Guinea pigs 101: How to Care For Your New Pet

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Guinea Pigs 101: How to Care for Your New Pet Guinea pigs are more than just soft, adorable pets. They are smart animals that are good with kids and make a great addition to the family. They are normally very friendly and sometimes even squeak happily when their owners walk into the room. If you’ve decided to adopt a guinea pig, you probably already know how important it is to provide a good home for him. Guinea pigs need proper care and the best home so they will be healthy and content. When guinea pigs are well looked after, their lifespan is usually between five and seven years. So how do you make sure your guinea pig has the best home possible? Here are some guidelines to help you welcome your newest family member into the home. What You Will Need There are some supplies you will need from the day you pick up your guinea pig. These supplies need to be ready for your guinea pig in order for him to be safe and happy while he gets used to his new home. When you purchase a guinea pig, make sure you have the following supplies: • Large Cage with a Solid Bottom • Bedding • Den to Hide In • Food Dish and Water Bottle • Food Pellets • Timothy Hay • Chew Toys These supplies are important to the well being of your new pet, so be sure to have them ready as soon as you bring your guinea pig home.

The Right Housing for Your Pet Guinea pigs need plenty of room to exercise, so make sure your pet’s cage is large and has plenty of horizontal space. While you can use a wire cage for your guinea pig, do not use one with a wire bottom. Your guinea pig’s feet will get sore from standing on the wire, and they may even get caught in the spaces between wires. The bottom of his cage should have soft bedding made from pine, aspen or shredded paper. Cedar bedding is not recommended since it can cause respiratory problems for guinea pigs. Put the cage in a quiet area of your home that is away from other pets and windows, since guinea pigs do not enjoy drafts or direct heat. Guinea pigs like to have a place to hide and sleep where they feel safe and protected. They also like an area that is all their own. Provide this for your pet by adding a den, which you can buy at a pet store, to his cage. Keep the cage clean by removing soiled bedding and adding new, clean bedding on a daily basis. You will also need to remove your guinea pig, and all the bedding, and use warm water to clean the cage periodically. Feeding Your Guinea Pig a Healthy Diet You also need to include a food dish and a water bottle in your guinea pig’s cage. Always put food directly in the dish, and never on top of the bedding where your pet could accidentally eat the bedding with the food. Guinea pigs need a diet that consists mostly of hay. Timothy hay is a great option, and you can supplement it with other types of hay like oat and orchard grass. Guinea pigs also love fresh vegetables so provide things like kale, shredded carrots and zucchini every other day. Guinea pigs also need food pellets to add Vitamin C to their diet. Vets say that a complete diet for fibrevores should provide for their dental, digestive and emotional health. The Excel Feeding Plan is an easy to follow 5-a-day guide to ensure your rabbit, guinea pig or chinchilla gets the right balance of fibre, nutrients, vitamins and minerals for their all round health. That’s why Burgess Excel is the UK’s No. 1 vet recommended food for fibrevores. Visit – for more information. When you feed your pet, remove any food that he doesn’t eat after a few hours. Make sure your guinea pig always has plenty of fresh water in his water bottle. Guinea Pig Grooming

Grooming is another important aspect of taking care of your guinea pig, especially if he is a long-haired breed. Use a guinea pig brush, available at your pet store, to gently brush his coat. Do this on a daily basis to keep his coat healthy and shiny and to prevent it from forming knots or mats. Guinea pigs do groom themselves to a certain extent but they still need to be brushed regularly. If you notice a change in your pet’s grooming habits, take him to a vet as this could signal a health problem. Toys and Exercise to Keep Your Guinea Pig Fit and Happy Your guinea pig’s teeth continue to grow unless he maintains them by chewing on things. Provide chew toys so your pet has something safe to chew on. Toys can also provide some interest, stimulation and fun for your guinea pig. Interact with your guinea pig and let him play in a pet pen in a clear area in your home for added exercise. Be sure to supervise him at all times and make sure he isn’t able to reach electrical cords or anything else that may be tempting to chew on.

Guinea pigs are great family pets and are fun companions to hold and watch. When you take good care of your new pet, he will love you back with affection and snuggles.

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