The Business Bulletin
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Too many cooks? Who should join a mastermind group and what size is the best fit? Mastermind groups have been around for quite some time now and a lot of businesses benefit from them. However, many businesses also don’t use them and seem to manage just fine. So, who will benefit from one and what size is the optimal group?
Benefits of a mastermind group
what a mastermind is and what the
on a regular basis to share ideas,
main benefits of being in one are.
advice and guidance. They support
Just for completeness though let’s
each other by creating a kind of ‘hive
I am sure, since you are taking the
just run back over it. A mastermind
mind’ situation with the intention
time to read this article, that you
usually consists of a small group of
of helping each other thrive. Instead
have already done the research into
business people who come together
of working the vacuum of your own
Issue 19 | 41