Burley Oaks Brochure 2012

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'Belong, Believe, Achieve’

Burley Oaks Primary School School Brochure September 2012 For further information please visit www.burleyoaks.co.uk A full prospectus is available on request.


Welcome to Burley Oaks Primary School

Our address is: Burley Oaks Primary School Langford Lane Burley in Wharfedale Ilkley LS29 7EJ Telephone: (01943) 862642 Fax: (01943) 864648 Email: office@burleyoaks.bradford.sch.uk Website: www.burleyoaks.co.uk Twitter: @burleyoaks Headteacher: Mrs Claire Lee Chair of Governors: Miss Christine Smith Status: Community Primary School


A Message to Parents Thank you for showing an interest in our school. This prospectus has been prepared in conjunction with staff and parent governors to give you information about the school and hopefully, an impression of what our school is like. Burley Oaks Primary School is a fantastic school where both children and adults work together as an incredibly strong team. We are very proud of all our children and our many successes. Visitors to the school often remark on a positive, hardworking atmosphere with a strong sense of team spirit and celebration. We strive to enjoy our learning and make it as much fun and as meaningful and relevant as possible. We offer children an excellent education in a safe, calm, creative, inclusive and stimulating environment. Every child is valued as an individual; we aim to nurture well rounded, respectful and confident children who will develop skills for life-long learning. Having benefited from a major refurbishment programme, completed in September 2010, we are fortunate to work together in a bright and vibrant school building with extensive school grounds. Our outdoor classroom has enhanced our approach to learning outdoors as well as the new outdoor area for the Foundation Stage. We regard ourselves as a friendly and welcoming school which involves parents as our partners in the education process. We value their participation in the life of Burley Oaks and are happy to see parents in school as visitors – even happier to see them as helpers! We are keen to build upon the positive relations with our parents and to enhance systems of communication in order to impact on the continued success of all our children. Our very active School Association provides a range of activities for our children and the community and continues to raise amazing amounts of money for the school fund. Burley Oaks is part of a very strong village community and aims to contribute to as well as benefit from the many local organisations. Visiting clergy members take assemblies each week and we look forward to our Christmas and Easter services at the Methodist Church. Our creative curriculum is enhanced by a variety of visits and visitors. We run a vast range of clubs including cookery, choir, recorder, French, cross stitch, running, netball, yoga, art .... the list continues! Each year we produce theatrical performances, a musical soiree and take part in sports tournaments and peripatetic music lessons in which our children flourish. We encourage our school community to excel in our 'Shine' activities and enjoy planning for children of different age ranges working together on themed days/weeks. Our last Ofsted inspection was graded outstanding in November 2007. Since then, the school has been subject to an interim inspection in March 2011 which found that the school has maintained this standard. We are fortunate to have a committed and passionate staff and Governing Body who truly care about children, their welfare and progress. We aim for high standards and to help children take pride in their school and achievements: we 'Belong, Believe, Achieve'. The website is an ideal place for you to quickly access information about school and also to look at photos, children’s work and to generally catch up on the events in school. Please remember to ask your child to share their learning with you via the class blogs. If you should require any information about school, at any time, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours sincerely Mrs. Claire Lee Headteacher


The Aims of our School The aims of our school are encapsulated through our school motto ‘Belong, Believe, Achieve’. Our vision focuses on nurturing children to become: imaginative, passionate, confident, resourceful, resilient, reflective and responsible learners. We seek to provide an enriched, vibrant and positive environment which:    

challenges children to use their initiative and to reach their potential provides real life, transferable learning opportunities which inspire life long learning develops ambition and collaboration thereby promoting a positive contribution to society celebrates happy, secure and independent learners who will reflect on precious memories of their time at Burley Oaks.

To fulfil this we aim to:          

ensure that each child is valued as an individual, enabling them to develop positive self-image and respect for others help children to understand the importance of health and find enjoyment in their learning develop children’s confidence in their capacity to learn both independently and as a team provide equality of access to long lasting learning and high quality teaching, relevant to their lives now and in the future provide a well resourced, flexible and e-confident environment establish a progressive learning culture which improves children’s outcomes develop all stakeholders as learners develop ‘children’s voice’ and ‘parents as partners’ to empower the learning community encourage children to understand and value others and the environment in which we live encourage everyone to work for the common good and make a difference for the better


Our Motto At Burley Oaks we are all proud to ‘Belong, Believe, Achieve’. There is no distinction between pupils and staff. Every child is of equal importance and unique in their own way. We belong because...    

we support and value everyone and make a positive effort to care and nurture every child is of utmost importance in everything that they bring to the school in terms of life experiences, personality and potential to achieve we are a team - we value everybody’s contribution and make sure everyone contributes we are responsible and take pride in our school, one we love

We believe because...     

we know we have potential and that achievement is valued at every level we see other people having confidence in our abilities and being proud of our achievements our teachers, teaching assistants, parents and community have high expectations of us school is committed to providing what we need on a daily basis and on a strategic, long term basis we care about each other and learn to develop high levels of emotional intelligence

We achieve because...          

we are active learners music, art and sport provide the foundation for and enhance our everyday existence which sustains a vibrant culture of purpose, success, teamwork and positivity we care and prioritise meaningful collaboration to make a difference for each child we accept nothing less than our best from everyone - our standards are high we thrive on challenges and learn to learn with resilience we recognise talent, interest and passion we learn together across the school so that children from different year groups respond and connect at different levels we enjoy our school days and look forward to new learning our curriculum is exciting and connects with the community, local and global picture we celebrate learning and achievement through project-work e.g. SHINE days, themed creative curriculum activities ‘Belong, Believe, Achieve’ drives all that we do to improve.


Safeguarding Children At all times, our prime concern for all children in our care is their safety, happiness and wellbeing. We teach the importance of positive relationships, teamwork, communication skills and taking pride in our work and our contribution to school. Burley Oaks Primary School fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection and the importance of creating an ethos within school that will help children feel safe and confident that they will be listened to. Our safeguarding policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the school. There are five main elements to our policy     

Ensuring we practise safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children. Raising awareness of child protection issues and equipping children with the skills needed to keep them safe. Developing, and then, implementing, procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse. Supporting pupils who have been abused in accordance with his/her agreed child protection plan. Establishing a safe and secure environment in which children can learn and develop

Child protection is the responsibility of all school staff. Burley Oaks Primary School will therefore:   

Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to. Ensure children know that there are adults in the school who they can approach if they are worried. Include opportunities in the PSHE curriculum for children to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from potential injury, harm or abuse.

A copy of the Safeguarding Policy is available in its entirety from the school office or on the website.

E-Safety Code of Conduct when Using the Internet • • • • • • • • • •

Pupils must only use the Internet with permission from the teacher. Pupils should not access other people’s files unless permission has been given. Teachers will oversee any messages being sent by e-mail before sending. Pupils will only e-mail people they know or who have been approved by the teacher. All messages sent by e-mail must be polite and responsible. No personal information such as telephone numbers and addresses should be given out. No arrangements should be made to meet an unknown person. No names to identify individual pupils will be published on the Internet. Group photographs will not contain a names list. Pupils must close the lid and tell an adult immediately if they see anything on the computer that they know is not appropriate


Admission to School Children will usually join the school on a full-time basis in the September following their fourth birthday. In the term before entry, the children and their parents are invited to visit the school regularly. This is a successful arrangement that enables the newcomers to get to know the staff and become familiar with the building and the staff to build relationships with the children. Our experience is that children settle quickly and happily into school life and to aid this we maintain good relationships with the various pre-school organisations. The school has an admission limit of 60 children. The Local Education Authority administers admission arrangements for children starting school for the first time. Where the number of first preferences for our school is less than 60, all children will be given places. Where the number of applicants exceeds 60, places will be given according to Bradford Council's admission arrangements.

The People in Our School There are currently 395 children in our school (September 2012), aged between four and eleven years. The children are organised into fourteen classes. The school staff includes the Headteacher, fourteen full-time teachers, five part-time teachers, a team of eighteen educational support staff, one school bursar, two administrative assistants, a site manager, four cleaners, and twelve lunchtime supervisors. Please refer to the list enclosed. The Governing Body consists of the Headteacher, representatives of the community and LEA, and elected parent and staff governors. Many of the parents of our children are involved, formally or informally, in the life of the school.


Our School Day Reception and Key stage 1 classes 8.50 – 9.00 Registration 9.00 – 10.50

Teaching time and assembly

10.15 - 10.30

Break (Reception)

10.50 – 11.05

Break (KS1)

11.05 – 11.55

Teaching time

11.45 - 1.00

Lunch (Reception)

11.55 – 1.00

Lunch (KS1)

1.00 – 2.25

Registration and teaching time

2.25 – 2.40


2.40 – 3.15

Teaching time


Home time

(Length of taught time - 21 hours and 40 minutes) Key Stage 2 classes (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) 8.50 – 9.00 Registration 9.00 – 10.50

Teaching time

10.50 – 11.05


11.05 – 12.15

Teaching time

12.15 – 1.10


1.10 – 3.15

Registration, assembly and teaching time


Home time

(Length of taught time – 23 hours 45 minutes)


Curriculum and Assessment At Burley Oaks Primary School, we aim to offer a wide ranging, relevant and meaningful curriculum which:  Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils both at the school and in society  Prepares pupils at school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life  Is both explicit in our curriculum planning and delivery as well as implicit in the ethos we uphold in the school Our curriculum is continually evolving to suit the needs of the children in our care and relates specifically to our vision for learners. For children in Years 1-6, it consists of the ten subjects of the primary National Curriculum 2000: English, Mathematics, Science, Design Technology, ICT, History, Geography, Art & Design, Music, and PE. In addition, children in Years 5 & 6 are taught Spanish and in Years 3 & 4, French. We teach RE to all pupils based on the Locally Agreed Syllabus and PSHCE. The planning and delivery of work in English and Maths is based on the Primary Framework. Planning in all other subjects, except RE, is based on our ‘creative curriculum’ where a topic/theme approach is employed. This allows a focus on learning based enquiry and on teaching children to use key skills and apply their knowledge. It is under-pinned by a secure pedagogical framework which weaves together the critical elements of curriculum, teaching & learning and assessment. From September 2012, children in Reception will work on the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (2012). In addition to RE, all children are involved in a daily act of collective worship in accordance with DfE requirements. Parents have a right to withdraw children from RE lessons and collective worship. We would strongly urge that if any parent wishes to exercise this right, they should discuss the situation with Mrs Lee first. Operating with mixed-age classes as described in the section on Class Organisation, means that we plan our curriculum in all subjects except English, Maths, ICT and modern foreign languages on a two-year cycle. This ensures that children cover all topics within each subject without repetition or gaps. Assessment of children in most subjects is ongoing and is based upon teacher assessment using expected outcomes and the attainment targets of the EYFS Profile and The National Curriculum. Children are formally assessed in English and Maths at the end of Key Stage One and at the end of Key Stage Two using the National SATS tests and tasks. At the end of Year 1, as required by the DFE, children undertake a phonics screening check. Systems for tracking children's attainment and progress are monitored rigorously on a half termly basis by the leadership team. This ensures that all individuals are scrutinised to ensure that the provision made available is the most suitable and will optimise learning. Where children are found to be working below their expected level or not making anticipated progress, interventions are planned through quality first teaching. Where progress continues to be a concern, a more specific and individual plan would be tailored to close the gap in attainment or to support a child with their needs in whatever way they present. Children's social and emotional needs are paramount and impact on learning. Our staff team place a strong emphasis on this and are observant of children's welfare needs.


Communication At Burley Oaks we strongly believe that communication is key to ensuring all children are happy, secure, motivated and, ultimately, successful. We have a wide variety of means of communication alongside the termly reports and parents’ meetings:

We aim to keep parents regularly informed about what’s going on at school in as much detail as is reasonably practicable. However, sending paper letters home can be rather ‘hit and miss’ with letters often going astray on the way! We are also increasingly aware of the substantial cost and environmental impact associated with the amount of paper and photocopying involved. In order to help improve these areas we implement a service called ParentMail® to communicate with parents by email and text message. We believe that ParentMail® is beneficial because:    

Messages get to you more reliably We can send messages directly to parents/carers at the same time You will quickly know about important or urgent messages We can tell you more about what’s going on at the school

School Website at www.burleyoaks.co.uk The school website is designed for use by children, teachers, parents and the whole school community. It offers useful information to all school stakeholders and also provides links to the teachers in school though their ‘blog’. This means that children can be reminded of key events and classroom activities by looking at their teacher’s web page. Links to relevant websites ensure that children’s learning can be consolidated and extended with further activities to try from home. Messages between teachers, parents, children and grandparents on the blog develop a wider context and audience for the children’s learning whilst developing key ICT skills for future learning. Please have a look. A whole school newspaper and year group newsletters are produced termly. These can be downloaded in the 'newsletters' section of the website. The communication tab also links to letters from the Headteacher. The home page of the website shows the Burley Oaks Twitter feed. You can follow us on Twitter for updates and news items @BurleyOaks. Email Teachers can be contacted (on non urgent matters) by email. Emails can be sent to teachers using the following format: The teacher's first initial and last name @burleyoaks.co.uk For example, rsells@burleyoaks.co.uk


Enrichment At Burley Oaks, there is a wide range of activities for children to participate in outside the classroom to enrich and enhance their educational experiences. We have a fabulous outdoor classroom and have recently worked with Habitat Heroes to improve the use of our extensive grounds and to embed outdoor learning in our curriculum. The children have experienced tree planting, developing a wet area, creating a willow archway etc. We are proud of the fact we are one of only 80 schools nationally to have achieved 'Sing Up Platinum' status; music is a key strength of our school. We look forward to seeing the fantastic musical productions our pupils perform which are enhanced with the use of headset microphones and new lighting - all kindly provided by the funds raised through our School Association. A designated art room means that we can truly get creative (and messy!) in our lessons and to create scenery for productions. We even created willow sheep as part of a project which culminated in their display at the Millennium Gardens in Ilkley. Our buddy classes are very important to our teachers and children alike. Children benefit from working across phase and key stage with younger and older children in themed days such as Shine (an opportunity for children to shine in golf, camping skills, brooch-making, dancing, creative arts etc), World Book Day etc. Teachers benefit from working in pairs and teams to share their good practice and recent training experiences. The children are always enthusiastic about our extra-curricular activities which include: football, netball, cricket, dodge ball, tennis, cross-stitch, cross country running, cookery, gymnastics, choir, orchestra, recorder, German, samba band etc. There is clear value in the experiences undertaken. As well as after-school clubs, children also have opportunities to take part in residential visits. Burley Oaks' partnerships with the other seven schools in the Wharfe Valley and the schools within the LAP are extremely positive. We benefit from a range of networks which nurture shared best practice in areas such as: Literacy, Assessment, SEN, Early Years etc. Our relationship with Burley and Woodhead Primary is excellent; the two schools provide excellent education for the young people in Burley. The Arts In music, the children have the opportunity to learn a variety of instruments (encouraged by performing solos, duets and ensemble pieces in concerts), sing in the choir and produce musical and dramatic performances. We provide a range of clubs and welcome professional visitors to the school to support and develop our work. Our Wider Opportunities in Music provision means that all children in Y3/4 take part in samba band lessons and Y5 in the 'Learn to Rock' programme, learning to play the drums, bass guitar and keyboards. Each year we organise performances, for all pupils, by a range of artists/theatre groups etc.


Sports Our sports provision is excellent, supported by a variety of external coaches and events throughout the year to raise the profile of PE. A wealth of sporting activities is offered where we seek to support the development of skills, teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play. The children can choose from a wide range of sports such as football, rugby, gymnastics, tennis, cricket, athletics etc. We encourage involvement with the local community and other schools both in friendly and competitive tournaments. Clearly, we rely on the strengths and interests of the staff in school and the extra-curricular activities provided may differ throughout the year. Special Needs All children are special and every child has needs, which his or her teacher makes every effort to cater for. If you have a concern, please share it with your child’s teacher or the Special Needs Coordinator, Mrs Ashton. Some children have greater difficulty with learning, for a variety of reasons. The Code of Practice for Special Needs has been set up by the Government to provide for and channel support to those children who have special difficulty in learning beyond that of the normal group in a class. Children may be identified by the parent or by the class teacher as having an additional need and are then referred to the Special Needs Co-ordinator. Consultations with Teachers Parents can make an appointment to discuss their child’s education with their class teacher or the Headteacher, Deputy or Assistant Headteacher at any time and a phone call is often the best way to arrange this. We, of course, have formal arrangements for parent/teacher consultations to review progress. These happen three times a year – once in each term. ‘Mini’ reports are issued in the Autumn and Spring terms and a more detailed written report is issued in the Summer term. Parents should be aware that they have the right to inspect their child’s records by prior arrangement. Our School Uniform At Burley Oaks we encourage all pupils to wear our school uniform, and this stance is fully supported by parents. We believe that this helps give our children the feeling that they belong to a close school community as well as giving them a sense of pride in their school and their appearance. A full uniform can be purchased from school or from Top Marks in Ilkley.


School Meals School meals are cooked in the school’s own kitchen and comply with the nutritional guidelines set for schools. Children eat their lunches in the school dining room and a place is available for every child in school. School meals are currently £1.50 per day but are subject to change by Bradford Council. The amount charged for each half or full term can be obtained from the school website along with the weekly menus. Healthy Eating We have always felt that it is important to encourage children to adopt a healthy diet. Pupils in Reception and KS1 receive one free piece of fruit at break time each day. Cooled water dispensers have been installed around school giving all children access to water throughout the day. School Visits All classes take part in visits outside the school in support of their learning. Some of these take place in the village, in close proximity to the school – to the park or the shops for instance. Extra adult supervision is always provided for such occasions. Full risk assessments are carried out before any school visit is undertaken. Our School Association We have a very active Parent/Teacher Association involved in organizing numerous fundraising functions and activities to support the school. The Annual General Meeting of the Association takes place early in the school year, when a report of progress is made and a committee elected. Any parent with a child in school can join the monthly meetings and we urge all our families to support our Association events as much as possible and to feel free to approach any committee member with ideas and suggestions.


Early Birds and Night Owls Early Birds and Night Owls before and after school clubs are a very important facility for many of our children and crucial for parents managing work commitments. Our aim is to provide a safe, fun and caring playing/learning environment out of school hours. Children are provided with a piece of fruit and a drink at the beginning of the Night Owls session. A range of activities are available, from quiet study/homework/reading time to sports and games. Many staff within the clubs work in school throughout the school day to ensure continuity and consistency of expectation. Early Birds begins at 8am until school starts and costs £2.40 per session. Night Owls starts at 3.15pm, when school finishes, until 5.45pm. Charging is according to two sessions as follows: Session


3.15 -4.30pm


4.30 - 5.45pm


The schemes can be used on a regular or more occasional basis and must be booked in advance via the school office. Booking forms are also available via the school website. Last minute bookings will be taken where there is availability. Charges will apply if cancellations are not received within three working days. However, if your child is absent from school through illness no charge will be made. If your child takes part in an after school club, and would then require a Night Owls place afterwards, you will be required to book the appropriate session/s in advance. The school can accept childcare vouchers as payment such as Computershare, Edenred, Fideliti etc.


SATS results for the academic year 2011 / 2012 Burley Oaks Primary Key Stage 1 Task and Test Results 2012: Percentage at each level

2012 Teacher Assessment Results – Burley Oaks Primary School, Percentage at each level W





Speaking and listening





















3 or above

Disapplied children

Absent children





















3 or above

Disapplied children

Absent children





National Results 2011: Percentage at each level

2011 Teacher Assessment Results - National Percentage at each level W



Speaking and listening










































Burley Oaks Primary Key Stage 2 Test Results 2012: Percentage at each level

These tables show the percentage of Year 6 children at Burley Oaks Primary School achieving each level, compared to national end of Key Stage 2 teacher assessment levels and test results. The shaded sections of the tables represent 2011 national teacher assessment and test result data. Figures may not total 100 per cent because of rounding. 2012 teacher assessment results Percentage at each level W 1






















































Children Children disapplied absent 0






Test results Percentage at each level

'W' *


Below level 3*





Children not entered

Children absent













0 0

0 0

















represents children who are working towards level 1, but have not yet achieved the standards needed for level 1. represents children who were not entered for the tests because they were working below level 3 in English or mathematics, children awarded a compensatory level from the tests and children entered for but not achieving a level from the tests. children working at the levels of the tests, but unable to access them.


Holiday Schedule – 2012/2013 Autumn Term 2012 Reopen

Tuesday 4th September


Wednesday 24th October


Monday 5th November


Thursday 20th December

Spring Term 2013 Reopen

Monday 7th January


Friday 15th February


Monday 25th February


Thursday 28th March

Summer Term 2013 Reopen

Monday 15th April

Bank Holiday Monday 6th May (school closed for one day) Close

Thursday 23rd May


Tuesday 4th June


Wednesday 24th July

We hope that this brochure gives a flavour of how we operate at Burley Oaks Primary. Should you have any questions, our staff will be more than happy to answer any further questions you may have. Please visit the website to download further information i.e. a school prospectus, policies etc. or request a hard copy in school.

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