The Great Pyramid of GIZA

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the great pyramid of


a modern view on ancient knowledge

Willem Witteveen Foreword by David H. Childress

The Great Pyramid of Giza A modern view on ancient knowledge Author: Š Willem Witteveen Original title: De Grote Piramide van Gizeh als monument van de schepping ISBN 9789078070467, Frontier Publishing, 2012 Translation: Annemieke Witteveen & Willem Witteveen Lay-out: Sylvia Carrilho, Cover design: Willem Witteveen Printed in Turkey 2016 ISBN 978-19-39149-62-6 This book is not just a translation of the Dutch version. It is thoroughly updated and extended with a lot of new material. Published by: Frontier Publishing Marnixstraat 82 1015 VX Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.: +31-(0)20-3309151 E-mail: Adventures Unlimited Press 303 Main St., P.O. Box 74 Kempton, IL 60946, USA Tel: 815-253-6390 Fax: 815-253-6300 E-mail:

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the great pyramid of

GIZA a modern view on ancient knowledge

Willem Witteveen


The Great Pyramid of Giza



Foreword by David H. Childress  11 Preface

The gathering of the elements   17

Introduction The Egyptian creation myth of Heliopolis   25 Chapter 1

The element Earth - The Egyptian connection  33

1.1 Kemet - ‘The Black Land’  33 1.2 An ancient covenant  38 1.3 The early explorers - the first researchers   41 1.4 The hidden treasure  48 1.5 The terrestrial location  51 1.6 Units used in the design  61 1.7 The theoretical pyramid  67 1.8 The lion and the inner solar system  70 1.9 The speed of light  81 1.10 The mystical mathematical constants  83 1.11 The Moon in mathematics  88 1.12 The southern Egyptian desert, Nabta Playa  97 1.13 Radiesthesia, the invisible energy  103

Chapter 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7

The element Water - The Lion connection  115

The arrival of Hapi   115 The Great Sphinx and the ‘pure water’  125 The Osiris shaft and the Campbell’s tomb  141 The ‘long water’  150 Heron’s fountain  158 The prism stone  164 The natural course of the water  168

The Great Pyramid of Giza


Chapter 3

The element Air - The Sound connection  181

3.1 Sound and resonance  181 3.2 Healing through sound  187 3.3 The Schumann frequency  201 3.4 The Giza antenna  207 3.5 Quartz  212 3.6 The perfect sound ratio  227 3.7 Resonance frequencies and the standing wave   237 3.8 The golden frequency of Giza  247 3.9 The trinity of sound and the Great Ennead of Heliopolis  249

Chapter 4

The element Fire - The Sacred connection  261

4.1 Dr. Andrija K. Puharich  261 4.2 Electrolysis of water  266 4.3 Hydrogen  270 4.4 Pyramid under pressure  272 4.5 The 21-centimetre wavelength  276 4.6 Reaction chamber and its reaction shafts  283 4.7 Construction constants   292

Chapter 5

The element Aether - The Divine connection  311

5.1 East meets west  311 5.2 The sound of creation  326 5.3 The golden second harmonic  331 5.4 Numbers of creation  337 5.5 The 81-hertz frequency  343 5.6 The standard frequency  345 5.7 The ancient world  351 5.8 Symbolism  359


The fusion of the five elements  365

Acknowledgements 379 Bibliography  380 Index  384




This book is a trip to Ancient Egypt and the land of Kemet prior to the time of the first Pharaonic dynasties. It is also an introduction to the universal language of numbers and ratios and the harmony of sound and water. Initially that will be strange and maybe difficult to get acquainted with, but hopefully it is well worth it. It might even change your view on human history and the perception of time. Changing your perception of time might even change your life. Consider yourself a pilgrim and be guided by the buzzard, a totem animal that symbolises death and rebirth but more important, the creation of a new vision. Now choose your path carefully and enjoy your journey; let the four earthly elements accompany you as the carriers of all information needed during this trip. The gathering of the elements may begin. Enjoy your journey through time.

“Ignore the concept of time, relive the past and call it the future.”

1  The notation ‘Before the Common Era’ (B.C.E.) and the ‘Common Era’ (C.E.) are exactly the same as ‘Before Christ’ (B.C.) and ‘Anno Domini’ (A.D.) but are not related to Christianity.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

Preface - The gathering of the elements


Image c. A new vision - ‘past becomes future’ (satellite image: NASA)


Image 29. The inner planets (Google Earth)

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The pyramid of Kha-F-Ra (second in size) originally had two colours; the lower half a red granite layer and further upwards a white limestone layer similar to the Great Pyramid; the colour of Venus is red and white. The pyramid of Men-Kau-Ra (third in size) has been entirely covered with a red granite layer, which corresponds to the reddish colour of Mercury. It seems logical to assume that the three pyramids together represent the inner planets, as the Great Pyramid represents the Earth and the Moon. While traveling to the Sun, the source of life, one encounters two heavenly bodies, the remaining inner planets Venus and Mercury. Three inner planets, three pyramids.

1. The element Earth - The Egyptian connection

The Sun is the bearer of life for the Earth as the Nile River is the bearer of life for Kemet. Kemet is the ‘Gift of the Nile’ (Herodotus) and the Earth is the ‘Gift of the Sun.’ Therefore, we consider the space between the Earth and the Sun to Kemet, a space in which the Sun represents life, similar to the life-giving Nile River that represents life in Kemet, both belonging to the domain of the gods.



Image 50. Pharaoh Akhenaten of Amarna

The Great Pyramid of Giza

1. The element Earth - The Egyptian connection


1.13  RADIESTHESIA, THE INVISIBLE ENERGY Radiesthesia is a term first used by the French abbot W.L. Bouly in 1920 and means ‘sensitive to radiation.’ Radiesthesia is the claimed paranormal or parapsychological ability to detect ‘radiation’ within the human body, a radiation surrounding a physical body or object, which may also be referred to as ‘aura.’ The word Radiesthesia origins from the Latin ‘radius’ and the Greek ‘aisthesis’ (sensory perception). Radiesthesia is not a science in the sense of the word, but a study of energy fields through special pendulums such as those found in the tombs of pharaohs between the bandages of mummies. These pendulums are in fact a copy of an Egyptian ‘Wadj amulet’ (image 51), which was given to the deceased for protection and as a guide in the afterlife.

The late French abbot and pastor of the parish Condette (department of Pas-deCalais) W.L. Bouly (†1958) was a dowser and magnetiser, which was very remarkable and controversial in his time. He treated the bodies and souls of the deceased with plants and worked with resonance therapies until his death in 1958. As an experienced radiesthesist, he was able to observe differences in radiation emitted by people and objects just by using pendulum and dowsing rod. This mainly relates to magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation present in all living beings and lifeless objects, which nowadays can be measured by modern science with highly sensitive equipment. Especially in the field of geophysics these ancient techniques are now increasingly recognised. Ancient civilisations were much more aware of these subtle energies and used it mainly in medicine and healing. They were aware of different kinds of radiation and even of radioactive emissions: they were more ‘in tune with nature’ than we are today. The ancient Egyptians were very familiar with the esoteric sciences of Radiesthesia and one can even claim that thanks to this technique they were fully aware of the exact dimensions of the Earth, which they all described in books and maps that have been lost a long time ago. In Ancient Egypt, Radiesthesia was a sacred and secret science, only well known to the pharaohs and priests in the temples.

Image 51. Wadj amulet and Egyptian pendulum of Belizal


The Great Pyramid of Giza

2. The element Water - The Lion connection


The application of the Caesarean section is thus much older than we assumed until now. There are no ancient Egyptian texts or depictions known about child delivery by means of a Caesarean section, but there is an ancient hieroglyphic and even demotic sign with the same meaning as the modern zodiac sign for Leo (image 64-65).

Image 64-65. Khep-t

This sign is a scalpel or knife (the ‘Sigla of the twelve Signs’ - ‘The Origin of the Zodiac’ by Rupert Gleadow) and is called ‘Khep-t.’ The ancient Egyptian word Khep-t means scalpel and lion according to old Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionaries (image 64-65). Khep-t like Qopt or Gypt, the old Arabian word for Egypt (chapter 1.1). That would actually mean that the name Egypt is equivalent to lion. As in so many ancient cultures, the lion is the direct descendant of the gods, associated with the era of the constellation of Leo.

(left) Image 63. Leo


The Great Pyramid of Giza

The three large pyramids on the Giza plateau are, in terms of position and size, arranged according to the inner planets Earth, Venus and Mercury (image 198). The position of these three pyramids, in accordance with the position of the inner planets at a certain moment, is an indication of the time frame in which they were built. There has been a moment in the distant past in which the mutual position of the pyramids corresponded to the mutual position of these planets. The mutual ratio in size is equal to the ratio of the Earth (Great Pyramid of Khufu), Venus (second pyramid of Kha-F-Ra) and Mercury (third pyramid of Men-Kau-Ra). The line connecting the apexes of the three pyramids equals a distance of 36,524.2 pyramid inches and divided by 100 corresponds to the length of our solar year of 365.242 days. The inner planets are projected on Earth at the location of Giza and symbolise the close connection between the Earth and the universe by means of ratios, numbers and frequencies. The concept of coincidence is not part of it, as logic takes over. The elements in any form whatsoever determined and determine the form and pattern of creation. The numbers 9, 81, 162 and 324 are significant numbers related to our existence. Sometimes just as a number, but also as a unit of measurement, a frequency, or a ratio, they all play a major role in decoding ancient monuments worldwide. The megalithic yard of the Scottish scientist Alexander Thom, used as a construction constant with a length of around 81 centimetres or 81 centimetres exactly, depending on the method used to determine this unit of measurement. So many ancient monuments are directly linked to creation and thus form an important part of the message. This message may not be complete yet but all the still missing answers are here on Earth and not in a distant part of the solar system or universe. It is human nature to try to find answers somewhere far away, whilst they are often already within us. It only requires a different mindset. The answers are there; we only need to find the appropriate questions. There is a hidden chamber about eight metres under the top platform of the Great Pyramid, to which we hold the key, but will it fit? It all depends on the authorities of the countries concerned whether researchers will be granted access to still undiscovered spaces and locations. And actually that may be the main problem in today’s troubled world. Moreover, worldwide there will always be groups of like-minded scholars, who oppose outside researchers with a different view about the past. The history books are written and stored but might not always tell the truth. In that respect we are currently living in a dynamic time of revelations, revelations unknown to many and for which still holds true ‘that which is unknown, is unloved.’ The story about the Great Pyramid told in this book is diametrically opposed to the tomb theory, there is more evidence justifying this view than there is evidence sup-

Epilogue - The fusion of the five elements

porting the tomb theory. The first researchers, mid-nineteenth century, instantly opposed the theory that all pyramids were royal tombs. Fortunately, their concerns about the true function of the pyramids are all described in detail in their books, leaving readers to judge for themselves. Their first experiences and sharp observations proved to be the most valuable. All the numbers, frequencies and ratios mentioned before are builtin so accurately that it is hardly to be missed by an objective eye and ear. Significant indications concerning the Great Pyramid are often encoded in more than one way, so that it sometimes seems impossible to not see or hear. Several worldwide ancient monuments and structures used the same construction techniques with a similar awesome precision and style.


Image 198. Dimensions of the pyramids

THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and the only one that has withstood the test of time. For centuries people have studied this enigmatic structure, trying to understand its true significance; ancient Egyptian pyramids are generally still considered tombs for deceased pharaohs. After extensive research Willem Witteveen connects data from his own findings with that of other researchers, resulting in groundbreaking conclusions about the true function of the Great Pyramid and its place in history. The Greek mathematician Pythagoras stated: “All is number.” The American prophet Edgar Cayce claimed: “Sound is the medicine of the future,” and the late Egyptian wisdomkeeper Abd ‘el Hakim Awyan always said: “It is all about sound.” Willem Witteveen proves that all these men were right and that what we now regard as groundbreaking and new often originated in ancient Egypt, well before the first Egyptian dynasties. This book is divided into five main parts, four of which relate to the four earthly elements Earth, Water, Air and Fire. The fifth part relates to the element or quintessence called Aether. Each of these elements represents a significant process inside the Great Pyramid but they are also directly related to creation itself. The four earthly elements together form the circle of creation, which is crowned by the fifth divine element Aether. Within this circle all processes on Earth and beyond take place, and the element Aether represents the divine world and is the carrier of all information. The author demonstrates that the Great Pyramid is an enormous library of knowledge, intended for modern generations and containing the golden frequency of Giza, one of the basic values responsible for creation and the existence of life on Earth. We ourselves are the architects and builders of these magnificent ancient monuments. We ourselves in the future tense! People who have read this book will never look at the Great Pyramid of Giza in the same way again. It will drastically change your view on human history and, by changing the perception of time, perhaps even change your life. “The legendary Egyptian Hall of Records is hidden in plain sight! Willem Witteveen uses not only 21st century science, but also overlooked reports from past explorations, in this meticulously researched account. He has cracked the code of our past to show us our future. The Pyramids of Giza can now be understood in their rightful place as the center of our world.” – Marcus Allen – NEXUS Magazine

$ 39.95 / £ 29.90 ISBN 978-19-39149-62-6

Adventures Unlimited Press

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