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Inside Today: Grandad, grandson find gridiron camaraderie • Page 1B HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE �������������� Santa Stops Here So Should You

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10570 NW Frwy 713-680-2350

SATURDAY | November 16, 2013 | Vol. 60 | No. 3 | www.theleadernews.com | @heightsleader

Finally, progress at Waltrip

THE BRIEF. www.allenSOLDit.com

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by Michael Sudhalter michael@theleadernews.com

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Businesses encouraged to attend safety meeting The Oak Forest Homeowner’s Association is welcoming any business owner or business person in the Oak Forest area to a free information meeting about S.E.A.L.S., the neighborhood’s private security firm, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20, at St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church. Business people who attend will get a chance to speak with S.E.A.L.S. representatives to learn how they can help secure their business. While much of the security discussion has been focused on residential safety, OFHA also wants to promote S.E.A.L.S. ability to provide security for businesses in and around the neighborhood. At 7 p.m. Nov. 18, OFHA will host its regularly scheduled monthly meeting at the Candlelight Community Center. S.E.A.L.S. representatives will attend the meeting and present a monthly report. They began patrolling the neighborhood on Nov. 1. For more information, visit the website at OFHA.org.

Gensler project manager Nina Murrell discusses the 2012 Waltrip Bond, with the community on Nov. 7 (Photo by Michael Sudhalter)

The Waltrip High School community received some long-awaited answers on 2012 and 2007 bonds, respectively, last week. “I thought it was very productive,” Waltrip High principal Andria Schur said. “It’s good to have some answers to ’07 and bridge ’07 to ’12. Finally, we have progress.” The 2007 bond project is under way and is expected to be complete around February 2015, and the 2012 project, which is in the planning phase, is expected to be

complete in mid-2016. The goal of the project is for Waltrip to be able to accommodate 1,900 students, up from 1,600 currently. The plan is to have drawings and specifications for 2012 construction by the spring and to procure contractors by early 2015. The construction of the 2007 bond began in 2011, under former contractor Fort Bend Mechanical. Sixty percent of that construction was completed, but it was halted, according to Houston ISD Officer of Construction and Facility Services Robert Sands. “The last contractor was not keeping

Did You Know? Houston is designated one of the most scenic cities in Texas

by Betsy Denson betsy@theleadernews.com

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Can YFindOUInside

Based on a number of categories, the city of Houston was named one of most ‘Scenic’ in Texas. The reason is because the city has ordinances in place to clean lots, prevent litter, and protect trees from rubbish in construction areas. Anything wrong with that picture? Read Page 3A.

CHRISTMAS SHIH-TZU PUPPIES FOR SALE: Pure breed, $300. 281213-3952. MOVING: 16.1 cu. ft. freezer, $100; sofa, $100; Chippendale-style dining room table w/eight chairs, 88” x 48”, $500; queen bedroom suite includes dresser, mirror and nightstands, $400. 832-439-4845, 281-970-3323.

CERTIFIED NURSE’S ASSISTANT looking for work. Day or night. Good references. 832-439-9971.

See more, Page 4B


Public Safety Hipstrict Topics Obituaries Coupons Puzzles Sports Classifieds

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see Waltrip • Page 4A

Want to help clean up?


WOODLAWN CEMETERY: Two plots. Woodlawn price, $1,850 each. My price, $3,000 for both. 713-2329396.

up,” Sands said. “We reduced the scope of the work, so we could find another contractor to finish. They weren’t doing it right or quick enough. We figured it was time to part ways.” Satterfield & Pontikes Construction is the construction manager for both bond projects. They received the $22.6 million contract in August. Gensler is handling the architectural and design aspects of the project. Of the ’07 projects, some of the construction resumed this week – each classroom will have a smart board by Decem-

Recently, The Leader shared information about the The Mayor’s Mow-Down Program, which is a pilot program sponsored by the Department of Neighborhoods(DON) in partnership with Keep Houston Beautiful (KHB). Conya Barreras,commuDespite some nity relations intercommercial manager with DON, est in being part the of the program, said that there has been a lot the city is only of interest in looking for neighthe program borhood groups as well as in- and civic organizaquiries about tions to be part of program spethe Mow-Down cifics. program. Barreras said that she’s been getting calls from businesses who want to mow lots on a contract basis, which is not the purpose of the program. “The program is intended for the stakeholders in a community to get involved,” she said. These would include nonprofit associations, religious institutions and community organizations. Once an abandoned and overgrown lot has been identified by an organization, the lot must then be evaluated by the city. The approval process involves determining ownership and giving any property owners due notice. Once the lot

see Mow • Page 4A

Age matters none at Del-Mar Lanes by Michael Sudhalter michael@theleadernews.com Molly Davis has always enjoyed playing sports and being active. As a Reagan High student in the mid 1930s, Davis played volleyball for one of the first Lady Bulldogs teams. Davis, 94, graduated from Reagan in 1937 and stayed in the Houston area. When she was in her 60s, her sister encouraged her to bowl. “I gave it a shot,” said Davis, who now bowls twice a week in a senior league at Del-Mar Lanes. “I’ve loved it, and I’ll love it ‘til I die. It’s good exercise, and you meet a bunch of friendly people.” Davis is one of several nonagenerians who participate in Del-Mar Lanes’ senior leagues. The oldest league member was 98year-old Heights resident Dottie Rollfing, who retired from the sport last year.

94-yearyoung Molly Davis bowls twice a week. The senior leagues, which run Monday through Thursday at noon and Friday at 9:30 a.m., begin at age 52, but there are

plenty of folks in their 70s and 80s who compete. “It gets them out and gives them something to do,” Del-Mar manager Mike Holland said. Each of the bowlers has their own story of how they decided to join the league. Some were competitive from their high school days, and others picked up the sport as newly-minted senior citizens. Eighty-seven year-old Wayne Kennedy loves the sport so much that he was playing the day after he had a pacemaker put in. George Wilson, 94, travels to Del-Mar from southwest Houston. The retired IBM service manager was a competitive bowler in his 30s and 40s. He broke his right elbow five years ago,

see Bowl • Page 4A

Shepherd Forest Bob McClung, 81, bowls in a senior league on Fridays at Del-Mar Lanes. (Photos by Michael Sudhalter)

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