are incumbents Mike Lunceford, who represents Bellaire, West University and other southwest communities, and Greg Meyers, whose district encompasses west Houston. Marshall’s decision not to file came as a surprise to many. Even after his attorney said in June that her client is under a federal bribery investigation, Marshall still said he would run to retain the post he’s held for 16 years, representing a slice of southwest

Inside Today


A demolition crew took down the 1912 and 1940s buildings, which had been sold to Braun Enterprises for new retail space. Both were part of The Baptist Temple. (Photo by Lucy Dukate)

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Another piece of Heights history gone for growth

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Can YFindOUInside


n one of our biggest editions of the year, The Leader has a mixed bag of sports and food. Seems fitting with high school and college football kicking off this week that we combine that with some of the best restaurants in the area that cater to families. In our VARSITY KICK-OFF, we preview the six high school teams in our area, giving you a look at their key players and schedules for every game this season. We’ve added a twist this year, as well. On Page 7B of today’s edition, our sports guru Michael Sudhalter offers an analysis of every team and what they must do to be successful. And then there’s the food. Our continued food publication, THE LIST, takes a look at the restaurants in The Leader’s coverage area that cater to family dining. We’ve included ideas for familyfriendly places to eat (ideas from our readers, too), those valuable kids-eat-free offers, and some advice on the etiquitte of taking the little ones out to eat in public. Enjoy!

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Houston. He’s been under a prolonged civil suit regarding alleged bribery involving district contracts. Four candidates are seeking to replace him -- Wanda Adams, who is term-limited after serving three terms on Houston City Council; W. Clyde Lemon, Anthony Madry and Coretta Mallet-Fontenot. Marshall, Moore and Meyers are staunch supporters of Grier and his policies, while Lunceford and Eastman frequently oppose him. Of the remaining four trustees, not facing election this year, Juliet Stipeche often challenges Grier, Paula Harris is a backer, and trustees Rhonda Skillern Jones and Manuel Rodriguez aren’t as predictable.

Bike safety still a concern by Michael Sudhalter michael@theleadernews.com The Houston Heights Association has reached out to city officials regarding safety improvements on the bicycle trail through the Heights. Councilwoman Ellen Cohen said her office will address the issue in a meeting with public works and neighborhood leaders in October. “Our office has been looking into it -- questions (about the bike path) arise frequently,” Cohen said. “Safety is the No. 1 issue.” If the city is limited in what it can do, Cohen said exploring the option

of utilizing private entities to improve safety is a possibility. Safety, in terms of signage at the path’s intersections with major thoroughfares, is the primary issue at this time. “Crime is always a concern,” Cohen said. “There are instances. I don’t believe we have seen any significant increase in crime on the trail.” Donna Bennett, an HHA board member, said the installation of HAWK lights (user-activated beacons that operate similarly to a stop light) at the trail’s intersections would help the situation. Those intersections are White Oak

Street, Heights Boulevard, Yale Street, West 11th Street, West 19th Street and West 20th Street and could make the trail safer. “These trails are a tremendous asset for our community, and every day hundreds of us use them,” Bennett said. “Further, signage and pavement marking should be enhanced at all six crossings...existing signage and pavement markings are poorly seen by motorists...We believe these upgrades will enhance the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians without significant delays to motorists. The HHA is committed to cooperating with the city to resolve the issues at these six crossings.”

The Baptist Temple Church and decades of memories find their way into accounts of Heights history, and we at The Leader have incorporated a sepia-toned photo of the structure into our cover photo on Facebook and recently used it as the signature art on our Visions special edition. But now, the original two buildings of the Baptist Temple Church on the corner of 20th Street and Rutland, constructed in 1912 and in the 1940s, are no more. They were demolished this week to make way for new retail space. The sale by the church to Braun Enterprises will fund the renovation of the church’s adjacent 1960s sanctuary, offices and education center, a $3 million project. Officials have said they plan to incorporate features from the historic structures into the renovation. Braun already is developing the former Harolds in the Heights building a block away into retail-dining and also owns the old Yale Street Pharmacy building nearby.

The Houston Heights Association has reached out to city officials for better signage and safety along the bike trails in the community. (Photo by Michael Sudhalter)

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