QMUNITY Youth Services
604.684.5307 x108
www.qmunity.ca/get-support/youth 1170 Bute St, Vancouver Provides a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirit, intersex, queer and questioning youth to hang out and get support.
SUCCESS —Chance to Choose Employment Program https://successbc.ca/service-categories/employment/ 604-5050 Kingsway, Burnaby 604.438.7222 Delivers employability skills to youth 15-30yrs through training and work experience to assist participants to overcome barriers and transition to employment.
Youth Centres The following youth centres offer recreation services and a variety of programs to teens and/or pre-teens, including social drop-in, day trips, leadership development, open gym times, tournaments, games, computers, and counselling referrals. Call for more info during Covid.
Burnaby Parks & Recreation Youth Centres: www.burnaby.ca/youth Creekside Youth Centre 2720 Beaverbrook Cres, Burnaby Youth Lounge @ Edmonds 7433 Edmonds St, Burnaby South Central Youth Centre 6749 Nelson Ave, Burnaby Summit Youth Centre 200 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby
Burnaby Youth HUB
604.294.7607 604.297.4841 604.297.4497 604.268.1369 604.569.0951
www.burnabyyouthhub.org Clinic: 604.293.1764 4750 Imperial St, Burnaby Offers a youth clinic, high school, counsellors, youth programs, resources, and free community meeting space.
New West Youth Centre
www.newwestyouth.ca 620-8th St, New West (at Century House) Drop-in centre for youth 13-18yrs. Call for more info.
Youth Source
www.purposesociety.org 40 Begbie St, New West Provides a warm, welcoming place for youth to enjoy recreational activities, and access advocacy and referral services. Showers, laundry, emergency food, and a sexual health clinic are also available.
Youth Health Clinics Burnaby Youth Clinic
4734 Imperial St, Burnaby Mon, Tues, Thurs, 1-5pm. Serves youth under 22yrs.
East Van Youth Clinic
www.vch.ca 1669 E. Broadway, Vancouver Open Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm for phone calls and 2-5pm by appointment only. Serves youth until 25yrs.
New Westminster Youth Clinic
www.purposesociety.org 38 Begbie St, New West Tues, 2-6pm, Thurs, 3-7pm. Youth 21yrs and under.
Surrey Youth Clinic
9634 King George Blvd, Surrey (Shirley Dean Pavillion) Mon, 12-6:45pm, Tues, 11am-5:45pm, Wed/Thurs, 10am-4:45pm, Fri, 11am-3:45pm. Serves youth 21 and under. By appointments only due to COVID-19.
Indigenous Peoples Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre www.frafca.org 604.923.1166 Supports the preservation of Aboriginal culture, languages, and traditions. Provides education, social and recreation services for Aboriginal peoples of all ages. Call or check website for latest program updates.
Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society www.vafcs.org 604.251.4844 1607 E. Hastings St, Vancouver Provides programs on health and welfare, social services, culture, education and recreation for Indigenous peoples.
NEC Native Education College
www.necvancouver.org Private college works to strengthen Indigenous communities through accredited programs that lead to employment and higher learning.
Metis Family Services
www.metisfamilyservices.ca Provides supportive information and services to help nurture, promote and protect balance in Metis families.
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