THURSDAY,AUGUST 18, 2022 LOCAL NEWS –LOCAL MATTERS. There’smore at NEWS 3 NEWS 5 COMMUNITY 17 Drug toxicity death toll rises RememberingVictor MomStusiak lobbies forchildminding LOCAL NEWS There’smoreonlineat .com LOCAL MATTERS JOIN IN the conversationat WORTH OVER $28,000 |DEADLINE: MIDNIGHT, FRIDAY,AUGUST 19TH DEADLINETOMORROW APPRECIATION BONUS YOUWIN, YOUCHOOSE! 2022 604.536.2491 1.888.888.1567TOLL FREE TICKETS 3for $100 |6 for $175 |9 for $250 |20for $500 50/50PLUS™ TICKETS 2for $15 |6 for $30 |16for $60 DAILYCASH PLUS 2for $25 |6 for $50 PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS TODAY BUY IN MORPERSON ETOWIN 19+ TO PLAY |KNOWYOUR LIMIT,PLAYWITHIN IT |PROBLEM GAMBLING HELP LINE 1-888-795-6111 |WWW.BCRESPONSIBLEGAMBLING.CA BC Gaming Event Licences #134655, #134657, Winner#134656 will choose one prize option; other prize options will not be awarded. GRAND PRIZE DREAMS SOUTH SURREY |VANCOUVER |SOOKE |COURTENAY |KELOWNA |VERNON | $2.3 MILLION CASH8 3,045 TOTALPRIZES TO WIN WORTH OVER $3.5 MILLION WIN A2022 MAZDA3GXFWD MT +$2,000GAS CASH OR A$25,000 MIDLAND APPLIANCE GIFT CARD+$3,000 CASH OR $26,000 TAX-FREE CASH

W2 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • BurnabyNow BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 18,2022 W3 $2.3 MILLIONCASH! SPEND IT,SAVEIT, INVEST IT,ENJOYIT. FOX&AIKINSTOWNHOMES #41 * 1871165A Street, South Surrey SOUTH SURREY WORTH OVER $2.6 MILLION! COURTENAY WORTH OVER $2.6 MILLION! #101 1444 Crown Isle Drive, Courtenay MOONLIGHTBAY OCEAN COTTAGE #80A 1000 SookePoint Place, Sooke SOOKE WORTH OVER $2.6 MILLION! VERNON WORTH OVER $2.6 MILLION! THELEDGEATTHE RISE #12 7735 Okanagan Hills Boulevard,Vernon MOVALA #914 3340 LakeshoreRoad, Kelowna KELOWNA WORTH OVER $2.6 MILLION! FOX&AIKINS TOWNHOMES #41 and #421871 165A Street, South Surrey VANCOUVER COCO SUB PENTHOUSE #501 5733 Alberta Street, Vancouver WORTH OVER $2.6 MILLION! LOWERMAINLAND LIVING ISLAND LIVINGOKANAGAN LIVING MORETOWIN GRAND PRIZE DREAMS SOUTH SURREY |VANCOUVER |SOOKE|COURTENAY |KELOWNA| VERNON | $2.3 MILLION CASH8 126 WINNERS 67 DAYS OF WINNING $348,000 TO BE WON! LAST YEAR’S JACKPOTREACHED OVER $2.1 MILLION The winner took half. It’s likeanother Grand Prize! BC’SBIGGESTSUMMERJACKPOT! 3,045 TOTALPRIZESTO WIN WORTH OVER $3.5 MILLION IN PERSON 19+ TO PLAY |KNOWYOURLIMIT,PLAYWITHIN IT PROBLEM GAMBLING HELP LINE 1-888-795-6111 |WWW.BCRESPONSIBLEGAMBLING.CA BC Gaming Event Licences #134655, #134657,#134656 Winner will choose one prize option; other prize options will notbeawarded. PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS TODAY 604.536.2491 1.888.888.1567TOLL FREE TICKETS 3for $100| 6for $175|9 for $250 |20for $500 50/50PLUS™ TICKETS 2for $15| 6for $30| 16 for$60 DAILYCASH PLUS 2for $25| 6for $50 OCEAN PARK 13156 19A Avenue, South Surrey WORTH OVER $2.8 MILLION!

W4 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • BurnabyNow
You’re helpingmakemore breakthroughsa reality.
As the province’s only hospital dedicated to children and youth,BCChildren’s Hospital provides alevel of specialized care for children that can’t be found anywhere else in BC. For these patients facing the most serious and complex conditions, thefutureoftheir carelies in research Research is what will enable experts here to transcend beyond today’s status quo and to pursue answers to the biggest questions that still remain in child health. It is your support that will makeitpossible for our world-leading researcherstodoexactly that.
Support world-leading researchers in theirquest to conquer childhood illness
Fromopeningthedoortonoveltherapiesforconditionslikechildhoodcancerorrarediseases,todiscovering life-changing breakthroughs in theway experts deliver careorperform surgeries, your generosity will bring new hope to children and families who need it most.

THURSDAY,AUGUST 18, 2022 LOCAL NEWS –LOCAL MATTERS. There’smore at NEWS 3 NEWS 5 COMMUNITY 17 Drug toxicity death toll rises RememberingVictor MomStusiak lobbies forchildminding HAVINGA BLAST: BalkanShmalkan got the crowd pumpedat the return of theBurnaby Blues + RootsFestival Aug. 6. See page3 formore coverage. PHOTO JENNIFERGAUTHIER LOCAL NEWS There’smoreonlineat .com LOCAL MATTERS

2 THURSDAY,August 18, 2022 • BurnabyNow PRODUCE GROCERY MEAT&SEAFOOD BAKERY DELI LANGLEY FARM LAMARKET NGLEY FARM MARKET Your Choice. Our Honour. Our Effort. Our Award. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORE VALID THURSDAY,AUGUST 18 –SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2022 •WHILE QUANTITIESLAST. For freshness and quality you can count on! LFM LANGLEY FARM MARKET Forfresh and quality foods 7815 KINGSWAY,BURNABY 604.521.2883 STORE HOURS: MONDAY TO SUNDAY 8:30AM TO 9:00PM •HOLIDAYS:9:00AM TO 6:00PM This sale is only for the Kingsway location 4for $2 $699 lb $1149 ea $439 ea $719 ea $749 lb $699 lb CHICKEN THIGHSBONELESS &SKINLESS $15.38/kg BLADE ROAST AA beef/ $15.38/kg SNAKEHEAD FISH FILLET SLICES Frozen /250g WHOLE CLEANED BABY CUTTLEFISH 40/60 /2lb. frozen AQUASTAR COOKED WHITE SHRIMP 61/70 /Peeled,Tail On / Frozen /340g $149 ea $439 ea $399 ea. COCONUTBUN 100g MANGO PIE 500g ORANGE LOAF 450gSWISS CHEESE $459 ea $359 ea. $339 ea. $199 /100g $399 ea. BONELESS CHUCK STEAK AA beef /$16.48/kg $499 ea $249 lb. $249 ea. $339 ea. $299 ea. $399 ea. EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC KETCHUP 500g PINK LADY APPLES $2.8ProductofU.S.A.2/kg $188 lb. LOCAL STRAWBERRIES $10.98ProductofB.C./kg LOCAL BI-COLOR CORN Product of B.C. LOCAL CARROTS Product of B.C. 3lb. bag $299 ea. $299 ea. JUNG PO POPCORN Assorted /250g KIRIN MILK TEA 1.5L $169 ea. $329 ea. JAFFA MUNCHMALLOW 105g POW PUFFS Chedda’ Cheeze 100g GREEN SEEDLESS GRAPES Product of U.S.A $5.48/kg t of U.S.A $128 lb. WHITE NECTARINES $4ProductofU.S.A.14/kg $499 lb. OKANAGAN BEEFSTEAK TOMATOES Product of B.C. $3.26/kg $148 lb. SANREMO BASIL PESTO SAUCE 190g REALEMON LEMON JUICE 945ml $299 ea. LOTUS BISCOFF BISCUITS 250g FARMERSGOLD GERMAN EGG NOODLES Broad/ 500g KIKKOMAN GYOZASAUCE 296ml 2for $9 KITCHEN BASICS VEGETABLE COOKING STOCK Unsalted/946ml EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC COCONUT MILK Regular/Light /400ml EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC GREEN LENTILS 398ml $119 ea. da’ Cheeze / OCEAN MAMA ORGANIC EDAMAME Peeled /400g $229 ea. CASTELLO EXTRA CREAMY BLUE CHEESE WEDGES 125g $159 /100g FREYBE EUROPEAN BOLOGNA FREYBE GOURMET PIZZA PEPPERONI SLICES 175g

When SarahRadziminski lost hereldestdaughterEmma to cancer in 2018, swimming at Eileen Dailly pool is what got her throughthe first year-anda-half of deep grief She dropped Emma’s little brother offatthe community centre’schildminding services while she “swamand swam and swam.” “I’m sure there’speople at Eileen Dailly who will probably remember me as themom whowas swim ming with herhead out of thewater just bawling,” she said. But since the pandemic, the number of childmind ing sessions at Eileen Dailly has gonefrom four days aweektotwo —and it won’treturntopre-pan demiclevelsthis fall CHILDMINDING SERVICE STILL REDUCED The cityofferschildminding at three ofits community centres, asupervised drop-in service with toys andbooks for kids under five.One hour of childminding costs $5.10 ButcomeSeptember on Mondayafternoons and Wednesdaymornings,the childmindingroomatEileen Daillywill be usedfor the city’s Busy Bees program, aprogram in which parents remainwiththeir children to participatein activities together ForRadziminski, this defeats thepurpose of childminding. “You have to stayinthe room and playwith your kid, whichisnot objec tively abad thing. Except for —I’m astay-at-home mom,I playwith my kid all daylong.Whywould I want to paytogoand play withmykids somewhere else?” Radziminski wantstobe able to dropoff her twoyear-old son and use the centre’s facilities:swim, use thegym,learnItalian, take abreather “It’snot accessibleto me if there’snochild minding,”she said.
MORE SERVICE PLANNED Burnaby’s public affairs officer ColeWagnersaid the city hopestoprovide morechildminding oppor tunities at Eileen Dailly in the coming months “Weanticipate having childmindingservice three times per week this fall,” Wagnertoldthe NOW in an emailed statement. Thethird session of childmindingatEileen Dailly has yettobe scheduled on the city’swebsite.
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 18, 2022 3 Citynow
Mom wants city to increasechildmindingoptions
BLUESFEST: The BurnabyBlues +Roots Festival made acelebratory return to Deer Lake Park on Aug. 6for the first time sincethe COVID-19 erabegan. Clockwise from top left:The WaronDrugs performs the finalset of the night;Ruby Waters entertains; fans groove to the music; the Soul Rebels take to the stage; Kathleen Edwards performs. The festivalalso featured local favourites Balkan Shmalkan, Robert Connely Farr and ablues journeywith BrandonIsaak and JackLavin. Festivalgoersalso had achanceto enjoyon-sitefood and beverages, plus the always popular family and kids’area. Seemorecoverage at
Continued on page 8
Childminding service at Eileen Daillycommunity centre hasn’treturned to pre-pandemic levels

Rez. #21-46 3990 Marine Way
Temporary Use Permit Application #22-05
Master Mingon Kim’s North Burnaby Taekwondo Inc. has made an application to the City of Burnaby to propose atemporary use(s) on this site: 2900 Bainbridge Avenue (Alias 102-2900 Bainbridge Avenue)
To:Amended CD Comprehensive Development District (based on RM5 Multiple Family Residential District, C3 General Commercial District, P6 Regional Institutional District, P2 Administration and Assembly District and SFU Community Plan as guidelines, and in accordance with the development plan entitled “SFU Lot24, 8955 University High Street, Burnaby,BC” prepared by RWAArchitecture)
To:Amended CD Comprehensive Development District (based on RM5s Multiple Family Residential District, RM5r Multiple Family Residential District, C3 General Commercial District, the Metrotown Downtown Plan as guidelines and in accordance with the development plan entitled “Concord Metrotown Phase 2AB &2C” prepared by IBI Group Architects (Canada) Inc.)
Burnaby City Council hereby gives notice that it will hold aPublic Hearing to receive representations in connection with proposed amendments to “Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965”. CityConnect | CityOfBurnaby | 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G1M2
Applicant: Concord Kingsway Projects GP Ltd.
3.3) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No.34, 2022 -Bylaw No.14482
From: CD Comprehensive Development District (based on P11e SFU Neighbourhood District and C3 General Commercial District)
Greater Vancouver Ping Pong Society has made an application to the City of Burnaby to propose atemporary use(s) on this site: 7000 Lougheed Highway (Alias 2-2909 Bainbridge Avenue)
Purpose: to permit the construction of new film production stages with associated office and workshop space
3.4) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No.35, 2022 -Bylaw No.14483 Rez. #21-32 4750 Kingsway
Purpose: to permit the construction of anew rectory and office Applicant: Dimas Craveiro Architect 3.2) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No.32, 2022 -Bylaw No.14480
4 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • BurnabyNow
Applicant: Marine WayInvestments Ltd.
Reports, bylaws, and related information respecting the zoning bylaw amendments are available on the City’swebsite at from August 12, 2022. Any questions regarding the Public Hearing processes and agenda items may be directed to the Office of the City Clerk, 604-294-7290. Please note all written submissions must be received by 2:45pm on the day of the Hearing. Submissions should contain the writer’sname and address which become apart of the public record. NO PRESENTATIONS OR SUBMISSIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY COUNCIL AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING. B. Zeinabova CITY CLERK ZONING BYLAWAMENDMENTS
3.1) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No.31, 2022 -Bylaw No.14479 Rez. #17-10011 3839 and 3871 PandoraStreet From: R5 Residential District and CD Comprehensive Development District (based on P5 Community Institutional District as guidelines) To:Amended CD Comprehensive Development District (based on P5 Community Institutional District as guidelines, and in accordance with the development plan entitled “St. Helen’s Rectory 3839 &3871 Pandora Street Burnaby,BCV5C 2A6” prepared by Dimas Craveiro Architect)
From: M2 General Industrial District
All persons who believe they are affected by aproposed bylaw shall be afforded areasonable opportunity to be heard:
Purpose: The purpose of the proposed Temporary Use Permit is to permit ataekwondo commercial school and accessory retail within an existing commercial unit. The permit is valid for 3years
Purpose: The purpose of the proposed Temporary Use Permit is to permit anon-profit ping pong and table tennis Club within an existingcommercial unit. The permit is valid for 3years.
Purpose: to permit construction of the second phase of the Concord Metrotown site,including three high-rise market residential strata buildings atop non-market rental and commercial/retail podiums, and two commercial high-rise buildings (one being market rental and the other being office/hospitality) atop acombined commercial/retail podium. Parkingisprovided fully underground with some on-street convenience parking
•mail: Mayor &Council, c/o Office of the City Clerk, 4949 Canada Way
Rez. #20-29 8955 University High Street
Purpose: to permit the construction of amixed-use developmentwitha 6-storey commercial/residential podium and a17-storeyapartment tower with underground parking, and abus layover facility
To:CDComprehensive Development District (based on M2 General Industrial District, M5 Light Industrial District, the Big Bend Development Plan, and in accordance with the development plan entitled “3990 Marine WayStudios”prepared by CTAArchitecture +Design Ltd.)
• fill out the webform:
From: CD Comprehensive Development District (based on RM5s Multiple Family Residential District, C3 General Commercial District and Metrotown Downtown Plan as guidelines)
Applicant: Mosaic Avenue Developments Ltd.
Temporary Use Permit Application #22-01
The permit applications may be inspected at the Planning and Development Department, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby,BCfrom August 18 to 29,Mondays to Fridays from 8am to 4:45pm, and on Thursdays from 8am to 8pm. The applications will be presented to Council for consideration on August 29,2022 at 5pm AFTER 2:45PM ON AUGUST29, 2022 WILL NOTBECONSIDERED BY COUNCIL B. Zeinabova CITYCLERK

Drug toxicity
Join us for aday of community servicekeeping our city beautiful and clean! All ages and abilities are welcome to participate in these rainor-shine community events. Gloves, litterpickers, andreceptacles are provided by the Citythrough our Adopt-a-Street program. Meetatthe parking lotofthe locations listed below,receive a short orientation, and break into groupsbefore going onashort clean-uproute together.Ready to roll up your sleeves?Weencourageall participants to wear bright colours to increase their visibility,and to wear sunscreenand ahat. August 27,9am-noon Edmonds Community Centre (7433 EdmondsStreet) 604-294-7972 Community Clean-up Event ogheh naby North Raymond Belmonte RHIP/Burnaby Metrotown WorkSafeBCand otherProvincial WCB Networks,VAC,BCEAand FNHA accepted Registered underthe CollegeofSpeech andHearing Health ProfessionalsofBC BURNABYNORTH 604.265.4960 3776 Hastings Street BURNABYMETROTOWN 604.359.5774 1698–4500Kingsway Moving just got easier with our summer savings event! Now is your time to enjoy alifestyle of hospitality services, social connections, and safety and security.Our summer savings can help! Reserve your suite by August 31 and get your first month free! Call today for your tour. INDEPENDENT SENIORS LIVING ASSISTED LIVINGSERVICES AVAILABLE 5291 Grimmer St, Burnaby BC 5minutes from METROTOWN 604-568-5563 •
Citynow JessBalzer
That’sanincreaseof twosince the last report, published in Julyfor the month of May Arecord 77 deaths were tallied in Burnaby in allof 2021. Provincially,toxic illicit drugs claimed 146lives in June —a decreaseof26 per cent from May(197) and 17 per cent compared to June last year (175). To date in 2022,there have been at least 1,095 deaths recorded in B.C. The number of illicit drug toxicity deaths in June equates to nearly fivedeaths perday “The ever-increasing toxicity of theunregulated, illicit drug market is taking aheart-breaking toll on the livesand well-being of membersofour communitiesacross theprovince,” B.C. chief coroner Lisa Lapointesaid in anewsrelease. “Deaths due to toxic drugs in the first half of 2022 have surpassedthe numberofdeaths experi enced in the same period in 2021, puttingour prov ince, once again, on track for arecordloss of life.”
Twomore deaths from toxic illicit drugs have been recorded in Burnaby, the BC CoronersService reported. In areport released Tuesday, the servicesaid thecity’sdeath toll is now 34 people betweenJan.1 and June 30 this year
JOIN the conversation at City | CityOfBurnaby| 4949CanadaWay,Burnaby,BCV5G 1M2
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 18,2022 5
The BC CoronersServicesaidthe number of lives thathavebeen lost between Januaryand June of this year is the highest ever recorded during the first six months of acalendar year The province said illicit drug toxicity is thenumber one cause of unnatural death in B.C., and second only to cancer in terms of yearsoflife lost. “Tragically,inthe seventhyearofthis public heath emergency,aswe are experiencing increasing numbers of deaths in July, our province hasnow lost more than10,000 lives to illicit drugs since April 2016,”Lapointe added. “These were men, women and youth from all walks of life.Theylived in our neighbourhoods, worked in ourworkplaces and playedonour sports teams.…All of them fell prey to thelethal supplyof illicit drugs thatisomnipresent.” deathtoll in Burnaby

MARK FALKENBERG Editor 201a-3430 BrightonAvenue,Burnaby,V5A 3H4 MAIN SWITCHBOARD 604.444.3451 DELIVERYINQUIRIES 604.398.3481 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 604.444.3000 EDITORIAL/NEWS TIP LINE 604.444.3020 FAXLINE 604.444.3460 EDITORIAL ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED CANADI AN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER AWARD 2013 LARA GRAHAM Publisher THE BURNABY NOW IS AMEMBER OF THE NATIONAL NEWSMEDIA COUNCIL, WHICH IS AN INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATION ESTABLISHED TO DEAL WITH ACCEPTABLE JOURNALISTIC PRACTICES AND ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR. IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT EDITORIAL CONTENT, PLEASE CONTACT CHRIS CAMPBELL AT CCAMPBELL@ BURNABYNOW.COM. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE RESPONSE AND WISH TO FILE AFORMAL COMPLAINT, VISIT THE WEB SITE AT MEDIACOUNCIL.CA OR CALL TOLL-FREE 1-844-877-1163 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Opinionnow “It’sover. All over.Nomasks.It’sadistant bad memory. Lifegoes on.” “Weneed lots morepeople to shout thatCOVID is notover. Ifail to seewhy we can not require maskson public transitand anywhere wherepeople congregate. Ihavenot been on transit since COVID hit, though before thatIused it frequently. Ihavelostmyfreedom and avoidgoing into abuilding other than my house.” Peter Lotz viaFacebook DJ Huntley via Topic: Don’ttell me COVID is over —agrief story
It wasacase of anti-anti-shopliftingshoplifting,and Burnaby RCMP were on thejob.InJuly,police said someonehad stolen ahand-held Sensormatictag removerfromaclothing store at aBurnabymall.The Sensormatic systemuses sensitizedplasticchips that screwontoeasily stolen items.The chips areremoved with aspecial device after customerspay.Anyone who triestoleave the store with theclips still attachedtrips an alarm.A savvythief saw the advantage of owninga tag remover andpinchedone from alocal store
BC Liberal leaderKevin Falcon faces hisfirst big test early next month when his party tries to defend the Surrey Southseatina byelection set for Sept. 10. Losing thatridingwould be devastating for the BC Liberals, as they struggle to regaina toehold in Metro Vancouver, where about half the electoralridings are located. However, historysug gests theBCLiberals have to be consideredthe fa vourite to winthe seat. That is because the party thatforms asitting B.C. government rarely wins byelections during its term. Of thelast twodozen provincialbyelections, dating back to 1989, thegovernment of theday wonjust three of them. The current NDP government wasabletohang on to theriding of Na naimo in the January2019 byelectionwon by Sheila Malcolmson. The only otherwins scored by asittinggov ernment both elected then-Premier Christy Clark, first to replace for mer Premier Gordon Campbellin2011 and then again in 2013,when she had to runinthe riding ofWestside Kelowna after losing inVancouver Point Grey in thegeneral election During theirtime in power, the BC Liberals lost seven byelections to the NDP.The NDP governmentofthe 1990slost six straight byelections in ridings they hadnever won in anygeneralelection. The worstshowing by a government whenitcame to losing byelections was arguablythe Social Credit government headed by Bill Vander Zalm in the late 1980s.Itlost sixstraight, includingfour ridings normally considered to be party strongholds. Historyfavours theBC Liberals to be victorious. However, historydoesn’t always repeatitself,and the last provincial election, in 2020, showeda huge surge in NDP supportcompared to previouselections in thatriding(or in that part of Surrey).The NDP vote rose dramatically (by more than 3,000voters) compared to the 2017 contest, while the BC Liberal vote dropped by more than500 andtheirmargin of victory shrunk to 1,200 from 4,800. Thedramatic population growth of Surrey and its increased urbanization, with ayoungerdemographic taking hold, all work to the NDP’sadvan tage, as wasevident in the 2020 election.
BCLiberalsneed thisbyelectionwin
6 THURSDAY,August 18, 2022 • BurnabyNow Thereare so manymoms who justneeda break because they’rehuman beings Sarah Radziminski,storypages 3and 8 THEY SAID IT... ARCHIVE 1985 OURTEAM MY VIEW KEITHBALDREY Thief triestofoilsecurity
The ridings in South Surrey have longbeen considered safe BC Liberal seats, butthosedaysappear to be over.The NDP is nowmuch more competitive(it lost the neighbouring riding of Surrey-White Rock by just 224 votes, the secondclos estresult in the election) in thatregion. Another potential wild card is whetherthe BC ConservativeParty will field acandidate.Itdid so in theVancouverQuilchenabyelection won by Falcon, and the party candidatetook6.6 per cent of the vote —a high enough total that couldseriously hurtthe BC Liberals should the Conserva tives win asimilarlevel of support in Surrey South. Butabyelectioncan turn intoa referendum on the sitting government’s performance, and,while the NDP has beenenjoying aconsistently large leadoverthe BC Liberals in opinion polls, there seems to be afairamount of anxiety out there as people grapplewith rising inflationand ashaky health caresystem The NDP canafford to lose thebyelection, butitis amust-win for the rebuilding BC Liberalsand their new leader Keith Baldrey is chief politicalreporter forGlobal BC.

BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 18, 2022 7
From thetime Istarted my nursing training and through my yearsworking as anurse and volunteering forpublic safety Iamveryaware of howmuchprevention optimizes health and safety. Diane Gillis, Burnaby Railroad crossingneeds pedestrian gates
THE BURNABY NOW WELCOMES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. We do, however, edit for taste, legality and length. Please include aphone number where you can be reached. Send letters to: The Editor, #201A–3430 Brighton Ave., Burnaby, B.C., V5A 3H4,email to: (no attachments please) or fax to: 604-444-3460. Letters to the editor and opinion columns may be reproduced on the Burnaby NOW website, Use onlinereporting to helppolice keep us safe
Editor: Irecently read your article regarding an accident involving an Amazon deliveryvan. I, andIamsureothers,are concerned about the driving of deliveryvan driversand, of course, the driving of others. From what Ihave observed it is apparent that some delivery driversprioritizehow quickly theycan make deliveriesand thus toooften drivetheir vans unsafely Thereare not enough policetoobserve and act on themany incidentsofunsafedriving that occur everyday As withother illegalactivity, membersofthe public canhelp safeguardothersbyreporting incidents suchasillegaldriving. In Burnaby theycan report this via BurnabyOnlineCrime Reporting (see lineReport).
Editor: On aThursdaymorning in July,Iwas bicyclinghome from shopping in Burnaby, when Ihad to wait at the railway level crossing on Cariboo Road (at Government Street)for a passing train. There were three other cyclists, several pedestrians anda dog waiting forthe train to clear the crossing. After the last railcar cleared the crossing but beforethe bell stopped clanging and before the crossing gatesrose, pedestriansstarted streaming across the pair of tracks from both sides Iwas shocked because another train or track maintenanceequipmentmighthavebeen approachingonthe second track.Therewas a high risk of fatalities. Iamwriting to draw attention to thisrisk; and to urge the City of Burnabyand CN Rail to install train-activated pedestrian gatestoblock people from crossing the double tracks before both areclear DerekWilson, Port Moody CARS COST LESS AT CARTER! Of fer available to quali fi ed retail customers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on select vehicles purchased from August 3, 2022 to August 31, 2022. 2.99% purchase fi nancing of fered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 2.99% up to 60 months on 2022 Te rrain models. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary .D own payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $39,787 fi nanced at 2.99% nominal rate equals (2.99% APR) $330 bi-weekly for 60 months. Cost of borrowing is $3,098, for at otal obligation of $42,885. Freight ($1,995) and A/C charge ($100, if applicable) included. Example does not include license, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time of fer which may not be combined with certain other of fers. General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) may modify ,e xtend or terminate of fers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. TD Auto Finance is ar egistered trademark of The To ronto-Dominion Bank. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documenta tion and contact GM Canada to verify eligibility .T hese of fers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Conditions and limitations apply .V oid where prohibited. See Dealer for full program details
FAMILYOWNED SINCE 1963 #D5505 HARMONY COURT ESTATE THEDEADLINE FORNOMINATIONS HASBEENEXTENDEDTOAUG 30TH! TheSeniorofDistinction Awards is an occasiontorecognize local seniorsand the valuablecontributionstheyhavemade, and continue to make, in our communities,workplaces,and families. 1. ARTS 2. LEADERSHIP 3. COMMUNITY SERVICE 4. HEALTHYLIVING NOMINATE ONLINE PRINT ANDDROP OFF Harmony Court Estate 7197 Canada Way, Burnaby,BCV5E 4A6 OR Deadline Extended to August 30th Winners will be notifiedbySeptember 15th Media HostSponsor: ed By: NOMINATE ASENIOR FOR THEFOLLOWING:

The FredRandall Pool at Edmonds Community Centre will remain closed untillateSeptember, according to an update from the city. The pool wasclosed on Saturday,May 21 after thediscovery of damage to ceiling tile supports Swimming lessons at the pool will restartin early October, with registration opening on Aug. 29 Thecitywillprovide an update, including the an ticipated date of reopening,assoonaspossible. The Edmonds CommunityCentre remains open, withnoother activities at thecentreaffected. –LaurenVanderdeen will remain closed till late September HWY, BURNABY COST LESS AT CARTER! Of fer available to quali fi ed retail customers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on select vehicles purchased from August 3, 2022 to August 31, 2022. 2.99% purchase fi nancing of fered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 2.99% up to 60 months on 2022 Tr averse models. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary .D own payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $52,737 fi nanced at 2.99% nominal rate (2.99% APR) equals $437 bi-weekly for 60 months. Cost of borrowing is $4,106, for at otal obligation of $56,843. Freight ($1,995) and A/C charge ($100, if applicable) included. Example does not include license, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time of fer which may not be combined with certain other of fers. General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) may modify ,e xtend or terminate of fers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. TD Auto Finance is ar egistered trademark of The To rontoDominion Bank. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact GM Canada to verify eligibility These of fers may not redeemed may not combined with certain consumer and
Citynow Continuedfrompage 3
for cash and
Radziminskiwants the city to move theBusy Bees program to adifferent time or location, so thechildminding room (the space is named just that:childminding room) canbeused forthatfunction. “It’sone of theonly places that youcan drop a kid off on adrop-in basis in allofBurnaby. Ithink the only other optionis, like, IKEA.” She said in an ideal world,the childminding services would be open seven days aweek. “I feel likeI’m fighting for scraps,”Radziminski said. “It’sthis attitude that parents only needchild care from MondaytoFri day. It’slike, well,plenty of parents would alsolove to have aswim on aSat urday.” Radziminskisaid the service is helpfulfor communitybuilding and for parents’ mental health. “Everyone Italktohas thesameproblem, which isthatwe’re alltrying to patchwork alittle bit of childcare, outofparttimejobs, andfamily help andthesedrop-incentres “There are so many moms who justneeda break because they’re hu manbeings.”
incentives. Conditions
limitations apply .V oid where prohibited. See Dealer for full program details. FAMILYOWNED SINCE 1963 #D5505 •604-296-6901 Time forachange? Train to become aDental Office Administrator. You canexpect to earn$20-$30 per hourto start. Part time program: Sept 20 -June 8,Tue& Thur,6:00-9:00pm Full time program: Sept 19 -Dec 7, Mon to Fri, 9:30-2:30 pm Register today! “The instructor is extremely knowledgeable and made sure students felt confident and ready for practicum placements, and for working in the dental industry.Many new doorsopened for me!” Jodi -graduate
8 THURSDAY,August 18, 2022 • BurnabyNow

BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 18, 2022 9

10 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • BurnabyNow 2018TOYOTARAV4 HYBRIDAWD CARTERPRIC $35,500 CART $58,800 CARTERPRICED $72,800 CARTERPRICED $61,500 CARTERPRICED $46,500 CARTERPRICED $70,800 CARTERPRC $51,800 CARTERPRICED $29,500 2019GMCSIERRA3500 DENALI 2022G 2020GMCSIERRA DENALI1500 2019GMCACCADIA DENALIAWD 2021JEEPGLADIATOR OVERLAND 2019CHEVROLETTAHOE PREMIER •PowerGroup •Keyless Entry •Bluetooth •RearCamera #T8-63291 •8Passenger Seating •Leather Pkg •PowerGroup •Front &RearAir •Navigation &More #R2-17341 •Low Kilomete •NoAccident •FullLoad #82-73461 • Hardtop •8.4"Touch Screen •Spray Liner •Tonneau Cover #P9-66391 • Sunroof •Leather •NAV •MiddleBuckets (7 Pas) #N2-72361 CARS AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. NOT EXACTLYASILLUSTRATED. ALL PRICESARE PLUS TAXES AND $495DOCUMENTATION FEE. SEE DEALERFOR DETAILS. DEALER REGISTRATION NO. D5505 • Sunroof •Heated& CooledSeats •Navigation •PowerAssistSteps &More #P9-66700 • NAV •Heated/Cooled LeatherSeats •PowerLiftgate #N2-04071 T R RI ED 8800 ACADIADENALI rs 22017BUICKENCLAVE 019GMCSAVANA2500 •6.0L •135”Wheel Base •Low Mileage •Last1instock #P9-65890 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1963 CHEVROLET •GMC •BUICK CARTER AugustSpecials WePayTopDollarForQualityUsedVehicles 0.99%financingonselectGM’s • Short Box •Leather •Nav •Sunroof #89-58601 CARTERPRICED $89,800 s,

BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 18, 2022 11 4550 LOUGHEED HWY,BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILYOWNED SINCE 1963 CHEVROLET •GMC •BUICK #D5505 RESERVE YOURSTODAY ATCARTER! CARS AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. NOT EXACTLYASILLUSTRATED. ALL PRICES ARE PLUS TAXES, LEVIES AND $495 DOCUMENTATION FEE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. FINANCING ON APPROVED CREDIT.STK #Q2-41620 TP 4.49% @84MTH $43,927; STK #E2-87570 3.99% @84MTH TP $74,894; STK #Y2-41020 3.99% @84MTH TP $68,311; STK #R2-14040 3.99% @84MTH TP $65,480; STK #Z2-30590 4.49% @84MTH TP $67,325.STK #82-66660 4.99% 84 MTHS TP $109,858; STK #E2-77620 TP:4.49% @84MTH $47,887; STK #M2-10430 TP:2.99% @84 MTH $31,489; STK #72-06270 4.49% 84 MTHS TP $45,285 2022 CHEV EQUINOXLTAWD •6Speed •10Way PowerSeat •18” Chrome Wheel •Sunroof •TrueNorth Edition #Q2-41620 MSRP PRICE $37,658 $120/WEEKLYOR 2022 BUICK ENCLAVEAWD AVENIR • 9 Speed, Cxl •Sunroof •Convenience Pkg •Wireless Charging #E2-87570 MSRP PRICE $65,188 $206/WEEKLYOR 2022 CHEV TRAVERSE •Premiere AWD •9Speed Auto •3.6L •7Passenger Seating •Nav •SurroundVisio •Trailer Towing Pkg #Y2-41020 MSRP PRICE $59,558 $188/WEEKLYOR 2022 GMC ACADIA •AWD AT4 •6Passenger Seating •ConveniencePackage •BoseSpeakers •AT4 ProPkg #R2-14040 MSRP PRICE $57,088 $183/WEEKLYOR 2022 CHEV BLAZER AWDRS MSRP PRICE $57,728 $185/WEEKLYOR 2022 GMC SIERRA3500 DENALI • 6 6L V8 • 6 Speed Auto •Denali Ultimate Pkg •PowerRetractable Assist •Spray on BedLiner •PowerSlidingGlass Sunroof #82-66660 MSRP PRICE $92,663 $302/WEEKLYOR 2022 BUICK ENCOREGXAWD •1.3 Litre •9Speed Auto •ConveniencePkg •Safety Pkg2 #E2-77620 MSRP PRICE $41,053 $131/WEEKLYOR 2022 CHEV MALIBULS SEDAN •1.5 Litre Turbo •RemoteStart •RearCamera #M2-10430 MSRP PRICE $28,383 $86/WEEKLYOR • 9 Speed Auto •1.5L •Floor LinerPkg •PowerLiftgate #72-06270 MSRP PRICE $38,823 $125/WEEKLYOR on f • 9Speed Auto •3.6L •Power SlidingSunroof •RemoteVehicle Start •RSPlusPkg #Z2-30590 2022 GMC TERRAIN SLT AWD CARS COST LESS AT CARTER!

12 THURSDAY,August 18, 2022 • BurnabyNow Newsnow
Aman wanted in connectionwith an interna tionaldrug-trafficking investigationmightbehiding in Burnaby,according to police. DenisIvziku, 24,is wanted on chargesof drug trafficking, conspiracytotraffic and possession of property obtained by crime between 2018 and 2022,according to a Burnaby RCMP newsrelease. In an investigation launched in 2018and dubbed Project Divergent, federal Mounties targeted drug trafficking andimportation networks involving individuals in Canada and acrossthe world, the release said. “Twenty of the22individuals charged in rela tiontoProject Divergent were arrested on Feb. 23, 2022,”Burnaby RCMP Cpl. AlexaHodgins said in therelease.“Since then, anotherindividual has been arrested —leaving Denis Ivzikuasthe only outstanding individual evading police in relation to this investigation.” Policesay Ivzikuhas connections to the Lower Mainland,including Burnaby,and it’spossible he mightbeliving in the area while actively evading arrest While Project Divergentuncovered ties to the Hells Angels, Ivziku does not have known tiesto the LowerMainland gang conflict, according to the release. Ivziku has brown eyes and brown hair,standsbetween five-foot-fiveand five-foot-seven andweighs between 150 and 160 pounds Anyone with information on Ivziku or his whereaboutsisasked to contactthe RCMP Federal Seriousand OrganizedCrime Unit in Man itobaat431-338-0956. To remain anonymous, contact CrimeStoppersat 1-800-222-8477 or online at ffi be hidinginBurnaby
Have you seen him? Police are looking for Denis Ivziku, 24, in connection with an international drug-trafficking investigation PHOTO BURNABYRCMP MulberyPARC Carnival CallTerrie at 604.526.2248 for details andtoRSVP. Come one,come all! Join us forour annual Carnival at Mulberry. Enjoymusic, games,animals,prizes, and of course adunk tank! $20will provide unlimited play. All proceeds from the carnival will go towardsthe MulberryPARC Christmas hamper fund which benefits local seniorsinneed in Burnaby. Date& Time: Thursday, August 25, 1:00 -4:00 pm Location: MulberryPARC,7230 AcornAve,Burnaby Jordan receives a gift card courtesy of JORDANSTRUCHTRUP If you are interested in becoming a carrier, please call 604.398.3481 7110 Hall Ave 604-521-8881

Alba Correa vividly re membersthe first time she waspulled over by police after coming to Canada from Colombia “When he came to my window,I wasshaking,” she told agroup of women at Burnaby Neighbour hood House recently PoliceinColombia couldnot be trusted, according to Correa,and she hadnoreason to believe police in Canadawould be anydifferent. “The traumakeeps with youforever,”she told the NOW It turned out the officerhad pulledher over be cause she had forgotten to turnonher headlights and it wasdark out. He senther on her way without even a fine Correa’sfeelings about the police aren’tuncommon amongwomen coming to Canada from other countries, according to Burnaby RCMP Cpl. Alexa Hodgins,and that’s something she tries to addressinapresentation aimedatnewcomer women. “Mostofthesewomen come from countries wherepolice areuntrustworthy,mostly men, abuse theirauthority and corrupt,”said toldthe NOW Hodgins wasatBurnaby Neighbourhood Houselast monthtalking to agroup of newimmigrant and refugeewomen in theBridges preschool program runbyCorrea, who also acted as translator Among the half dozen women were newcomersfrom Colombia,Peru, Chile and Mexico When Hodgins asked them what their experienceswithpolicehad been like in their home coun tries, therewere laughs “In my country, the po lice is so bad, corrupt,” said one woman from Colombia Another woman from Colombia agreed.“You can’ttrust police.They’re supposed to protectyou, butyou can’ttrust them.” she said. “When yousee police, youget afraid,” saida woman from Peru. Awoman from Mexico said“it’sall about money” for police in hercountry. “It’schaos,” she said. Agood bit of Hodgins’s presentationisaimed at convincing the women policeinCanadacan be trusted and arethereto help. She tells them police in Canada are held to a “veryhigh standard,”and RCMPmembers are well trained andwell paid, with good benefitsand have fewer inducements to resort to corruption to make ends meet than their counterparts in developing countries. She alsotouches on Canada’sCharter of Rightsand Freedoms. Part of Hodgins’spresentationinvolves her showing andexplaining all the parts of heruniform: Kevlar vest, firearm, handcuffs, magazines, pepper spray, baton, tourniquet, etc “There’ssomuch mysterybehind ‘Whydoyou have all thatstuffand what is it for?’” Hodginssaid “Taking it out onebyone and explaining it really breaksdownthatbarrier and makes eachpiece less intimidating when youactually see it on someone.” But most of thepresen tation flows in thedirectionset by the group,according to Hodgins fficerwelcomesnewcomerwomen to Canada reachesout through Burnaby NeighbourhoodHouse preschool program
FAMILYOWNED SINCE 1963 604.229.4066 #D5505
PHOTO CORNELIANAYLOR on page16 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM •GMC •BUICK CARS COST LESS AT CARTER! Of fer available to quali fi ed retail customers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on select vehicles purchased in Canada from August 3, 2022 to August 31, 2022. 2.99% purchase fi nancing of fered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 2.99% up to 72 months on 2022 Sierra 1500 models. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary .D own payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/ trade. Example: $62,992 fi nanced at 2.99% nominal rate (2.99% APR) equals $442 bi-weekly for 72 months. Cost of borrowing is $5,897, for at otal obligation of $68,889. Freight ($2,095) and A/C charge ($100, if applicable) included. Example does not include license, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time of fer which may not be combined with certain other of fers. General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) may modify ,e xtend or terminate of fers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. TD Auto Finance is ar egistered trademark of The To ronto-Dominion Bank. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact GM Canada to verify eligibility .T hese of fers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Conditions and limitations apply .V oid where prohibited. See Dealer for full program details.
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 18, 2022 13 Communitynow
Welcome to Canada: BurnabyRCMP media liaison officer Cpl Alexa Hodginsspeaks to agroup of newcomer women in the BurnabyNeighbourhood House Bridges preschool program.


This weekend there aretwo opportunities to give blood —and it’ssorely needed by the Canadian Blood Services. Donateyourblood and grab adrink and cookiestorefuel. Checkfor appointments online, on theGiveBloodapp,bycalling 1-888-2DONATE(1888-236-6283), or check for more informa tion.
WHEN: Saturday,Aug.20and Sunday, Aug. 21. Book specificappointment times online.
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 18,2022 15 WEEKEND Findmoreevents online: Please sendyourinformation for Don’tmissthese weekend events &activities! SATURDAY,AUG.20 PHILIPPINE CULTURAL HERITAGE FESTIVAL AT SWANGARD HeadtoSwangard Stadium on Saturdayfor the “Herilympic Games” and festivities hostedbythe Phil ippine Cultural Heritage Society The eventwillhavefood vendors, raffles, cultural performancesand feature traditional heritagesports thatyou canjoin in to play! WHEN: Saturday,Aug.20, 10 a.m. to 6p.m. WHERE: Swangard Stadium,3883 Imperial St COST: Free JAZZ,COCKTAILSAND CANAPÉS Enjoyanoutdoor garden spot on Hastingsand listen to music by Letters andText andDJEvo.Sip acocktail by Cocktail Connoisseur and eatdelicious Persianfood by Suren Café and Restaurant, for this summer evening fete. Food andbeverages will be available for purchase in designated areas. WHEN: Saturday,Aug.20, 6to11p.m WHERE: Suren PersianCuisine, 4624 Hastings St COST: Free admission. RSVP fora complimentary cocktail. Search for‘Jazz at SurenCafé’ on Eventbrite SATURDAY, AUG.20 ANDSUNDAY, AUG. 21 GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE
WHERE: MaywoodCommunity School,4567Imperial St., or ByrneCreek SecondarySchool,777718th Ave. COST: Free ONGOING CRAVE THE HEIGHTS It’s a10-dayneighbourhooddining showcaseinthe Heights from Aug. 19 to 28.Burgers,coffee, beer, avariety of international cuisines and more will be served on “Crave Special” menus alongHastings Street.
WHEN: Aug. 19 to 28 WHERE: Restaurants andeateriesalong Hastings Street
in Burnaby Heights. COST: Check outa list of allthe businessspecialsonline at –compiledbyLaurenVanderdeen FRIDAY, AUG. 19 Flowerpower: Learn howtouse flowers to create natural dyeinworkshops Friday and Saturday at Byrne Road UrbanFarm. PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHY BY BOBI/MOMENT/GETTYIMAGES FLOWER POWER! BOTANICAL PRINTINGWORKSHOP Explore the world of botanical dyes andcreatea beautiful flower-printed scarf youcan take home Maker and natural dyer DarcySmithleadsthis workshopwithadiscussionof flowerprinting tech niquesand dyeing. All supplies are included,includingtango cosmos, coreopsis,marigolds and the ready-to-dyeorganicsilkhabotai scarf. WHEN: Friday,Aug.19(6to8:30p.m.) or Saturday, Aug. 20 (11a.m. to 1:30p.m.) WHERE: Byrne Road Urban Farm, 4992 ByrneRd. COST: $69.98. Ticketsavailable on Eventbrite (search for‘Flower PowerPrinting Workshop’) HearingSolutions Thursday,September 15th from 2pm -6pm Neil SquireHearing Solutions Lab 400 –3999 Henning Drive, Burnaby, BC Please RSVPtoAttend or phone 778-945-1215 Grand Opening You’reInvited! Neil Squire HearingSolutions

in theirgarden and donate them
Union GospelMissionin NewWestminsterand
One topicthatcameup waskidnapping. In someofthe coun tries, kidnappings forran som, especially of children,iscommon, and Hodgins explained kid napping for ransom is extremelyrare in Canada
16 THURSDAY,August 18, 2022 • BurnabyNow
8:30 to 9:15 a.m. at the frontentrancetoSt.Thomas More Collegiate, 745012thAve in Burnaby –TheresaMcManus Open to the Public Everyone Welcome • Kids Too! Royal Canadian Legion Branch #119 2529 ClarkeSt, Port Moody | Lounge: 604-492-1840 To makeareservation, please call Club 119 at 604-492-1840 Enter through the breezeway directly across from the cenotaph on Spring Street. Wed. &Thurs.: noon to 10pm; Fri. &Sat.: noon to 11pm; Sun.: noon to 9pm; Closed: Monday,Tuesday Port Moody Legion Branch 119 supports the aims andobjects of the Royal Canadian Legion serving our veterans,their dependents and our community.Founded in 1931,Royal Canadian Legion Branch #119 is one of over 150branches of the BCYukonCommand. MakePortMoodyLegionClub119yourdestination! •Enjoy Our Outdoor Patio! •Fun &CasualAtmosphere •Affordable Food &Drinks Menu •Meat Draws areBack •Underground Parking •Full Service Dining Room &Bar •Catch your Favourite Sports on Port Moody’sLargest Screens! HBookyour oliday,ABirthday,Cnniversary elebrations, and more! hick ey 20 th i
plant an extra
Other questionsthe women askedincluded questions about the kinds of crime most prevalent in the neighbourhood and whether they should be worried if neighbours threaten to call police be cause their kids are being too noisy
needare enjoying fresh fruits andveggies courtesy of their neighbours. Each year,
invitesNewWest and
One topic Hodgins makes sure to coverisdomestic abuse,pointing the women to online re sourcesand stressing they shouldn’t hesitate to call police. “A lot of thesewomen are coming from coun tries whereitwas OK to do whatever youwanted withyour wife, and there were no repercussions if it happened at home,”Hod gins said. Hodgins has presented her talk acouple times now. Such presentations had been putonholdbecause of COVID-19 restrictions. “It’srefreshing coming to thesethings be cause yousometimes forget howwonderful it is to live in Canadaand to have oursystembecause youjust getusedtoit,” she said. “But when you talk to other people and they’relike ‘This is amazing,’ then you’re, like, ‘Itis amazing.’” folks in the Plant a Row–Growa Rowpro gram Burnaby residents to rowofvegetables to theprogram, then donates the freshproduce to the to Ryan’s Rainbow, an emergencyfood outreachpro gram in Burnaby that providesfresh produceto families each week. people want to supportthe program but don’thaveagarden, the program also accepts do nations of store-bought produce and non-perishablefooditems Plant aRow –Growa Rowvolunteerswill be collectingdonations of fresh produceand non-perishablefooditems everySundayuntil Oct. 2.When peopleare dropping off donations, they’llalso receiveafresh,homemade scone baked up by one of theprogram’svolunteers. take place on Sundays from
Communitynow Mountiereachesouttonewcomers Continuedfrompage 13 Got extraveggies growing? Sharethem with charity Families and

Of fer available to quali fi ed retail customers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on select vehicles purchased from August 3, 2022 to August 31, 2022. 2.99% purchase fi nancing of fered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 2.99% up to 60 months on 2022 Enclave models. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary .D own payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade.
Stusiak’s son toldthe NOW hisfatherwas a proud Canadian and British Columbian, buthad a special love for Burnaby “He just feltlike Burnaby wassomethinghehad achancetomakeanimprint on,and it wasimportant forhim to not just be sitting around being in Burnaby butbeing part of Burnaby,” Michael said. Stusiak leavesbehind three sons,11grandchil drenand 11 great-grandchildren.
604.229.4066 #D5505 UBC FacultyofDentistry THE UNIV ER SI TY OR BR ITISH CO LU MBI A UBC Dentistry is screening patients 7yearsofageandolderwhorequire Braces (Fullorthodontic treatmentcost:$1,000to$4,200) Forinformation, Graduate OrthodonticsProgram Toarrangeascreeningappointment: 604-827-4991(12years&older) 604-827-0706(7to10yearsold) oremailgradorthoclinic@dentistry.ubcca
Freeman of Burnaby: Former councillor Victor Stusiak died Aug. 7atthe ageof98.
His sonMichael Stusiak saidhis father wasadetermined andpassionate man who believed in hiswork. “He wasnot,I don’t think, thekindofa politician whowould tell you whatyou wanted to hear He’dmore likely tellyou whathebelieved in —and if youliked it, youliked it, and if youdidn’t,you didn’t,” Michael said. As councillorfrom 1973 to 1977 and1979to1987, Stusiakwas a“financial watchdog,” according to a city reporthonouring him as Freeman,and created policiesthat“allowBurnabytoenjoysound financial strategiesfor genera tions to come.”
At acouncilmeeting last month, MayorMike Hurleyacknowledged Stusiak’supcoming birthday and thanked himfor his contributions to the city, as “someone who shaped Burnaby into the thriving communityweenjoytoday.”
One of Burnaby’sFree men, formercity councillorVictor “Vic”Stusiak, died Aug. 7atBurnaby Hospital. He would have been 99 on Aug.27. Stusiakwas conferred the title Freeman of Burnaby in 2009,a recognition awarded to thosewho “haveservedand contributed significantly andselflessly to the well-beingof Burnaby’scitizens and the community.”
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 18, 2022 17
Hisextensive work with parks and recreation projectsincluded support for the Burnaby Mountain parkdedication andiniti ating aparks levyonnew developments,aswell as the design and development of theBurnabyVillage Museum In hisyouth, the former councillor servedinthe RoyalAir Force during the SecondWorldWar. Whenhereturned to Canada, he startedhis ownwood-windowmanufacturing company, where he honedhis business acumen as the company’s president. After one termascouncillor, he mounted an un successful mayoral runin 1977, thenreturned to city hallasa councillor two yearslater
Example: $63,342 fi nanced at 2.99% nominal rate (2.99% APR) equals $525 bi-weekly for 60 months. Cost of borrowing is $4,931, for at otal obligation of $68,273. Freight ($1,900) and A/C charge ($100, if applicable) included. Example does not include license, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time of fer which may not be combined with certain other of fers. General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) may modify ,e xtend or terminate of fers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. TD Auto Finance is ar egistered trademark of The To ronto-Dominion Bank. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact GM Canada to verify eligibility .T hese of fers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Conditions and limitations apply .V oid where prohibited. See Dealer for full program details. 1963

18 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • BurnabyNow LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES REMEMBRANCES To advertise, email Let our experienced lawyers help you. | *A law corporation Probate made easy. WestcoastWills &Estates 604-230-1068 EXECUTOR SERVICES LEGAL By virtueofthe Warehouseman’s LienAct Mundie’sTowing, Storage &Service (1976) Ltd. will dispose of: 1) 2017KIA SPORTVIN#KNDPNCAC2H7057586 RO: CRAIG POUNDER/TD AUTO FINANCE INC 2) 2020 DODGECARAVANVIN#2C4RDGCGXLR162466 RO: BRANKOBRANKOVIC/BANKOFMONTREAL 3) 2018CHRYSLER 300 VIN# 2C3CCABG6JH208213 RO: NIKKI-LEIGH MAISTRY/CANADIANIMPERIALBANK OF COMMERCE 4) 2002ACURARSX VIN# JH4DC53022C803992 RO:CHRISTOPHER NEAL 5) 2005HONDACIVIC VIN# 1HGEM229X5L806534 RO: JASON BENGAO 6) 1998 INFINITI QX4VIN#JNRAR05Y6WW023295 RO: HARINERJITSINGH VIRK 7) 2004 HONDACIVICVIN#2HGES16384H919299 RO: NAVA MANUELFERNAND SALAZAR 8) 2003 FORDMUSTANG VIN#1FAFP40463F397351 RO: DOUGLAS BECKETT 9) 2002 INFINITI QX4 VIN# JNRDR09Y22W251036 RO: KYLEMCCRAE 10) 2001 FORDFLATDECK VIN# 1FDAF57F41EC67796 RO: ZORAWARSINGH DHILLON 11)2010 VWPASSATVIN# WVWMN9AN6AE551121 RO: OLUWADEMILADE DAVIDOBA 12) 2015 FORDESCAPE VIN# 1FMCU9GX0FUA12493 RO:PARAST JULIETASALEHI 13) 2010 MITSUBISHI OLNDRVIN# JA4JT3AX2AZ604245 RO: GENNARO FERLAINO 14) 2015 HYUNDAI ELNTR VIN#KMHDH4AH0FU409344 RO: SINGH XJASKARAN 15) 2009 CHEV EXPRS VIN# 1GCFG15X791122315 RO: VANESSA HERNANDEZ 16) 2014 FORDFOCUSVIN#1FADP3K25EL231808 RO: TARIK GIFFORD 17) 2013 NISSAN CUBEVIN# JN8AZ2KR2DT300858 RO: NEJYE Units maybeviewed and bidstobesubmittedonTUESDAY, August 23, 2022 at 5917ThorneAvenue, Burnaby,BC between 10:00am to 3:00 pm.All written bids to Mundie’sTowing 5917 Thorne Ave, Burnaby,BCV3N 2T8.
NOTICE OF INTENT TO EXERCISE WAREHOUSE LIEN BY AUCTION PURSUANTTO section 4ofthe Warehouse Lien Act, RSBC1996, c. 480, notice is hereby givenby Ecotech Restoration Inc. that due to nonpayment of storage fees the contents deposited by: Pauline King, last known address 1702-1005Beach Avenue, Vancouver,BC, V6E 3W2, including: assorted householdgoods, mattresses and furniture, will be soldatonlinepublicauction via iBid4( on Friday, August 26 2022, sale beginning at 9:00 AM, for pickup by thesuccessful bidder at the Ecotech Restoration Inc., warehouselocated at 1B -1642 Langan Avenue, Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 1K5.
EMPLOYMENT GENERAL EMPLOYMENT Cleaning Business is looking forRELIABLE HOUSE CLEANERS. 604.987.9970 ROCKY MOUNTAINEQUIPMENT is NOW HIRING:AG Equipment Techs,Heavy Equipment Techs -Journeyman &Apprentices, Parts Techs. View Open Roles & Apply: Relocationand Signing BonusOffered Burnaby School District School Support Positions The BurnabySchool Districtisaccepting applications for several casual on call, part time and full time positions. Please refer to the JobOpportunitieslinkonour website at Application can be made through Please include acover letter, resume and any relevant certificates/diplomas requested in the posting.Please specify which position you are applying for in the subjectline of youremail and submit one email per position applied for. The Burnaby School District embraces diversity as a privilegeand astrength. We strive for accepting, safe, supportive,and inviting communitieswhere the goal is for all members to feel asense of belonging. Our (schools or worksites)are for everyoneand we respect each person’s contributions. OFFICE/CLERICAL GARAGE SALES New West Multi Family Sale Kitchen and household, vintage andcostume jew elry,clothing andaccessories, books, cd’s, art, etc. Saturday,Aug 20th 10-2 #1006, #1057 ј NanaimoStreet. No earlies. MARKETPLACE WANTED CASH for your CLUTTER Iwill pay CASH for your UNWANTED ITEMS! Ispecialize in RECORDS, English Bone China & Figurines, Collectibles, Tools, Antiques, ETC Rob• 604-307-6715 NUMISMATISTPURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS &ACCUMULATIONS! Royal Canadian Mint, Canada&World Collections Wanted. Also buying 9999bullion, old money,jewelry,nuggets, sterling, gold,silver,coins, bars, monster boxes+++ ES TATES WELCOMED! Todd 250 864 3521. RENTAL APARTMENTS/ CONDOS FOR RENT GARDEN VILLA 1010 6th Ave. New Westminster Suites Available. BeautifulAtrium with Fountain.ByCollege, Shops &Transit/Skytrain Pets negotiable.Ref req’d. CALL 604-715-7764 VILLA MARGARETA 320-9thSt, NewWestminster Suites Available All suites have nice balconies, Underground parkingavail. Refs req’d. SmallPet OK. CALL 604-715-7764 APARTMENTS/ CONDOS FOR RENT SKYLINETOWERS 102-120 AgnesSt, New Westminster Hi-Rise Apartment with RiverView&Indoor Pool. 1BR& 2BRAvailable Rentincludesheat &hot water.Remodeled Building and Common area Gated underground secure parking available. Referencesrequired. CALL604-525-2122 MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 •604-653-7851 • Book your ad online anytime at Your Community May the Sunshine of Comfort Dispel the Clouds of Despair Finda New Career Discover aWorld of Possibilities in the Classifieds! Toadvertisecall 604-362-0586 Calltoplaceyourad 604-362-0586 Dreaming of aNew Home? Call to placeyourad 604-362-0586
LEGAL NO. M-205720 VANCOUVERREGISTRY IN THESUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BETWEEN: YAROSLAV POVERLO PLAINTIFF AND: JOHN BRENDAN McDADEAUSTIN PHILLIP CHARRON-LELIEVRE and JENNIFER AENOY LIGGINS DEFENDANTS Form 10 (RULE 4-4(3)) ADVERTISEMENT To:JohnBrendan McDade TAKE NOTICE THATonthe 17th day of May 2022 an order was made for service on you of aNotice of Civil Claim issued fromthe Vancouver Registry of the SupremeCourtofBritish Columbia in proceeding number M-205720 by way of this advertisement. In the proceeding, the plaintiff claims the following relief against you: an award for non-pecuniary damages;past and future special damages; loss of past and future income;loss of earningcapacity; past and future care costs; interestpursuanttothe Court Order Interest Act, [R.S.B.C] 1996, c.79;the costsofthisaction; and such further and other relief as to this HonorableCourt may seem just and meet. Youmust file aresponding pleading withinthe period required underthe Supreme Court Civil Rules failingwhichfurther proceedings, including judgement, may be taken against youwithout notice to you. Youmay obtain from theVancouver Registry,at 800SmitheStreet,Vancouver, BC, V6Z 2E1,a copyofthe Notice of Civil Claim and the order providingfor service by this advertisement. Thisadvertisement is placed by Hammerco Lawyers LLP whose addressfor service is Suite 400 -2233 Columbia Street, Vancouver,BCV5Y 0M6,Fax: 604-269-8511.

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days notice! Due to space restrictions, there is no puzzle this issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. HOMESERVICES To advertise, email Please recycle this newspaper. CERAMIC TILING Bathroom Renovations TILING -All Installations Santo •778-235-1772 CLEANING PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Gutter cleaning Pressure washing Window washing Gardening 10 years experience 604 209 3445 CONCRETE We do ALL kinds of ConcreteWork. •Seniors discount Local, family business 40+ yrs 604-240-3408 DRAINAGE DRAIN Tiles, Sewer, Water, Video Inspection, Jack Hammering, Hand Excavating, Concrete Cutting, Rootering, WET BSMT MADE DRY 604.782.4322 DRYWALL Boarding &Taping Good Rates! Reliable, Free Est. Reno’s&Small Jobs Welcome! Call Gurprit 604-710-7769 ELECTRICAL ACLASS ELECTRICIAN Res/comm. Fully lic. 40 yrs.Localexp. Bonded, Ins, WCB. Great rates.All work guaranteed 2yrs. Freeest. 7days 8ammidnight. Small to mid size jobs andservice calls. DAVE 778-230-0619 All Electrical, Low Cost Licensed. Res/Com. Smal jobexpert. Renos, Panelchanges (604)374-0062 Simply Electric Commercial &Residential Reno’s&Small Jobs bf#37309 778-322-0934 EXCAVATING #1 Backhoes &Excavators TrenchlessWaterlines Bobcats &Dump Truck &All Material Deliveries Drainage; Video Inspection, Landscaping Concrete Stump/Rock/Cement/Oil Tank &Demos, Paving, Pool/Dirt Removal, Paver Stones, Jackhammer Water/Sewer, Line/Sumps, Slinger Avail, ConcreteCutting, Hand Excavating Basements Made Dry Claudio’sBackhoe Service 604-341-4446 FENCING West Coast Cedar Installations since 1991 New •Repaired •Rebuilt Fences &Decks. 604-788-6458 (no text) FLOORING Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts •Repairs •Staining •Installation • Free Estimates 604-376-7224 NSTALLATIONREFINISHING, Sanding.Free est, great prices. Satisfaction guar 604-518-7508 CALL Today for Summer DISCOUNTS! GUTTERS •REPLACEMENTS• DOWNPIPE •LEAFGUARD• DRAIN GUARD •SIDING Commercial &Residential. Free Estimates. GutterSpecialists. Licensed. 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Lic’d &WCB Summer Clean-up Specials •Lawn Maintenance •Power Rake • New Sod&Seeding • Tree Topping &Trimming •Power Wash •Gutters •Patio’s• Decks •Fences •Concrete •Retaining Walls •Driveways& Sidewalks &Much MORE Allwork guaranteed Free Estimates 604-240-2881 MODERATE LANDSCAPING • LAWN Gravel, Bedrock • HEDGE Trimming • PAINT Exterior • STUCCO Repair,Chimney • DECKS Fencing, Patios • RETAINING Walls • Pavers • CONCRETE Driveways • ROOFING Repairs 27 YrsExp 778-968-7843 LAWN &GARDEN ABE MOVING &Delivery & Rubbish Removal $50/hrper Person.24/7 • 604-999-6020 Affordable Moving From $45/hr 1,3,5,7,10 TonTrucks Licensed &Insured Local -Long Distance Free Est. Senior Disc. 604-537-4140 www.affordablemoversbc.comExperienced Movers $120.00/hr Fullsize truck+2profes sionalmovers, $120/hr. Weekday &earlybird specials. Local,Vancou ver Island &BCInterior. Call Gary @236 881 4975 MOVING EXTERIOR &INTERIOR Residential &Commercial 778-984-0666 A. RIGHTWAY PAINTING Ltd 25 years experience Free Estimates 35%OFF SPECIAL SUMMER PAINTING DISCOUNT D& M PAINTING Exterior/InteriorSpecialist Many Years Experience. Fully Insured. TopQuality •QuickWork Free estimate. 604-724-3832 Int/exterior painting, power washing, general renos and fencing. Call Kelvin 604-537-6139 Seabird Painting Fully Insured 20 yrs. exp. •Free Est. INTERIOR &EXTERIOR SPECIALS 10% OFF Call 6047291234 FAIRWAY PAINTING Painting Specials g g 778-895-3503 2rooms for $400,2 coats anycolour (Ceiling &Trim extra) Price incls premium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. We do all sorts of wood flooring and all typesofmouldings. PAINTING/ WALLPAPER PLUMBING • Hot Water Tanks • Plumbing • Heating • Furnaces • Boilers • Drainage • Res & Comm • 24/7 Service 604-437-7272 POWER WASHING Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, PowerWashing, WindowCleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 RENOS &HOME IMPROVEMENT A-1 Contracting. Bsmt, bath, kitchen cabinets, tile &laminate flrs, painting, decks.. and more. Call Dhillon,604-782-1936 ALL RENOVATIONS: •Kitchen •Baths •Additions •Patio •Stairs •Deck •Fences •Pa nt ng •Drywa l & MORE 778-892-1530 Kitchen& Bathrooms, all Tile,all Flooring,Drywall, Paint ALLREPAIRS +More! INT& EXT• 778-836-0436 ROOFING A-1 Contracting &Roofing New &Re-Roofing •All Types AllMaintenance& Repairs GUTTERCLEANING GutterGuard Installations • RENOVATION WORK • WCB 25% Discount • Emergency Repairs • Jag• 778-892-1530 MOVING Re-Roofing &Repairs Specialists 20 Year Labour WarrantyAvailable 604-591-3500 SPECIALIZING IN CEDAR, FIBERGLASS LAMINATES AND TORCH ON. Liabil ty nsurance WCB BBB,Free Est mates 604-946-4333 Bros. Roofing Ltd. Over 40 Years in Business NEW ROOFS &REPAIRS Gutter Cleaning •$145 Free Est.• 604-240-5362 RUBBISH REMOVAL YARD &HOME Cleanup DISPOSAL Construction Reno’s &Drywall/ Demo’s 7Days/Week •FreeEst’s Isaac• 604-727-5232 • FULL SERVICE JUNK REMOVAL &Clean-Up at Affordable Rates • Pianos &Hot Tubs No Problem • Booked Appointments • Same-Day Service • Residential &Commercia JUNK 604.220.JUNK (5865) 20 YARD BIN RENTALS from $249/week +dump fees BRADS STUCCO D&SSTUCCO 30 yrs exp Exc serv All typesofFinishes, Repairs Ins’d 604-788-1385 TREE SERVICES TREE SERVICES Pruning, Hedge Trimming Tree &StumpRemoval 75 ft Bucket Trucks 604-787-5915 $50 OFF *onjobs over $1000 •Finishing Carpentry •Custom Kitchen Cabinets •Flooring &Stairs •Closets &Vanities •All Renovation Services Small or Big Jobs! 778-858-1854Looking to do some Refer to the Service Directory for all of your home improvement, decorating and gardening needs. Home Improvement? HOME SERVICES Find the professionals you need to create the perfect renovation. Toadvertisecall 604-362-0586 Find all your renovation needs in HomeServices 604-362-0586 Find the professionals you need to complete your renovations in the Home Services section
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20 THURSDAY,August 18,2022 • BurnabyNow 2, 3A ND 4B ED RO OM TO WNHO ME S AND DU PLEXE SI NT HE HE AR TO F QUE ENSBOROU GH CO ME VISIT US TO DA Y This is not an offering forsale,asanoffering can only be made after the filing of adisclosurestatement, and only in jurisdictions wherequalified in accordancewith applicablelocal laws.E.&O.E. NE WR IV ER FR ON TV IE WH OM ES NO WA VA IL AB LE