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President From our
Burkhart is passionate about providing exceptional service to our clients We identify each client’s unique needs along with their personal and professional goals We provide helpful information, skilled service, and specific products . We earnestly work in the best interest of others because, at the end of the day, that’s what makes our work most satisfying
Passion is not a virtue that is developed overnight Since 1888, Burkhart has made sure every service we provide improves the career or life of our clients . Many of the services we provide help free up our clients from smaller day-to-day tasks and allow them to focus on their top priorities . Some of those services include managing inventory, controlling supply costs, and making sure digital equipment and software work well together .
We have one central goal — to provide the best client experiences Staying focused is what makes us efficient, knowledgeable, and current in the marketplace .
Lori Burkhart Isbell President
If you have a request for a topic you would like us to cover in Catalyst, please contact our Marketing Department at: Marketing@BurkhartDental com
Catalyst Magazine is published by: Burkhart Dental Supply 2502 South 78th Street Tacoma, WA 98409
253 474 7761 F 253 . 472 4773