Thethirdand final phaseputsforwardguidelinesfor futurecommer cial development: one 47-storey highrise (614ft.) forofficeand hospitality, andone 60-storey market rentalbuilding (644ft.) aboveapodium of retail, officeand rental space. Thethirdand finalphase (2C) maybe putunder adifferent fu ture proposal, as it is a jointproject withConcord Metrotowndeveloper Concord Pacific and theowner of Metropolis at Metrotown,Ivanhoé Cambridge.
Five moretowers planned for Metrotown
The first phase(2A) up for developmentincludes twohighrisestratabuild ings at 40 and49storeys (139.7 metres/458.33feet and166.32m/545.67ft.) abovepodiums of nonmarket rentalunits and commercialspace. Phase 2B includes one highrise of 58 storeys (192.63m/632ft.) with market stratacondos and non-market rentals
Phase2ofthe Concord Metrotown development is up forcouncil review. The rezoning forthe west side of Metropolis at Metrotown seeks to build fivetowersintotal over three phases. It would replaceselect parking lots along Kingsway, as well as the old Searsdepartment store. Theplanwas scheduled to go to apublic hearing at the endofthis month; however, duetoa discrep ancy betweenthe architecturalplans and therezoningreport,the hearingis postponed to alater date. That date has yettobe announced.
NEWS 3 EVENTS 11 SPORTS 22 Your guidetoweekend fun SFU heads south of the Taborder kedownatSkyTrain station Continuedonpage 3 LOCAL NEWS There’smoreonlineat .com LOCAL MATTERS
THE FUTURE IS FEMALE: Kar-HeiNgofBurnabyrolls up the hose at Camp Ignite, athree-day camp held to introduce teenage girls from around theprovincetothe world of firefighting.Above, Kar-Hei(centre) is seenwith Jordan Letoria of PrinceGeorge (left)and Eleanor Szabo of Colwood. Thecamp wasco-hosted by the NewWestminster,Abbotsfordand Vancouver firedepartments and brought 27 girls together to take part in firefighting-relateddrills, exercises, demonstrationsand,ofcourse, fun. Seemoreon page 17. PHOTOS JENNIFERGAUTHIER

2 THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 • BurnabyNow PRODUCE GROCERY MEAT&SEAFOOD BAKERY DELI LANGLEY FARM LAMARKET NGLEY FARM MARKET Your Choice. Our Honour. Our Effort. Our Award. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORE VALID THURSDAY,AUGUST 25 –SUNDAY,AUGUST 28, 2022 •WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. For freshness and quality you can count on! LFM LANGLEY FARM MARKET Forfresh and quality foods 7815 KINGSWAY,BURNABY 604.521.2883 STORE HOURS: MONDAY TO SUNDAY 8:30AM TO 9:00PM •HOLIDAYS:9:00AM TO 6:00PM This sale is only for the Kingsway location $699 lb $339 ea $769 ea $339 ea $749 lb $399 lb WHOLE FRYING CHICKEN $8.78/kg SIRLOIN TIP ROAST AA beef/ $15.38/kg CHAMPMAR WHITE WHOLE SHRIMPS 20/30/ 400gfrozen AA-1 INDIA MACKEREL (HASA HASA) 120/150 /450gfrozen 3FISH FISH TOFU Frozen /270g $155 ea $149 ea $409 ea. TARO BUN 100g BLUEBERRY SCONE 100g BUTTER COOKIES 250gARMSTRONG MEDIUM CHEDDAR $699 ea $129 ea. $319 ea. $219 /100g $139 ea. SIRLOIN TIP STEAK AA beef /$16.48/kg $469 ea 89¢ ea. GREEN PLUMS $4.3ProductofU.S.A.8/kg BROCCOLI CROWNS $3.0ProductofU.S.A.4/kg OKANAGAN ROMA TOMATOES Product of B.C. $3.26/kg LOCAL LOOSE BEETS $2ProductofB.C..18/kg LOCAL RUSSIAN GARLIC $28ProductofB.C..58/kg $319 ea. $399 ea. $169 ea. $199 lb. $138 lb. LOCAL DILL CUCUMBERS $5.4ProductofB.C.8/kg $369 ea. FREMO ALOE JUICE Original /1.5L SKOTIDAKIS COWFETA 200g $209 /100g ROSEMARYHAM FREYBE SALAMI CHUBS Cervelat/Gypsy/Hungarian/ Italian /250g $229 lb. RED SEEDLESS GRAPES Product of U.S.A $5.04/kg $688 ea. ct B.C. $148 lb. $249 lb. 99¢ lb. $1299 lb. $169 ea. 1ST CHOICE SEAWEED Classic /21.6g LEEKUM KEE PANDAOYSTER SAUCE 510g MANGPEDRO’S PORK RINDS Party size /170g $299 ea. $219 ea. MCVITIES DIGESTIVE COOKIES Original /400g FARMER’S MARKET ORGANIC PUMPKIN PUREE 398ml GOLDEN GRILL HASHBROWN POTATOES 119g GRACE COCONUT WATER WITH PULP 500ml LACTANTIA CHOCOLATE MILK 237ml $129 ea. NONG SHIM KIMCHI NOODLE BOWLS 86g RONNIE’S JUMBO SUNFLOWER SEEDS No salt/ Slightly Salted /600g EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC JACKFRUIT Beef style /300g $299 ea. EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC BAKED BEANS 398ml EATWHOLESOME ORGANIC COCONUT BUTTER 500ml $929 ea. W FET BLACKMISSION FIGS 1lProductofU.S.Ab.clamshell

Continuedfrompage 1
The project includes 1,260 parking spaces for strataunits(including 115 visitor spaces and74accessible spaces), 75 spaces for non-market rental units (including 19 visitor spacesand 74 accessible spaces) and 475 spaces for market rental units(including 79 visitor spots and57accessiblespaces).
Guns drawn: A video still shows BurnabyRCMP officers during adramatic arrest at the Metrotown SkyTrain station on Aug. 2. Policesaid the 17-year-old suspect had been threatening stangerswith aknife inside the nearbymall dramatic
The firsttwo phases, whichare planned to be developed concurrently, willbring 1,464 housing units to Burnaby: 1,145 market strata condominiums, 188 non-market (20 percent belowCMHC median) and 131market rental units Phase2C’sunit count willbedecided at alater date, though it is projected to include about 660market rentalunits.
One officer attempted to deploy aTaser, butitwas “not effective,”and the suspect fledupanescala tor withthree officers in pursuit,police said. The suspect managed to get on awestbound train before the officerscaught up to himand tookhim into custody,according to police. All told, the suspect had been in possession of three knives,police said. The 17-year-old faces charges of assault with a weaponand possession of aweapon for adangerous purpose. Part of theincident was capturedonvideo and shared online. The video,posted on Instagrambyvancouver_ true_crime,shows multiple officerswith guns drawninside theMetrotown stationyellingatthe suspect The suspect is then shown getting onto his kneeswith his handson the ground. One officer then kicks him,ordering him to “get on the ground,” butthe suspect gets to his feetinstead.
Condos,marketrentalspartofConcord plan
PHOTO VANCOUVER_TRUE CRIME Mall incidentleads to
When officersarrived, they challenged thesuspect,and he dropped a knife, butthenhereached for another knife, police said. Eventually,the suspect dropped to hisknees, but he refused to complywith police commands, according to police.
All residential parking spaces will be equipped with an individually me teredoutletfor electrical vehicle charging. More than 1,240 underground parking spaces are planned for commer cialuse. Alsoplanned are 4,621bicycle parking spots intotal. Thecity alsorequires the developertoprovide astrategy for “transpor tationdemandmanage ment.”Anearlier phase of theConcord Metrotown development included strategies such as: atwo-zone transit pass for 15 per cent of all residential unitsfor 24 months acar-share membership for each residential unit for 24months 17 car-share parking spaces
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 3
Moving on up: Phase 2ofthe ConcordMetrotown developmentinBurnabywas scheduledtogotopublic hearing next week,but it’s been pushed off because of a discrepancy between the architectural plans and a city rezoning report The rezoning for the west side of Metropolis at Metrotown seeks to build five towers in total over three phases. It would replace select parking lots along Kingsway, as well as the old Searsdepartment store.
Aminimumof20per cent of single-level resi dential units (atleast 424 units) are planned to be adaptable, as requiredby Burnaby’sadaptable hous ing policy, as well as 243 accessible parkingstalls Amenitiesincludefitness centres, meeting rooms,playareas,wellness spas, maker spaces and a landscaped rooftop.
Twobikeparking spaces Bike wash andrepair fa cilities Work lounges
Another officer deploys aTaser, butthe suspect can be seen pullingoff the Taser probes and fleeing up theescalator with three officers in pursuit “It came in as aman with aknife threaten ing people in Metrotown, so,right offthe bat, it’sa potentialassault with a weapon, and when ourofficersgot on the scene, they sawaknife,”Burnaby RCMP spokesperson told the NOW.“Whoknows howmanyother weapons he has on him, so thatexplains theguns out.”
SkyTrain takedown
BurnabySkyTrain pas sengersfound themselves in themiddleofa dramatic policeincident earlier this month. It all started inside the Metrotown mallonAug 2, according to an emailed Burnaby RCMPstatement. Officerswere called to themallatabout5:15 p.m. for reportsofanassault,the statementsaid. The suspect involved wasreportedly being aggressive and threatening strangerswith aknife The suspect fled the area, heading towardsthe Metrotown SkyTrain sta tion, according to police.
Police said no one was injured duringthe incident.

To:Amended CD Comprehensive Development District (based on RM5 Multiple Family Residential District, C3 General Commercial District, P6 Regional Institutional District, P2 Administration and Assembly District and SFU Community Plan as guidelines, and in accordance with the development plan entitled “SFU Lot24, 8955 University High Street, Burnaby,BC” prepared by RWAArchitecture)
From: M2 General Industrial District
The permit applications may be inspected at the Planning and Development Department, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby,BCfrom August 18 to 29,Mondays to Fridays from 8am to 4:45pm, and on Thursdays from 8am to 8pm. The applications will be presented to Council for consideration on August 29,2022 at 5pm AFTER 2:45PM ON AUGUST29, 2022 WILL NOTBECONSIDERED BY COUNCIL B. Zeinabova CITYCLERK
Purpose: to permit the construction of amixed-use developmentwitha 6-storey commercial/residential podium and a17-storeyapartment tower with underground parking, and abus layover facility
3.3) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No.34, 2022 -Bylaw No.14482 Rez. #20-29 8955 University High Street
To:CDComprehensive Development District (based on M2 General Industrial District, M5 Light Industrial District, the Big Bend Development Plan, and in accordance with the development plan entitled “3990 Marine WayStudios”prepared by CTAArchitecture +Design Ltd.)
All persons who
• fill
Master Mingon Kim’s North Burnaby Taekwondo Inc. has made an application to the City of Burnaby to propose atemporary use(s) on this site: 2900 Bainbridge Avenue (Alias 102-2900 Bainbridge Avenue)
Burnaby City Council hereby gives notice that it will hold aPublic Hearing to receive representations in connection with proposed amendments to “Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965”. CityOfBurnaby 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G1M2 Reports, bylaws, and related information respecting the zoning bylaw amendments are available on the City’swebsite at from August 12, 2022. Any questions regarding the Public Hearing processes and agenda items may be directed to the Office of the City Clerk, 604-294-7290. Please note all written submissions must be received by 2:45pm on the day of the Hearing. Submissions should contain the writer’sname and address which become apart of the public record.
Applicant: Mosaic Avenue Developments Ltd.
Purpose: to permit construction of the second phase of the Concord Metrotown site,including three high-rise market residential strata buildings atop non-market rental and commercial/retail podiums, and two commercial high-rise buildings (one being market rental and the other being office/hospitality) atop acombined commercial/retail podium. Parkingisprovided fully underground with some on-street convenience parking
Applicant: Marine WayInvestments Ltd.
Purpose: to permit the construction of anew rectory and office
From: CD Comprehensive Development District (based on RM5s Multiple Family Residential District, C3 General Commercial District and Metrotown Downtown Plan as guidelines)
3.1) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No.31, 2022 -Bylaw No.14479 Rez. #17-10011
3.2) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No.32, 2022 -Bylaw No.14480 Rez. #21-46 3990 Marine Way
are affected by aproposed bylaw shall
•email: •mail:
Applicant: Concord Kingsway Projects GP Ltd. believe they be areasonable opportunity to be heard: COMMENTSTOCOUNCIL Mayor &Council, c/o Office of the City Clerk, 4949 Canada Way out the webform:
To:Amended CD Comprehensive Development District (based on RM5s Multiple Family Residential District, RM5r Multiple Family Residential District, C3 General Commercial District, the Metrotown Downtown Plan as guidelines and in accordance with the development plan entitled “Concord Metrotown Phase 2AB &2C” prepared by IBI Group Architects (Canada) Inc.)
Temporary Use Permit Application #22-05
Purpose: The purpose of the proposed Temporary Use Permit is to permit anon-profit ping pong and table tennis Club within an existingcommercial unit. The permit is valid for 3years.
From: R5 Residential District and CD Comprehensive Development District (based on P5 Community Institutional District as guidelines)
Applicant: Dimas Craveiro Architect
3839 and 3871 PandoraStreet
From: CD Comprehensive Development District (based on P11e SFU Neighbourhood District and C3 General Commercial District)
To:Amended CD Comprehensive Development District (based on P5 Community Institutional District as guidelines, and in accordance with the development plan entitled “St. Helen’s Rectory 3839 &3871 Pandora Street Burnaby,BCV5C 2A6” prepared by Dimas Craveiro Architect)
Purpose: to permit the construction of new film production stages with associated office and workshop space
Purpose: The purpose of the proposed Temporary Use Permit is to permit ataekwondo commercial school and accessory retail within an existing commercial unit. The permit is valid for 3years
3.4) Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965, Amendment Bylaw No.35, 2022 -Bylaw No.14483 Rez. #21-32 4750 Kingsway
Temporary Use Permit Application #22-01
Greater Vancouver Ping Pong Society has made an application to the City of Burnaby to propose atemporary use(s) on this site: 7000 Lougheed Highway (Alias 2-2909 Bainbridge Avenue)

Burnaby RCMP says aninvestigation is continuing.
“When we takeonany investigation, we attempt to speak to everyone involved.Witnessand victim statementsare part of an investigation, butwegive everysuspectthe opportu nitytospeak with investigators.We also collectany surveillance available in thearea.These steps are allbeing undertakennow.”
The mother of a 15-year-old boybitten in the back and head by a police dog during an ar rest in Burnaby’sBrentwood area earlier this month says her sonhadn’t been involved in the initial police incident. Burnaby RCMP said they gotreports justafter 6p.m.onAug.3 of an ar gument betweena group of teen boys and staffat afastfood restaurantby Willingdon Avenue and Buchanan Street. (A Subway restaurant is the only fast-food placeon thecorner.)
The 15-year-old hidbehind agarbage canatthe Carter GMcar dealership south of LougheedHigh way, wherepolicefound him and arrested him,according to thewoman She said fiveofficers and apolice dog held her son to the ground, with thepolice dog biting him on the back and head. “It wastotally excessive,” she said.
injured by police dogspeaksout
My songot scared andran off.Hethought he wasgoing to getintrouble from me.
Experiencethe difference Chartwellprovides-wheresocial connections,exceptional services and dedicatedstaff can make your life better! CHARTWELLCARLTON 4110 Norfolk Street,Burnaby 778-300-2389 | Call or scan QR code to receiveyour “Let’s getstarted’’ package.
Injuries: These photos show injuries sustained by a 15-year-old after his arrest His mother says he sustained policedog bite wounds anda concussion
Butthe boy’smother, who did not want her name published, told the NOW herson’sinjuries were more serious and her son and his friends hadn’t been at theSubway during theinitialincident. Herson toldher there had beentwo groups of teens, one at the Subway and another that her son waspartofjust outside the entrancetoBrentwood mallacrossWillingdon Av enue. When police arrived, officersbegandetaining both setsofteens for ques tioning,her sontold her. “My songot scared and ran off,” said thewoman. “He thought he wasgoing to get in trouble from me.”
When asked about the woman’sconcerns, Burnaby RCMP spokesperson Cpl.MikeKalanj toldthe NOW it is still early in the investigation. “Policeare in thepro cess of gathering evidence,”hesaidinan emailed statement.
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 5
One of theteens report edly brandished bear spray during the incident. Policesaid mostofthe suspectsstayedput when police arrived, butone suspect fled. He waslater arrested and “sustained minorinjuries, believed to be scratches, fromapolice dog,” according to police.
Newsnow Momofteen
Mother says response by police and caninewas‘totallyexcessive.’

“I am very proud of howI look anddon’t carewhat anyone else thinks of my appearance. …I have always beencriticized by theshortfat ugly girls.SoIlearned to not care whatothersthink. Iwould love to letmygreys grow in, buttodateI don’thavegrey hair. Iget your point butyour sarcasmcomes across as bitter and old.”
Bombplot has Burnaby ties Aman accusedofplotting abombing of the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline Systemtocoincide withJan. 1, 2000 andY2K fearsworked at aBurnaby papermill. AlfredHeinz Reumayr,50, wasarrestedathis home in August. He hadallegedly plottedtobuy oil, gasand electric futures ahead of the bombing.Then,when the energysupply wasdisrupted, the worthofthe contracts would jump,making Reumayr substantial profits,accordingtothe allegedplan. Reumayr hadworked at Crown Packaging for nine yearswithout incident.
6 THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 • Burnaby Now Representation,it does matter It’simportant forkids to feel like they’re normal. Sabrina Badal,storypage9 THEY SAIDIT... ARCHIVE 1999 OUR TEAM MY VIEW KEITH BALDREY
Next week marks the 50th anniversary of one of themost pivotal, groundbreaking momentsinB.C political history. It wasonAug. 30, 1972 thatthe NDP first came to powerinB.C. Over thecourse of alittle more than three years, thenew governmentturned the province on its head and broughtinsweeping and colossal changesthatcontinue to reverberate today They range from things like ICBC, the Agricultural Land Reserve,anexpanded provincial park system, alabourcode, building Robson Square and theWhistlerResort, to restoringthe Parliament Buildings and banning the strapinschools. There is anew book out that recalls thattime, and it is written by thenumber 2personinthatbrief government —formercabinet minister BobWilliams, second onlytoPremier Dave Barrett when it came to wielding power. Anyone interestedin B.C. historywould be wise to pick up acopyof Us ing PowerWell: BobWilliams and the Making of British Columbia.Itpaints avivid picture of the yearsimmediatelyleadinguptothe NDP’swin in 1972 and its tumultuous time in government. It being amemoir, it of course centresonWil liams’ actionsduring his timeinpower (as well as his path to powerand his post-politics life), butoverall this is avolumethat catches the excitement and energythatobviously drove that governmenton adaily basis Ihavevague memories of thatgovernment,other than being delightedabout the ban on the strap (not that Ievercamecloseto getting ataste of it). My father,a longtime supporter of theSocial Credit government that the NDP replacedafter a20year run, muttered darkly about the“commies”taking over Compared to that near-revolutionarygroup of the1970s, today’sversion of an NDPgovernmentismuchtamer in nature.A bigdifference seems to be thatwhen the NDP firstcametopower, it wassosurprised by that development it concluded that repeatinganelectionwin seemed unlikely, hence the idea to get everything done at once. Today’sNDP is taking a longer view.Italready won re-electionin2020and did so by making historic inroads in FraserValley and Okanagan seats,asits centrist approach to governing paid off. One of itsfirst critical decisions after coming to powerin2017 was to complete theconstructionofthe Site Cdam Thatdecision repudiated theposition theparty hadwhile in Opposition, and Premier John Horgan told me at thetime that it wasanexample of shifting from“activism” to actually governing. Thatapproach willbe tested in the NDPleadershiprace to replaceHorgan.David Eby,the former attorney general, is a consensusfavorite to win the contest, butheisbeing challenged by noted climate change activist Anjali Appadurai. Appaduraiwants the party to abandon centrist policies and return to its activist ways.Her positions on various issues —such as LNG and policing,to name just two—willlikely pushEby to adopt more moderate positions, which couldhelphim redefine his ownimage, one that dates backtohis more ac tivist Opposition days But no matter theout come of the leadership race, it isunlikely the NDP will returntoa radicaldesire forchangethatwesaw beginning to unfold 50 yearsago next week Keith Baldreyischief po liticalreporter forGlobalBC.
“It’sbeyond time to accept women in thepublic domain as they actually areinstead of making them conformtomale norms. Time to accept the choices they make. ... Time to realize the wisdomand leadershipwomen bring to the table because of theirchoices.”
Column: ‘Whywomen shouldn’tgogrey’
HistoricNDPwin changedB.C.
Trudy Klassen via Deb Barton via

Reimagining oil sites is key to agreener future Editor: Ireadwith greatinterest thearticle on Yueying Zhang’sreimagining of the Shellburn oil terminal site(Burnabyrefineryreimagined as community space, Aug. 11 edition). In it,she createsapost-oilvision of the sitethatoffersus aglimpse of whatother oil storageand refining sites in Burnabymay looklikeinthe future We have aunique opportunity to reimagine not just the Shellburn site, but all oil refining and storagefacilitiesin Burnaby —including, of course, the TransMountainsite. In order to meetevenCanada’s modest targetstoreduce greenhouse gasemissions, these sites need to be decommissioned sooner than later, and definitely not expanded. TheCityof Burnabyand its residents can play acrucial role in this necessarytransition. Burnaby’sofficial community plan (OCP) will be updated soon, and we canmakethe useof theserefiningand storagesites increasingly unattractive, by changing their designationin the OCP,fromIndustrialBulk Storage(which isn’t even much of atax revenue generator) to …well, that’swhereimagination comes in Ms. Zhang’sthesis on Shellburn features a post-cleanupparksetting, but recreational use may be combined with residential, cultural, commercial, educational and/or technology uses. Perhaps even an opportunity to make use of renewable energy: imagine, forinstance, asolarorwindfarm whereTrans Mountain’s tank farm nowresides.
The officialcommunityplan is about creating better places forall ofustolive, play and work.Everyone in Burnabyshouldfeel encour aged to participate, though this process must of course include theIndigenous communities that havecarefully stewarded the landsfor countless generations, and whose guidance will help to heal whathas been damaged by industry. Changing the designation of these oilindus trysites will not come without resistancefrom that same industry, fortheysteadfastly refuse to acknowledgethe world is rapidly moving away from thefossil fuel economy, butsome oneoncewrote thatnothing worth having comeswithoutsome kind of fight. It will not be quick,itwill notbeeasy,but we havetostart somewhere, now. Ms. Zhang’s thesis is but one exampleofthe kind of visioning process we will need to meetthe challenge of transitioning away from thefossilfuel econ omy,and towardsa moresustainable one ScottVanDenham
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 7 THE BURNABY NOW WELCOMES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. We do, however, edit for taste, legality and length. Please include aphone number where you can be reached. Send letters to: The Editor, #201A–3430 Brighton Ave., Burnaby, B.C., V5A 3H4,email to: (no attachments please) or fax to: 604-444-3460. Letters to the editor and opinion columns may be reproduced on the Burnaby NOW website,

Trying to beatthe yellow light?
Awitness, whohad been working as acrossing guard at the intersectionat the time of thecrash,pro vided asigned statement corroboratingKarmshil’s account, according to the ruling. While Karmshil was completing theleft turn, the witness saidTurk had entered the intersection and the vehicles collided while the light wasred.
Driver running the yellow wasfoundtoblamefor crash with aleft-turning vehiclein Burnaby Mr.Turkdid not slowhis vehicle forthe CARTER! Of fer available to quali fi ed retail customers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on select vehicles purchased from August 3, 2022 to August 31, 2022. 2.99% purchase fi nancing of fered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 2.99% up to 60 months on 2022 Envision models. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary .D own payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $40,737 fi nanced at 2.99% nominal rate (2.99% APR) equals $338 bi-weekly for 60 months. Cost of borrowing is $3,172 for at otal obligation of $43,909. Freight ($1,995) and A/C charge ($100, if applicable) included. Example does not include license, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time of fer which may not be combined with certain other of fers. General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) may modify ,e xtend or terminate of fers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. TD Auto Finance is ar egistered trademark of The To ronto-Dominion Bank. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact GM Canada to verify eligibility .T hese of fers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Conditions and limitations apply .V oid where prohibited. See Dealer for full program details.
TheCRT is an online, quasi-judicial tribunalthat has jurisdiction over most small claims disputes under $5,000 in B.C.
Tribunal vicechair Andrea Ritchie concluded the evidence didn’tsupport the ideathatKarmshil had “suddenly” turned in front ofTurk, as Turk claimed “Here, theevidence is thatMr.Turk approached the intersection on ayel lowlight, anddetermined (incorrectly) thatitwas safefor him to cross the intersection despite the light’s colour,” Ritchie wrote.“In spite of Mr Turk admittedly noticing vehicles around him slowing to astop, Mr.Turk did not slowhis vehicle for the light. Ifind Mr.Turk wasattempting to ‘beat’ theyellowlight,ignoring the fact thattrafficaround himhad stopped.”
Ritchie noted thereis generally a“heavyonus” on left-turning drivers, butshe concluded that, giventhe circumstances, Karmshilwas “entitled to assume thatMr.Turk would obey the rulesof the road.” “Here, Ifind Rahul Karmshil appropriately yieldedthe right of wayto oncoming traffic southboundonGriffiths Drive whilethe lightwas green, waited for traffic to stop when thelight turned yellow, and then safely startedtheirleft turn,” Ritchie wrote. Ritchie also noted that, althoughTurk claimed damages for injuries, he hadnot provided anyevidence documenting his allegedinjuries, their du ration or theimpact they have hadonhim. Turk’sclaim wasdismissed, and he wasordered to payKarmshil $25 as reimbursementof tribunal fees
CorneliaNaylor Who’satfault in acrash betweenadrivertrying to beatayellow light and an otherdriverturning left on astale yellow? ABurnaby case in front of the province’sCivil ResolutionTribunal shed some light on thatques tion recently MazenTurk launched a case at thetribunal, seeking $5,000 in pain-andsuffering damages and $682.50intowing expenses for acrash in the intersection of Griffiths Driveand Southpoint DriveinSouth Burnaby on Oct. 9, 2020,according to an Aug. 8tribunal ruling. Turk, who had been driving south on Griffiths, went straight through the intersection and collidedwithavehicle turning left in front of him onto Southpoint, the ruling said. Thatvehicle wasdriven by RahulKarmshil. Turk claimed Karmshil should be held100 percent responsible for the crash forturning left in frontofhim. Turk admittedthe light hadturned yellow before he entered theintersection buthehad determined it wassafetoproceed, when Karmshil “suddenly” turned leftinfront of him Karmshil,meanwhile, saidTurk shouldbeheld 100 per cent responsible for thecrash forentering theintersection against the traffic light. According to Karmshil’s account, Karmshil hadapproached the intersection when the lightwas green and waitedinthe left-turn lane whiletraffic passed. When the light turned yellow, southboundtraffic in twolanes stopped, and Karmshilstartedthe left turn,according to Karmshil Turk wasabout twoto three cars back from the intersection when Karmshil started theturn, and the crashhappened when Karmshil had almost completed theturn, ac cordingtoKarmshil.
8 THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 • BurnabyNow Newsnow
Read thisfirst

BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 9
“Itwas mostlylotsand lots of practice, just working really hard and thenalsothinking, ‘OK,how would ayounger kid do this?’ Ihaveayounger sister, for example, so I’dbelike, ‘OK, how would she saythisorhow would she do this?’”Pavansaid.
PHOTO CONTRIBUTED HearingSolutions Thursday,September 15th from 2pm-6pm Neil SquireHearing Solutions Lab 400 –3999 Henning Drive, Burnaby, BC Please RSVPtoAttend or phone 778-945-1215 Grand Opening You’reInvited! Neil Squire HearingSolutions
At thetime of their inter view with the NOW,the family hadn’t yetseenany of theseries excepta trailerposted onYouTube. But thatwas enough to set Sabrina off “Oh, Icried,”she said.“Even nowmyeyesare getting misty.”
It’snot just that she’sproudof her “shy, hardworking, studious” daughterfor taking on the challenge and working so hard to see it through. The projectitself means alot. “Representation, it does matter,” Sabrina said. “It’s impor tant for kidstofeel likethey’re normal, and that’swhy Ithink theshowissogreat because,you know, Deepa has an extended family.She lives in ahotelwith her grandparentsand herpar entsand herbrothers, andthat’s howalot of SouthAsian families live.Theylaughtogether; they play together; they grow together.” Such representationwas nonexistent when Sabrina was growing up And when she tried her hand at actingwhen she wasyounger, she saidshe wastoldthere were “just no roles for girls likeyou.”
Burnaby teen starsinanimatedNetflix series PavanBharaj was10and had never done anyperforming when Deepa and Anoop came her way
REPRESENTATION MATTERS: PavanBharaj of Burnabystars as the voiceofDeepainthe newNetflix animated series Deepa &Anoop.She wasjust10years old when she landed the role, which she recorded virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I thought Imight as well just tryitbecause it would be bet ter if Itried it and didn’t getthe partthannot tryitand maybe would have gotten the part,”Pavantold the NOW. Afew days aftersending in her audition, however, she got a call back from thecasting direc tor inviting her to asinging audition. Shepassed that hurdle too, with arendition of HowFar I’ll Go from Disney’sMoana, and landed the part. “It is unbelievable,isn’tit? It’s so crazy,” Sabrina said. Whatfollowed wasabout a year of recordingsessions and a lotofhardwork thatwrapped up in September 2021. The series, aimed at apreschool audience, followsthe antics ofDeepa, agirlwho lives withher parents, grandparents and brothersinthe family’s hotel,and Deepa’ssidekick Anoop, acolour-changingelephant that communicates in trumpeting noises “It’s likethe South Asian versionofDora butwith more songs,”Sabrina said. Because of COVID restrictions,Pavan’s first voice-acting gigwas somewhat unique. Instead of being abletoriffoff other actors, she had to record alone, with onlyatechnician in thesound booth andher directorand othersbeamed in on a TV screen viaZoom.
Pavan, who turns13thisyear andisstartinghigh schoolat Burnaby South Secondaryin thefall, would like to play arole in changing all thatnow that she’slaunchedher ownacting career. “I am hoping thatI can do something like this again,”she said. “I want to give it atry and work more.” Deepa& Anoop is now streaming on Netflix. Season 1consists of 13 30-minuteepisodes
Yearsfrom now, when people ask Burnaby’sPavanBharaj how she spenther time during the 2020 COVID-19lockdown as a 10-year-old, she’ll be abletotell them that’s when shelaunched her voiceacting career Youcan hear Pavaninthe lead roleofthe newanimated Netflix series Deepa &Anoop, whichdebuted Aug. 15 It all started with apost on a Facebook mommiesgroup,say ing someone waslooking to cast aSouth Asiangirl in an animated series Pavan’smom, Sabrina Badal, sawthe postand asked her daughter if shemight be interested. It wasalong shot, though. Pavanhadn’tdone anyacting or singing –and theshow’smain character, Deepa,singsinpretty much everyepisode.

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10 THURSDAY,August 25,2022 • BurnabyNow
One of the most belovedneighbourhood favourites is The ValleyBakery,which has been serving delectable European baked goods in the Heights foroversix decades. Using only the finest of ingredients, ValleyBakery’sselection is beyond compare. Trytheir delectable cakes, delicious cookies, fresh baked breads and seasonal favourites to name afew.Voted Burnaby’sBest Bakery forover20years running!
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Kearney’sisproud to be Burnaby’sonly Canadian family-owned, independent funeral serviceprovider Theyare conveniently located, enabling their knowledgeable and caring staff to servethose in the community who have experienced aloss.From traditional funerals to celebrations of life, burial and cremations and pre-planning, KearneyFuneral Services will help youand your family saygoodbye to your lovedones with dignity and care. No matter what your need, theywill help youatevery step.
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BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 11 WEEKEND Find moreevents online: Please send your information for inclusion to Don’tmiss these weekend events & activities!
The BC EpilepsySocietyishostinga picnic at Confederation Park with food, games, prizes and more! Picnic table seating is available, butyou can also bring a picnic blanket andchair to ensure seating WHEN: Saturday,Aug.27, noonto2p.m WHERE: Confederation Park,250 WillingdonAve. COST: Free, butregistrationrequired on Eventbrite. Search for “Burnaby Picnic Park.”
It’sthe fourth Sundayofthe monthwhich means its time for the Nikkei National Museum’sfarmersmarket!Thisweek there will be akids’ boothwith activities and crafts including goldfishscooping,origami,face painting,bubble-blowing and more. Of course, there will also be awide varietyoffresh produce to peruse, as well as theTokyoKatsu and Japadog food trucks WHEN: Sunday,Aug. 28, 10 a.m.to2 p.m. WHERE: NikkeiNational Museum andCultural Centre, 6688 SouthoaksCres. COST: Free.
If youhaven’t caught Crave the Heights yet, there’s still time.TheHeightsneighbourhood’s10-daydin ing showcase continuesuntilAug. 28.You can explore allmanner of cuisineswith ahostof“Crave Special” menus at eateries along HastingsStreet. Youcan also catchlivejazz performancesatthe Heights Fountain Squareon Friday, Aug. 26 (New OrleansStreetParty) and Saturday, Aug.27(Freakin’ Groovies) from 4to6 p.m. WHEN: Ongoing to Aug. 28 WHERE: Restaurants and eateries along Hastings Street in Burnaby Heights. COST: Check out alist of allthe business specialsonline at –compiled by Lauren Vanderdeen
It’stime forbeer, wine,art and music at this block partyfor adults.Tasty foodtrucks, local marketvendors, liveentertainment– and don’tforgetthe corn toss!Dogs and petsare welcome,sobring along your furry companion for an eveningout WHEN: Friday,Aug.26and Saturday,Aug.27, 4to10 p.m WHERE: 2150Alpha Ave. COST: Free WORKSHOP: TURNINGPERSONAL
Pedal power: The Girolino pedal and dash raceiscoming to Burnaby on Saturday,Aug. 27. PHOTO CITYOF BURNABY
OBJECTS INTO ART ArtistAdriele Au hosts thisworkshop teaching participants howtotakepersonalobjects and upcycle theminto artwork.The object couldbe“cut up,ripped or broken” –the workshop will include tools like paper, tape, hot glue guns, scissorsand acrylic paintfor this all-ages event. WHEN: Friday,Aug.26, 7to8:30 p.m. WHERE: DeerLakeGallery,6584 DeerLakeAve. COST: Free.Register on Eventbrite (search for “Adriele Au”). Info at
GIROLINO: PEDAL ANDDASH RACE Cheer on young athletes as they ride and run their waytovictoryatConfederation Park.The Burnaby Firefighterswill be cooking up delicious barbecue, and there will be tons of games for kids and families to play. WHEN: Saturday,Aug.27. Race begins at 9a.m., activitiesuntil 1p.m. WHERE: Confederation Park, 250WillingdonAve COST: Free.

12 THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 • BurnabyNow Citynow
quali fi ed
Whatisgratitude? Present your thoughts on the subject, as PechaKuchareturnstoBurnaby on Friday, Oct. 7. Hosted by theCity of Burnaby,Burnaby Neigh bourhood House,Tourism Burnaby and the Burnaby Arts Council,the theme for the upcoming event is “a cultureofgratitude.” PechaKucha is afastpacedstorytelling event, where 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds apiece; eachpresentationis six minutesand 40 seconds The deadline for applications isWednesday, Aug. 31. If you’re interested in being apresenter, contact ca formore information. LaurenVanderdeen Sharing stories: PechaKucha, seen here at Shadbolt Centre for the Arts in 2019, is making a return to Burnaby. Applications are now being taken from anyone who’d like to speak at an upcoming fall evening PHOTO FILES/ CONTRIBUTED Burnaby seekspresenters for return of PechaKucha
Of fer available to retail customers in British Columbia, Alberta, and Manitoba on select purchased in Canada from August 3, 2022 to August 31, 2022. 2.99% purchase fi nancing of fered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 2.99% up to 72 months on new models. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary .D own payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $79,992 fi nanced at 2.99% nominal rate (2.99% APR) equals $561 bi-weekly for 72 months. Cost of borrowing is $7,489 for at otal obligation of $87,481. Freight ($2,095) and A/C charge ($100, if applicable) included. Example does not include license, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time of fer which may not be combined with certain other of fers. General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) may modify ,e xtend or terminate of fers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. TD Auto Finance is ar egistered trademark of The To ronto-Dominion Bank. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact GM Canada to verify eligibility .T hese of fers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Conditions and limitations apply .V oid where prohibited. See Dealer for full program details. #D5505
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FAMILYOWNED SINCE 1963 604.229.4066

Cityliving made easy.
Communitynow Burnaby Mountain drums corps on top of the world Simon Fraser University Pipe Band competed at 2022World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow
Headedbylead drum merReid Maxwell of Co quitlam,the drummers delivered fourstrong performances over thetwo daycompetition Aug. 12 and 13.
Scotland forever: The Simon FraserUniversity Pipe Band (top) competedatthe world championships in Glasgow.Above,lead drummer Reid Maxwell, seen in rehearsal, led the drum corps to a topfinish.
Comfortable, connected andconvenient .justa few of themanyreasons why MulberryPARC has been voted Best Retirement Residence in Burnabyfor nine years straight. Here,resort-style amenities likechef-prepared meals,fitness classes,afireside lounge andsun-splashed courtyardare complemented by shops, services, acommunitycentre and popular Deer Lake Park just ashort walk ordrive away Graced with oversized windows,striking city views and modernsenior-friendly features, MulberryPARC’s spacious one- and two-bedroom suitesare available for rent starting at $4,050/month.
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 25,2022 13
Plus, when the band’sbassdrummer be cameill days before the championship,the band called on Ali North, who plays with the drum corps equivalent of the farm team: the organization’s RobertMalcolm Memorial Grade2band, part of thefour-bandfeeder system of the SFU Pipe Band organization “I have never seen so manytearsand smiles all at the same timefollowing theannouncement, my selfincluded,”Maxwell said. “I feel nolessexcited than on anyofthe pre vious occasions. Eightof thedrummershavecome through our(Robert Malcolm Memorial) system, which is aparticularly huge accomplishment for ourorganization.” Plus,the corps includes seven young women— whichMaxwell saidis“by farthe most” of anyband playing in thetop grade. It’s farfromthe first international honour forthe band:the SFUPipeBand has been crowned world championsonsix occa sions
The SimonFraser University Pipe Band has staked its place among the world’sbest once more —and its drum corps has comeout on top. The band justreturned homefrom competing at the 2022World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow, Scotland.TheBurnaby Mountain-based ensemble finished among the world’s elite, in sixth placeoverall,whilethe drum corps captured the top prize in the competition’sWorld Drum Corps Championship.
“Takingthe drumming championship is ahuge featfor ourcorps,”Maxwell said in an SFU post. “There are no drummers in the existinggroup who were in the corps thelast time we took thedrumming title (in2009). Alarge bunch of them would have barely been teenagers.” Maxwell himself is amongthe world’smost decorated drummers,as he hassix drum corps world titlesunder hisbelt: fivewiththe SFUband and one with the 78th Fraser HighlandersofToronto.Intotal,hehas tallied19world champion titles forband and drumming Playing alongsidehim in the current drum corps areseveralrookieplayers, competing for the first time at theworldsatthe elite Grade1level Members includerecentSFU grad andtenor drummer MadisonRattai and current SFU student TaylorKilloran, asnare drummer. Make themove this summer andcall 604.526.2248 today!

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16 THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 • BurnabyNow
The hospital foundation says theChinese Ambassador Society has connected thefoundation with generous donorsand has namedthe foundation as abeneficiaryfrom several community events. So far, Burnaby Hospital Foundation hasraised $27million towardsthe transformation of thehospital intoastate-of-the-art facility,with aredevelop ment that focusesonexpanding emergencycare, improving surgeryservices,creating anew ma ternitycentre and building anew mental healthunit.
Conceptually, ashotgun clause (also sometimescalledacompulsorybuy outclause)isintendedtoprovideaway outofadeadlocksituation, in away that operatesfairly forall sides.
Newlife: From left,Mayor MikeHurley, Burnaby Hospital Foundation CEO Kristy James, ClaireXi, Create Propertiespresident Lin Li andCoun. James Wang at aspecial event marking Create Properties’ donation to theBurnaby Hospital redevelopment campaign.
In brief,ashotgun clause lets an unhappyshareholder or business partnertriggerandbringaboutaforced purchaseofthe othershareholder’s interest in thecommonenterpriseata specified price pershare.Atthe same time, once triggered,itallowsthe othershareholder(s) to turn around andinstead buyout thetriggering shareholder at thesameprice pershare specified by thetriggeringshareholder This method is designedtoencourage thetriggeringshareholder to pick afair price pershare to paytothe otherside If low-balling, they risk beingbought out instead andlosingtheir own interest in thecommonenterprise. In practice,suchclauses don’talways work in an even-handedway,e.g., if there’sasignificant difference in the financial fire powerofthe different sides. Abusinesspartner in aweak financial position facinga compulsory buy-out offer maybeunabletofund thepurchaseofthe otherside (which low-balled theprice) instead Thereare ways to addresssucha knownimbalance,e.g., by havingthe price establishedindependentlyrather than setbythe triggering party. So care is neededwhenwriting up anyparticularshotgun provision–to take into accountthe particular circumstances involved.Timelines forrespondingtothe offer arecritical andmay need to allow theresponding side enough time to arrange financing, shouldtheyprefertopurchaserather than sell Care is also needed when triggeringa shotgun clause to ensure thereare no regrets later.
The maternity clinic serves womeninthe community who don’thavea doctor providing obstetri cal care The clinic provides24hour accesstocare, with amulti-disciplinaryteam that includes specialist obstetricians, dietitians, social workers and interpret ers.
Burnaby Hospital’smaternityclinic just got a huge boost —and anew name The clinicisnow called the Create PropertiesMaternityClinic,following Create Properties’ contri bution of $500,000aspart of the BurnabyHospital Foundation’sBright Future redevelopment campaign.
“Approximately 1,500 babies are delivered at Burnaby Hospital each year, and we expectthat number to continue to increase as ourpopulationgrows,”said Kristy James, Burnaby Hospital Foundation president and CEO,inapress release. “Weare honoured and inspired by Create Properties’generous gift towards maternityservices at Burnaby Hospital.This gift willhaveasignificant impact on so many families, andwecommend Create’sdedication to investing in theBurnaby community.”
LinLi, founder and president of Create Prop erties,said thedonation is goingtowards an importantcause “The maternity facilitiesatBurnaby Hospital arewherenew life arrives, bringing with it hope, op timismand excitement,” Li saidinthe release. “It is agathering placefor families and lovedones, who willshortly embark on a new journey together.”
JamesWang,a Burn aby city councillor and thefounding memberof Burnaby Hospital Foundation’sChineseAmbassador Society,saidCreate Properties’ donation was ameaningful contribu tion to the redevelopment plans
Burnaby Hospitalmaternity clinicgets$500K donation
So-called“shotgun clauses” canoften be foundinshareholder agreements or other“jointventure”typeagreements. They’reone of severalmechanisms typicallyincluded in thesekinds of agreements to deal with resolving disputes that mayarise between shareholdersinaprivate companyor jointventure partners involvedina common businessenterprise. As thecolourful monikerimplies, this kindofclausesuggestsyoumayhaveto make adecisionwithagun pointing at you, i.e.,thatitinvolves afairlydrastic situationforcingyou to do something. And indeed,ashotgun clause is normally used only as alast resort.It shouldonlybeinvoked when there areirreconcilabledifferences between thebusinesspartnersthatcannotbe resolved exceptbya“divorce,”withthe former partners afterwardsgoing their separate ways.
In arecentcase, ashareholder triggered ashotgun clause,thenlater tried to revoke their offer to buy. Akey reason –the valueofthe enterprise hadincreased substantiallyafter the clause wasinvoked (whichmeant the triggering side facedbeingforced out itself foraprice that wasnow too low). OurBCCourt of Appeal decided theoffer to buy(or sell)atthe price specified by thetriggeringparty was irrevocable, so thetriggeringparty was out of luck
NEED EXTRA CASH? We are looking for carriersto deliver newspapersonThursday! CARRIERS NEEDED FOR UPCOMING ROUTES IN BURNABY ROUTE# QTY BOUNDARIES 22502506 120 Brantford Ave,Imperial St, Stanley St, Colborne Ave,Bryant St, Lakeview Ave 22622658 69 Sussex Ave,Harley Crt, Maitland St, Grange St, McMurray Ave,Miller Ave, Nelson Ave 23403407 52 Armstrong Ave,Langley St, Crest Dr, 10th Ave 23603608 69 Government Rd, BurnlakeDr, Piper Ave,WinlakeCres. 23903916 102 Parker St, Willingdon Ave,Venables St, Alpha Ave,Union St, Beta Ave 24324367 88 Forest Grove Dr (Copper Hill) (Misty Ridge) An easy way to earn extramoney! Be part of agreat team! Forthese and other routes,please call 604-398-3481 or email
The foundation wants to raise $3 million more fora $30-million commitment to the first phase of the redevelopment.

Example: $52,432 fi nanced at 2.99% nominal rate equals (2.99% APR) $435 bi-weekly for 60 months. Cost of borrowing is $4,082, for at otal obligation of $56,514. Freight ($1,900) and A/C charge ($100, if applicable) included. Example does not include license, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time of fer which may not be combined with certain other of fers. General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) may modify ,e xtend or terminate of fers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice.
Camp Ignite kickedoff at the Queensborough fire hall on Friday,Aug. 5, be fore, moving on to fire hallsinVancouver (Day 2) and Abbotsford (Day3).
Citynow TheresaMcManus Camp Ignite aims to sparkaninterest in firefighting among teenage girls —and to in spire them to followtheir dreams no matterwhatcareer path theypursue. NewWestminster,Vancouver and Abbotsford fire departments hosted this year’sthree-daycamp, which introduced27teenagerstothe world of firefighting.
Find out more at www girls to firefighting
Iussaid NewWestminster Fire and RescueService developed avariety of activities thatwere meant to be fun,challengingand informative.
Igniting ambition: Kar-Hei Ng of Burnabyunrolls the hose while Jen Dawkins of the Vancouver FireDepartment looks on during the first day of Camp Ignite. PHOTO JENNIFERGAUTHIER
Of fer available to quali fi ed retail customers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on select vehicles purchased from August 3, 2022 to August 31, 2022. 2.99% purchase fi nancing of fered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 2.99% up to 60 months on 2022 Acadia models. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary .D own payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade.
“An end goal of the camp,atits foundation, has always been to empowergirls,sothatthey couldknowthatthey could be anything that they wanted to be, with enoughwork, experience, exposure andthatkind of thing,” saidCapt. Kathy Ius of NewWestminster Fire andRescueServices “It’spresenting them with alternativecareers.”
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 17
FAMILYOWNED SINCE 1963 604.229.4066 #D5505
Camp participants also gottotry their handat hose handling –and that’s no easy feat. “Wehad ahose handling station where they learned the ergonom ics of positioning yourself. It’s not agarden hose. It weighs alot, and it’s unwieldy,” Ius said. “Auto extrication —theygot to use and see tools they’ve probably never seen before and use them to cut cars, create openings.”
“As an example,what we did in NewWest is we exposed them to our tower aerial operations,” she said.“They gottoclimb thetower and get into the bucket of thetower and operatethe tower.”
Ius said fire departments like participatingin the program because of its educationalvalue andoutreach components “It’sa greatexperience for the department to have overall,”Ius said.“There’s nothing more satisfying than mentoring and promoting youth. Ithink thosethingsall combined is what makes it so attractivefor adepartment to host.”
In itsfirst years, most of thecamp’sparticipants came from theLower Mainland, butitnow at tracts girls from the Interior, Kootenays,Vancouver Island and otherparts of the province. “Aspartofthe group thatfirst started it, we couldn’tbehappier that it’s been as successful as it’sbecome, andsomuch so that it’s goingtomorph intoseparate camps throughout the province,” Iussaid Ius,a former director with CampIgnite,has beeninvolved in the program since it started 12 yearsago.She said it beganafter acoupleof women firefightersheard about asimilar program offeredinthe U.S. “That kind of inspired one of them to think about it,” shesaid. “Then a group of six of us gottogether, andliterally sat around atableand talked about it. It justgrew from there.”
®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. TD Auto Finance is ar egistered trademark of The To ronto-Dominion Bank. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact GM Canada to verify eligibility .T hese of fers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Conditions and limitations apply .V oid where prohibited. See Dealer for full program details.
The NewWest venue also included afitness station and ateam-building challenge station. Ius said it’salwaysgreat to see theconnectionsgirls make with their peersat Camp Ignite. “When theyall first arrive,they don’tknoweach other.But within thatfirst day, solidbonds arebeing made. Alot of it is in part because of the activities thatwedo, which intrinsically employ teamwork andtrust, andrelationship building. So Ithink that there’sthatpiece thatconnects with these girls as well,”she said. “Thesort of byproduct of all this is thatthey gettosee anddo some of thethings thatwe (firefighters) do.”

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What is drymouth and is it harmful to my oral health? Drymouth,known as xerostomia, results from inadequate production and flowofsalivaintothe mouth. Xerostomia is not adisease,but it can be a symptom of amedical disorder or aside effectof certain medications.Salivaisessentialtohealthy gums and teeth. Salivahelpsmaintain abalancedoralPH and has antimicrobial properties.Hence, salivahelps preventcavities by neutralizing the acids producedby bacteriaand by limiting bacterial growth. Therefore, individuals with drymouth areathigher risk for cavities,gum disease,mouth soresand bad breath. If youhavexerostomia, the first goalshould be to identify the cause.Ifthe causecannot be eliminated, drymouth can be alleviatedwith salivasubstitutes, sugarfreegumsand regular water intake.Gooddental hygiene is crucialtoprevent decayand worsening gum disease.Ask your dentist if youhaveconcerns Dr.Chantele Theriault Dentist Dr.Lovely &Associates (604) 524-4981 609 6th Street, New Westminster,BCV3L 3C1
Q A What is respitecare? Many people receiving home and communitycare serviceare assisted by friends and/or family members Respiteservices can give family/friend caregivers temporaryrelief from the emotional and physical demands of caring forafriend or family member,and provide an opportunitytoparticipate in community activities.Respiteservices maybeprovided at home through home supportservices,incommunity through adult dayservices,oronashort-term basis in aresidential carefacility, hospiceorother community caresetting.Respiteservices aresuitable if your family member or friend caring foryou could benefit from abreak from their caregiving responsibilities.Taken from: accessing-health-care/home-community-care/ care-optionsand-cost/caregiver-respite-relief Wendy JScott RN, BScN, MA Nurse Next Door Nurse EXPERT (604) 522-9989 209-88 TenthStreet, New Westminster Q A What is Sponsored Content? TK EXPERT Neeta Dhillon Digital Media Specialist Glacier Media Digital TK TK TK Sponsored Contentisabrand-sponsored article that lives on amedia publisher’s website. It looks and reads like the publications owncontent but is,infact, apaid advertisement. It positions the brand as an expert by delivering interesting contentthatisrelevanttoa publisher’s audience. As we move further down the digital road,it’simportantto connectwith your audienceonline.Not merely advertise products and services…sparkinterest, answer questions, educate readers with valuable information. One example of this would be fora Realtor to sponsor an article on “How to turnyour BasementSuiteintoaRental Unit?” ATravel Agencycould talk about “5 Best Trips to Cure the Winter Blues!” Maybe aYoga Studio discusses “The Health Benefits of Maintaining aGood Work-LifeBalance?”Thegeneral idea is to provide your audiencewith helpful,interesting, even must read articles…sponsored by your business of course! It’s asofter, but morememorable sell,presentedin ajournalistic style Sponsored Contentbuilds brand trust &credibility, when used effectively can driveonline trafficand engagementby leaps and bounds!! Q A What arecommon DentureProblems? Denture EXPERT Quan GiffordR.D Owner &Operator Dentureworks (604) 553-1222 522 SeventhStreet #270, New Westminster If youwear dentures,itisveryimportantyou keep your mouth clean and healthy. Youshould also only wear dentures thatfitproperly.Otherwise,the following problems mayoccur: •Gum and mouth irritation •Problems eating and speaking •Dentures thatmovearound in your mouth •Mouth infections •Overclosed bite •Cracking at the corners of the mouth •Bacteriabuild up •Aesthetically displeasing If youhaveproblems with your dentures,see your Denturist rightaway. Your dentures mayneed to be adjusted or replaced Make sureyour dentures fit. Over time,your gums and bones will change and your dentures won’tfitaswell When this happens,your dentures need to be adjusted, relined,orreplaced by your Denturist. Q A Arebicycles covered under my home insurance? InsuranceMyth:Bicycles arecoveredunder policies fortheir full replacementcost. InsuranceTruth: Most insurers in Canada have a limitation on bicycles We sympathizewith bicycletheft victimsand urge peopletochecktheir insurancepolicycarefully as mostinsurers in Canada have alimitation on bikes or have no coverage whatsoever.For an extrapremium, an insuranceRider insuring aspecificbike,isavailable thatyou can add to existing policy coveryour An will anywhereinthe worldshould it
bike forreplacementcost.
cover your bike replacementcost
Frank Astorino President John FlemingInsuranceAgency A have aNiton Precious Metal Analyzer.This machine uses X-Raytechnology to determine the purityofyour gold,silver and platinum. Most dealers use an acid and need to estimate howmuch gold disappears,after the acid is applied,todetermine the Karat.Our machine tells us and you, because we allow youtowatch, the exactkarat of all the gold we need to test. Most people who do watch arefascinatedand very impressed with the gold tester Iremember alady coming in with abag of gold nuggets She wastold thatthey were 14k.Our machine showedthat they were 22k and she received over $1,000 morethan our competition offered.Another gentleman wastold thathis bracelet was14k and we showedhim thatitwas the 18k he thoughtitwas Coins and Stamps EXPERT

Savings Grantoffers up to $1,200 forchildren ages 6-9. Thegreat partabout this grant is youdon’t have to make acontribution to receive it,you just have qualify.However,not all RESP providers offer it,sofeel free to reach out to us if youwantsome help opening aqualifying accountfor your child Financial EXPERT Q A T604.523.7090 |F604.525.5721 522 SeventhSt#330, New Westminster,BCV3M 5T5 Mortgage EXPERT Q A What is Doggy Park Etiquette? Iwanttostartsaving formychild’s education. Whereshould Istart? PetFood &Supply EXPERT BarbaraFellnermayr Owner &Founder AmorePet Foods (778)892-6673 4540 HastingsStreet, Burnaby, BC V5C 2K4 Iamready to purchase anew home.Wheredo Istart? Whether youare purchasing your first home or next or perhaps youare interested in an investmentproperty or cottage,you will be making some big decisions along the way. Your first step is to
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 19 Q&AYour questionsansweredby Trusted Local ProfessionalsLocalPROS
LawFirm EXPERT A Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP) areagreat way to save foryour child’s future, especially when combined with the Canada Education Savings Grantwhich pays 20% on the first $2,500 contributed each year until the child is 17. That’s up to $500 forpost-secondaryeducation each year youcontributetoa of regardless Canada Learning BC Training Education determine whether nancially ready to purchase help startedbyproviding when are financially ready to do looking for amortgage advisor, find someone youfeel comfortable with, who will answer all of your questions,who is excited to help youachieveyour home ownership goals and make the journey as fun and seamless as possible Yeung Mortgage Advisor CIBC (778) 837-8181 28-4567 Lougheed Hwy., Burnaby, BC V5C 3Z6
Bond thatcan benefitlower income families.Provincial grants like the
Harjot (Joti) Dhaliwal Associate Cassady &Company
of household income.Thereisalso the
youwith adviceand guidancethatmeets your unique situation and needs, so
you find the home youwanttopurchase,you
Christine Conway CFP,CLU,CHS, CExP President Braun Financial Services (604) 521-3778 555 6th Street #325, New Westminster,BCV3L 5H1 TheCityofBurnabyhas designatedsome areas as Doggy Parks. They’vebeen enclosed by fencing.Socializing your dog is necessary, but its also fun forthem. Here’ssome of the rules are: 1. Keep your dog leashed until youare inside the playarea 2. No puppies under 6months 3. Dogparent, or aresponsible person, must supervise their dog 4. Poop &scoop is mandatory 5. No sick dogs 6. No aggressivedogs 7. No unfixedfemale dogs in heat 8. Fill anyholes your dog makes 9. No food! Bevies are fine IF they areinanunbreakable container 10. Have fun! Be careful about whatyour dog eats or chewsinthe doggy area, outside the area, on the street and at home.Make surenot to feed cooked bones,the bones maysplinter&cause medical issues.Raw bones,not weightbearing,are agreat chew toy.Apparently,soare my slippers!! Bring your dog to our storetotest out our food and treats at our FREE sample bar! Amore PetFoods,4540 Hastings Street, BC V5C 2K4 778-892-6673 Q A LocalPRO of the month PetFood &Supply EXPERT
Come visit,poke around the back.The only chemicals you’ll find arebleach and dishwashing liquid.Weuse only pronounceable ingredients,stuff you’deat. We have aFREE tasting bar set up so your fur kidcan pick his favourite. Amoré Pet Foods,4540 Hastings Street,Burnaby(1/2 block east of Willingdon, on the south side). We’reopen 11-6 Mondaythrough Saturday. (778) 892-6673 4540 Hastings Street, Burnaby, BC V5C 2K4 BarbaraFellnermayr Owner &Founder AmorePet Foods
Idid some plumbing work fora clientand a certificate of completion wasissued 40 days ago He is nowrefusing to paymyinvoice, do Istill have time to register abuilder’s lien? Generally speaking,you have 45 days afterthe date on which the certificate of completion wasissued to register a builder’s lien. Aside from the certificate of completion, thereare three other triggers forthe 45-daylien filing deadline: actual completion, abandonment, and termination. It is the first of these four triggers to occur which governsall questions of lien timeliness Lien claimants must strictly comply with the time limits established by the statutes.The failureto file within the prescribed time limits will result in extinguishmentofthe claim of lien. Youshould immediately take steps to register abuilder’s lien.
What arebenefits of agood diet for. pet?
youare fi
ahome.Amortgage advisor can
Ihad the recent misfortune to spend time,and alot of money,atthe vet’soffice Dusty, my 15-month old dog,broke his rightfront leg; very common in puppies thatare maniacs and can’t sit still.Therewereanumber of repeatmaladies Isaw overthe four visits; impactedanal glands,and skin, weightand allergy issues.All can be remedied by agood diet; real ingredients,with no chemicals,preservatives and synthetic ingredients Ifound out the benefits of aproper diet when Imanaged COVAnimal Control. We were the first municipally funded no-kill shelter in North America and sawalot of issues; most were solved by achange in diet.Myown adopted fur kids lived long healthylives; Quigley 16, Lola 14 and Sassy 18 ½. From the time they took over my lifeuntil they passed none had been to the vet. Furkids should thriveontheir food not just survive. One pet parentboughta25-pound bag of prescription food,$155. The first ingredients is starch. With no calories,protein, fator fiber,starch has absolutely no nutritional value! Agood diet would solvethe allergy problem, save aton of money and make the dog’s lifemuch moreenjoyable.Choices,spend your hard-earned money on good food or trips to the vet. It does explain whythere wasaMaseratiinthe parking lot! When Igot Lola from Little Paws Rescue,her hair so thin youcould see the inflamed skin it wasmeanttocover.The first time Ibrushed her,all her hair broke off in the brush. Iput her on agood diet,her skin cleared up in twoweeks and in half ayear she had anew thick coat.FYI,itwas another failed foster!
so.When youare

Forevery visitor to the Burnabypop-up and its sister site at theGuildford Town CentreinSurrey, $5 will be donated to the Breakfast Club of Canada, which provides healthy breakfasts forschool-aged children –Abhinaya Natesh
Well, one pop-up artinstallationinBurnabyencourages children and adults alike to do justthat. Everyday untilSept. 5, visitors to the Metrotown mall are encouraged to grab some markersand get doodling onthe vinyl walls, flooring and furniture of a950-square-foot pop-up classroom. The brainchild ofVancouver-based artistTierney Milne, theback-toschool-themed interactive exhibit—dubbed the “Doodle Classroom” ismeant to helpkids get hypeduptobecreative when they head backto the classroom. “So many kids fall in love with artwhile at school,” said Milne. “Art is howmanychildren learntoexpressthemselves.The powerofart is exceptional.”
Did youeverfindyourself colouring in themargins of your notebooks or on theclassroom furniture growing up?
WILLINGDON COMMUNITY FAIR When: Wednesday, Aug. 31 (5 –10p.m.) Where:Willingdon Community Centre (1491 Carleton Ave.) Cost: Free –LaurenVanderdeen Communityfair, movienightcoming to Willingdon WillingdonCommunityFair returns to the neighbourhood after atwo-year hiatus
Communitynow doodle on the walls at this Metrotown pop-up
Mark your calendars: Willingdon Community Centre is hostinga community fair and movie nightonWednesday,Aug. 31. After abite at afood truck,bouncing in a bouncycastle, getting your face painted and working up asweat with aZumba demonstration, youcan settle into watching Sing2 at 8p.m Theevent willalso host avarietyofcommu nity booths to browse and learnabout your neighbourhood. Attendees cancatch musicbySean Michael Simpson between5:15 and 6:15p.m., andagain between 6:45and 7:45 p.m. There’s an official welcome from MayorMike Hurley at 6:15p.m., and the Zumba demonstration takes place at 6:45 p.m. Forfull event details, check out the city’s website at WillingdonFair.
20 THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 • BurnabyNow
Art time: This pop-up Doodle Classroom is open at Metropolis at Metrotowntill Sept.5 PHOTO PABLOSU, CONTRIBUTED

Riding the wave of the successfullaunch of Halo Infinite, SkyBoxLabs is settinganother “growth spurt,”asa press release says “WithHalo Infinite, our team wasabletoshowcase more thanjustour engi neering skills,”said Shyang Kong,co-founder of Sky BoxLabs, in apress re lease. “We’vebeen fortunate to contribute to the title’s UX/UI, design, animation, characterart,environment art, lighting,tech art, production and QA. Thenew studio spaces will give us ampleroom to grow as we continue to work on Halo Infinite and more.” SkyBox will grow to more than 250 employees in 2022, the release notes It’sactively hiring forengi neers, designers, produc ers, artists andmore. Growth spurt: The SkyBox Solo studio at Brentwood is one of two studios opening in Burnaby.
Example: $30,937 fi nanced at 2.49% nominal rate (2.49% APR) equals $254 bi-weekly for 60 months. Cost of borrowing is $1,998, for at otal obligation of $32,935. Freight ($1,900) and A/C charge ($100, if applicable) included. Example does not include license, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time of fer which may not be combined with certain other of fers. General Motors of Canada Company (GM Canada) may modify ,e xtend or terminate of fers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time, without notice. ®Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. TD Auto Finance is ar egistered trademark of The To rontoDominion Bank. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact GM Canada to verify eligibility These of fers may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Conditions and limitations apply .V oid where prohibited. See Dealer for full program details.
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 21
FAMILYOWNED SINCE 1963 #D5505 CARRIERS NEEDED Pleasecall 604-398-3481 or Email Induwari P. Lyndhurst Elementary, Grade 6
SkyBox Labsiscoming to Burnaby Thecompany,co-de veloper of the HaloInfinite videogame,issettingup twostudios in MetroVan couver, andbothofthose are in Burnaby: one in the Metropolis at Metrotown area andone in theBrentwood area. The SkyBox Solo studio at Brentwood will be 20,000squarefeet, while the Metrotownstudio comesinat12,000 square feet.The companyisalso launching athird studio in Victoria.
Of fer available to quali fi ed retail customers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on select vehicles purchased from August 3, 2022 to August 31, 2022. 2.49% purchase fi nancing of fered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or RBC Royal Bank for 2.49% up to 60 months on 2022 Encore GX models. Participating lenders are subject to change. Rates from other lenders will vary .D own payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade.

SFU moves its home games south to Blaine SFU men’s soccer team starts with high expectations
Powerhouse: TheSFU men’s soccer team is expected to come outontop this season. PHOTO SFUATHLETICS/TWITTER ted#1FlooringStore in Burnaby in aRow!
22 THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 • BurnabyNow Sportsnow
There won’tbemuch football playedonTerry FoxField at Simon Fraser University’sBurnabycam pus during the2022 season as the school will be playing alargeportionof its home schedule south of the border SFU’sathletics department announced Aug. 16 thatfour regular-season gamesscheduledto be playedinBurnaby have been movedtoBlaine, Wash.,because of Canada’sCOVID-19 entryrequirement thatall visitors entering thecountrybe fully vaccinated. SFU will playatBlaine HighSchool againstTexas A&M-KingsvilleonOct. 1,WesternNew Mexico on Oct. 22,AngeloState on Oct. 29 andWestTexas A&M on Nov. 12. Anon-conference game thatwas scheduled for Sept. 10 against Montana State-Northernhas been cancelled “Weare all looking for ward to atime when the impact of the global pandemicwillbebehind us,” seniordirector of athletics and recreation at SFU Theresa Hanson said ina news release. “This news is especially disappointing forour student-athletes, butwecontinue to supportthemand advocate for ways to ensurethey can train and compete. “Weare looking forward to creating ahome-field atmosphere in Blaine for these games.”
2.WesternWashington 2021 record: 7-8-2 3. Seattle Pacific —2021 record: 12-4-2 4. Northwest Nazarene— 2021 record: 8-8-0 5. Saint Martin’s—2021 record: 4-13-0 6. MontanaState Billings —2021record: 4-9-3 7.Western Oregon 2021 record: N/A SFU will startits 2022 NCAA regular season on Saturday, Aug.27, against No.1 ranked California StateLos Angeles at the SFU Showdown tournament.
With season kick-offjust around thecorner,a new poll showscoaches in the GreatNorthwest Athletic ConferenceexpectSFU to come out on top. SFU men’ssoccer team received five of sevenfirst placevotesinthe 2022 GreatNorthwest Athletic ConferencePre-season Men’sSoccer Coaches Poll and finished with 47 points The last time theschool wonthe championship wasfour yearsago in 2018. Lastseason, SFUfin ished secondbehind Se attle Pacific after astrong October push to claim the title,winning five of its last seven games to finishthe year with a9-7-0 record and 6-4-0 in conference play. The squad allowed only 20 goals all season,but struggledoffensively, scoringjust 17. Goalkeepersfor SFU held a1.23 goalsagainst average(GAA) and led the conference in shutouts with 7. The results of the2022 GNACPre-season Men’s SoccerCoaches Poll areas follows: Simon FraserUniver sity —2021 record: 9-7-0
ESSENTIAL MOVE In November 2021, SFU andGreatNorthwest Athletic Conference football schoolsWestern Oregonand CentralWashington were accepted by Lone Star Conference Presidentsand Athletic Directors as affiliate members, helping create a10team conference. SFUsays, with only three NCAA Div. II football schools remainingin the Pacific Northwest, it wasanessential move to guarantee afullconferenceschedule.
The pandemiccaused the cancellationofthe 2020 seasonand forced SFU to playtwo home games and six road games during the 2021 season
Withthe announcement of four homegames moving toWashingtonState, the only games thatwillbe playedatTerry FoxField are on Sept. 17 against CentralWashington at 1 p.m. and the ShrumBowl against UBConDec.2 at 6p.m New year: Simon Fraser University’s men’s football team has announced it will be playing the majority of its 2022 home schedule south of the border in Blaine, Washington. PHOTO SFU FOOTBALL

IMAGES Continued on page 25 HARMONY COURT ESTATE THESENIORS OF DISTINCTIONAWARDS DEADLINE FORNOMINATIONSEXTENDED TheSeniorofDistinction Awards is an occasion to recognizelocal seniorsand the valuable contributions theyhavemade, andcontinuetomake, in ourcommunities,workplaces,and families. SENIORSCAN BE NOMINATEDFOR: 1. ARTS 2. LEADERSHIP 3. COMMUNITYSERVICE 4. HEALTHYLIVING NOMINATE ONLINE PRINT AND DROP OFF Harmony Court Estate 7197 Canada Way Burnaby, BC V5E 4A6 OR Deadline has been extended to: August 30th Winnerswillbenotified by September 15th Media Sponsor: Hosted By: AS WE AGE Celebrating Seniors
It seems there is amix of information from StatCan, and corroboratedbyothers, that there is both good and badnews relativeto an older Canadian Accordingtothe StatCanweb pages, the popu lation of older people has increased. It wasfound that thereare seven million people aged 65 and older, whichrepresents nearlyone in fiveCanadi ans (19 per cent), up from 16.9 per cent in 2016. Significantly,aswell, older people areliving lon ger.A fun fact, as of July 1, 2021,itwas recorded thatthere are12,822centenarians in Canada —a 16-per-cent increasefrom 2016. StatCanalso found that“Seniorsaged 85 and older aregrowinginnumber andasaproportion of thepopulation.The growth of this population will accelerate even further in coming years, as the firstbabyboomer cohorts will turn85.”The baby boomerslike me, born between 1946 and 1965, are thelargestgeneration in Canadian history.
MargaretCoates AsWe Agecontributor As StatisticsCanada rolls out itslatest information about Canada’spopulation,I wondered what they foundinthe older personcategory. Iwanted to know how theaverage senior fares in oursocietyand what roles older people play in thecommunity.Aswell, I wonderediftheycan navigate safely in oursociety andwhether they are disproportionately affected by abuseorbyworld events such as climate change and COVID-19 and its variants.
BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 23
Some of whatIfound maysurpriseyou given the often-dire news we hear aboutseniorswho are negatively affected by dismalhealth-care sit uations, severe climate change events (remember the heatdome whichadversely impacted so many seniorsinB.C.), more and more scams perpetrated againstseniorsand so on.
It is important to note thatthe growth in this population will have wide implications for govern ment andpolicymakers, especially aroundhealth, housing,long-term care and management of severe climate changes. As well as an increased life expectancy, older peo ple areleading more ac tivelives.Peopleare better offeconomically,stayinvolved in community longer and for the most part are healthier. However, the StatCan report says, “As more seniorsare living to 85 andbeyond, an Canadian data shows mixed picture for seniors Here to stay: Seniors are living longer and remaining part of the workforce for longer, according to recent Statistics Canada data. PHOTO MORSA IMAGES/DIGITALVISION/GETTY

Chartwell Retirement Residencesplans to sell twoofits residences—includingone in Burnaby
–GlenKorstrom,BIV Chartwell selling care homes in Burnaby andNanaimo WCB Networks, Speechand
HearingHealth ProfessionalsofBC. We’rehearing aidexperts and we want youtobe an expert too. Experiencethe difference at NexGen Hearing. BURNABYNORTH 604.265.4960 3776 Hastings Street BURNABYMETROTOWN 604.359.5774 1698–4500Kingsway Moving just got easier with our summer savings event! Now is your time to enjoy alifestyle of hospitality services, social connections, and safety and security.Our summer savings can help! Reserve your suite by August 31 and get your first month free! Call today for your tour. INDEPENDENT SENIORS LIVING ASSISTED LIVINGSERVICES AVAILABLE 5291 GrimmerSt, BurnabyBC 5minutes from METROTOWN 604-568-5563 • AS WE AGE Celebrating Seniors
The companyhas an nouncedplans to sellits ChartwellCarlton Care Residence in Burnaby and its Chartwell Malaspina CareResidence in Na naimofor $112million. Governmentapprovals are needed,but Mississauga-basedChartwell saiditexpects thedeals to closethis year Calgary-based AgeCare HealthServices Inc and Montreal-based AxiumInfrastructureplan to buythe properties, amovethatcomes after thosecompanies in March agreedtobuy 16 of Chartwell’sOntario long-termcarehomes. “Substantial growth in our retirementportfolio over theyears andour re cently announced transition of the Ontariolongterm-care platformhas led us to the decision to sell these long-termcare residencesinBritish Co lumbia,” Chartwell’s CEO,VladVolodarski, said in astatement. “It wascritical that these propertiesbesold to astrongand reputable organization whichholds similar values to Chartwell to ensure asmooth transition forour residents and employees.” Volodarskisaidhis ex perience working with AgeCare and Axium “strengthened my confidence that theyare exactly theright partners.”
oogheh urnabyNorth Raymond Belmonte RHIP/Burnaby Metrotown WorkSafeBC and other Provincial
Chartwell spent $27 million to redevelop its Chartwell Carlton Care Residence in 2012 and 2013. Fraser Healthprovides millions of dollarsannually to fund 117beds at the128-bed facility Subsidized residents in long-termcarepay up to 80 per cent of theirafter-tax incometothe fa cility,subject to maximum and minimum thresholds. The site’s other 11 beds are paid for privately. Chartwell is the largest operator ofseniors’ living facilities,with morethan 200infour provinces includingproperties under development,according to thecompany.
24 THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 • BurnabyNow
VAC, BCEA andFNHAaccepted.Registeredunder theCollege of

BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 25 increasing number of individualswillfacelimitationsand long-term health challenges.”
Older people areworking longer,manyuptothe retirementage of 65 and somebeyondthatcut-off StatCan says,“Compared with twodecades ago, more seniors remained active in thelabour market in their late 60sand into their 70s. Seniors with abachelor’sdegreeor higher and thosewithout privateretirement income were more likely to work than otherseniors.” Menwere more likely thanwomen to continue to work, possibly because many women leave the work force to take on the caregiving role in their families. StatCan says that “al though COVID-19has affected allCanadians, seniors are particularly vulnerable to its healthimpacts,including ahigher risk of hospitalization, health complications,and death.”Theyalsosay as seniorsare morelikely to live alone or in an institution, that healthmeasures meant to keep olderpeo plesafe paradoxically put thematrisk of social iso lationwhichisarguably a severe andcriticalissue for seniors
MargaretCoatesisthe co-ordinatorofLionsview Society most COVID-19 pandemic, the risks and social isolationithas
COVID-19continuestotakeatollonseniors Continuedfrompage 23 Vulnerable: Seniors continued to be
affected by the
broughtto older adults in particular PHOTO LUIS ALVAREZ/ DIGITALVISION/ GETTYIMAGES Hours: Monday: 8am –5pm •Tuesday: 8am –7pm •Wednesday: 8am –8pm Thursday: 8am –5pm •Friday: 9am –5pm •Saturday: 9am –5pm Sunday and Holidays: Closed Dr.Ajand DrNobahari .Douglas Lovely Dr.Chantal ThériaultDr.Stephen Yoon 609 Sixth Street, New Westminster 604-524-4981 • OVER 65 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE 7YEARS IN AROW •General &FamilyDentistry•Dental Implants •Invisalign •Botox• Accepting NewPatients WELCOME TO OUR STATE-OF-THE-ART DENTAL FACILITY! Thank you for voting us your Favourite Dentist in New West l Vibrant Personal Yourself ed On your terms Confident Well Secure Respected Hap Empowered Revitalized Act V H A Reserve your Studio Suite by September 30th to save $3,000 during yourfirstyear!* Your studio awaits! Calltodaytobook atour (604)524-6100 Thornebridge Gardens 649 Eighth Ave, NewWestminster,BC *Limited availability. Special promooffer validfor the first 12 months of residency. AS WE AGE Celebrating Seniors
On the StatCan web pages,itwas found that older people supplymuch of thecaregivingfor their aging family and friends. Supporting this fact,the CanadianAssociationof Retired Peoplesays“This unpaid labour, estimated at $25-billion annually,is beingshoulderedbymil lionsofCanadians, over one million of whom are over age 65.” Manyseniorssaidthey felt safe in community despite some increases in el derabuse andscams targeting olderpeople. A reportbyShana Conroy and DanielleSutton, CanadianCentrefor Justice, and CommunitySafety Statisticssays, “Most seniors were somewhator very satisfied withtheir personalsafety fromcrime (82 per cent),perceived their neighbourhoodas having alower amount of crimethanother areas in Canada (77 per cent)and reported asomewhat or very strongsense of communitybelonging (72per cent).”
While the pandemic seemstobeevolvingwith new variantsabounding, maybe it wouldbewise for older people to continue practising safety mea sures like wearingmasks inindoorsettings,distancing from people in pub licspaces and keeping up theirvaccination regime. However, despite being negatively impacted by the COVID-19pandemic,the over-65 populationcon tinuestoincrease in Can ada as awhole. Ithink that we need to prepare for the issues for older people that this growth will create.

Inlovingmemoryof HARWOOD,Leone Elizabeth December20, 1922 –August 5, 2022 EMPLOYMENT GENERAL EMPLOYMENT Cleaning Business is looking forRELIABLE HOUSECLEANERS. 604.987.9970 ROCKY MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENTisNOW HIRING: AG Equipment Techs, Heavy Equipment Techs- Journeyman &Apprentices, Parts Techs.View Open Roles & Apply: Reloca tion and Signing Bonus Offered. MARKETPLACE ANTIQUES FVACC ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SHOW AUG 26th 28th, Queen’s Park Arena, New West. 200 tables. Reg Admis: $5 Early: $20 visit FVACC.CA WANTED CASH for your CLUTTER Iwill pay CASH foryour UNWANTED ITEMS! Ispecializein RECORDS, English BoneChina & Figurines, Collectibles, Tools, Antiques, ETC Rob• 604-307-6715 NUMISMATIST PURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS& ACCUMULATIONS! Royal Cana dianMint, Canada &World Collections Wanted. Also buying 9999 bullion, old money,jewelry, nuggets, sterling, gold, silver,coins, bars, monster boxes +++ ESTATES WELCOMED! Todd 250864 3521. RENTAL APARTMENTS/ CONDOS FOR RENT GARDEN VILLA 1010 6th Ave. New Westminster SuitesAvailable. BeautifulAtrium with Fountain. By College Shops& Transit/Skytrain. Petsnegotiable. Refreq’d. CALL 604-715-7764 SKYLINE TOWERS 102-120 Agnes St, New Westminster Hi-Rise Apartmentwith River View &IndoorPool 1BR& 2BRAvailable Rent includesheat &hot water.RemodeledBuilding and Common area. Gatedunderground secure parking available Referencesrequired. CALL 604-525-2122 VILLA MARGARETA 320-9th St, New Westminster Suites Available. All suites have nice balconies, Underground parking avail Refsreq’d. Small Pet OK. CALL 604-715-7764 CERAMIC TILING Bathroom Renovations TILING -All Installations Santo •778-235-1772 CLEANING PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Gutter cleaning Pressure washing Window washing Gardening 10 years experience 604 209 3445 CONCRETE We do ALLkindsof Concrete Work. •Seniors discount. 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Gutter Cleaning, PowerWashing, WindowCleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 CALL Today forSummer DISCOUNTS! GUTTERS •REPLACEMENTS •DOWNPIPE •LEAFGUARD •DRAIN GUARD•SIDING Commercial &Residential. FreeEstimates. Gutter Specialists. Licensed. WCB Insured 604-724-5493 • 604-721-0372 • GUTTERS EXCAVATING #1 Backhoes &Excavators TrenchlessWaterlines Bobcats &Dump Truck &All MaterialDeliveries Drainage; Video Inspection Landscaping Concrete Stump/Rock/Cement/Oil Tank &Demos, Paving, Pool/Dirt Removal, Paver Stones, Jackhammer Water/Sewer,Line/Sumps, Slinger Avail, Concrete Cutting,HandExcavating. Basements Made Dry Claudio’s BackhoeService 604-341-4446 FENCING West Coast Cedar Installations since 1991 New• Repaired• Rebuilt Fences &Decks 604-788-6458 (notext) FLOORING Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts •Repairs •Staining •Installation • Free Estimates 604-376-7224 NSTALLATION REFINISHING, Sanding. Free est, great prices. Satisfaction guar.604-518-7508 MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 •604-653-7851 • Book your ad online anytime at Your Community ADVERTISING POLICIES All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to buyers at the advertised prices. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher of this newspaper and The Advertising Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do not guarantee the insertion of aparticular advertisement on a specified date, or at all, although every effort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers. Further,the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. The Vancouver Courier will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error.Request for adjustments or corrections on charges must be made within 30 days of the ad’sexpiration. For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7business days notice! Celebratethe lives of lovedones with your stories,photographs and tributes TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS BRING HOME IMPROVEMENTS TO THENEXT LEVEL REFER TO THE HOME SERVICES SECTION FOR ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS
26 THURSDAY,August 25,2022 • BurnabyNow classifieds. REMEMBRANCES HOME SERVICES To advertise call 604-362-0586 Let our experienced lawyers help you. | *A law corporation Probate made easy. WestcoastWills &Estates 604-230-1068 EXECUTOR SERVICES OBITUARIES
Leone Harwood passed away peacefully,surrounded by family,inSalmon Arm, BC. She is predeceased by Jack,her husband of 67 years,and survived by her son Allan (Sandrina), daughterMaureen and grandchildren Graeme, Scott,Andrew,Sarah and Rye. Leone and Jack raised their family in Burnaby and then, when they retired,they purchased an apartmentwith abeautiful view of the mountains,inNew Westminster.Fromthere, Jack and Leone travelled and danced their waythrough life, enjoying each new day. Leone wasagracious and caring person with awonderful sense of style and adventure. Recently,she movedtoSalmon Armtobecloser to family.She lovedtosee the countryside and wasalways up foradrive. Her home at Shuswap Lodge suited her well and she enjoyedher independencethere as well as being pampered by the wonderful staff.Leone pragmatically took everything in stride and chose to look on the sunnyside of life. She would oftenexclaim,“We’re just SO lucky!”She truly felt thatway and we feel blessed and luckytohave knownher To leave an online message of condolence, please visit

BurnabyNow • THURSDAY,August 25, 2022 27 HOME SERVICES Please recycle this newspaper HANDYPERSON BONDED &INSURED EXPERIENCED EMPLOYEES PROFESSIONAL, SAFE AND RELIABLE 604-900-6010 NEED IT FIXED? All jobs $25anhour. Call/Text Rob 604-850-4908 25+ yearsExperience. Fully Ins’d. Lic’d&WCB SummerClean-up Specials •Lawn Maintenance •PowerRake • New Sod &Seeding • Tree Topping &Trimming •Power Wash •Gutters •Patio’s• Decks •Fences •Concrete •Retaining Walls •Driveways& Sidewalks &MuchMORE All work guaranteed Free Estimates 604-240-2881 MODERATELANDSCAPING • LAWN Gravel, Bedrock • HEDGE Trimming • PAINT Exterior • STUCCO Repair,Chimney • DECKS Fencing, Patios • RETAINING Walls • Pavers • CONCRETE Driveways • ROOFING Repairs 27 YrsExp. 778-968-7843 LAWN &GARDEN LANDSCAPING Start-Finish.Demo-Design. PAVERS Driveway, Sidewalk Concrete Removal -Replace LANDSCAPING, Turf,Hedges, Retaining Wall, Patio. 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Alltypes of Finishes Repairs Ins’d 604-788-1385 TREE SERVICES TREE SERVICES Pruning, Hedge Trimming Tree &Stump Removal 75 ft Bucket Trucks 604-787-5915 $50 OFF *onjobsover$1000 Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve aSudoku, the numbers 1through 9must fill each row,column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row,column and box. Youcan figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. SUDOKU PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE ACROSS DOWN 1. Onepointnorth of duewest 4. Indigenouspeoples of northern Scandinavia 9. Popular California/Nevada lake 14. Go quickly 15. Fatty acid in soaps 16. Brandoffuel stations 17. State of fuss 18. Romance novelist 20.Membersofahousehold 22.Asserts to be the case 23.Type of infection 24. With metal inlays 28.Chinese philosophic principle 29. Early multimedia 30.Employee stock ownership plan 31. He investigatedClinton administration 33. Shells 37. Six 38. Snakelike fish 39.Capital of Kenya 41. Influential group(abbr.) 42. Used to chop 43. It comes as acase 44. Challenges 46. Smallamounts 49.The Golden State 50. Peyton’slittle brother 51. For walking inAlaska 55. Buddhisthonorifictitles 58. Lively ballroom dance 59. Capital ofAlbania 60. Late nighthost 64.Drawfrom 65.Away to utilise 66. One whoisnot native Hawaiian 67.Apower to perceive 68. Bulky 69. Horsemackerels 70. Proclaim outloud 1. Hits 2. Bathroom accessory 3.Young 4. Beef cattles 5. It’soften in soap 6. For each 7. Innermost membrane enveloping the brain 8.Away to leave 9. Emaciation 10. Punish with a fine 11.Steeds 12. Having eight 13. Greek goddess of the dawn 19. Mature reproductive cells 21.Armadillo species 24.Ancient country in what is nowRomania 25. Extreme greed 26. Stars 27. Poems 31. Places to sit 32. One from the Lone Star State 34. Small rails 35. One quintillion bytes (abbr.) 36.Where coaches work 40. Indicates position 41. Mammals 45. Resembling awing 47. Beliefs 48. Hindu male religiousteachers 52. Mischievously 53.Where athletes want to end up(abbr.) 54. Large, deep-bodied fish 56. Horned squash buggenus 57. Excessively sentimental 59. Shared verbally 60.You can putitontoast 61.Data mining methodology (abbr.) 62. Resinlike substance secreted by certain insects 63.Mauna _, Hawaiian volcano Looking to do some Refer to the Service Directory for all of your home improvement, decorating and gardening needs. Home Improvement? Find all your renovation needs in Home Services 604-362-0586

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