Achieving goals – what does social media success look like in the recruitment space? Let me start by saying that the important part of our headline is that last part ‘…in the recruitment space’. Why? Because success literally means the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Our purposes are all based in recruitment. So, to measure achievement (and therefore success), you need to make sure you are measuring against appropriate recruitment-based metrics not general ones.
If, for example, you are selling T-shirts
trying to measure how successful a
recruiters say they are not getting
through Facebook ads, then you
fish is by the speed it can climb trees!!
the leads they hoped from social.
can clearly stick a big pin marked
So, what can we use to measure
When we dig in a little though we
‘success’ in the number of shirts sold.
success in social media? Well here are
usually find that what is happening
As we are not selling t-shirts so that
a couple of examples…
is the leads are coming in, but the
general metric simply does not work
source is not being recognised. So, if
for us. We need to look at what social
Leads and opportunities
media can do for recruiters, then
Yes, I would say this is a very good
your leads there are two things that
build our definition of success around
measure of success – however it
you need to have in place. Firstly, you
that. If you don’t you may as well be
needs refining a little. We often hear
need create the opportunity for the
you want to measure the success of
Issue 19 | 19
The Business Bulletin