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Inside Today: Time to start talking about holiday stress management • Page 1B

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SATURDAY | November 9, 2013 | Vol. 61 | No. 2 | www.theleadernews.com | @heightsleader

St. Thomas wins bid for land

THE BRIEF. www.allenSOLDit.com

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by Michael Sudhalter michael@theleadernews.com

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Constable finds solution to property of deceased

Dorothy Lowe, the Heights resident who was posthumously victimized when scammers took belongings (including a vehicle) from her home on W. 17th Street, willed all of her possessions to the American Cancer Society (ACS), according to Harris County Precinct One Constable Alan Rosen. Lowe, who passed away in her late 80s in May 2010, didn’t have any apparent heirs, so Rosen couldn’t pursue a case when neighbors reported seeing two women and a man allegedly break into the home, ransack it and look for valuables. Now that it’s clear the ACS has the legal right to Lowe’s possessions, Rosen’s office has legal recourse to pursue a case should the alleged scammers resurface.

St. Thomas High School will become the new owner of the adjacent property, Houston ISD’s High School for Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice (4701 Dickson Street, at Shepherd Drive), pending HISD board approval at its monthly meeting on Nov. 14. HISD held a final round of bids on Nov. 1. St. Thomas had the highest bid at $60 million, to Elk Mountain Ltd.’s $49,272.914. On Oct. 15, Elk Mountain’s bid was $47,927,114 – all cash – compared to St. Thomas High School’s

The bidding process was thrown out earlier this year after school board members were inappropriately lobbied $45 million bid. Unlike the initial round of bidding in July, which had aspirants offer a purchase price and leaseback terms while the new LECJ is being built, lease terms were already built into the October bid, so all that’s competitive is the sales price. HISD asked both parties to come back with a final bid by Friday, Nov. 1. In July, St. Thomas had a slightly

higher bid than A.V. Dickson, a real estate investment company whose leaseback terms were considerably lower than St. Thomas. But that process was ended when it was determined both parties had improperly lobbied school board members. Houston ISD will use the funds from the sale to build a new, state of the art High School for Law Enforcement elsewhere in Houston.

FINALLY It’s been 54 years since Reagan High School won a district title. They did it last week with their win over Waltrip. See a recap of the milestone, Page 7A.

Veteran’s Day: The Next Great Generation

by Jonathan McElvy jonathan@theleadernews.com


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Can U O YFind Inside

ARE YOU MISSING SOME PHOTOS? 1 1/2 pounds of photos found on Oak Forest Drive, south of Du Barry Nov. 1. Call 713-681-1820. FORD MERCURY SABLE (1999): Great body, runs very well, $2,200. 832-884-9762. MOVING: 16.1 cu. ft. freezer, $100; sofa, $100; Chippendale-style dining room table w/eight chairs, 88” x 48”, $500; queen bedroom suite includes dresser, mirror and nightstands, $400. 832-439-4845, 281-970-3323. (11-16) MOVING IN/MOVING OUT? Call Frank to haul off trash/junk. 832-8935697. (TF) FULL-TIME NANNY: Need good references and experience. Live-out. Contact (832) 350-4186.

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Voters keep mayor but doom ’Dome

Ret. U.S. Army. Capt. Marcos Garcia, left, and friend, Mark Rosenfelder, enjoy barbecuing outside Garcia’s apartment on Sunday. Below, Garcia, a member of American Legion Post 560 in Garden Oaks, served as a platoon leader in Mosul, Iraq in 2007-08. (Photos by Michael Sudhalter)

Garcia looks to reinvigorate American Legion by Michael Sudhalter michael@theleadernews.com Houston resident Marcos Garcia remembers the first Veteran’s Day he spent as an employee of Dow Chemical in Deer Park two years ago. “When I first started at Dow, they put up a bunch of American flags,” Garcia said. “It meant a lot to me. I shy away from the spotlight, but that meant a lot to me that they put those flags up.” The 33-year-old engineering project manager retired as a U.S. Army Captain five years ago and says that each Veteran’s Day becomes more special to him. “As the years go by, it becomes

more nostalgic,” Garcia said. “The Army becomes a sense of real pride for me. I don’t know where I’d be right now without the Army -- it helped with my work ethic, and it helped me realize how much you can get done in a 24-hour period.” Garcia, who was born and raised in El Paso, moved to Houston in 2008 after retiring from the Army. “I have an Engineering degree, and this is a hotspot for engineers,” he said. In 2011, he became involved with American Legion Post 560 in Garden Oaks. Although he’d played American Legion baseball in high school, he was unaware of

It wasn’t what you might consider the hottest of campaign seasons in Leader areas, but a couple of citywide elections, along with two school board seats made for interesting banter in the weeks leading up to Tuesday’s vote. In unofficial vote tallies, Houston Mayor Annise Parker won without breaking a sweat, avoiding a runoff despite the eight candidates seeking to unseat her in a final possible term. Ben Hall, her closest competitor, spent millions on the race and still only garnered 28 percent of the vote. Parker finished with nearly 57 percent of the vote and proclaimed her love for Houston in a victory speech and mass email the following day. “I love this city,” Parker said. “And thank you for giving me the honor and privilege of working with you for another two years to make the best even better.” Voters in Harris County also were asked to either support or reject a bond issue that would have granted $217 million to refurbish the wilting Astrodome, and 53 percent of voters nixed the idea. And in Proposition 1, which asked for funding to build a new criminal processing center, voters said yes – by a margin of just 456 votes with more than 224,000 people voting. Anna Eastman easily won another term on the Houston Independent School District Board, soundly defeating Hugo Mojica 77 percent to 23 percent. In the Houston Community College-District 1 race, Yolanda Navarro Flores will need to go extra rounds to win the position after winning 49 percent of the vote. Of the 12,056 votes cast in that race, she finished 113 short of winning outright. She’ll face Zeph Capo in a runoff, who finished with 27 percent, while Kevin Hoffman ultimately forced the runoff by collecting 24 percent of the votes. In local Houston City Council races, neither Ellen Cohen (District C) or Ed Gonzalez (District H) faced competition, guaranteeing another term on the council. Before election results were in, Cohen already began talking about her plans for an-

see Election • Page 8A

see Garcia • Page 8A

Shorter holiday shopping season has local businesses starting early by Betsy Denson betsy@theleadernews.com While no one has coined a name for the week after Halloween – Black Friday or Small Business Saturday – it’s evident that holiday shopping has begun. The cold(er) weather is one clue. The Nutcracker Market at Reliant is another. And then there are the stores throughout The Leader area, from 19th Street out 290, that have begun their preparations. After a lively First Saturday Arts Market on 19th Street last week, early holiday shoppers hit the street on Sunday. Heights resident Renee Blaize bought an apron from Coda and children’s clothing and notepads

Gloria Saldivar shows sister Janie Garcia the table runner she bought at Jubilee. She said she will use it for Thanksgiving and Christmas. (Photo by Betsy Denson)

from Thread – all to be given as Christmas gifts. Elizabeth McCain and daughter Ava hadn’t made any purchases but instead

were getting ideas, both to purchase and to make. According to the calendar, it’s a good

thing people are starting their shopping a little early. And it’s even better for local businesses. This year, there are only 26 “official” shopping days between Black Friday (Nov. 29) and Christmas Eve. In fact, it is the shortest shopping season since 2002. Last year, there were 32 days in the shopping season. According to a small business research group, Manta, 50 percent of small businesses say they will maintain their current sales strategies during the holiday season. That also leaves 50 percent of local stores that say they plan to change strategies. Manta says the best tip for local business-

see Shopping • Page 8A

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