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Inside Today: Go inside a Bungalow Revival renovation • Page 1B

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10570 NW Frwy 713-680-2350

SATURDAY | November 23, 2013 | Vol. 60 | No. 4 | www.theleadernews.com | @heightsleader

Heights loses ‘bridge’ between past, present

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Despite fix, low water pressure still a problem

The mystery of low water pressure for some residents in the Lazybrook and Timbergrove areas persists, even after the replacement of a valve on 18th Street that was believed to be part of the problem. Alvin Wright, public information officer for the city’s Department of Public Works, encourages residents to keep calling “311” so the city can track the situation. Wright said replacing the valve may not have fixed the problem and added that more rainfall doesn’t result in higher water pressure. “I have lived here since 1972 and never had this issue until a few months ago,” Timbergrove resident Jerry Marburger wrote in an e-mail to councilwoman Ellen Cohen’s office. “Not only is the problem with me, and my subdivision Timbergrove on this side of bayou , but also Lazybrook and Holly Park subdivisions. This is well known and been in the Leader newspaper.” A representative from Cohen’s office said they haven’t received many calls regarding low water pressure. When they do receive a call, they forward the information to DPW, via a 311 report.

by Michael Sudhalter michael@theleadernews.com


Many people remember longtime Heights resident Libby Lee as the wife of the late Clayton “Mr. Heights” Lee Jr., but Mrs. Lee, who passed away at age 95 at 2:50 p.m. on Saturday, made just as many valuable contributions to the community. Graveside Services were at Forest Park Lawndale at 11 a.m. Wednesday, and Reverend Chris Bryan officiated. “In many ways, Libby Lee embodied the spirit of the community she called

Complete obituary, Page 6A Libby would be proud of where our community is going, Page 4A home for 95 years, the Houston Heights,” said Terry Burge, a longtime friend and president of the Greater Heights Chamber of Commerce. “Loyal and lovely, charming and wise, she was fiercely independent yet always generous and gracious. Libby was one of the few remaining bridges between the Heights’ golden past and its thriving present.” Elizabeth (Libby) Weatherford Lee was born

If you need a room in this area, book it now by Betsy Denson betsy@theleadernews.com

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ONE OWNER - 1993 TAURUS SHO: Black, 125K, 5-speed manual transmission, $3,800 obo. 713-906-1038. NEED THAT SUIT OR DRESS ALTERED BY CHRISTMAS? Let Charlotte do your alterations. Reasonable. Pick up and delivery. 713-694-0003. FOR LEASE: 4-2-2, Mangum Manor. $1,500/month + $1,500 deposit. No smokers, no pets. 713-702-9304. GENERAL LAWN CLEAN UP, yard, flower work. Henry, 713-686-4743.


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see Lee • Page 8A

Where to stay?



in Bryan on Aug. 8, 1918, but to paraphrase the age old saying, she got to the Heights as quick as she could. Lee joined the Baptist Temple Church in the Heights in 1925 and was a member for nearly 87 years. She sang in the church’s choir for 33 years and was a charter member of the “Lifeline” Sunday school class. She graduated from Hamilton Middle School and Reagan High. She was a proud Reagan Redcoat drum major in the Class of 1936. Lee was very involved in the Heights civic community as a member of the Houston Heights Woman’s Club, and a past president of both the Houston Heights Women in Rotary and Women’s Auxiliary to Plumbing and Me-


f we do one thing this time of year, we eat. We go to mom’s house for a traditional meal. We take the family to a restaurant when our feet are tired and our dishwasher is full. In today’s edition of The Leader, we offer a special look at the food that makes up the holiday season – local and celebrity recipes – and we even give you tips for how to prepare if you’re hosting your family for the first time. Find The List inside today’s paper.

When Connie McCreight and her husband, Bob, bought Sara’s Bed and Breakfast from her parents in 1988 – who had purchased it themselves in 1983 – there wasn’t an overwhelming demand for their services. “People didn’t know what to do with us in the beginning,” According to Paige she said. But times Cassel, Hampton have changed. “I think we’re the Inn & Suites loses its lone ranger,” said business travelers McCreight, referduring the holidays, ring to the closing but picks up its of the Sycamore ‘leisure’ travelers at Heights Bed and the same time. Breakfast in October. Her 11 rooms are all booked for Thanksgiving and there’s one room left for Christmas. She said she gets customers with family in the Heights and Washington Corridor as well as Garden Oaks and Timbergrove too. Sandy and Allan Tkacz of San Antonio were enjoying a night to themselves before visiting their daughter in Memorial. “We love the Heights,” said Tkacz, who has a cousin there. “We’ll be back in a couple of weeks for the home tours.” Sara’s is popular because of the private baths, although some are bigger than others. “One room has the bath across the hall,” said McCreight. “It’s the last room to go, usually to a teenager or a single person.” Other amenities include Wi-Fi, mini-

see Rooms • Page 8A

For shoppers, local gems are the place to go by Betsy Denson betsy@theleadernews.com Part of finding the right gift is knowing just where to look for it. And while some people may enjoy the crush of humanity at the Galleria this time of year, there are others who prefer to stick a little closer to home. Leader readers suggested a few local stores and boutiques which might not be on your radar, but should be. Linda’s Pearls and Jewelry is tucked into the corridor shops on 19th Street and owner Linda Brito-Smith said they don’t advertise, but this little shop is not to be missed. Open for eight years by appointment only and two years as a walk-in store, Linda’s Pearls and Jewelry specializes in fresh water pearls incorporated with semi-precious stones like agate, jade and turquoise. Customers can buy a ready made necklace or design their own because the shop will string and knot it for you.

“Others take two to three weeks to string a piece of jewelry but we’ll do it while you wait. It’s cheaper too,” said Linda Brito-Smith. She charges $45 an hour. Most of her business is word of mouth and walk-ins. She said she gets a lot of business from people who bring in jewelry of sentimental value to be restrung or because their heirloom pearl necklace has gotten too short. Brito-Smith and co-owner husband Michael have full time corporate jobs in the oil and gas industry, so the store is open on weekends, noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday as well as by private appointment. Down the street next to Menchies, Urban Soles is owned by Inge Feagin, who has had the shop for six years. “We focus on people who like to walk and hike,” she said and carries brands like Clarkes and Birkenstock.

see Shopping • Page 8A

Ellie Tyson looks at Darlene’s handbags as Marcy Conn and Jane Holzapfel look on.

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