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SATURDAY | September 21, 2013 | Vol. 59 | No. 47 | | @heightsleader
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Reader’s Choice results revealed next week
You nominated them, you voted for them – and in the Sept. 28 edition of The Leader, you’ll find out which of our neighborhoods’ merchants, eateries and services are the Reader’s Choice as their favorites for 2013. The selection process was a departure this year for The Leader, allowing readers to put forth and select the best of all the businesses in the area instead of just a long laundry list of recommendations. There’s a Top 3 in each category, with each mail-in, hand-delivered and online vote counted. We were pleased with how the nominated businesses and individuals encouraged their customers to support them with their votes. So you have just one week to wait to see if your favorite politician, doctor, veterinarian, Mexican restaurant and so many more made the cut. And apart from the fun aspects, this will be a great resource list of what your neighbors think is the best in our communities. Stay tuned.
Chickened out: Hen ordinance plucked “There isn’t a champion for it [on the Houston City Council] right now. Hens for Houston still has some work they can do.” • Christopher Newport
by Michael Sudhalter Hens for Houston, a nonprofit organization dedicated to pet chicken ownership in Houston, has run into a roadblock, at least temporarily. The organization was looking to change the city’s animal ordinance to accommodate domestic hen owners, but despite meetings with at least 75 percent of the City Council members, they weren’t able to get the item into subcommittee, they say. Hens for Houston founder/director Claire Krebs attributed the stalled legislation to election season and misconceptions about the proposals, which would allow hens but
Public Infomation Officer, BARC
Annabelle Stevens of Oak Forest showed off one of three hens her family keeps in the backyard in a photo shoot with The Leader a year ago for a story on backyard hen-keeping. (File photo) not roosters. “Everyone has something else (they’re thinking about),” Krebs said. “A number
of councilmembers are worried that their constituents will have a gut reaction. People hear ‘chicken,’ and they think ‘rooster.’ The
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by Michael Sudhalter
said. “It’s not a recruiting thing or evangelism. We wanted to give our members an opportunity to serve the community and serve Christ outside the walls of the church.” While Coats’ specialty is singing, playing guitar and talking to students about the importance of a positive attitude, many of the other volunteers read to classes of all ages. “I like them when they read stories,” said Durham first grader Logan Juge. Fellow first grader Layne Heath agreed. “They’re fun, and they’re good readers,” Heath said. Durham has faced challenges in recent years, with four principals in as many
The Texas Department of Transportation released a re-evaluation of the 290/610 construction plan that changes plans for toll lanes on Hempstead Highway -- but a critic says it does little to address concerns about noise levels. The original plan included toll lanes on Hempstead Highway, but Harris County doesn’t have the funding for it. Instead, the toll lanes will be on U.S. 290. “The ultimate vision is to put the toll lanes on Hempstead Highway in 20 years, and at that point, take the managed lanes on 290 and convert them to Planned toll lanes will general purpose move from Hempstead lanes,” said Karen Othon, public in- Highway to 290. formation officer for TxDOT’s 290 project. Public comments were taken through Sept. 18. The comments will be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration, which will be needed to approve the re-evaluation. Due to the construction on 290, which will be completed in 2017, TxDOT recently started a $3.6 million asphalt overlay project on Hempstead Highway. “It’ll make the roadway safer and flow more
see Durham • Page 10A
see 290 • Page 10A
Church helps refresh Durham by Michael Sudhalter Durham Elementary School fifth graders begin clapping like fans at a rock concert when Pastor Frank Coats enters the room with his guitar and banjo. “Hello, Mr. Coats!,” they say in near unison. After a few welcoming words, Coats, the pastor of St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church at 4300 N. Shepherd, is singing “This Little Light Of Mine” and strumming on his guitar. And the students are singing along. Coats’ visit to the school goes beyond entertaining the children. When he arrived at St. Matthew’s five years ago, he wanted to start a volunteer program that
St. Matthew’s Pastor Frank Coats entertains and talks about a positive attitude. would serve the community. “We want to do something for the kids, just for the sake of doing it,” Coats
The Leader partners with KHOU for news coverage
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see Hens • Page 10A
290 project changes lanes; noise concerns still lingering
Aly Eaton is a former teacher now sharing her time by reading to pupils at Durham. (Photos by Michael Sudhalter)
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language in the draft is solid -- it’s been vetted by BARC (Bureau of Animal Regulation and Care). It’s like any other issue. You have to educate yourself on it and understand what the details are.” According to Christopher Newport, public information officer for BARC, Mayor Annise Parker was looking for councilmembers to express interest in the issue. In September, Hens for Houston and BARC agreed on a proposed draft with no distance setback for up to eight hens, but a large enough coop would need a building code permit as any other building would. The BARC proposal would allow a permit
Developers of the old Harolds in the Heights men’s store retained the original neon sign in the redesign of the building, which will reopen next week with Torchy’s Tacos as the first new tenant. (Photo by Michael Sudhalter)
Old Harolds coming to life as Torchy’s, General Store Torchy’s Tacos will open its third Houston location at 7 a.m. Sept. 26 at 350 W. 19th St. – and with giveaways, it could be a mob scene like its first two openings on Shepherd and in Rice Village. There will be one free breakfast taco offered per customer with a chance to win free tacos for a year. And, as Houston’s only Torchy’s location with a bar, serving infused tequilas and cocktails, the first 100 customers on opening day who join the restaurant’s Firewater Club (a requirement for this “dry” part of
the Heights) will receive a special glass that will get them $1 off each draft beer for life. The Heights General Store is aiming to open in a few weeks at the same location, the old Harolds men’s clothing store, which also features a third space whose occupant has yet to be announced. Named head chef last week for the “store” is Antoine Ware, a Hurricane Katrina transplant who has gained notoriety at the Hay Merchant, Catalan and Federal Grill.
The Leader is pleased to announce a new partnership with the award-winning news department at KHOU-Channel 11. That means we’ll share information with their journalists about the communities The Leader covers, and we’ll have access to their deep and abundant newsgathering resources. For instance, KHOU’s newscasts recently aired a version of The Leader’s in-depth report, “On the Brink,” about crime problems on the fringe of Shepherd Park Plaza, and featured an interview with Publisher Jonathan McElvy. Supplemented by their large staff and 24/7 coverage, will benefit from being able to link freely to KHOU’s coverage of breaking news. “This is an exciting partnership for us because it opens an opportunity to work with other journalists in this community who appreciate our area’s growth,” McElvy said. “And while I’m looking forward to teaming with KHOU on stories, this doesn’t reduce the commitment we’ve made at The Leader to covering our readers and businesses better than any other medium in the market. We plan to keep it that way.” We’re looking forward to a long and productive partnership that will help both our readers and their viewers stay informed about the Greater Heights and northwest Houston. – Charlotte Aguilar, Editor