Inside Today: We honor those fighting breast cancer • Page 1B
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10570 NW Frwy 713-680-2350
SATURDAY | October 12, 2013 | Vol. 59 | No. 50 | | @heightsleader
Stranger Danger
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SUCCESS stories from our neighborhoods
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Why we’re publishing in the pink this week
It wasn’t that breast cancer didn’t exist back when The Leader first started publishing 59 years ago – it’s just that it was rarely discussed or spoken of only in hushed tones. Times have changed, The Leader has changed, and for the second year, we’re devoting our monthly health section to the critical mission of creating breast cancer awareness during this month designated for that cause. The Leader is teaming up with our leading health advertiser, Memorial Hermann Northwest Hospital, and the admirable Houston nonprofit, The Rose, to bring you a section that we hope is informative, motivational, inspiring –– and centered in your neighborhoods, with the stories of survivors who thrive as artists, volunteers and more. And, as last year, we’re donating a portion of proceeds from our advertisers who supported this effort to The Rose and its Me2 program. We’re about more than just pretty pink ink. ������������������ ������������������ ��������������������������� ������������������ ������������� �����������
Man in van lurks outside Heights school, library by Charlotte Aguilar
Durham Elementary students participated in the Shepherd Park clean-up event last Saturday morning. At top, cars lined Dunsmere Road as citizens, students and politicians came to clean the park. (Photos by Michael Sudhalter)
Students, families converge to clean park by Michael Sudhalter
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What you can find inside
• ANNUAL CHURCH GARAGE SALE: Glad Tidings. Indoors in the Life Center. 5435 Bingle. Friday, Oct. 11, 8-4; Saturday, Oct. 12, 8-2. Call 713-4623555 or 713-391-7647. • HOUSE FOR RENT - GARDEN OAKS/OAK FOREST AREA: 3-1-2. $1,225/month plus equal deposit. 713-692-4543. • CAREGIVER: Weekends, live-in, transportation, references. 713-2564024. • WANT TO PLAY CRIBBAGE? Call Jim, 713-688-3540. Game days Wednesday afternoons. Northwest Mall.
See more, Page 4B
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Harvard Elementary School Principal Kevin Beringer sent home a letter to families last Friday informing them that two pupils had been approached by a man trying to get them into his van, and of what steps the school and police were taking. (Submitted image)
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Houston Mayor Annise Parker visited Shepherd Park Plaza on Saturday morning and thanked residents, including Durham Elementary students and Boy Scout Troop 604, for beautifying the park. “Thank you, Durham Elementary for working with us and caring so much about our kids,” Parker said. The clean-up effort of the park and Ann’s Labyrinth was sponsored by the city’s Department of Neighborhoods. The Labyrinth was built in honor of the late Ann Scardino, who founded the park. Parker, who served as a civic club president before becoming a city councilmember, helped pick weeds in the clean-up effort as Councilmember Ellen Cohen raked. “There are over 73 civic clubs in District C, and this is one of the most active and involved,” Cohen said. “I think when you look around, it’s absolutely fantastic.” Cohen said there was a lot of symbolism in Labyrinths and
Houston Councilmember Ellen Cohen, left, and Houston Mayor Annise Parker, chat before the ceremonial groundbreaking of Bayou Greenways 2020 last week at White Oak Bayou. (Photo by Michael Sudhalter)
overcoming challenges. She sported a pink baseball cap and spoke poignantly about the challenge of surviving breast cancer 44 years ago. “It was important (to improve the labyrinth) -- we as a troop love going out there and helping people out,” said Troop 604 member Nathaniel Leighton, a Waltrip High senior. Durham teacher specialist Amelia Roman-Angeles, speaking in place of principal Angie Sugarek who couldn’t attend the event, said it was a positive experience for the students. “We strive to teach our students about collaborating and helping,” Roman-Angeles said. “We’re very proud of our students. We want them to be successful in life and have real life experiences.” The area had been long neglected but in recent weeks has seen a surge in attention from the Constable’s office, city crews -- and now this major effort. All the activity followed a special, multi-part report by The Leader entitled “On the Brink” in August, which led to a report on KHOU, our broadcast news partners.
Reagan senior Magnus Kinne (No. 30) stands with his teammates during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner.
Magnus freed to play Reagan High senior defensive end/tight end Magnus Kinne, an exchange student from Norway, was declared eligible by the University Interscholastic League (UIL) on Oct. 4. He responded to the good news by registering five tackles, including one for a loss, in a 56-20 rout of Milby that evening at Barnett Stadium. “It was really awesome,” Kinne said. “I was just so happy and pumped to finally be able to go out there and play with my teammates.” The UIL sent a letter to the school on Oct. 1 and it arrived Friday afternoon, just in time for the game.
see Magnus • Page 8A
Parents and school officials in the Heights went on the alert and Houston and Houston ISD police boosted patrols after a man in a van approached two Harvard Elementary School pupils at different locations after school last Thursday afternoon and tried to get them into his vehicle. The man was described by “A man in a parents as being about 60 years white van just old, driving a drove up to white van with shaded windows me and asked and carrying a me if I was red poncho. The lost and did I mother in the first incident, need a ride. picking up her But I backed child outside the school in the 900 away from block of Har- him...” vard, provided police with a license plate number, as well, authorities said. The second incident reportedly occurred a few minutes later, outside the Heights Library, 1302 Heights Blvd. Kevin Beringer, principal at Harvard, had made an automated phone call to all families Thursday night, and Friday, after learning of the second approach, sent home a letter telling of both incidents. In the letter, Beringer said he had instructed teachers to talk to their classes about “stranger danger” and urged parents to do the same over the weekend. It was after receiving the automated call that the mother who reported the case at the Heights Library put
see Danger • Page 8A
City hosts Bayou Greenways 2020 groundbreaking The city broke ground last week on Bayou Greenways 2020 at White Oak Bayou at the MKT Bridge, between 700 and 800 North Durham. “We’re re-imagining this wonderful green space as it should be and could be,” Mayor Annise Parker said. “It’s a gift to generations of Houstonians.” Councilmember Ellen Cohen, County Commissioner Jack Cagle, Parks & Recreation director Joe Turner and others were present for the event, which marked the first segment of a seven-year plan to create 1,500 acres of new parkland and trails for greenspace along the city’s bayous. “The neighborhoods will benefit,” Cohen said. “The project benefits the physical and mental health of the individual and the environmental health of our society.” After White Oak, the city will work on Brays, Sims,
Hunting, Halls, Greens and Buffalo bayous, as well as Cypress and Clear Creeks in Harris County. Cagle said the project shows the strength of the city,
see Bayou • Page 8A