McAllister’s Southgate City project nearby
Street set for safety upgrades after teen’s death OPINION 6 ENTERTAINMENT 11 SPORTS 24 Weekend events highlights Wrestler edged at Bworlds aldrey:Historic contract LOCAL NEWS There’smoreonlineat .com LOCAL MATTERS Continued on page 3 AL KABANI Free Home Evaluation Call AL KABANI today 778-773-4646 RE/MAX Crest | Since 1985 | #1-5050 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 4C2 778-773-4646 Glenn Chivers 604.420.9100 ut my 34 Years of Experience ork for You! Each office is independently owned and operated edallion 2020 RE/MAX Hall of Fame RE/MAX Platinum Club Team
The dump truck in volved in the crash was as sociated with Ledingham
the day she was killed by a dump truck has gotten ex tra attention from the City of Burnaby and Burnaby RCMP for the new school year
Behzad was killed on

GREETING THE NEW YEAR : Gete, with drum, keeps the beat during the performance of a song called Abebayehosh during Ethiopian New Year celebrations, Saturday at Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre PHOTO CHUNGCHOW

The route 14 year old Muska Behzad took on her way home from Byrne Creek Community School
11th Avenue near 16th Street while walking home from school at about 3:30 p m on May 5

The accident happened on a stretch of 11th Ave nue with no sidewalks but lots of truck traffic from three major construction projects (the Rosemary Brown Arena, Southgate City and a MetroVancou ver water main project) and a logistics company (18WheelsWarehousing & Trucking) nearby.
One neighbour told the NOW she had been hit by a truck mirror just six months earlier while walk ing in the same area Be hzad was killed
2 THURSDAY September 15, 2022 • Burnaby Now Happy Anniversary,Choices North Vancouver Saturday, September 17th ONLY! | At Choices 801 Marine Drive 10%OFF INCLUDING SALE ITEMS THE ENTIRE STORE, Anniversary sale is only available at Choices North Vancouver | Sale not available online Silver Hills Sprouted Power Bread Choices’ Own 4.25” Quiche from USA While quantities last Not all items available at all stores We reserve the right to correct printing errors Product may not appear exactly as depicted Buy One Get One Deals Not Available Online Kitsilano 604 736 0009 | Cambie 604 875 0099 | Kerrisdale 604 263 4600 | Yaletown 604 633 2392 Commercial Drive 604 678 9665 | Burnaby Crest 604 522 0936 | Abbotsford 604 744 3567 Kelowna 250 862 4864 | North Vancouver 604 770 2868 | South Surrey 604 541 3902 Scan To View All Our Specials This Week Strawberries 100% BC OWNED AND OPERATED WEEKLY CHOICES Prices Effective September 15 21, 2022 Prune MPlums cIntosh Apples 498 907g Bag 598 1.36kg Bag Vega Sport Protein Chasers Cold Pressed Juice Smart Sweets Low Sugar Candy 299 50g 1099 1L +deposit +eco fee Whole Chicken Raised Without Antibiotics 499/lb 11.00/kg LOCAL Fraser Valley from 2/ 900 2/ 900 430g - 615g 498 454g LOCAL from Nature s First Fruits LOCAL from Blossom River BUY1 GET 1 FREE 801g 837g

Blerton (Toni) Dalipi, 19, was shot five times from behind with a 9mm Smith &Wesson hand gun outside the BossVapes store on Sixth Street near 13th Avenue just before 7 p m on May 8, according to agreed facts read out during a sentencing hear ing for his killer, Ahmed RiyazTahir, Friday
CorneliaNaylor cnaylor@burnabynow com
“Mr Tahir believed Mr Dalipi was responsible for the murder of Mr. McKin ney, his friend,” defence lawyerTroy Anderson told the court.
GUNNED DOWN: A photo of Coquitlam’s Bailey McKinney, who was murdered at Town Centre Park in Coquitlam on April 19, 2021 PHOTO CORNELIA NAYLOR

Chris Bryan said in a re cent email to the NOW
The city is also install ing four speed humps on 11th Avenue, a raised crosswalk at 15th Street and new signage and pave
ment markings, according to Bryan

Meanwhile, 16th Street, which had been blocked by a MetroVancouver wa ter main project, is now open and will offer an other access for trucks ex iting the 18Wheels facil ity, removing the need for them to travel down 11th Avenue to 15th Street, ac cording to Bryan
Burnaby RCMP has also hosted two commer cial vehicle enforcements in the area
“He was my little boy,” his mother Ganimete Dalipi said “My young est He adored me and I adored him back. I no lon ger get to see his beauti ful face ”
During one of those, of ficers checked 32 vehicles and took 26 of them out of service for safety violations including five trucks as sociated with nearby con struction sites
The homicide team said the shooting had been con nected to gangs but not to the greater Lower Main land gang conflict that
IHIT confirmed to the Tri City News in April that it had closed McKinney’s case because the person “responsible” for his death had died in another tar geted shooting that was connected to his case
Coquitlam’sTown Centre Park on April 19, 2021
“What happened to Bai ley McKinney is tragic,” read an emailed statement from IHIT Sgt David Lee “Equally tragic is the vi olence that resulted from that These events escalate and often end with persons in jail or dead.”
Burnaby RCMP has also been working to im prove safety in the area
In a joint sentencing submission Friday, Ander son and Crown prosecutor Jeremy Hermanson called for a 17 year period with out parole eligibility.
Traffic services mem
In the coming days, Burnaby RCMP plans to present recommenda tions to the city’s engineer ing department “based on first hand observations and community outreach,” the detachment said
According to the agreed facts in the case,Tahir waited outside BossVapes for two minutes and 50 seconds for Dalipi to leave the store before he shot him five times from behind and ran away west on 13th Avenue
The 19 year old gunned down in front of a Burn aby vape store last year was a suspect in the shoot ing death of another young man on a Coquitlam bas ketball court a few weeks earlier, according to infor mation presented inVan couver Supreme Court this week
“The sentence in this case must be a heavy one, even for a young man such as Mr Tahir Gun crimes are a high concern in the community.”
The court heard Dalipi had been under surveil lance by the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team that day as a sus pect in the deadly daylight shooting of 20 year old Bailey McKinney while he was playing basketball in
She noted the killing had had “appalling conse quences” for Dalipi’s fam
Besides the life sentence, Holmes handedTahir a lifetime firearms ban, or dered him to provide a DNA sample and ordered the murder weapon to be forfeited
in the community NEWS
route between the South gate project and the truck route on 10th,” Bryan said
ily. And, whileTahir may have believed Dalipi was responsible for McKin ney’s death, Holmes said that “does not mitigate his offence in any way”
“We have, if you ac cept the police theory, two young men under the age of 20, or about the age of 20, dead and a young man in his early 20s going to
“This new sidewalk is designed to provide a higher level of safety for all pedestrians including chil dren, the elderly and peo ple with mobility issues,” public affairs manager
The city has already widened 17th Street be tween 10th and 11th ave nues to enable trucks leav ing the Southgate project to drive directly to 10th Avenue rather than take 11th Avenue to 15th or 18th streets.
“I will never be able to strip that horrible image of my son laying there on that concrete sidewalk and ter rified for his life, out of my head,” he said.
The detachment told the NOW it has met with Southgate City builder Marcon,TheTraffic Con trol Company and 18 Wheels for “in person ed ucation,” reminding the
bers have also been in the area numerous times since Behzad’s death to moni tor the interaction between commercial vehicle truck traffic and pedestrians, “taking note of how the roadway and sidewalks are shared and how the traffic control company coordi nates this use,” according to an RCMP email
Continued from page 1
Starting this week, the city said, it will be install ing a new, temporary as phalt sidewalk on that stretch of 11th Avenue
This new sidewalk is designed to provide a higher level of safety
He had originally been charged with first degree murder and aggravated as sault the second charge related to injuries sus tained by a bystander out side BossVapes.
Fatmir Dalipi said he will never be able to erase from his mind the images posted on social media of his son’s last moments
Anderson called the web of gun violence “a trag edy”
B C Supreme Court associate Chief Justice Heather Holmes accepted the joint submission
Ahmed RiyazTahir,21,handed life sentence for the murder of teen outside BossVapes in Burnaby
prison for life,” he said.
Second degree mur der comes with an auto matic life sentence with no chance of parole for a min imum of 10 years
companies of the start of the new school year and making safety recommen dations, including trucks slowing to a safe speed (10 km/h) and using flashing amber lights when enter ing and leaving the site
Tahir pleaded guilty to second degree murder in June for Dalipi’s killing
A barrier on 11th Ave nue at 17th Street will stay put, he said, to force all truck traffic leaving South gate to use 17th Street (dump trucks) or 18th Street (tandem trucks with larger turning radii)
Dalipi’s family has been “shattered” by his death, according to victim im pact statements written by his mother, father and twin sister, Blertina
“This is the shortest
Burnaby Now • THURSDAY September 15, 2022 3
erupted in the spring of 2021
He was arrested a short time later when a local res ident discovered him hid ing under a vehicle in an open garage in the 7800 block of 13th Avenue, ac cording to the agreed facts
The Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) revealed Sept 12 that the winner of the 88th annual PNE Prize Home is Barb Bam
TAKE NOTICE that the following properties shall, on the 26th day of September 2022, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC at the hours of 10 am be offered for sale at the public auction, unless delinquent taxes with interest were previously paid.
PROPERTY ADDRESS PID LEGAL DESCRIPTION PH18 9250 UNIVERSITY HIGH ST 028 854 896 LT 67/ PL BCS4459/ DL 211/ GRP 1/ 36 6845 UNION ST 009 255 451 LT 10/ PL NWP23700/ DL 206/ GRP 1/ 36 4825 VENABLES ST 005 767 245 LT 38/ BLK 28/ PL NWP14431/ DL 122/ GRP 1/ 36 8354 ASPENWOOD PL 001-469-690 LT 34/ PL NWS963/ DL 143/ GRP 1/ 36 2971 CORONA DR 001-083-767 LT 78/ PL NWS65/ DL 56/ GRP 1/ 36 9144 CENTAURUS CIR 001-939-882 LT 5/ PL NWS1760/ DL 6 & 56/ GRP 1/ 36 1503 9868 CAMERON ST 027-911-306 LT 379/ PL BCS3426/ DL 4/ GRP 1/ 36 7797 JENSEN PL 006-675-476 LT 81/ PL NWP31674/ DL 42/ GRP 1/ 36 2808 4670 ASSEMBLY WAY 030-574-293 LT 200/ PL EPS4857/ DL 153/ GRP 1/ 36 7702 HAZELMERE ST 007-297-564 LT 282/ PL NWP36379/ DL 87/ GRP 1/ 36 3705 4880 BENNETT ST 029-052-475 LT 220/ PL EPS1279/ DL 152/ GRP 1/ 36 7681 FORMBY ST 002-472-899 LT 2/ BLK 2/ PL NWP534/ DL 91/ GRP 1/ 36/ EXCPTPLN LMP24682 (ROAD) 908 7178 COLLIER ST 026-390-655 LT 53/ PL BCS1461/ DL 95/ GRP 1/ 36 7865 ROSEWOOD ST 026-832-615 LT A/ PL BCP26362/ DL 90/ GRP 1/ 36 304 5889 IRMIN ST 027-999-645 LT 57/ PL BCS3540/ DL 97/ GRP 1/ 36 6391 NEVILLE ST 009-473-726 LT 4/ BLK 2/ PL NWP11224/ DL 160/ GRP 1/ PROPERTY ADDRESS PID LEGAL DESCRIPTION 7572 18TH AVE 026-412 624 LT 1/ PL BCS1496/ DL 30/ GRP 1/ 36 8134 14TH AVE 002-560-232 LT 4/ BLK 11/ PL NWP697/ DL 27/ GRP 1/ 36 8068 12TH AVE 002-486-865 LT13/ BLK 6/ PL NWP697/ DL27/ GRP1/ 36 1501 2133 DOUGLAS RD 028-359-011 LT 92/ PL BCS3976/ DL 124 & 125/ GRP 1/ 36 PH5 3255 SMITH AVE 028-857-160 LT 58/ PL BCS4465/ DL 69/ GRP 1/ 36 402 6282 KATHLEEN AVE 005-702-852 LT 14/ PL NWS2497/ DL 151/ GRP 1/ 36 2903 6088 WILLINGDON AVE 024-595-870 LT 208/ PL LMS3990/ DL 153/ GRP 1/ 36 3305 6658 DOW AVE 029-363-918 LT 228/ PL EPS2219/ DL 153/ GRP 1/ 36 780 KENSINGTON AVE 002-639-556 LT 55/ DL 206/ / PL NWP29508 7378 HAWTHORNE TERR 024-997-722 LT 85/ DL 96/ / PL LMS4262 9 7503 18TH ST 026-145-405 LT 9/ DL 95/ / PL BCS1096 840 7288 ACORN AVE 017-351-693 LT 30/ DL 95/ / PL LMS18 986 DUTHIE AVE 002-731-436 LT 308/ DL 207/ / PL NWP50636 101 9380 UNIVERSITY CRES 026-315-548 LT 2/ PL BCS1345/ DL 102/211/ GRP 1/ 36 8816 FINCH CRT 005-693-420 LT 81/ DL 148/ / PL NWS2350 | CityOfBurnaby | 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 1M2 NOTICE OF DISPOSITION PREMISES AT DEER LAKE CENTRE AVAILABLE FOR LEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT certain premises in the buildings owned by the City of Burnaby commonly known as Deer Lake Centre located at 4946 Canada Way and 4940 Canada Way, and legally described as PID: 002-805-677, Lot 52 DL 79, Plan 57774 and PID: 003-062 104, Lot 58, DL 79, Plan 62907, respectively, are available to the public for lease, with the lease rate and term to be negotiated. For lease inquiries, please contact the City’s leasing agent, Avison Young, at 604-647-5074 or 604-647-5076. CityConnect
The home also includes an EV charger, 12 solar
4 THURSDAY September 15, 2022 • Burnaby Now
“Steeped in tradition, the PNE Prize Home rep
Properties sold at tax sale have a redemption period of one year from the date of the tax sale Properties not redeemed are subject to Property Transfer Tax, by the purchaser, under the Property Purchase Tax Act. This tax will be calculated on the market value of the property at the time the title is transferred to the purchaser at the Land Title Office
resents the high standard of construction, technol ogy and innovation that B.C. is known for.We are so pleased to congratulate Barb the proud new owner of this luxurious home in Langley, B C ”
There were 792,548 tickets sold to guests at the fair, online and by phone
The 3,408 sq ft home is located in Langley and features three bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms and a media room
Burnaby woman wins $2.4M PNE Prize Home draw Communitynow
A Burnaby woman has a new place to call home
Proceeds help support non profit programs
Other prizes included vehicles from Chevrolet,
panels proving 4 08 kW of power, triple pane win dows and an all electric heat pump system to cool and heat the house
$100,000 in cash prizes, a SportTrekTrailer, a Har ley Davidson motorcycle and two Harley Davidson electric bikes
JessBalzer jfedigan@burnabynow com
The Local Government Act Sec. 645(1) states “At 10:00am on the last Monday in September, at the council chambers, the collector must conduct the annual tax sale by offering for sale by public auction each parcel of real property on which taxes are delinquent.”
Prospective bidders are advised that it is their responsibility to search the title in advance to determine if there are any charges against the property All properties are sold as is. The City of Burnaby makes no representation expressed or implied as to the condition or quality of the properties being sold.
All bidders must pre-register to be eligible to bid at the auction. Registration will start on Monday September 26 at 9 am and bidders must have Photo ID, Social Insurance Number and must have in their possession certified funds at the time of registration
The minimum bid is the upset price, that is, the current taxes and penalties, arrears and delinquent taxes and interest, 5% tax sale costs and Land Title Office transfer fees. Upon completion of each
The house also has a one bedroom, one bath room legal guest suite, a first for the PNE Prize
sale, the successful bidder must make payment for the full bid amount (not only the upset price) immediately before the auction continues to the next property Acceptable forms of payment are: certified cheque and bank draft. Cash, personal cheque, debit and credit cards are not accepted. If the successful bidder does not have the full payment required, the property will be put back into the auction.
The PNE says the grand prize package is worth $2.4 million.
“It is our great privilege to announce Barb as the winner of this year’s PNE Prize Home,” Shelley Frost, president and CEO of the PNE, said in a news release.
Burnaby Now • THURSDAY September 15, 2022 5

Somegrumbling overBCGEUdeal
Fatmir Dalipi,story page 3
Others seem to think the annual wage increases should equal the inflation rate each and every year, which is a position not grounded in political re ality

And yet, despite this his toric breakthrough, some members have been ex pressing their dissatisfac tion with the deal on social media Some union mem bers have told me they have heard from colleagues who intend to vote against the contract
6 THURSDAY September 15, 2022 • Burnaby Now
It appears some of the discontent is linked to the disappearance of a $2,500 signing bonus proposed by the government just be fore picket lines went up around liquor distribution warehouses.That is under standable
Keith Baldrey is chief po litical reporter for Global BC

signing bonuses
BCGEU members will get the details of their ten tative agreement this week They would be wise to take a close look at them and realize the historic signifi cance of what they are be ing asked to approve
I will never be able to strip that horrible image of my son laying there and terrified for his life,out of my head

As a result, the total cu mulative cost of this round of negotiations will likely be around $10 billion over the next three years Given other cost pressures and spending priorities facing government, I doubt there is much appetite to provide even more billions of dol lars to public sector em ployees to meet inflation demands (tying wage hikes to a seven per cent infla tion rate would cost an ad ditional $5 billion or so over three years)
After years of annual wage increases of zero, one per cent or two per cent, the BCGEU was able se cure a potential increase of almost 14 per cent over three years.
The B C General Em ployees’ Union (BCGEU) has accomplished some thing few thought possible just weeks ago: it negoti ated a tentative agreement that is the richest pub lic sector contract seen in many years.
Kay Argue had been struck by a car on Kingsway on Aug. 13, and in a letter to the editor she took the time to thank an off duty paramedic who helped; con cerned citizens who called for an ambulance; a woman who covered her with a blanket; firefighters; ambulance attendants; and hospital staff She also thanked the NOW for publishing a photo of her lying on the street “Not only did I have proof for my absenteeism from work but I received numerous telephone calls from people I hadn’t heard from in years,” Argue wrote
Many union negotiators generally don’t like sign ing bonuses because they are one time payments that are not built into base pay, while even a small percent age increase will, over a long period of time, gener ally exceed the size of most
ARCHIVE 1987 OUR TEAM VIEW Crash coverage prompts thanks

In this case, it appears the union opted to give up the signing bonus in or der to boost the wage in crease in the second year of the contract Depend ing on the cost of living in crease, the increase will be between 5 5 per cent and 6 75 per cent
The union was also able to get the employer (the provincial government) to more than double its open ing offer of just 5.75 per cent over three years That kind of movement is al most unheard of in collec tive bargaining.
The BCGEU deal will serve as the template for other public sector unions negotiating new contracts (the Hospital Employees Union has reached the ex act same tentative deal as the BCGEU and there has been no grumbling from its membership about it)
Nevertheless, unions across Canada are getting the highest wage increases seen in years In Ontario, the private sector work force is averaging annual increases of 4.1 per cent.

MARK FALKENBERG Editor mwfalkenberg@burnabynow com 201a 3430 Brighton Avenue,Burnaby, V5A 3H4 MAIN SWITCHBOARD 604.444.3451 DELIVERY INQUIRIES 604.398.3481 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 604.444.3000 EDITORIAL/NEWS TIP LINE 604.444.3020 FAX LINE 604.444.3460 EDITORIAL ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED C A N A D A N COMMUN TY NEWSPAPER AWARD 2013 LARA GRAHAM Publisher lgraham@burnabynow com THE BURNABY NOW IS A MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL NEWSMED A COUNCIL WH CH IS AN NDEPENDENT ORGANIZAT ON ESTABLISHED TO DEAL WITH ACCEPTABLE JOURNALIST C PRACTICES AND ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT EDITOR AL CONTENT PLEASE CONTACT MARK FALKENBERG AT MWFALKENBERG@ BURNABYNOWCOM F YOU ARE NOT SAT SFIED WITH THE RESPONSE AND WISH TO F LE A FORMAL COMPLA NT, VISIT THE WEB S TE AT MEDIACOUNCIL CA OR CALL TOLL FREE 1 844 877 1163 FOR ADDIT ONAL INFORMATION “Maybe get a good set of earplugs or move ” “I couldn’t agree more I live six blocks away from Rumble between Gilley and Griffiths, and over the past twenty years the noise has become more and more intrusive ” Rene D’Ella via Facebook A. Council via Topic: SkyTrain noise intolerable,reader says Opinionnow
A BC NDP government in particular has to be careful about giving away the farm to public sector unions
Its members will receive annual average wage hikes of between 3 8 per cent and 4.5 per cent a year the biggest increases won by a major public sector union in decades
On top of that, several thousand members who work in the liquor distri bution branch will receive more than $2,000 as a form of pandemic pay for front line retail workers
S c o

Earful: The sound of SkyTrain places an excessive burden on neighbouring residents, some readers say PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BC Provincia Networks, and Registered under the College of Speech and Hearing Hea th Professionals of BC
A.Council now
and other
SkyTrain noise has worsened over the years
m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 2 2 9 9 % p u
When a public service starts having a negative impact on quality of life, it must be addressed I would like a decibel test done at that location to see how it stacks up to noise bylaw require ments

Burnaby Now • THURSDAY September 15, 2022 7 THE BURNABY NOW WELCOMES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We do, however, edit for taste, legality and length Please include a phone number where you can be reached Send letters to: The Editor, #201A 3430 Brighton Ave , Burnaby, B C , V5A 3H4, email to: editorial@burnabynow com (no attachments please) or fax to: 604 444 3460 Letters to the editor and opinion columns may be reproduced on the Burnaby NOW website, www burnabynow com

Editor: I live near Rumble Street between Gilley Avenue and Griffiths Drive Same as the neighbours, we are suffering the endless noise pollution caused by the SkyTrains for more than 20 hours every day SkyTrains are causing loud scratching sound in either direction, to Waterfront, to Production Way, to Surrey TransLink should have the responsibility to eliminate the noise pollution

Editor: In response to the letter regarding SkyTrain noise, I couldn’t agree more I live six blocks away from Rumble between Gil ley and Griffiths and over the past 20 years the noise has become more and more intrusive It literally screeches as it makes the slight turn


r R B C R o
The answer is TransLink K. Day, Burnaby
When SkyTrain first went in it was quiet. Not silent, but quiet.Occasionally the noise would rise and the “tracks would need oiling.” I sus pect this is no longer part of a regular routine. Readers may say, if you live near SkyTrain you’re going to hear it and I agree. However I live a good distance away, six blocks, and hear it clearly with my windows shut. I can only imagine how those closer feel. It runs every four minutes!
FNHA/NIHB accepted

SkyTrain noise is a constant nightmare
toward Griffiths.
ogheh naby North Raymond Belmonte RHIP/Burnaby Metrotown e r c h a s e fi n a n c n g o f f e r e d o n a p p r o v e d c e d b y u t o n a n c e e r v c e s i a b a n k o y a a n k o r 2 9 9 % u p t o 6 0 m o n t h s o n 2 0 2 2 T e r r a n m o d e s P a t c p a t n g e n d e s a r e s u b e c t t o c h a n g e R a e s f o m o h e r e n d e r s w l v a r y D o w n p a y m e n t r a d e a n d / o r s e c u r t y d e p o s m a y b e r e q u r e d M o n t h y p a y m e n t a n d c o s t o f b o r r o w i n g w i v a r y d e p e n d n g o n a m o u n t b o r o w e d a n d d o w n p a y m e n t / r a d e E x a m p e : $ 3 9 , 7 8 7 fi n a n c e d a 2 9 9 % n o m n a l r a t e e q u a l s ( 2 9 9 % A P R ) 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 CHEVROLET • GMC • BUICK CARS COST LESS AT CARTER! O f f e a v a a b e o q u a fi e d r e t a c u s t o m e r s n B r t s h C o u m b i a A b e r t a S a s k a c h e w a n a n d M a n t o b a o n s e e c t v e h c e s p u r c h a s e d f r o m S e p e m b e r 1 , 2 0 2 2 t o S e p
Nobody in the neighborhood has a good sleep every night Who makes us unhealthy? Who makes us have hearing problems? Who gives us anxiety?
$ 3 3 0 b i w e e k l y f o r 6 0 m o n t h s C o s o f b o r o w n g s $ 3 0 9 8 o r a o a o b l g a t o n o $ 4 2 , 8 8 5 F r e g h t ( $ 1 9 9 5 a n d A C c h a r g e ( $ 1 0 0 , i a p p l c a b e ) n c u d e d E x a m p e d o e s n o t i n c u d e i c e n s e , n s u r a n c e , e g s r a t o n , P P S A , a p p i c a b e t a x e s a n d d e a e r e e s D e a e r s a r e f e e t o s e n d v d u a p r i c e s L m t e d t m e o f e w h c h m a y n o t b e c o m b n e d w i h c e t a n o h e r o f f e r s G e n e r a M o o r s o f C a n a d a C o m p a n y ( G M C a n a d a ) m a y m o d f y e x e n d o r t e r m n a e o f e r s o r a n y r e a s o n , n w h o e o r n p a r t a a n y t m e w i h o u n o c e ®R e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o f T h e B a n k o f N o v a S c o t a R B C a n d R o y a B a n k a r e r e g s t e r e d r a d e m a r k s o f R o y a l B a n k o C a n a d a T D A u t o F n a n c e s a r e g s t e r e d r a d e m a r k o T h e T o r o n t o D o m i n o n B a n k A s p a r t o f h e t r a n s a c o n d e a l e m a y e q u e s d o c u m e n a o n a n d c o n t a c G M C a n a d a t o v e r y e g b t y T h e s e o f e r s m a y n o b e r e d e e m e d o r c a s h a n d m a y n o t b e c o m b n e d w t h c e r a i n o t h e r c o n s u m e r n c e n t v e s C o n d i i o n s a n d m t a t o n s a p p y V o d w h e r e p r o h b t e d S e e D e a e r o r u l p o g r a m d e t a s C O S T C O M E M B E R O F F E R : * T o q u a i y o t h e $ 7 5 0 C o s t c o M e m b e r O n y B o n u s , y o u m u s t b e a C a n a d a n r e s d e n t h o d i n g a v a d d r v e r ’ s i c e n s e h a v e b e e n a C o s t c o m e m b e r s n c e A u g u s t 3 1 s , 2 0 2 2 , o e a l e r a n d m u s t : ( 1 ) R e g i s t e r w t h C o s c o t o r e c e i v e y o u r n o n t r a n s e r a b e A u h o i z a o n N u m b e r ( 2 ) P r e s e n h e A u t h o r z a t o n N u m b e r o a p a r t c p a t n g d e a e r ; ( 3 ) E i g b e C o s c o m e m b e r s c a n r e c e v e e x c u s i v e s a v n g s o n s e e c n e w i n s t o c k 2 0 2 2 o r 2 0 2 3 m o d e s : G M C : T e r a n A c a d a d e v e r e d r o m S e p t e m b e 1 t o N o v e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 2 B o n u s s d e d u c e d a t e r t a x e s a r e a p p l e d o t h e p u r c h a s e p i c e T h e p u r c h a s e o r e a s e o a v e h c e d o e s n o t q u a f y f o r t h e c a c u a o n o f h e C o s c o E x e c u v e M e m b e s h i p 2 % R e w a r d O f e r m a y n o b e r e d e e m e d o r c a s h C o n d i o n s a n d i m t a t o n s a p p y o t h s l m e d t m e o f e r S e e p a r c p a i n g d e a e r f o r d e a i s F o r f u p r o g r a m d e t a l s a n d o r a n y a p p c a b e e x c u s o n s s e e a p a r t c p a t n g d e a e r o r c o s c o a u o c a T a x t l e r e g s t a t o n a n d c e n s e e e s p e r s o n a p r o p e r y r e g s r a t o n f e e s a n d a d d t o n a p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v c e s a r e n o n c u d e d i n t h e $ 7 5 0 C o s t c o B o n u s O f e r s v a l d a t p a r c p a n g a u h o z e d G M C a n a d a d e a e r s O f e a v a i a b e i n C a n a d a o n l y O f e r s s u b e c t t o c h a n g e w t h o u t n o c e V o d w h e r e p r o h b t e d C o s t c o a n d i s a fi a t e s d o n o t s e l a u o m o b l e s n o r n e g o t a t e i n d v d u a l t r a n s a c o n s ®: R e g i s t e r e d r a d e m a r k o f P r c e C o s c o n t e r n a t o n a l n c u s e d u n d e r c e n s e


• Canadian citizen;
with files fromTheresa McManus, NewWest Record
• 18 years of age or older on the day of registration or general voting day, October 15, 2022;
ROYAL APPEARANCE: Queen Elizabeth II visited Burnaby’s city hall in 1971, drawing thousands of onlookers PHOTO CITY OF BURNABY ARCHIVES/ACCESSION NO. BHS2001 7

The visit lasted just over 20 minutes (the budgeted cost was about $3,000 in 1971 currency, or $21,871 today)
Wearing a coral coat and matching hat, the Queen walked the grounds of the old city hall and justice building, shaking hands and exchanging pleas antries, as Prince Philip walked behind her.
• 18 years of age or older on the day of registration or general voting day, October 15, 2022;
A little over three months later, Princess Elizabeth became Queen on Feb. 6, 1952. She was 25 when she ascended the throne and reigned for 70 years
On that sunny May day in 1971, about 6,000 peo ple in Burnaby showed up to the municipal hall to catch a glimpse of the Queen
To register at the time of voting:
• Resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration;
The Queen made trips to the city in 1951 and 1971,drawing thousands of local residents Communitynow VOTER REGISTRATION You can check to see if you are on the voters’ list at Burnaby ca/Elections If you are not on the voters’ list, you may register at the voting location and make a declaration affirming that you meet the requirements to be registered:
at least once before in 1951, when Elizabeth was still Princess Elizabeth She met ReeveWil liam R Beamish at Burn aby Municipal Hall, then at Edmonds Street and Kingsway
“It’s personal to me be cause I remember being on CanadaWay as a little kid, waving at the Queen as she drove by; me and my Oma standing on the side of the road,” he re called “It was such a big deal.”
Crowds lined Canada Way as the Queen’s mo torcade made its way from NewWestminster to Burn
At the ceremony, Prin cess Elizabeth was pre sented with the Gold Key, then the city’s top merit award only given to indi viduals in recognition of “their excellent work on behalf of the city’s resi dents ”
so clearly, and I think that for a lot of people, it was such a big moment,” he said “People remember; people really remember it It was such a special mo ment in time that people talked about ”
$150 in 1971 would be worth $1,093 today
Wolf said a visit from the Queen was a big deal for Burnaby and NewWest minster residents as those were “pretty simple” days.
Resident electors
“When the Queen went by, she looked right at us and gave us a big smile and a wave,”Wolf said “I’ll never forget that moment ”
“It still lives in my mem ory I can see everything
• Canadian citizen;

• Not disqualified by the Local Government Act and/or School Act or any other enactment from in an or otherwise disqualified by law
• Resident of BC for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration;
• Registered owner of real property in Burnaby for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration; Not be entitled to register as a resident elector; and Not disqualified by the Local Government Act and/or School Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law
2022 BURNABY LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION Advance Voting Days: October 1, 5 & 8 | 8 am-8 pm Public Notice is hereby given of Advance Voting Days in the City of Burnaby. ADVANCE VOTING LOCATIONS Bonsor Recreation Complex 6550 Bonsor Ave Cameron Recreation Complex 9523 Cameron St Confederation Seniors Centre 4585 Albert St Edmonds Community Centre 7443 Edmonds St Metropolis at Metrotown 4700 Kingsway The Amazing Brentwood 4567 Lougheed Hwy MORE INFORMATION To access forms and obtain additional election information, please contact us: 604-294-7088 elections@burnabyca Burnaby Election Office 3rd Floor Christine Sinclair Community Centre 3713 Kensington Avenue Burnaby BC V5B 0A7
aby City Hall
The Queen and her hus band had been to Burnaby
Remembering Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Burnaby
Burnaby Now • THURSDAY September 15, 2022 9
The Columbian newspa per’s reporter Sydney Orp wood stated: “By general agreement, the Royal visit to Burnaby was worth ev ery penny of the contro versial $150 per minute it was estimated to cost ”
ByLaurenVanderdeen lvanderdeen@burnabynow com
It might not seem like the death of a monarch could have an impact half a world away, but for a for mer Burnaby resident, there is a personal connec tion
• If more than one person is a registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the owners, register as a non-resident property elector
• Resident of Burnaby; and
As soon as the motor cade went by,Wolf said ev erybody jumped into their cars and drove to Burnaby Municipal Hall.
“I’m not kidding hundreds, if not thou sands of people followed that motorcade, and then everybody got out at city hall,” he said “There were thousands of people there to welcome her to Burn aby”
Local historian JimWolf was living in Burnaby when Queen Elizabeth II visited in 1971
But the visit didn’t come cheap
In addition, for non-resident property electors:
• Resident electors must provide 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove both residency and identity or bring your voter card and one piece of identification. Picture identification is not necessary
Non-resident property electors
• Non-resident property electors must provide 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity proof of ownership of the property and written consent from any other property owners.
• Only persons who are registered owners of property, either as joint tenants or tenants in common, are individuals who are not holding the property in trust for a corporation or another trust may register to vote
50% OFF Balderson Cheddar Cheese Cut & Wrapped in Store Saverdays 199 lb Saverdays 399 ea Saverdays 299 ea Find more Saver Days deals in your weekly digital flyer at Hey Saver, load up on your favourite brands. Cauliflower No. 1, USA Green Grapes No. 1, Seedless, Imported, 4.39/kg Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream (500 mL) or Frozen Novelties (3 x 72 mL) Kellogg’s Rice Krispies (340g) or Minecraft Cereal (227g), Selected Varieties Kellogg’s Nutri Grain Cereal Bars (295g) or Rice Krispies Squares (176g), Selected Varieties Prices effective September 15 to 21, 2022. Offers require use of More Rewards card Saverdays $62 for Saverdays $82 for pack of 12 599 ea Western Family Bathroom Tissue Double, 12 Rolls UNLOCK WITH LOAD N W 499 ea First 3 399 Bakery Cookies

Farm fresh: On Saturday, get a tour of the farmers market at Burnaby’s city hall and learn about where our food comes from PHOTO CHUNG CHOW/BURNABY NOW

Don’t miss these weekend events
Find more events online: burnabynowcom/local events Please send your information for inclusion to
& activities!
WHEN: Saturday, Sept 17 (11 a m )
COST: $20 advance, $25 day of show, tickets will not be available at the door Purchase tickets at tinyurl com/ RecRoomNocheDeVerano
WHEN: Sunday, Sept 18 (noon to 1:30 p m )
WHEN: Sunday, Sept. 18 (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
This month’s Spoken INK reading, hosted by Burn aby Writers’ Society, will feature the husband and wife team of Sylvia Symons and Mark MacKenzie. Both po ets will present (Symons is an ESL instructor at Langara College and volunteers with Room magazine; MacKen zie is a mariner who writes about the natural world). An open mic will follow, for any writers to share their work
The Rec Room at Brentwood is hosting Noche de Ve rano Sin Ti a celebration of Puerto Rican rapper and singer Bad Bunny. The event is for those aged 19 and up and will play the best songs of Bad Bunny
COST: Free
WHEN: Saturday, Sept 17 (9 p m after midnight)
COST: Free, email to receive the Zoom link
returns to
Burnaby Now • THURSDAY September 15, 2022 11
WHERE: The Rec Room at Brentwood (1920 Willing don Ave Unit 2106)
and ex perience live music, dance performances, food trucks, jugglers, a “video gaming tent” and an arti san market

Free UBC Faculty of Dentistry UBC Dentistry is screening patients 12 years of age and older who require Braces (Full orthodontic treatment cost: $4,200) For information, visit Graduate Orthodontics Program To arrange a screening appointment: Call between 8:30 am 4 pm (Monday to Friday) 604-827 4991 or email T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O R B R T I S H C O L U M B A UBC Dentistry is screening patients 7yearsofageandolderwhorequire Braces (Full orthodontic treatment cost: $1,000to$4,200) For information, visit wwwdentistryubcca/gradortho GraduateOrthodontcsProg am Toarrangeascreeningappointment: 604 827 4991(12years&older) 604 827 0706(7to10yearsold) oremailgradorthoclinic@dentistryubcca SHOP.CHOICESMARKETS.COM

Head to the Burnaby Farmers Market at city hall this weekend and get a tour hosted by climate group For Our Kids Burnaby to learn more about local agriculture and where our food comes from.
WHEN: Friday, Sept. 16 (11 a.m. to 7 p.m.)
After pandemic break, StreetFest! Burnaby community
WHERE: Online


WHERE: 3844 William St , in the parking lot across from Burnaby Steamworks Brewery
vintage bikes: mountain bikes, cruisers, BMX and road bikes. Parts for sale and good conversation to be had on all things bike
WHERE: Burnaby City Hall (4949 Canada Way)
It’s a swap meet and show and shine for all kinds of

Mountain to “welcome back the commu nity with #SFUVibes” Join the

WHERE: University High Street between the bus loop and Tower Road
COST: Free, register by emailing burnaby@forourkids. ca

12 THURSDAY September 15 2022 • Burnaby Now On sale Thursday, September 15 - Sunday, September 18 of the Italian Icommunity! n the 4142, 4150 & 4156 Hastings, Burnaby (604) 291-9373 • Meat Market + Deli + Cucina CIOFFI’S MEAT MARKET + DELI + CUCINA SPECIALS! MAC & CHEESE $7.99 small $9.99 medium $12.99 large ORGANIC LOCAL BRADNER BEEF ALL MEAT CUTS 10% OFF CHICKEN BREASTS Boneless/Skinless $6.99 lb. (max. 5 lb.) $15.40 kg MASTRO TUSCAN & ROSEMARY HAM $2.59 100 g ARLA HAVARTI PLAIN AND HERBS & SPICES $2.99 100 g ASK US ABOUT CATERING YOUR NEXT EVENT!

Burnaby Heights is a 12 block shopping district in North Burnaby It has more than 350 businesses, most of which are local and family run and make a ma jor economic impact, create a sense of community and provide better customer service
Ron and Roberta LaQuaglia, Glenburn has been around since 2013
Family-run businesses in The Heights you should know about 4058 E. Hastings, Burnaby 604-291-0674 Voted Burnaby’s BEST BAKERY & SPECIALTY CAKES Taste the difference quality makes Weekly Specials on Sale September 12 September 17, 2022 Just add a platter of cold cuts and condiments for fun and creative meals. A tasty muffin for the season. The moist texture is what makes these muffins so good. SUB BUNS PUMPKIN MUFFINS Voted #1 Flooring Store in Burnaby 9 Years in a Row! Casa Madera QUALITY PRODUCT LINES SUCH AS • DANSK • VINTAGE • KENTWOOD • ENVISION • GOODFELLOW • TIMELESS • LAURENTIAN • APPALACHIAN • AND MORE... 1 PLACE 2015 BURNABY 1 PLACE 2016 BURNABY 1 PLACE 12mm EUROPEAN LAMINATE Starting at Sq Ft $2.99 3744 Hastings, Burnaby
Moi Vintage (4132 Hast ings): If you love antiques and all things vintage, this family owned vintage shop is one of Burnaby Heights’ hidden gems Run by a hus band and wife team, Tina and Amer’s shop is full of

Burnaby Now • THURSDAY September 15, 2022 13
Katrina Caguioa Mendoza is marketing and events co-ordinator at the Heights Merchants Association
ating more inclusive hiring in B C Cioffi’s Meat Market and Deli (4156 Hastings): Prob ably one of the best known Italian delis in Burnaby, Cioffi’s has been in busi ness for more than 25 years Brothers Rino and Sergio Cioffi are dedicated to offer ing customers the highest quality local and European foods
Chickadee Boutique (4347 Hastings): This gor geous boutique is run by a

have been proudly operat ing Sfinaki Greek Taverna and living in The Heights community for more than 25 years

Glenburn Soda Fountain (4090 Hastings): This fa

mous dessert shop is known for its ice cream treats in cluding sundaes, milk shakes, floats, and more Owned by local residents
mother and daughter team, Anna and Larissa Santorelli From wardrobe staples, ac cessories, gift boxes, to fash ion statement dresses, It’s a great place to find some thing special or to find a gift for someone special
Here are some of the fam ily owned businesses in Burnaby Heights that you should know about Sfinaki (4061 Hastings): The Karamessinis family
Visit www burnabyheights com to see the full list of businesses in the area

exquisite and unique finds, from jewelry and vintage handbags, to art and an tique furniture Gabi and Jules (4568 Hastings): Gabi & Jules Handmade Pies and Baked Goodness was named after Lisa and Patrick Beecroft’s daughters It started as a small tent at the Coquit lam Farmers Market, and branched into two locations with one in the Heights The Beecroft family has also been an advocate for cre
Valley Bakery (4058 Hast ings): The Kuyer family has owned and operated Val ley Bakery for six decades This award winning bak ery serves delicious cakes, cookies, pies, breads, and meat pies using fresh local ingredients

14 THURSDAY September 15, 2022 • Burnaby Now 2016CHEVROLETTRAVERSE LSFWD CARTERPRICED $26,500 CART $57,900 CARTERPRI $26,800 CARTERPRICED $60,900 CARTERPRICED $29,900 CARTERPRICED $70,500 CARTERP $35,900 CARTERPRICED $64,900 2019GMCSIERRA3500 DENALI 2022G 2020GMCSIERRA DENALI1500 2018DODGERAMQUADCAB 15004WD 2021JEEPGLADIATOR OVERLAND 2016HONDAACCORDTOURING COUPE • Power Group • Keyless Entry • Backup Camera • Touch Screen Audio System #C2 64791 NAV • Camera • Power Boards • Wireless Phone Charging • Moonroof #P9 66930 • Low Kilomete • No Accident • Full Load #82 73461 • Hardtop • 8 4 Touch Screen • Spray Liner • Tonneau Cover #P9 66391 • 2 4 • Automatic • Sun Roof • Leather Interior • Power Group & More • Only 25,000km #P9 66850 CARS AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED ALL PRICES ARE PLUS TAXES AND $495 DOCUMENTATION FEE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. DEALER REGISTRATION NO. D5505 • Sunroof • Heated & Cooled Seats • Navigation • Power Assist Steps & More #P9 66700 • 5 7 L • 8 Speed Auto • Power Windows & Locks • Rear Camera • Keyless Entry #X2 56922 TE PRIC D 7900 ACADIADENALI rs • 2020FORDEXPEDITION LIMITED 2021CHEVTRAILBLAZERLTAWD • 1 3 L Turbo • 9 Speed Auto • Driver Alert Package Sunroof • Power Group • Park Assist & More #P9 66890 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1963 CHEVROLET • GMC • BUICK CARTER SeptemberSpecials WePayTopDollarForQualityUsedVehic 0.99%financingonselectGM’s • Short Box • Leather • Nav • Sunroof #89 58601 CARTERPRICED $89,800 les, RICED 00

Burnaby Now • THURSDAY September 15, 2022 15 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1963 CHEVROLET • GMC • BUICK #D5505 ELIGIBLE COSTCO MEMBERS WHO TAKE DELIVERY OF A NEW 2022MY OR 2023 MY OF ELIGIBLE VEHICLES BETWEEN SEPT 12022-NOVEMBER30 2022,WILL RECIEVE A $750. INCENTIVE ,TAX INCLUSIVE. COSTCO MEMBERS MUST COMPLETE THE REISTRATION FORM ON LINE AND OBTAIN A UNIQUE AUTHORIZATION NUMBER. CARS AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED. ALL PRICES ARE PLUS TAXES, LEVIES AND $495 DOCUMENTATION FEE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. FINANCING ON APPROVED CREDIT STK #N3-46460 5.99% @ 84 MTH TP $102,334; STK #E2-87570 3.99% @ 84 MTH TP $74,894; STK #E2:62480 4.99% @ 84 MTH TP $53,832; STK #82-94180 3.49% @ 84 MTH TP $96,766; STK #Z2-30590 4.49% @ 84 MTH TP $67,325.STK #82-00670 3.49% 84 MTHS TP $63,935; STK #83-52600 5.49% 84 MTHS TP $85,566; STK #M2-94590 2.99% 84 MTHS TP $34,762; STK #N2-29570 3.49% 84 MTHS TP $76,538 ORDER YOURS TODAY INTO FALL DRIVE L MEMBER ONLY BONUS 2023 CHEV TAHOE 4WD • 5 3 Litre • 10 Speed Trans • Power Sunroof • 22 Wheels • Luxury Pkg • Blind Zone Altert #N3 46460 MSRP PRICE $83,528 $281/WEEKLYOR 2022 BUICK ENCLAVE AWD AVENIR • 9 Speed Cxl • Sunroof • Convenience Pkg • Wireless Charging #E2 87570 MSRP PRICE $65,188 $206/WEEKLYOR 2022 ENVISION AWD ESSENCE • 2 L • Safety Pkg •Sunroof • Sport Touring Pkg #E2:62480 MSRP PRICE $45,393 $148/WEEKLYOR 2022 SIERRA CREW CAB AT4 • Multipro Tailgate Step Lights • Sunroof • Tech Pkg • 20 Wheels • Tonneau Cover #82 94180 MSRP PRICE $85,915 $265/WEEKLYOR 2022 CHEV BLAZER AWD RS MSRP PRICE $57,728 $185/WEEKLYOR • Locking Diff • Spray In Liner • Convenience Pkg • Block Heater #82 00670 MSRP PRICE $56,685 $176/WEEKLYOR 2023 GMC SIERRA CREW CAB • L/Box • 1 ton • 6 6 litre • Convenience Pkg • Trailering Pkg #83 52600 MSRP PRICE $70,988 $235/WEEKLYOR 2022 CHEV MALIBU LT SEDAN • 1 5 Litre Turbo • Remote Start • Rear Camera • Power Seats #M2 90790 MSRP PRICE $31,333 $95/WEEKLYOR • 3 Litre •Diesel •Trailer Brake Control, •20 Wheels •Z71 Off Road Pkg #N2 29570 MSRP PRICE $67,863 $210/WEEKLYOR • 9 Speed Auto • 3 6L • Power Sliding Sunroof • Remote Vehicle Start • RS Plus Pkg #Z2 30590 itre 2022 CHEV SILVERADO CREW CAB RS ocking 2022 SIERRA CREW CAB 4WD CARS COST LESS AT CARTER!

Ocean Ambassadors is a not for-profit organization that is turning the tide on marine pollution. Through our educational programs, community initiatives, and our zero-waste coaching program for businesses, we connect people with the ocean, educate them about the threat of marine pollution, and empower people to make real change.

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Empowered Development is a land development consultant company helping landowners with permits & acquisition due diligence throughout BC. With 10+ years of experience, we help investors understand what they are buying, eliminate risk, and maximize profits. Contact us for Joint Venture, Partnership, and Investment opportunities.

Innoventive Business Solutions Inc. is a boutique management consulting firm focused on helping businesses excel. We excel at addressing common business challenges, enabling cost optimization, and resource maximization. By leveraging proven industry best practices and client-specific technology solutions, we enable sustainable growth and success.

16 THURSDAY September 15, 2022 • Burnaby Now Call 604 412 0100 to learn more about how we can help your
1to1 Immigration is based in Vancouver, founded in January 2015. We provide professional Canadian immigration consulting services to Canadian businesses, international workers, international spouses, and international students. We help our international clients fulfill their Canadian dream Contact us today for a 15-min complimentary consultation.

Brentwood Law Corporation provides legal services in the areas of Real Estate, Business, Immigration, Wills and Estate law We are accessible, efficient, and responsive. We provide innovative legal solutions designed to meet our clients’ unique and diverse needs in a cost-effective and timely manner Contact us at 604-221-4447

Two longtime BCA councillors, who left the party in 2020 in part be cause of political differ ences with the mayor, Dan Johnston and Colleen Jor dan, announced they will
LaurenVanderdeen lvanderdeen@burnabynow com
If no one challenges Hurley’s run by Sept 19, he’ll be acclaimed and sworn in for a new term on Nov 2 with the other
elected officials, according to Burnaby’s chief election officer, Lynne Axford
In Port Coquitlam, Mayor BradWest has also won his second term by ac clamation
of candidates in June

Unopposed: Mike Hurley has been acclaimed as mayor for nother term PHOTO JENNIFER GAUTHIER
The first term mayor is running unopposed
This is not an offering for sale. Sales by disclosure statement only E.&O.E. Sales & Marketing by Adera Realty Corp. SoL Adera Projects Ltd. Adera’s Newest Mass Timber Community Coming to West Coquitlam Live the experience at SÕL, West Coquitlam’s newest collection of ONE bedroom to THREE bedroom, elegant, sustainable mass timber homes. Conveniently located at Como Lake Ave and Robinson, SÕL nestles into a peaceful residential pocket, just blocks from all the action in this young, growing city Register Now Mika receives a gift card courtesy of MIKA WONG If you are interested in becoming a carrier, please call 604 398 3481 7110 Hall Ave 604-521-8881 INSTANT updates
The poll also found al most half of Burnaby res idents (48 per cent) were willing to re elect him

Local elections in B C will be held on Oct 15 this year.
After Burnaby’s gripping mayoral race in 2018, in which 16 year incumbent Mayor Derek Corrigan lost to former firefighter and union vice president
The Burnaby Citizens Association, Burnaby’s long standing NDP af filiated party, which cur rently holds four of eight council seats, announced onThursday (Sept 8) the party would not run a mayoral candidate this year.
“I am humbled and honoured to be acclaimed as Mayor for four more years It takes a lot of team work and collaboration to get things done,” Hurley wrote in a Facebook post.
Mike Hurley, this year’s election for mayor will likely be very simple: Hur ley wins
not run for re election this year, leaving two council seats up for grabs
The new civic party on the block, One Burnaby, also came out of the gate supporting Hurley
A poll from Research Co in December 2021 had Hurley’s approval rating at 51 per cent

Hurley, an independent, has the support of all three of the city’s political par ties

In 2018, Hurley won the election with about 53 per cent of the vote, with 26,260 votes beating out Corrigan by almost 6,000 votes.
The BCA’s mayoral can didate in 2018 was incum bent Corrigan on his fifth term in office
Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley acclaimed in municipal election
The Burnaby Green Party endorsed Hurley when it announced its slate
Burnaby Now • THURSDAY September 15, 2022 17
LaurenVanderdeen lvanderdeen@burnabynow com
Ken Arnold, indepen dent: Arnold is the owner

of an HVAC company which he began 27 years ago and has volunteered with PADS assistance dog service training for 15 years
Mike Hurley, indepen dent (incumbent): Hur ley is in his first term as mayor of Burnaby He be gan working as a firefighter in Burnaby in 1988 and served as president of the Burnaby Firefighters As sociation and president of the BC Professional Fire Fighters Association

Hurley is running un opposed if no one chal lenges his campaign by Sept 19, he will be sworn in for a new term as mayor with the rest of the coun cillors and school trust
Burnaby residents must sharpen their voting pen cils and prepare to vote for city council and school board in this year’s civic election on Oct 15
Reah Arora, Burnaby Citizens Association: Arora is a social justice activist and director of organizing and campaigns with the BC Federation of Labour She previously worked in the Office of the Premier in Alberta’s provincial gov ernment
Pietro Calendino, Burnaby Citizens As sociation (incumbent): Calendino is in his fifth term as councillor after a 30 year career as a teacher and serving as MLA for Burnaby North from 1996 2001.
Antara Deb, Burn aby Citizens Associa
The campaign sea son will officially begin on Sept 17 The city has more information on elec tion season on its website
tion: Deb is an advocate for vulnerable women, se niors and families in Burn aby, working as an IT ad visor for BC Hydro She has worked as the director of NewVista Health Care and Housing.
Sav Dhaliwal, Burn aby Citizens Association (incumbent): Dhaliwal has been a councillor since 2002 Prior to local poli tics, he worked in infor mation technology atTelus and has worked with a va riety of Burnaby non prof its Gulam Firdos, inde pendent: Firdos is a city planner with more than 35 years of experience. He was the former president of the Bangladesh Institute of Planners and a member o b a o n s e e c t v e h i c l e s p u r c h a s e d f r o m S e p t e m b e r 1 , 2 0 2 2 t o S e p t e m b e r 3 0 2 0 2 2 3 4 9 % p u r c h a s e fi n a n c n g o f e r e d o n a p p r o v e d c r e d t b y T D A u t o F i n a n c e S e r v i c e s ,
Below is a running list of declared candidates in al phabetical order, including any party affiliations

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The BCA and Greens are running school board candidates; One Burnaby
The Burnaby coun cil table has one mayoral seat and eight council seats to fill, while the Burnaby board of education looks to fill seven trustee spots

is not.
18 THURSDAY September 15, 2022 • Burnaby Now

Who is running for Burnaby local elections this fall? Oct.15 is election day,and Burnaby will turn out to vote for council and school board representatives Communitynow Going to the polls: Civic election day in Burnaby is October 15 PHOTO LAUREN VANDERDEEN Continued on page 19 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM CHEVROLET • GMC • BUICK CARS COST LESS AT CARTER! O f e r a v a a b e t o q u a fi e d r e t a c u s t o m e s n B r t s h C o u m b a A l b e r a , S a s k a c h e w a n a n d M a n t
S c o i a b a n k ® o r R B C R o y a B a n k f o r 3 4 9 % u p t o 6 0 m o n t h s o n 2 0 2 3 E n c l a v e m o d e s P a r i c i p a n g e n d e r s a r e s u b e c o c h a n g e

R a t e s r o m o t h e r e n d e r s w l v a y D o w n p a y m e n t t r a d e a n d / o r s e c u i y d e p o s t m a y b e r e q u r e d M o n t h y p a y m e n a n d c o s t o f b o r r o w n g w i v a r y d e p e n d n g o n a m o u n t b o r o w e d a n d d o w n p a y m e n t t r a d e E x a m p e $ 6 4 , 0 3 7 fi n a n c e d a 3 4 9 % n o m n a r a t e ( 3 4 9 % A P R e q u a s $ 5 3 8 b w e e k l y f o r 6 0 m o n t h s C o s o f b o r o w i n g s $ 5 , 8 4 2 , o r a o t a o b i g a o n o f $ 6 9 , 8 7 9 F r e i g h ( $ 1 , 9 9 5 ) a n d A / C c h a r g e ( $ 1 0 0 , i a p p c a b e ) n c u d e d E x a m p e d o e s n o t n c u d e c e n s e , n s u r a n c e , r e g s r a t o n , P P S A a p p c a b e a x e s a n d d e a e r f e e s D e a e r s a r e f r e e t o s e t n d i v i d u a p i c e s L i m t e d t m e o f e r w h c h m a y n o t b e c o m b n e d w t h c e r t a n o t h e r o f e r s G e n e a l M o t o s o f C a n a d a C o m p a n y ( G M C a n a d a ) m a y m o d i y e x e n d o r t e m n a t e o f e r s f o r a n y r e a s o n , n w h o e o r n p a r , a a n y m e , w i h o u t n o c e ® R e g s e r e d r a d e m a r k o f T h e B a n k o N o v a S c o t a R B C a n d R o y a B a n k a r e r e g s e r e d r a d e m a r k s o f R o y a B a n k o f C a n a d a T D A u o F n a n c e s a r e g s e r e d r a d e m a r k o T h e T o r o n t o D o m n o n B a n k A s p a r o h e r a n s a c i o n d e a e r m a y r e q u e s t d o c u m e n t a o n a n d c o n t a c G M C a n a d a o v e r y e i g b i y T h e s e o f e r s m a y n o b e r e d e e m e d f o r c a s h a n d m a y n o t b e c o m b n e d w i h c e r t a n o h e r c o n s u m e r n c e n i v e s C o n d i o n s a n d m a t o n s a p p y V o d w h e r e p r o h i b e d S e e D e a e r o r u l p r o g r a m d e a l s C O S T C O M E M B E R O F F E R * T o q u a y o r h e $ 7 5 0 C o s c o M e m b e r O n y B o n u s y o u m u s b e a C a n a d i a n r e s d e n t h o d n g a v a i d d r v e r ’ s c e n s e h a v e b e e n a C o s c o m e m b e r s n c e A u g u s 3 1 s 2 0 2 2 , o r e a r e r a n d m u s : ( 1 ) R e g s e r w i h C o s c o o e c e i v e y o u r n o n t r a n s e r a b e A u h o r z a t o n N u m b e r ; 2 ) P e s e n t h e A u t h o r z a i o n N u m b e r o a p a r c p a n g d e a l e ; 3 E i g b e C o s c o m e m b e r s c a n r e c e v e e x c u s v e s a v i n g s o n s e e c n e w n s o c k 2 0 2 2 o 2 0 2 3 m o d e s B u c k : E n c o r e G X E n c a v e d e v e r e d r o m S e p t e m b e r 1 t o N o v e m b e r 3 0 2 0 2 2 B o n u s i s d e d u c t e d a t e t a x e s a r e a p p e d t o t h e p u r c h a s e p r c e T h e p u r c h a s e o e a s e o f a v e h c e d o e s n o t q u a f y o r h e c a c u a i o n o f t h e C o s t c o E x e c u t v e M e m b e s h p 2 % R e w a r d O f e m a y n o b e r e d e e m e d o r c a s h C o n d t o n s a n d l m i a t o n s a p p l y o t h s i m i e d t m e o f e r S e e p a r c p a t n g d e a e r f o r d e t a s F o r f u p o g a m d e t a s a n d f o a n y a p p c a b l e e x c l u s o n s s e e a p a r t c p a i n g d e a l e r o r c o s c o a u t o c a T a x t e , r e g s t a t o n a n d l c e n s e e e s , p e r s o n a p r o p e r y r e g i s t r a i o n f e e s a n d a d d t o n a l p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v c e s a r e n o t n c u d e d n h e $ 7 5 0 C o s c o B o n u s O f e r s v a d a t p a r i c i p a i n g a u h o i z e d G M C a n a d a d e a e s O f e a v a a b e n C a n a d a o n y O f e s s u b e c o c h a n g e w h o u n o i c e V o d w h e r e p r o h b t e d C o s c o a n d s a fi a t e s d o n o t s e l a u t o m o b e s n o r n e g o t a t e i n d v d u a r a n s a c t o n s ®: R e g s e e d t a d e m a r k o P r c e C o s t c o I n t e n a o n a n c u s e d u n d e r l c e n s e
ees on Nov 2, according to Burnaby’s chief election officer, Lynne Axford.

With three civic political parties in town, you can choose from the NDP affiliated Burnaby Citi zens Association (BCA), the Liberal adjacent One Burnaby, the Burnaby Green Party or an inde pendent candidate.
In person advance vot ing days will be Oct. 1, Oct 5 and Oct 8 Election day is Oct 15
Mike Hillman, One Burnaby (incumbent): Hillman is a first term councillor, elected in the 2021 byelection. He was bid co leader andVP oper ations of Expo 86 and has worked on various election campaigns
of the Planning Institute of British Columbia.
Richard N. Liu, One Burnaby: Liu was Can ada’s team attaché at the 2008 Paralympic Summer Games and is currently the honorary brigade divi sion president for St John Ambulance (Burnaby) He sits on Burnaby’s heritage commission
Alison Gu, Burnaby Citizens Association (in cumbent): Gu is a first term councillor, elected in the 2021 byelection She is an environmentalist and previously worked for MPs in Ottawa and Burnaby Deer Lake MLA Anne Kang
MichaelAngelo Rob inhood, independent: Robinhood is an entrepre neur and small business owner of a construction company based in Burn aby

Burnaby Now • THURSDAY September 15, 2022 19
Konstantine Roccas, independent: Roccas has lived in Burnaby for over 15 years and has an under graduate degree from Si mon Fraser University and a master’s degree in jour nalism from UBC

Brea Huang Sami, One Burnaby: Sami is a fi nancial auditor and desig nated CPA, with more

Continued on page 20
Mario Miceli, One
Mona Grewal, One Burnaby: Grewal is an in terior designer with a di ploma from BCIT and co owns an architecture and design company
Joe Keithley, Burnaby Green Party (incumbent): Keithley is a first term councillor, elected in 2018 He is a social activist and the founder and leader of punk band D O A He has coached youth sports
Continued from page 18 Scan for more information The benefits of All-inclusive Living! Come join us at The Poppy Residences! Book a tour to see what we have to offer. Active lifestyle, social connections, and a carefree environment. INDEPENDENT SENIORS LIVING Assisted Living Services Available 5291 Grimmer St, Burnaby BC 5 minutes from METROTOWN 604-568-5563 • thepoppyresidences com
RichardT. Lee, One Burnaby: Lee was MLA for Burnaby North from 2001 to 2017. He previ ously worked as a pro grammer analyst atTRI UMF, a particle research facility
Martin Kendell, in dependent: Kendell has worked for the City ofVan couver for more than 10 years and is a strata council president in Burnaby He leads the volunteer com munity group Clean Up Burnaby.
Burnaby: Miceli is the ex ecutive director of the Il Centro Italian Cultural Centre inVancouver and worked at ICBC for about 20 years in various strate gic positions.
CampaignseasonstartsSept.17 now
Jasmine Nicholsfig ueiredo, Burnaby Green Party: Nicholsfigueiredo is an educator at Douglas College and a union pres ident at the Douglas Col lege Faculty Association. She has lived in Burnaby for 20 years
Carrie McLaren, Burnaby Green Party: Mc Laren works in co opera tive housing management and was a director of a non profit housing organi zation in Burnaby for six years
Tara Shushtarian, Burnaby Green Party: Shushtarian sits on Burn aby’s environment com mittee and is a member of non profit boards includ ing theWest Coast Climate Action Network and Fair Vote Canada.
Bill Brassington, Burnaby Citizens Associ ation (incumbent): Brass ington is a first term trustee, after serving as chair of the Gilmore Com munity School council.
Jen Mezei, Burnaby Citizens Association (in cumbent): Mezei is a first term trustee and currently serves as the board’s chair. She previously served as Burnaby District Par ent Advisory Chair and as president of the BC Con federation of Parent Advi sory Councils Harinder Parmar, Burnaby Green Party: Par mar was a flight atten dant before moving back to Burnaby She has been active in the school system since 2010 and sits on the executive of the Burnaby DPAC as a representative for Burnaby North Mikelle Sasakamoose, Burnaby Citizens Asso ciation: Sasakamoose is a member of the Ahtahka koop Cree Nation and is also Secwepemc and Syilx She is a federal public ser vant working in Indigenous relations, a board member
tect in China HeymannYip, inde pendent:Yip formerly owned Pro Mark Market ing Inc , a grocery distri bution company. He sits on Burnaby’s public safety committee and the RC MP’s community policing advisory committee.
Spenser Sproul, inde pendent: Sproul works in risk management atVan City and was raised in Burnaby. He has a BA from McGill Univer sity and an MA from Rit sumeikan University in Ja pan GaryWong, BCA (in cumbent):Wong is a fourth term trustee who has worked as a business agent with the United Steelworkers. He has vol unteered with the Burnaby Public Library and Burn aby Family Life Institute
Peter Cech, Burnaby Citizens Association (in cumbent): Cech is a first term trustee. He previously sat on Burnaby’s sustain
Green Party: Courson is a Métis lawyer who served with the Canadian Armed Forces He practised law in northern B C before re turning to Burnaby.
Paul Kwon, indepen dent: Kwon works for UBC and the Canadian med Forces He serves commissioner on the urnaby heritage commis n and sits on the board the UBC pension plan.

with the SFU Childcare Society and sits on Burn aby’s parks commission.
than 10 years of experi ence working in firms like KPMG and DMCL. She has lived in Burnaby for 17 years

TomTao, indepen dent:Tao is a retired busi nessman who has lived in Burnaby since 1998 DanielTetrault, Burn aby Citizens Association: Tetrault is a teacher and president of the Burnaby Teachers Association He sat on Burnaby’s housing task force in 2019 ScottVan Denham, in dependent:Van Denham is a 44 year resident of Burnaby who was part of a movement to stop con struction of a coal port across the Fraser River from Burnaby JamesWang, Burnaby Citizens Association (in cumbent):Wang is a sec
Maita Santiago, Burn aby Citizens Association: Santiago is a Filipino com munity leader and im migration consultant liv ing in the Metrotown area and has served on Burn aby’s social issues commit tee and sub committee on child care

Kristin Schnider, Burnaby Citizens Associa tion: Schnider is an active volunteer with the Burn aby school district and has been a parent representa tive on the District Parent Advisory Council for more than 10 years

Rocky Dong, indepen dent: Dong was a director of an international depart ment at a public post sec ondary school, and has worked to connect inter national students to high schools and universities in Canada and the U S Larry Hayes, Burnaby Citizens Association (in cumbent): Hayes is in his sixth term as trustee He’s a community activist in volved in youth sports, ed ucation and volunteerism
20 THURSDAY September 15, 2022 • Burnaby Now

Citynow Continued from page 19 Day by day, for the last 50 years, Coast Mental Health has made ‘A Difference’ in your neighbourhood. We continue to advocate for, support, and provide specialized mental health services to over 5,000+ people living with mental illness. This is ‘The Difference’ we make every day. Visit to follow along with our 50th Anniversary and learn more about ‘The Difference’ we make! Celebrating 50 years of making ‘The Difference’ OCT 7-9, 2022
service, including at Statis tics Canada, Elections Canada and Elections B.C.


In Nim’s response to the lawsuit, however, she al leges Huang posted the Google review without her knowledge, participation, involvement or consent
When Chin reviewed patient charts, however, he couldn’t find any reference to aWilliam Huang as ei ther a patient or parent.
According to Chin, Huang came to his den tal clinic the day after he was contacted by Chin’s lawyer
and his clinic.
Chin said Huang told him Nim had used his phone at a karaoke bar and that he believed Nim must have used it to post the review without his knowledge
Dr. Edward Chin, direc tor of Smiley Kids Den tal at 4233 Hastings St , launched a lawsuit in Feb ruary 2021 against two people he alleges were be hind a negative online re view posted on Oct. 20, 2020
22 THURSDAY September 15 2022 • Burnaby Now
CorneliaNaylor lvanderdeen@burnabynow com
“Dr Chin had hor rible customer service and treated our child with 0 care Very unim pressed,” stated the post by a Google account be longing to one “William Huang,” according to a notice of civil claim filed in NewWestminster Su preme Court

None of the allegations has been proven in court

Chin claims Huang and/ or Nim engaged in a “false and malicious campaign of defamation” against him
In separate applications, Huang and Nim both ap plied to have Chin’s claims dismissed on the basis the Google review was “not capable of being defama tory”
He says he reached out to the Google account and asked for information about the appointment but never heard back
The review was online for up to seven months, according to the notice of civil claim, and Chin says it resulted in “loss of repu tation” and “materially im pacted” revenues from the clinic’s pediatric practice

“Counsel for the appli cants submitted that the subject posting should be considered in the context of reviews generally seen on the internet They say that negative reviews for almost any business are common,” states a Sept 6 ruling on the case
A lawsuit over a scathing Google review aimed at a Burnaby dentist will go ahead after a BC Supreme Court judge ruled the on line post was “capable of defamatory meaning ”
Funt dismissed Huang’s and Nim’s applications.
“Ms Nim was surprised by this admission and as sumed at the time that William Huang posted the alleged defamatory Google review to impress her or to win her affection,” states Nim’s response to civil claim
Legal action: Smiley Kids Dental on Hastings Street is suing two people over an allegedly defamatory Google review posted in October 2020 PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHER NAME
Formoreinfocall6048348988or seeourwebsite NewSenior Independent HousingBuilding inLynnValley LYNNWOODSIN NORTHVANCOUVER ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENTS AVAILABLE (approximately 579 sq ft ) • 3 Appliances • Underground secured parking • Walking distance to Lynn Valley Centre No Pets. No Smoking. References required. Rents starting at $1,570 per month Must be 55 years plus Proof of income required CARRIERS NEEDED Please call 604-398-3481 or Email Zoey A, Lyndhurst Elementary, Grade 7

Nim admits she met Huang at a birthday din ner and a karaoke bar but says that was on Oct 17, 2020 and that she wasn’t with him at all on Oct 20, 2020 when the review was
But B.C. Supreme Court Justice Gordon Funt disagreed
“In my view, a reason able, right thinking person would not view the post ing as silly, vague, vacu ous or just part of the un couthness and boorishness frequently seen on the in ternet,” he wrote in the ruling “The posting refers specifically to Dr Chin The author of the posting also refers to ‘horrible cus tomer service’ and ‘treated our child with 0 care ’ In my view, a reasonable, right thinking person who had a young child and who was looking for a pediatric dentist for his or her child may view the posting neg atively in deciding whether or not to select the plain tiffs for his or her child’s dental care ”

But Huang and Nim are now pointing the finger at each other, according to court documents.
In tracking down the person behind the Google account whose identity he ultimately confirmed by getting a court order com pelling Google to provide subscriber information Chin discoveredWilliam Huang (a k a Wei Hua Huang) was an acquain tance of a disgruntled ex employee, Sophia Nim, who had recently been “discharged” by the dental clinic, according to the no tice of civil claim
Nim claims Huang had, in fact, told her he had posted the review.
“He further informed Chin that he had only met Sophia Nim once and that she had confided in him about her recent departure from Smiley,” states Chin’s notice of civil claim

Burnaby dentist sues over ‘defamatory’ review Citynow

He said he “damn near” dropped his phone when he Googled his for mer student and found out she was to become the new prime minister of the United Kingdom
“My biggest accom plishment would be all of the kids that I taught in different schools who ended up going into edu cation,” he said
Early days: A class photo posted on Instagram shows Britain’s new prime minister, Liz Truss, during her Grade 7 year at Burnaby’s Parkcrest Elementary School. She is second from the left in the second highest row, wearing a pink sweater PHOTO CONTRIBUTED
U.K. PM’s old Burnaby school thrust into spotlight Retired teacher says having his former student LizTruss become British Prime Minister is a‘neat story’ Communitynow DEALER REGISTRATION NO D5505 CASH WITHIN 2 HOURS AVAILABLE MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 4 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM 604.229.4066 FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1963 E P OP Cash within 2 hours USED VEHICLES DOLLAR FOR QUALITY
It’s a “neat story,” ac cording to Chambers, but he said having taught a prime minister will not go down as his proudest achievement as an edu cator
CorneliaNaylor cnaylor@burnabynow com
LizTruss took office Sept 6 after winning a Conservative Party leader ship race to replace outgo ing Prime Minister Boris Johnson
“I spent a year in Can ada that changed my out look on life,” stated the post, which was accompa nied by a class photo
points to her teacher that year, Mr. Bill Chambers.
“Turns out I was pretty good at it, and I ended up competing at the Cana dian nationals one year,” she said Chambers also created an advanced math pro gram he thinks worked for Truss Chambers, who retired
in 2007 after 33 years as a teacher and school ad ministrator, is only will ing to take a tiny part of the credit ifTruss’s year in Burnaby ended up being a transformational one
As for why a year at a Burnaby school might have changedTruss’s “out look on life,” Montagano
“He just connected with everybody Whether you were the athlete or you were strong academ ically or you struggled, he just connected with you as a person.You felt heard, and he kind of found your strengths and your pas sions and helped you de velop and build them,” Montagano said
A Burnaby elementary school got a flurry of me dia attention last week all thanks to Britain’s new prime minister.
“We had a very small cohort all through elemen tary school for whatever reason, so we were a pretty tight knit group, and any time that somebody new
When it became clear she was about to assume the United Kingdom’s top post, an Instagram post she put out four years ago drew reporters’ attention to Parkcrest Elementary School, whereTruss spent a year as a Grade 7 stu dent in 1987/88 while her father was working as a visiting associate professor of mathematics at SFU
“I pretty much remem ber everyone in my class because we had a small Grade 7 class; there were only 13.The class photo that she posted on her In stagram, there’s probably 30 of us in there, but it was a split, a 6/7 ”

came in it was exciting be cause there were so few of us,” Montagano said “Yay, a new girl, and then she had this accent ”
It turned out Montag ano had knownTruss as “Elizabeth” and she def
For her, a skipping club Chambers started at Park crest had a big impact
Burnaby Now • THURSDAY September 15, 2022 23
Brenda Montagano, who is also in that photo as a freckle faced 12 year old, now teaches at Park crest
When she was first asked about LizTruss, she wasn’t even sure she re membered anyone by that name in her Grade 7 class
initely remembered the new girl with the English accent
Burnaby wrestler misses podium finish in Serbia
The Burnaby product was defeated by Estonia’s Epp Maee in the bronze medal match onWednes day (Sept 14) after win ning her relegation draw earlier in the morning to compete for third place.
C o s c o B o n u s O f e r s v a d a t p a r c p a t n g a u h o r z e d G M C a n a d a d e a e r s O f e a v a a b e n C a n a d a o n y O f e r s s u b j e c o c h a n g e w h o u n o t c e V o d w h e e p o h b e d C o s c o a n d t s a f fi i a t e s d o n o t s e l a u o m o b e s n o n e g o i a t e n d v d u a r a n s a c t o n s ® R e g s e e d r a d e m a r k o

JessBalzer jfedigan@burnabynow com
Justina Di Stasio defeated by Maee in bronze medal match atWorld h c e s p u c h a s d t b y T D A u o F n a n c e S e r v c e s , S c o a b a n k ® o R B C R o y a B a n k o r 3 4 9 % u p o 6 0 m o n h s o n 2 0 2 3 T r a v e r s e m o d e s P a t c p a t n g l e n d e r s a r e s u b e c t o c h a n g e R a t e s f o m o t h e l e n d e r s w i v a y D o w n p a y m e n , r a d e a n d / o s e c u r t y d e p o s i m a y b e r e q u i e d M o n h y p a y m e n a n d c o s o f b o r o w i n g w l v a r y d e p e n d n g o n a m o u n b o r r o w e d a n d d o w n p a y m e n / r a d e E x a m p e $ 5 3 1 3 7 fi n a n c e d a t 3 4 9 % n o m n a r a e ( 3 4 9 % A P R e q u a s $ 4 4 6 b i w e e k y o r 6 0 m o n t h s C o s o b o r o w n g s $ 4 8 4 8 o r a o a o b i g a t o n o f $ 5 7 9 8 5 F r e g h t ( $ 1 9 9 5 ) a n d A C c h a r g e ( $ 1 0 0 a p p c a b e ) n c u d e d E x a m p l e d o e s n o t n c u d e c e n s e n s u r a n c e e g s r a o n P P S A , a p p c a b e t a x e s a n d d e a e e e s D e a e s a r e r e e t o s e t n d v d u a l p r c e s L m e d t m e o f e r w h c h m a y n o t b e c o m b n e d w t h c e t a n o t h e r o f e r s G e n e a M o t o r s o f C a n a d a C o m p a n y ( G M C a n a d a m a y m o d f y e x t e n d o t e r m n a t e o f e r s f o a n y r e a s o n n w h o e o r n p a t a t a n y m e w h o u n o t c e ® R e g s e e d t r a d e m a r k o T h e B a n k o N o v a S c o a R B C a n d R o y a l B a n k a e e g s e e d r a d e m a k s o R o y a B a n k o f C a n a d a T D A u o F n a n c e s a e g s e r e d t a d e m a k o T h e T o o n o D o m n o n B a n k A s p a r o h e r a n s a c o n d e a e r m a y r e q u e s d o c u m e n a t o n a n d c o n a c t G M C a n a d a t o v e r f y e g b t y T h e s e o f e r s m a y n o t b e r e d e e m e d o r c a s h a n d m a y n o t b e c o m b n e d w t h c e r a n o t h e r c o n s u m e r n c e n t v e s C o n d i o n s a n d m a i o n s a p p y V o d w h e e p r o h b e d S e e D e a e r o r u p o g r a m d e a s C O S T C O M E M B E R O F F E R * T o q u a i y f o h e $ 7 5 0 C o s c o M e m b e r O n y B o n u s , y o u m u s t b e a C a n a d a n r e s d e n h o d n g a v a d d r v e s c e n s e h a v e b e e n a C o s c o m e m b e r s n c e A u g u s 3 1 s t , 2 0 2 2 , o r e a r e r a n d m u s : ( 1 ) R e g s t e r w i h C o s t c o o e c e v e y o u r n o n t a n s e r a b e A u h o r z a t o n N u m b e r ( 2 ) P r e s e n h e A u h o r z a t o n N u m b e r o a p a r c p a n g d e a l e r ; 3 ) E g b e C o s c o m e m b e s c a n e c e v e e x c u s v e s a v n g s o n s e e c n e w n s o c k 2 0 2 2 o 2 0 2 3 m o d e l s : C h e v r o e T a l b l a z e , E q u n o x a n d T r a v e r s e d e v e r e d f o m S e p e m b e r 1 o N o v e m b e r 3 0 2 0 2 2 B o n u s s d e d u c e d a t e r t a x e s a e a p p e d t o h e p u c h a s e p r c e T h e p u r c h a s e o r e a s e o a v e h c e d o e s n o q u a f y o h e c a l c u a o n o h e C o s c o E x e c u v e M e m b e r s h p 2 % R e w a r d O f e m a y n o t b e r e d e e m e d o r c a s h C o n d o n s a n d m t a o n s a p p y t o t h i s m i e d t m e o e r S e e p a t c p a t n g d e a e r f o d e t a s F o u p o g r a m d e a s a n d f o r a n y a p p c a b e e x c l u s o n s s e e a p a r c p a n g d e a e r o r c o s c o a u t o c a T a x t e r e g s r a o n a n d c e n s e f e e s p e r s o n a p r o p e r t y e g s r a o n e e s , a n d a d d t o n a p r o d u c s a n d s e r v c e s a e n o n c u d e d n h e $ 7 5 0
P r c e C o s c o n t e n a o n a n c u s e d u n d e r l c e n s e
Di Stasio, who lives in Coquitlam, has several other medals to her name, including gold at the 2019 Pan American Games, as well as four more gold from past Pan American Championships
Edged out: Burnaby wrestler Justina Di Stasio, right, won gold during the 2022 Commonwealth Games last month in England, but missed out in a bronze medal match on Wednesday at the 2022 World Championships in Serbia PHOTO WRESTLING CANADA LUTTE

Di Stasio previously won gold at the 2018 World Championships in the 72 kg category
e d r o m S e p e m b e r 1 2 0 2 2 t o S e p e m b e r 3 0 2 0 2 2 3 4 9 % p u r c h a s e fi n a n c n g o f e r e d o n a p p r o v e d c e
The 29 year old won her opening qualification bout at the Serbia tourna ment onTuesday (Sept 13), beatingThi Ling Dang ofVietnam 10 1
24 THURSDAY September 15, 2022 • Burnaby Now
It was a disappointing finish for Justina Di Stasio at the 2022WorldWres tling Championships
Championships Sports now 4550 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY WWW.CARTERGM.COM CHEVROLET • GMC • BUICK CARS COST LESS AT CARTER! O e r a v a a b l e o q u a fi e d e a l c u s o m e r s n B r t s h C o u m b a A b e r t a , S a s k a t c h e w a n a n d M a n t o b a o n s e e c t v e

In her second match, Di Stasio then lost to even tual silver medalist Samar Amer Ibrahim Hamza, losing to the Egyptian by a score of 3 1
Estonia’s Epp
She defeated Hannah Rueben of Nigeria in the final, and ended with a perfect 3 0 record
And last month, she fin ished on top of the po dium at the 2022 Com monwealth Games in the 76 kg women’s free style wrestling category as well as bronze at the 2022 Senior Pan Amer ican Championships in Mexico
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Burnaby Now • THURSDAY September 15, 2022 25

“It was so much fun be ing with all the guys It was outstanding, and I couldn’t believe we won,” Donovan said
be playing,” Dolmat said. Donovan said he loves the fast pace of lacrosse “I’ve always wanted to play hockey, like ice hockey, but I can’t skate So, it’s basically hockey without skates. ... It’s so much fun ”
Construction is underway in your

Burnaby Lakers lacrosse team honoured at city hall Sports
beat the hometown North Okanagan Legends to win provincial gold on July 17 at the KalTire Arena in Vernon Mayor Mike Hurley presented the team with gifts from the city Lakers team member
As construction of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project progresses, we want you to be informed about potential activity in your neighbourhood so you can plan accordingly. On our website, you can view an interactive map of construction areas, sign up for notifications, track what’s happening along the route and much more As always, safety is our number one priority, every metre of the way info@transmountain com I 1 866 514 6700 I transmountain com

The U15 Burnaby Lak ers lacrosse team was hon oured at council on Aug. 29 for their gold medal win at the provincial level The C Division Lakers
“It was hard to get into the final spot, going against other great teams And it’s just an honour to
ByLaurenVanderdeen lvanderdeen@burnabynow com
“It was a very hard game to win espe cially because we lost the one before. It was a hard fought game ” Alexander Dolmat, turning 14, said it was a fun day with all his friends. He noted the current
now Le présent message contient des rense gnements mportants S vous avez besoin d’une traduction veui lez commun quer avec nfo@transmountain com
Anthony Donovan, 14, told the NOW winning gold was the best day of his life.
Committed to safety since 1953.
Lakers players all attend St Thomas More Colle giate, so the players are classmates as well as team mates
This advert sement is placed by the Pla nt ffs whose address for service s c/o Su te 1100, 510 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, V6C 3A8, Fax: 604 681 5084

NO M209965
NO M209970
Leanne was born on October 6, 1956, in Victoria, BC. She graduated from U of A in 1979 with a Degree in Commerce and became a CMA and then CPA. Leanne was a Girl Guides of Canada member from Brownies to Guides and Rangers. She volunteered as a leader and camp advisor for 20 years. She was also a member of Cliff Park United Church until its recent closure. Leanne’s Celebration of Life will be held on September 17, 2022, at 1:30 pm at Deer Lake United Church, 5135 Sperling Ave., Burnaby, BC The celebration will be followed by tea.
(a) Genera damages;
EMPLOYMENT General emplOyment Cleaning Business is looking for RELIABLE HOUSE CLEANERS 604 987 9970 MARKETPLACE MARKETPLACE HealtH prOducts CASH PAID! 250 864 3521 purchasing all gold, s ver & platinum coins, bars, ingots, rounds, wafers, jewelry, watches nuggets, go d dust, 999+ bullion, maple leafs, monster boxes, bulk silver, dental gold, scrap gold silver, collectors co ns all sterling silver, tea sets, silverware sets spoons, p pre 1968 silver coins, Royal Canadian Mint coins, all coin collections bank bags of co ns coin sets old money all world go d & silver co ns complete collections & estatees GOLD,SILVER&PLATINUM BUYERS Wanted CASH for your CLUTTER I will pay CASH for your UNWANTED ITEMS! spec a ize in RECORDS, Eng ish Bone China & Figur nes, Collectib es, Too s, Ant ques, ETC Rob • 604 307 6715 BUSINESS SERVICES cOunselinG PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT/ LIFE COACH REAL ESTATE real estate Wanted WANTED Fixer Uppers Detached Houses & propertes nclud ng Condos & Townhouses ANY C ty • ANY Cond t on (pr vate nvestor) Call Ali @ 604 833 2103 RENTAL apartments/ cOndOs fOr rent GARDEN VILLA 1010 6th Ave. New Westminster Suites Available Beaut ful Atrium w th Fountain By Co lege, Shops & Transit/Skytrain Pets negot ab e Ref req d CALL 604 715 7764 baysideproperty com SKYLINE TOWERS 102 120 Agnes St, New Westminster H R se Apartment with River Vew & ndoor Pool 1 BR & 2 BR Available Rent inc udes heat & hot water Remodeed Buldng and Common area Gated underground secure park ng avai ab e References required CALL 604 525 2122 baysideproperty com VILLA MARGARETA 320 9th St, New Westminster Suites Available A l suites have nice balcon es, Underground parking avail Refs req’d Small Pet OK CALL 604 715 7764 baysideproperty com MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 • 604-653-7851 • Book your ad on ine anytime at Your Community Celebrate the lives of loved ones with your stories, photographs and tributes
(i) Such further and other relief wh ch this Honourable Court deems just
TAKE NOTICE THAT on September 6 and 12, 2022 respective y, orders were made for serv ce on you of a Not ce of Civi Cla m issued from the Vancouver Registry of the Supreme Court of Br tish Co umb a in proceed ng number M209965 and M209970 by way of this advert sement
No : NEW S S 242370 New Westm nster Registry

(e) Damages for oss of housekeeping or house ma ntenance capacity;

(h) Costs of this act on;
MILL, Leanne Helen October 6, 1956 August 13, 2022
In the proceeding, the Plaint ff c aims the fo lowing relief against you:
TO: The Defendant, Peggy Man Yee Ng
(f) Special damages;
(b) Damages for past loss of ncome and past loss of opportunity to earn ncome;

Leanne Helen Mill died unexpectedly on August 13, 2022. She’s left behind her brother Gary Mill (Gabby Drager) of Gibsons, BC, and her sister Dawn Mill (Colin Reid) of Kelowna, BC Leanne was predeceased by her youngest sister Janet and parents David and Yvonne Mill. Also missing Leanne are her nephews Steven Mill, James Drager, Silas Reid, and Elias Reid, niece Lana Lyttle, and their children Griffin, Sophera, Remington (Steven), Dominick (James), Kaitlyn and Spencer (Lana).
26 THURSDAY September 15, 2022 • Burnaby Now classifieds burnabynow com EXECUTOR SERVICES REMEMBRANCES To advertise call 604 362 0586 Obituaries Let our experienced lawyers help you | westcoastwills com *A law corporation Probate made easy. WestcoastWills &Estates 604 230 1068

(d) Cost of future care;
You may obtain from the Vancouver Registry at 800 Sm the Street, Vancouver, Brit sh Co umb a, V6Z 2E1, a copy of the Not ce of Civ l C aim and the order providing for service by th s advertisement
Petitioner and:
(c) Damages for loss of future ncome and future earning capacity;
(g) Interest pursuant to the Court Order Interest Act, R S B C 1996, Chapter 79;

You must file a responding p ead ng/response to pet tion w thin the per od requ red under the Supreme Court Civil Rules fail ng which further proceed ngs, nc uding udgment, may be taken against you w thout not ce to you


TAKE NOTICE THAT on August 24, 2022 an order was made for serv ce on you of a Pet tion to the Court issued from the New Westminster Registry of the Supreme Court of Br tish Columbia in proceeding number NEW S S 242370 by way of this advertisement In this proceed ng, the Petit oner cla ms rel ef against you regarding unpaid strata fees the enforcement of a lien recovery of lega fees, and the potent al sale of your strata ot You must file a respond ng response to petition w thin the per od required under the Supreme Court Civi Ru es fa ling which further proceedings, includ ng judgment, may be taken against you w thout notice to you You may obta n, from the New Westminster Registry, at 651 Carnarvon Street, New Westm nster Street, a copy of the Pet tion to the Court, Affidav t in support, and the order prov d ng for serv ce by this advertisement Th s advertisement is placed by the Petitioner whose address for serv ce s placed by the sol citors for the Pet t oner, C eve and Doan LLP, 1321 Johnston Road, Wh te Rock, Br tish Columbia, V4B 3Z3, Tel: (604)536 5002, Fax (604)536 7002 (Attention: Shawn M Smith)
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28 THURSDAY September 15, 2022 • Burnaby Now PRODUCE GROCERY MEAT & SEAFOOD BAKERY DELI LANGLEY FARM LMARKET ANGLEY FARM MARKET Your Choice. Our Honour. Our Effort. Our Award. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORE VALID THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 • WHILE QUANTITIES LAST For freshness and quality you can count on! LFM LANGLEY FARM MARKET For fresh and quality foods 7815 KINGSWAY, BURNABY 604.521.2883 STORE HOURS: MONDAY TO SUNDAY 8:30AM TO 9:00PM • HOLIDAYS: 9:00AM TO 6:00PM This sale is only for the Kingsway location 2 for $3 $1849 lb $399 lb $999 ea $369 ea $1949 lb $699 lb CHICKEN THIGHS Boneless/Skinless / $15.38/kg PRIME RIB BEEF STEAKS AA Beef / $40.68/kg AA1 CALIFORNIA SQUID 10/15 / Frozen / 1kg OCEAN MAMA GOLDEN POMPANO FISH 600/800 IVP / Frozen / $8.80/kg METRO GOLD SEAFOOD MEDLEY Frozen / 340g $130 ea $419 ea $389 ea. GREEN ONION BUN 100g BLUEBERRY LOAF 450g CRAISIN SUNFLOWER SEED COOKIES 280g 5 for $4 ARLA DILL HAVARTI $689 ea $169 ea. $209 /100g RIB EYE BEEF STEAKS AA Beef / $42.88/kg $819 ea $139 /100g $199 lb. OKANAGAN NECTARINES Product of B.C. $4.38/kg $288 ea. 99¢ ea. $189 ea. CABANA RASPBERRY LIMEADE 591ml 89¢ ea. $439 ea. $329 ea. $479 ea. $299 ea. MCVITIES DIGESTIVE COOKIES Milk chocolate / 300g RC BEER SAUSAGE OKANAGAN GALA APPLES (NEW CROP) Product of B.C. $1.74/kg 79¢ lb. $149 lb. RED SEEDLESS GRAPES Product of U.S.A. $3.28/kg LOCAL GREEN BEANS Product of B.C. $3.72/kg $169 lb. LOCAL GREEN LEAF/RED LEAF/ ROMAINE LETTUCE Product of B.C. LOCAL BUNCH CARROTS Product of B.C. $279 ea. ARGETA SALMON PATE 95g $199 ea. AROY-D COCONUT MILK 400ml $139 ea. ASIAN FAMILY SLICED WATER CHESTNUTS 227ml CAMPBELL TOMATO SOUP 284ml CLASSICO TOMATO & BASIL PASTA SAUCE 650ml DAN-D-PAK ORGANIC CHESTNUTS 100g EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC FOUR MIXED BEANS 398ml EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR with cinnamon & turmeric / 1L $329 ea. EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC SLICED BEETS 500ml $449 ea. HENGSTENBERG KNAX CRUNCHY PICKLES Gherkins / 1.5L HUP SENG SUGAR CRACKERS 428g KIKKOMAN TAKUMI TERIYAKI Original / 476ml TRE STELLE GRANA PADANO CHEESE WEDGES 200g FREYBE ASSORTED HAM STICKS Honey sriracha/Cheddar ham / 300g