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Readers disagree on new Burnaby city hall
Editor: I do not think city hall in Burnaby should be moved to Metrotown. It is shocking and disturbing to me that this appears to be a done deal with no public input
Mayor Hurley states that it makes no sense to upgrade city hall, when for a minor spending increase a new one can be built. This minor spending increase is $4 million-plus
The public should be having a say on whether a new city hall should be built, not where.
Bonnie Hughes
Editor: I can accept that it is more cost-effective to build a new city hall than fix the current structure.
However, my first question is, “Why move to Metrotown? What other locations in Burnaby were considered before landing on Metrotown?”
The current location is more centrally located. There is much space along Canada Way to build a new building, and it is close to the Burnaby Lake sports complex, Deer Lake cultural and leisure activities, the RCMP headquarters, Burnaby maintenance yards and freeway access, which makes city hall more accessible The current city hall has good transit service and is centrally located.
The second question is, “What are the plans for the Canada Way location?” I have not heard anything from the mayor or council on this point

Bonda Bitzer
Editor: Burnaby needs a new city hall. The current location does not have the best accessibility unless you have a car
Locating near Metrotown makes a lot more sense, especially if you want to encourage us (the public) to use transit. Not all of Burnaby residents have cars
The only drawback would be for car users since parking in this area can be a nightmare.
Loreta Venir
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